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Question about old Doom ingame demos (No comments)
Posted by baron Railgun @ 09:16 CDT, 4 July 2024 - iMsg
Did the id Software guys make the ingame demos with mouse movement (vertical) ON? Which cannot be disabled through normal options.

Or did they use at the time some utility to disable mouse movement so it would only act as rotate?
I am watching those demos but I still could not figure it out if mouse movement was ON or OFF.

(for ppl wanting to play old Doom games in Dosbox there is the utility called novert which is (apparently)* disabling vertical mouse)

*I did not test it yet
Edited by baron Railgun at 09:23 CDT, 4 July 2024 - 77 Hits
QuakeLive 4v4 CTF League (No comments)
Posted by artemis4 @ 08:19 CDT, 4 July 2024 - iMsg
Hi everyone,

This autumn we are hosting a QuakeLive CTF 4v4 league, just as in the good old days. The main difference with lots of other CTF-related events is the format: it is not a draft but a team event: you must find an existing team to join or create one yourself. There are already about 40 people ready to play, and we already have three teams.

Region: Europe
Schedule: Flexible. The league starts on the first week of September (1st of September). End date - TBD.
Sign up deadline: 30.08.2024

Format: Groups, then double elimination.
Prize pool: 1000+ euros
Maps: q3wcp9, japanesecatles, infinity, troubledwaters, ironworks.
Divisions: Depending on the teams registered, by the agreement with the others, we will have either one division or two. The first division will consist of the best players based on the community knowledge and/or the House Of Quake ratings at the time before the league starts; the second will be of the teams, the players of which are less experienced and/or have lower ratings.
Team roster limit: Only five people are allowed in a team.

Team limit: ~
Servers: Custom private servers.
Streamers: TBD
Sponsors: TBD
Rules: TBD

If you want to participate, please join the discord.

In this discord, not only can you find other players to team up with, but you can also play pickups and stay up-to-date with this league and, possibly, future leagues.

Once you gather a team, contact the administrators in the #general channel: anyone with the "Custom Shop QL Team" role.

Good luck!
Edited by artemis4 at 08:48 CDT, 4 July 2024 - 140 Hits
QL CTF Autumn 4v4 League (No comments)
Posted by vitya @ 14:03 CDT, 1 July 2024 - iMsg
Hi everyone,

This autumn we are hosting a QuakeLive CTF 4v4 league, just as in the good old days. The main difference with lots of other CTF-related events is the format: it is not a draft but a team event: you must find an existing team to join or create one yourself. There are already about 40 people ready to play, and we already have three teams.

Region: Europe
Duration: depends on the number of teams and the pace, from one month.
Schedule: Flexible. The league starts on the first week of September. End date - TBD.
Format: Groups, then double elimination.
Prize pool: 1000+ euros
Divisions: Depending on the teams registered, by the agreement with the others, we will have either one division or two. The first division will consist of the best players based on the community knowledge and/or the House Of Quake ratings at the time before the league starts; the second will be of the teams, the players of which are less experienced and/or have lower ratings.
Team roster limit: Only five people are allowed in a team.
Maps: q3wcp9, japanesecatles, infinity, troubledwaters, ironworks.
Team limit: ~
Servers: Custom private servers.
Streamers: TBD
Sponsors: TBD
Rules: TBD

If you want to participate, please join the discord.

In this discord, not only can you find other players to team up with, but you can also play pickups and stay up-to-date with this league and, possibly, future leagues.

Once you gather a team, contact the administrators in the #general channel: anyone with the "Custom Shop QL Team" role.

The non-full list of already registered teams (some preferred not to be mentioned):

SHREKTALIKA: dem0n headz Makie Mastermind yNAM
UnnamedTeam: ph0enx iceman jcb ion
Edited by Lam at 06:07 CDT, 6 July 2024 - 101 Hits
Quake Live | COOLLER [Frag Movie] (Classic) (2 comments)
Posted by Regulator @ 10:31 CDT, 27 June 2024 - iMsg

0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
Rating: - (0 votes)
This is possibly the greatest Quake Frag Movie ever made.

By popular demand this movie is now back on the internet!

I thought I would share with all ESRers.

WASD Gamers
180 Hits
Re: Quake Champions Classic Mod for Quake 1 (1 comment)
Posted by gojira_ @ 11:17 CDT, 23 June 2024 - iMsg
Nice. I like how we all agree, champions are better played on actual quake engine.
289 Hits
Spiterbot Version .50 RC9 (No comments)
Posted by SquirrelzQL @ 20:12 CDT, 19 June 2024 - iMsg
I already made a post about Version .51 which I just labeled 2023, but I thought I would mention I did finally recover the prior prototype RC9 and I hotfixed it. So I just wanted to make a little update on whats going on with this mod. So basically, I needed to merge the contents within the RC9 Update (VM01.pk3) and overwrite contents inside of the March 29th Version (VM.pk3). After this, the mod works great.

I have decided to release a Hotfix on ModDB for all to use, hopefully you will like what this mod is like now. I think this is basically the restoration project concluded, in the future I will be uploading a few other prototype versions of Spiterbot but I still need to sort through potential incompatibility issues first.

I'd recommend playing any other bot but Spite, typically around level 70. The accuracy and response time are now reduced appropriately to the skill level. Spite is still a raw aimbot with perfect reaction speed, so play him at your own peril.
169 Hits
A note to game developers (No comments)
Posted by ShadyVoltaire @ 01:59 CDT, 19 June 2024 - iMsg
If you want to financially win, then please add more attractive girls with big breasts.
174 Hits
Team fortress mod in quakelive (No comments)
Posted by nined @ 03:08 CDT, 11 June 2024 - iMsg
How about organic integration into quakelive, team fortress mode, like it was before - q3tf. More fun and aternative to other ql team modes like ctf, tdm, ft etc.

And plz remasting and huge refreshing update.
Edited by nined at 03:09 CDT, 11 June 2024 - 235 Hits

<< Comment #1 @ 01:43 CDT, 23 September 2010 >>
By \0/ fragerr 
ofc free nobody pays for smthng on internet.. OH WAIT HAHA
<< Comment #2 @ 01:50 CDT, 23 September 2010 >>
By Australia Python 
the one that doesn't work properly
<< Comment #3 @ 06:35 CDT, 23 September 2010 >>
By Denmark amOKchen 
Pro all the way, played this game for 11 years it's only natural to support them.
<< Comment #58 @ 09:39 CDT, 27 September 2010 >>
By Norway monoid  - Reply to #3
I found your Q3A cdkey on dc++ in 2006. You shared your baseq3. :)))
<< Comment #59 @ 10:11 CDT, 27 September 2010 >>
By Denmark amOKchen  - Reply to #58
lol must have been some blunder, and might actually be true! :d last time I used dc++ was around 2006 anyway.
scary shit that you can remember it.
<< Comment #60 @ 10:27 CDT, 27 September 2010 >>
By Norway monoid  - Reply to #59
I remember all kinds of useless, trivial things in life, but never the important stuff :(
<< Comment #93 @ 08:02 CDT, 1 October 2010 >>
By Germany - Freistaat Sachsen sic4rius  - Reply to #3
Are you telling me that you're playing Quake "Live" for 11 years now? xD
Mistaking one game for the other won't justify that your supporting bad development, greed and most importantly the destruction of one of the greatest games out there.
<< Comment #94 @ 08:04 CDT, 1 October 2010 >>
By Denmark amOKchen  - Reply to #93
Yes im telling you i've played the game for 11 years. I've watched it grow and right now it's transforming into it's teenage years.
<< Comment #100 @ 09:08 CDT, 1 October 2010 >>
By Germany - Freistaat Sachsen sic4rius  - Reply to #94
Quake 3 has already been adult and now Quake Live is back in it's teenage years. Wow, welcome the new evolution in pc gaming -> degeneration!
Have fun paying for this obvious fail. xD
<< Comment #102 @ 13:34 CDT, 1 October 2010 >>
By Denmark amOKchen  - Reply to #100
<< Comment #125 @ 12:29 CDT, 28 May 2011 >>
By Argentina raythenoob  - Reply to #94
you're in denial. this game is going nowhere as it stands now. wake up please.
<< Comment #126 @ 16:09 CDT, 28 May 2011 >>
By Denmark amOKchen  - Reply to #125
your in denial, its the same place it has always been. we love it.
<< Comment #4 @ 07:23 CDT, 23 September 2010 >>
By QW tbone 
It's not really worth my while considering the amount of players in South Africa. If there were maybe 3 times more people, I would definitely go pro.
<< Comment #5 @ 09:26 CDT, 24 September 2010 >>
By Dird's Xmas tree ;o Bob 
Edited by Bob at 14:54 CDT, 26 June 2024
<< Comment #6 @ 15:34 CDT, 24 September 2010 >>
By ql SyncError 
For those who plan to upgrade, I'd love to hear why or what you are waiting for, such as:

* Waiting for PayPal / More payment options
* Waiting for 3 or 6 month subscription options
* Waiting for more or specific content
* Waiting for more features / service benefits
* Waiting for more players/server/region support
* Waiting for additional Community features (ladders/leagues)
* Waiting for bug fixes
* Just haven't gotten around to it / don't have spare money atm
Edited by SyncError at 15:41 CDT, 24 September 2010
<< Comment #7 @ 15:42 CDT, 24 September 2010 >>
By yesh its SEAN CONNERY! megaman3  - Reply to #6
+content, content and more content (specifically I'd love ospdm1, and not any other the edge remake)

+more players. This issue revolves mainly in the limit of 5 not pro or premium players invited to a server, which btw was not said specified anywhere when subscriptions were released.
<< Comment #129 @ 06:44 CDT, 3 April 2014 >>
By Germany Rothaarig3  - Reply to #7
I'am waiting for that map for ages now, it is much bigger and nicer colors than the old one and fits for TDM too :)

Ever seen Quake4 TDM on it ?
<< Comment #134 @ 09:33 CDT, 3 April 2014 >>
By Germany - Berlin ihve  - Reply to #129
4 y/o thread?
<< Comment #135 @ 03:23 CDT, 4 April 2014 >>
By Germany Rothaarig3  - Reply to #134
i guess they cannot use these osp maps :)
<< Comment #8 @ 18:10 CDT, 24 September 2010 >>
By Central African Republic stingerrayer  - Reply to #6
<< Comment #10 @ 02:54 CDT, 25 September 2010 >>
By \0/ fragerr  - Reply to #6
G T V gief it already.. ah well i didnt buy ur account,not planning to do it and i even dont play ur shit game and all this because of bad community manager ! :P
<< Comment #11 @ 03:36 CDT, 25 September 2010 >>
By Portugal u3a6  - Reply to #6
* Waiting for additional Community features (ladders/leagues)
<< Comment #13 @ 03:49 CDT, 25 September 2010 >>
By Argentina V1R7U4L  - Reply to #6
+contet especially new ctf maps, gtv and mvd
<< Comment #14 @ 03:52 CDT, 25 September 2010 >>
By Slovenia Slajer  - Reply to #6
Well got premium yesterday because i was tired of waiting for paypal support, but i'm hoping you're going to read this anyway:
Are chat tokens ever going to be included ?.. i mean thats like few lines of code honestly :/
<< Comment #16 @ 07:12 CDT, 25 September 2010 >>
By Denmark amOKchen  - Reply to #6
I already bought pro, but if anything id like to have my nomip rockets from q3 back :(
Strangely annoying that you can't see trough rocket explosions when you could in q3!
<< Comment #17 @ 07:24 CDT, 25 September 2010 >>
By X-Men Sub_  - Reply to #16
I realize people are used to it from q3 but I'd say you shouldn't be able to easily see through explosions or plasma tbh. Would make the weapons less useful in a lot of situations and pretty much force everybody to play with it on.
<< Comment #22 @ 08:26 CDT, 25 September 2010 >>
By Austria noctis  - Reply to #17
with plasma i can understand it, but with rockets its just stupid :/
<< Comment #23 @ 08:28 CDT, 25 September 2010 >>
By X-Men Sub_  - Reply to #22
yeah, I mainly got plasma in mind obviously, however having nomip on one and not the other would be pretty weird.
<< Comment #27 @ 09:19 CDT, 25 September 2010 >>
By Beer! becks  - Reply to #23
hmmm, maybe they could change the plasma to be smaller or transparent. No nomip and no change for rockets. Make it a cvar so "purists" can keep the old style. Or make it a scalable varialbe, even.

Would that solve the issue for you?
<< Comment #29 @ 10:02 CDT, 25 September 2010 >>
By X-Men Sub_  - Reply to #27
nah, basically I'm saying that making it easier to see through plasma cells would not be a good idea gameplay wise. With rockets I don't care so much, don't really see a reason to change it either though.
<< Comment #28 @ 09:37 CDT, 25 September 2010 >>
By Austria noctis  - Reply to #23
you mean weird like being able to use a picmiped lg and not a picmiped rl?

<< Comment #71 @ 09:09 CDT, 28 September 2010 >>
By USSR Demiurge  - Reply to #22
you can understand?... than you can understand why we also need blinding grenades and turrets.
<< Comment #70 @ 09:06 CDT, 28 September 2010 >>
By USSR Demiurge  - Reply to #17
why don't we add some crates while you're at it
<< Comment #18 @ 07:26 CDT, 25 September 2010 >>
By Earth Heartlesss  - Reply to #6
* Waiting for more or specific content
* Waiting for more features / service benefits


I'm mainly waiting for... thunderstruck and like 2-3 more 1on1/2on2 CA maps =).
And also, a "fixed" netcode, i mean, the netcode atm is still pretty nice, but if you compare to cpma or warsow netcode, well, it's definitely not as good :P (especially for projectiles).
And ofc more competition features can't hurt :P.

Otherwise i still have fun playing the game, even tho i whine a lot =).
<< Comment #19 @ 07:27 CDT, 25 September 2010 >>
By United Kingdom ZeritoN  - Reply to #6
Other ways of paying such as paypal, debit or even phone would defiantly make me consider it and if it was available in monthly / 3monthly / half a year subscriptions then I would have already got it. I will add that a subscription is a bit annoying and I'd rather have a one-time payment rather then money automatically coming out of my bank account when I'm having a 'down' moment in playing

Also, GTV is needed for sure. Maybe some more duel/CTF/TDM/CA maps. League ladders and a rethink of the way stats are worked (loss/quits/switches etc need to be sorted out for pub games since many games can be stacked teams with 5v2 because others ragequit/spectate). Also votekick/ban and shuffles DURING games whereby the shuffle is done by scores not just random. If you votekick someone in warmup, they should be banned from that matches duration
Edited by ZeritoN at 07:45 CDT, 25 September 2010
<< Comment #37 @ 18:17 CDT, 25 September 2010 >>
By Sweden daver  - Reply to #19
Other ways of paying such as paypal, debit or even phone would defiantly make me consider it and if it was available in monthly / 3monthly / half a year subscriptions then I would have already got it. I will add that a subscription is a bit annoying and I'd rather have a one-time payment rather then money automatically coming out of my bank account when I'm having a 'down' moment in playing

This. And Swedish servers that doesn't suck balls.
<< Comment #39 @ 03:17 CDT, 26 September 2010 >>
By \0/ fragerr  - Reply to #37
say thx to pax and bluder who dont do a shit about it
<< Comment #87 @ 12:52 CDT, 30 September 2010 >>
By Sweden Bluder  - Reply to #39
<< Comment #21 @ 08:04 CDT, 25 September 2010 >>
By Croatia chubz  - Reply to #6
* Waiting for PayPal / More payment options
* Waiting for 3 or 6 month subscription options
hell yea
* Waiting for more or specific content
* Waiting for more features / service benefits
Like the GTV
* Waiting for more players/server/region support
damn right, Croatia, Brasil etc.
* Waiting for additional Community features (ladders/leagues)

not sure that it is needed, although it would be nice to keep track of players you played more than once. For example:
I play idkfa 30 times, and in my competitors page I have his entry that is topmost and will stay there that tells me that it's 16/14 in win/loss ratio between us. Could be even applied to public matches because same tier guys often play on same server mixed teams. Let's say you add a variable like team wins which would contain wins you obtained with that player you play often with. You could the see whether there are some public players you often win with and that not just by play feel suit you but also by stats :)

* Waiting for bug fixes
that's confirmed

Waiting for.
It would be nice to have somthing like that statistics thing implemented in stats page.
If you record stats, and just display the end result, people can't measure their stats climbing or falling during time.
It's somthing that could persuade people to play more :)
<< Comment #25 @ 08:48 CDT, 25 September 2010 >>
By Portugal Balto  - Reply to #6
manly this one
* Waiting for PayPal / More payment options // then i'd buy pre
but if this happens
* Waiting for 3 or 6 month subscription options // i'd probably buy pro to try it at least
<< Comment #32 @ 13:26 CDT, 25 September 2010 >>
By Batman c1  - Reply to #6
* Waiting for more or specific content

give us more content than q3 + mods already got then q3 owners will recognize to pay for sth actually new content.

Unfortunaley this is almost impossible. ID just cant put more effort in quake than the community already did to q3. Especially regarding the developing pace of ql
Edited by c1 at 13:26 CDT, 25 September 2010
<< Comment #38 @ 19:10 CDT, 25 September 2010 >>
By Turkey Raist  - Reply to #6
"Waiting for more players/server/region support"
<< Comment #43 @ 10:06 CDT, 26 September 2010 >>
By Seychelles zealot  - Reply to #6
* Waiting for more or specific content

ctf maps (w3/p15/p9)
ca duel maps
irc support
<< Comment #47 @ 20:30 CDT, 26 September 2010 >>
By \0/ Fopeye the Sailor  - Reply to #43
irc support

That's it!
<< Comment #50 @ 02:01 CDT, 27 September 2010 >>
By potat p4r4  - Reply to #47
stfu, you voted that you don't want to upgrade
<< Comment #51 @ 04:09 CDT, 27 September 2010 >>
By 2k2_2 Nukm  - Reply to #47
lulz, free ac and no intention of upgrading?
<< Comment #44 @ 10:42 CDT, 26 September 2010 >>
By Lithuania son1dow  - Reply to #6
* Waiting for 3 or 6 month subscription options
* Waiting for more content
* Waiting for additional Community features (ladders/leagues)
* Waiting for more servers, in Lithuania!
<< Comment #52 @ 07:33 CDT, 27 September 2010 >>
By Sweden Fejl(Folklore)  - Reply to #6
* Waiting for additional Community features (ladders/leagues)
<< Comment #53 @ 07:51 CDT, 27 September 2010 >>
By Hungary kapa  - Reply to #6
I have pro, but something like cg_smoothclients (I mean functional of course) would make me play again.
I had to stop because I warp on opponenents' screen (ISP related, I can't fix it) and I'm pretty sure the warping problem is really annoying in ql for everyone.
<< Comment #55 @ 08:17 CDT, 27 September 2010 >>
By SC_Zerg [mash]  - Reply to #6
* Just haven't gotten around to it /

and also I want to wait for the first major content update, to see if it'll actually be worth it.
<< Comment #56 @ 09:15 CDT, 27 September 2010 >>
By Sierra Leone MarzenGold  - Reply to #6
Main reasons:
* Waiting for more features / service benefits (Streaming is no good for 3rd world infrastructure, need GTV)
* Waiting for MONTHLY subscription options (Don't know why it is not like anything else based on monthly subscription? Don't want to pay during periods I don't play)

* Waiting for additional Community features (ladders/leagues) - Would be nice but not okish without it
* Waiting for PayPal / More payment options - Would be nice but not important for me
<< Comment #57 @ 09:27 CDT, 27 September 2010 >>
By ezQuake f0cus  - Reply to #6
Waiting for 6mo plans to be available.
<< Comment #74 @ 14:41 CDT, 28 September 2010 >>
By Uruguay gSTRUCTOR  - Reply to #6
When the Argentinan location isnt down 1-5 days every time QL updates, for at least 3 months , then im going Pro. I have a conflict on this issue, i really want to help QL, but being threated like 2nd tier clients pisses my off.
Edited by gSTRUCTOR at 14:41 CDT, 28 September 2010
<< Comment #78 @ 00:29 CDT, 29 September 2010 >>
By Belgium Warlock  - Reply to #6
* Waiting for PayPal / More payment options

Has to be this one for me, as for the time beeing my card doesn't get accepted

Payment by phone is definatly interesting though, easy and no card or anything specific beside a phone needed
<< Comment #86 @ 08:02 CDT, 30 September 2010 >>
By Finland Vajra  - Reply to #6
PayPal plz.
<< Comment #88 @ 13:31 CDT, 30 September 2010 >>
By t2 tourist  - Reply to #6
*Waiting for the game to stop being shit

<< Comment #103 @ 10:41 CDT, 3 October 2010 >>
By Poland aiken  - Reply to #6
* Waiting for Catch the Chicken mod :)

I already have PRO, but the only things I am missing the most is chat tokens, customizable team chat lines (multiple visible at screen) and in-game stats including damage given/received, items picked up etc.
<< Comment #105 @ 05:24 CDT, 5 October 2010 >>
By Quake 2 PURRI  - Reply to #6
I'm currently paying as thanks for the +12 years of quake I have enjoyed thanks to you guys :)

I will pay this 1st year as support to id software in hope that you will get enough support from the scene to make something awesome out of this game, even though I barely need the features I'm currently paying for, in particular the pro features, due to me not playing that much at this point. This is not based on me not liking the game, it's just that I currently don't have much time to spend into the game.

For me to pay the 2nd year I will 'demand' some things by the end of this 1st year. I just want to feel that the support is there, and the community is actually big enough to find games all the time with pro/premium content. I'm also expecting to see ladders/content for all game modes, and full GTV support amongst other things.

Except the most obvious fail (not supporting more payment methods) the updates have been quite good after the premium/pro support got here.
<< Comment #109 @ 16:49 CDT, 7 October 2010 >>
By Germany fragmaster_  - Reply to #6
<< Comment #110 @ 06:53 CDT, 11 October 2010 >>
By Netherlands Lukas  - Reply to #6
* Waiting for 3 or 6 month subscription options
<< Comment #112 @ 11:00 CDT, 14 October 2010 >>
By 006 svr  - Reply to #6
SC2 style ladders and matchmaking (1v1 and teammodes)
<< Comment #115 @ 08:44 CDT, 22 October 2010 >>
By QW horf  - Reply to #6
servers in the arab gulf or any where i can get less than 70ms and ill buy pro
<< Comment #121 @ 23:42 CDT, 4 November 2010 >>
By Unset G.I. Jonesy  - Reply to #6
Id has shown nothing but contempt for this community. The only thing you come here for is to ask us how you can get our money. What's worse, id doesn't even make sense. Not only do they then not do those things which would get our money, you seem to genuinely not care about anything but money, and you'd make more money by listening to the community. All the stuff we've modded in, or have done through third-party programs, have been done because they are useful and are what people actually want. If the community is willing to do these things for free, common-sense would dictate, doing them professionally is worthwhile.
<< Comment #123 @ 04:42 CST, 20 November 2010 >>
By Quake 4 Yavich  - Reply to #6
* Waiting for PayPal / More payment options
Yes, Webmoney

* Waiting for 3 or 6 month subscription options
hmmm, maybe

* Waiting for more players/server/region support
Yes, server in Kazakhstan!
<< Comment #128 @ 19:11 CDT, 4 September 2011 >>
By lightninggun chachacha  - Reply to #6

we're still waiting for over half of those! :(

edit: actually all of those
Edited by chachacha at 19:12 CDT, 4 September 2011
<< Comment #9 @ 02:54 CDT, 25 September 2010 >>
By \0/ fragerr 
also nice to see that so much guys didnt go into this shit with rename a game and cell 10yo stuff, esr users r not so brainless like i was thinking at start :O)
<< Comment #12 @ 03:41 CDT, 25 September 2010 >>
By Slovenia Slajer  - Reply to #9
As opposed to other games that only update graphics and resale the same idea over and over again right?

The way i see it, i'm paying for continuous development of the game i played for the past 11 years.
<< Comment #15 @ 07:12 CDT, 25 September 2010 >>
By grey kg  - Reply to #12
continuous development

<< Comment #20 @ 07:41 CDT, 25 September 2010 >>
lol at nomip whine. not really a good reason. the gameplay is already great and i'm sure id will make more content and stuff. .
play that new halo game if graphics are so important for you, enough 14 year olds to play with online!
<< Comment #24 @ 08:48 CDT, 25 September 2010 >>
By Netherlands kevz 
free, i refuse to pay for free content. i _might_ get premium if id can actually add what they keep promising. (ie, not old maps but purely new stuff only for starters)

nope, just free for me and im guessing itl stay that way, and is it just me or did like 80% of the casual players leave the game since they introduced paid accounts? its challenging to find a CA game :/
<< Comment #26 @ 08:53 CDT, 25 September 2010 >>
By Croatia chubz  - Reply to #24
Just a slow period, F.I. term's are at ending period or they've ended but left some other obligations unattended.
<< Comment #33 @ 14:10 CDT, 25 September 2010 >>
By yesh its SEAN CONNERY! megaman3  - Reply to #24
you can't find CA games because matchmaking is kinda fucked up. At some point it truly forces you to only play duels.
<< Comment #34 @ 14:28 CDT, 25 September 2010 >>
By Netherlands kevz  - Reply to #33
well, that bug really makes the game apear dead, i hope ppl arent quitting cause of this illusion :E
<< Comment #30 @ 10:32 CDT, 25 September 2010 >>
By SQUAD cityy 
I'm waiting for GTV - can barely watch any stream due to my bad connection.
<< Comment #35 @ 14:43 CDT, 25 September 2010 >>
By \0/ fragerr  - Reply to #30
u r from germany and have bad con? get a job
<< Comment #36 @ 15:03 CDT, 25 September 2010 >>
By SQUAD cityy  - Reply to #35
I'm from EASTgermany.

#1 don't have jobs here.
#2 don't have propper cables either.
<< Comment #40 @ 05:00 CDT, 26 September 2010 >>
By potat p4r4  - Reply to #36
You are from Berlin, dude. It's fuckin' capital of Germany.
<< Comment #41 @ 05:15 CDT, 26 September 2010 >>
By SQUAD cityy  - Reply to #40
I used to live there - now I live in some village near berlin :<
<< Comment #65 @ 07:11 CDT, 28 September 2010 >>
By Beer! becks  - Reply to #41
you should rename to "dorf" then.
<< Comment #67 @ 08:13 CDT, 28 September 2010 >>
By SQUAD cityy  - Reply to #65
u mad?
<< Comment #95 @ 08:11 CDT, 1 October 2010 >>
By SC_Zerg [mash]  - Reply to #67
... or Brandenburg.
<< Comment #96 @ 08:13 CDT, 1 October 2010 >>
By SQUAD cityy  - Reply to #95
<< Comment #97 @ 08:15 CDT, 1 October 2010 >>
<< Comment #98 @ 08:23 CDT, 1 October 2010 >>
By SQUAD cityy  - Reply to #97
<< Comment #130 @ 06:51 CDT, 3 April 2014 >>
By Germany Rothaarig3  - Reply to #36
WATT KabelDeutschlad ?

KabelBW 50Mbit stable cable connection, i'll get on OpenArena the lowest pings on the server ~ 17ms
Edited by Rothaarig3 at 06:51 CDT, 3 April 2014
<< Comment #31 @ 11:32 CDT, 25 September 2010 >>
By Portugal Allancer  - Reply to #30
yeah me too :\
<< Comment #42 @ 08:24 CDT, 26 September 2010 >>
By MLP_FlutterShy Teen Queen 
The way i see it, i'm paying for continuous development of the game i played for the past 11 years.
Nice to see someone with a similar mindset.
Pro and enjoying every bit of it.
<< Comment #45 @ 17:24 CDT, 26 September 2010 >>
By hemostick's grenade j0sh_ 
I would love to see 3 or 6 month option, however for the most part I'm just waiting because I don't have the money right now.

Oh, and content. That question will probably always be "yes".
<< Comment #46 @ 19:37 CDT, 26 September 2010 >>
By Portugal stuntz 
waiting for OSP 1.32 port :D
<< Comment #48 @ 20:31 CDT, 26 September 2010 >>
Waiting for xerp and -100 rail. It will makes me nuts.
<< Comment #49 @ 01:59 CDT, 27 September 2010 >>
By potat p4r4  - Reply to #48
xerp is there from the beginning, always enabled
<< Comment #54 @ 07:51 CDT, 27 September 2010 >>
By United Kingdom trippy 
I bought pro although pro seems pretty pointless considering there is enough servers to play on and the fact you can now lock team sizes.. you can pretty much set up tdm/ctf/ca team games ona public server without anyone intruding. Only down side can be people joining duels, but then most leave otherwise you just jump onto another server.
<< Comment #61 @ 15:47 CDT, 27 September 2010 >>
By 2k2_2 Nukm  - Reply to #54
since i have bought pro i have played about 20 public matches and about 400 on private servers, pro ftw
prem seems kinda pointless though...

but are public servers really that empty that you cant play at any time during the day?
<< Comment #75 @ 15:52 CDT, 28 September 2010 >>
By United Kingdom trippy  - Reply to #61
i only duel, so playing on private servers is hard unless you have a continuos ammount of buddies who want to play none stop :P Guess it just depends on what gametype you play or if you know enough peopel to play vs
<< Comment #62 @ 17:45 CDT, 27 September 2010 >>
By Batman c1 
For those who plan to upgrade, I'd love to hear why or what you are waiting for, such as:

* Waiting for PayPal / More payment options
* Waiting for 3 or 6 month subscription options
* Waiting for more or specific content
* Waiting for more features / service benefits
* Waiting for more players/server/region support
* Waiting for additional Community features (ladders/leagues)
* Waiting for bug fixes
* Just haven't gotten around to it / don't have spare money atm

I guess ID wants to hear our opinions to make their priorities to the points which were written down above.
So basicly this means ALL THOSE POINTS are far far away from being finished???

Otherwise ID would not ask us but add those things in 1 release to lure more people to pay.
bad perspectives for the community
Edited by c1 at 17:48 CDT, 27 September 2010
<< Comment #68 @ 08:51 CDT, 28 September 2010 >>
By Beer! becks  - Reply to #62
*More payment options
* Waiting for more or specific content
* Waiting for more features / service benefits
* Waiting for more players/server support
* Waiting for additional Community features (ladders/leagues)
* Just haven't gotten around to it / don't have spare money at

please explain to me how any of those points can ever be "finished"?
People can always demand more.

So yeah, priorities are exactly what they need...
<< Comment #89 @ 13:34 CDT, 30 September 2010 >>
By t2 tourist  - Reply to #68
note to self: never hire becks as a project leader.
<< Comment #90 @ 13:53 CDT, 30 September 2010 >>
By Beer! becks  - Reply to #89
Great, I really hope you keep that promise.
Working with customers who just go around assuming stuff is a nightmare.
<< Comment #91 @ 15:03 CDT, 30 September 2010 >>
By t2 tourist  - Reply to #90
note to self(edit): never hire becks for anything.
<< Comment #92 @ 15:23 CDT, 30 September 2010 >>
By Beer! becks  - Reply to #91
how cute.
You are trying to make himself look superior, aren't you?

What a cutie <3
<< Comment #106 @ 05:27 CDT, 5 October 2010 >>
By Quake 2 PURRI  - Reply to #62
With that kind of analysis skills you should be looking for these kind of jobs as your main career choice, and you would make a lot of money to other companies with your flawless knowledge from a major company based on some smaller questions.
<< Comment #63 @ 06:49 CDT, 28 September 2010 >>
By Unset random99 
I had free account but deleted it.
<< Comment #64 @ 06:57 CDT, 28 September 2010 >>
By 2k2_2 Nukm 
wish the (pro+prem)/free ratio would be like this for the whole ql community ;)
<< Comment #66 @ 07:14 CDT, 28 September 2010 >>
By X-Men Sub_ 
so from the people who voted thus far id makes about 6€/day
<< Comment #69 @ 08:52 CDT, 28 September 2010 >>
By Slovenia Slajer  - Reply to #66
Doubt it, they had over 1000 pro/premium subscribers within a day (according to awards page). And that was despite all the problems at the beginning.
<< Comment #72 @ 09:32 CDT, 28 September 2010 >>
By X-Men Sub_  - Reply to #69
Yup, just thought the amount of subscriptions from esr alone would be a bit higher - I'm guessing most of those who didn't care to vote don't subscribe. Would be very interesting to get an exact number though, hard to guess by now.
Edited by Sub_ at 09:52 CDT, 28 September 2010
<< Comment #73 @ 10:36 CDT, 28 September 2010 >>
By Dird's Xmas tree ;o Bob  - Reply to #72
Edited by Bob at 14:54 CDT, 26 June 2024
<< Comment #76 @ 16:48 CDT, 28 September 2010 >>
By grey kg  - Reply to #73
<< Comment #77 @ 21:18 CDT, 28 September 2010 >>
By Uruguay gSTRUCTOR  - Reply to #76
Theyre doing so much money thanks to QL that they dont want to show the stats. Ez one, RLY.
<< Comment #79 @ 02:57 CDT, 29 September 2010 >>
By grey kg  - Reply to #77
Yeah, their income must be through the roof. They just don't like showing off.
<< Comment #85 @ 08:00 CDT, 29 September 2010 >>
By potat p4r4  - Reply to #66
They get some money for ads too
<< Comment #116 @ 09:48 CDT, 22 October 2010 >>
By Turkey Raist  - Reply to #85
all their ads are from bethesda, which is owned by the company that also owns id software. So no, they dont :D
<< Comment #117 @ 09:55 CDT, 22 October 2010 >>
By potat p4r4  - Reply to #116
Not all, I see a lot of random ads too.
<< Comment #119 @ 11:18 CDT, 22 October 2010 >>
By Turkey Raist  - Reply to #117
guess those dont show up in my region then :D
<< Comment #118 @ 10:51 CDT, 22 October 2010 >>
By Germany - Freistaat Sachsen sic4rius  - Reply to #116
Yeah and gay men dating ads aswell, huh? Bethesda is widening their audience. xD
<< Comment #80 @ 03:03 CDT, 29 September 2010 >>
After all the rage during quake con, I have bought pro anyway :c
<< Comment #81 @ 03:53 CDT, 29 September 2010 >>
By grey kg  - Reply to #80
consumerist whore
<< Comment #82 @ 03:54 CDT, 29 September 2010 >>
By Rage Face High-Five ShadyVoltaire  - Reply to #81
Kurwa whos supposed to invite u to PCWs and trains then? IF NOT FOR ME YOURE DOOMED FOR LIFE OF SPAMMING GRANATY W CORRIDORY NA DM6 :@
<< Comment #83 @ 04:02 CDT, 29 September 2010 >>
By grey kg  - Reply to #82
We don't play PCWs or train anyways. :@
<< Comment #84 @ 04:04 CDT, 29 September 2010 >>
By Rage Face High-Five ShadyVoltaire  - Reply to #83
klan inaktiw cos polish conspiracy (((
<< Comment #99 @ 09:08 CDT, 1 October 2010 >>
By Germany - Freistaat Sachsen sic4rius 
Though I don't like the crippled twin brother of Quake 3 at all, I still want to upgrade one day. There is little hope left, that this miscarriage will grow up quite well. It just needs too much time with the current pace of development.
<< Comment #101 @ 09:33 CDT, 1 October 2010 >>
By grey kg 
irc-based pickups integrated with ql plox
<< Comment #114 @ 07:19 CDT, 20 October 2010 >>
By Russia Glot  - Reply to #101
<< Comment #104 @ 19:36 CDT, 4 October 2010 >>
Well i'm not going to pay for any accounts, until id demonstrates support for the esports/pro-gaming community. If they won't support us, we shouldn't support them.
<< Comment #107 @ 15:06 CDT, 5 October 2010 >>
Maybe id doesn't understand... this is not a Quake community. This is an esports/pro-gaming community. Things like GTV, leagues/ladders and easy-to-load demo's are just the most basic of things needed to make it work. The reason this seems like a Quake community, is because we still consider Q3 the best suited game for esports and pro-gaming (despite its lack of key features). As soon as a better game comes along, we will switch... especially if that game supports pro-gaming, and id games do not.
<< Comment #108 @ 15:49 CDT, 5 October 2010 >>
By QW_ cx 
lol, no paypal support, every newb with no html knowledge can integrate pay with paypal methods on his website nowadays, but id software can't do it. If id doesn't want any money, it's there problem ... visa cards or credit cards are not everywhere as common in the us ...
<< Comment #131 @ 06:56 CDT, 3 April 2014 >>
<< Comment #137 @ 14:28 CDT, 6 April 2014 >>
By QW_ cx  - Reply to #131
just make the buyer pay the additional fees, depends on them if they want to pay the additional fees or not ... credit cards have fees also, and I dont think they are less than paypal
<< Comment #138 @ 10:58 CDT, 7 April 2014 >>
By Germany Rothaarig3  - Reply to #137
it is the same problem with id and steam, each company wich like to get a little taste for the action :)
<< Comment #111 @ 01:21 CDT, 14 October 2010 >>
By Germany TimJones 
Hey Sync,

here are my answers to your questions:

* Waiting for PayPal / More payment options
-> waiting for PayPal

* Waiting for 3 or 6 month subscription options
-> yes

* Waiting for more or specific content
-> if you could implement Ra3 and Threewave as a mod (with all the maps) - that would be great. Most of the people I know only play this two mods for ages!
Also we need more maps. I play Q3 since the days of Q3test and I`m really bored of playing the old standard maps over and over. BUT I really like to see the classic Q2DM1 map "the Edge"! That would be awsome for duel, ca or ra3!

* Waiting for more features / service benefits
-> I really wait for a good mac version. The fpscap to 80 is horrible and the mouse on mac doesnt feels like the mouse on pc - but with the same config. Please do something. There are a lot of mac users out there who really like to play QL on their native system. I only have a bootcamp windows on it because I like to play QL how it should be!

* Waiting for more players/server/region support
-> thinks thats okay here in germany!

* Waiting for additional Community features (ladders/leagues)

* Waiting for bug fixes
-> sure! An improvement is great!

I think most of the people are waiting to upgrade because they dont want to pay and then only see empty servers. A lot of people who got premium or pro told me that the only week they had fun was the premium week where all pleople played and the servers where full! When the week was over there were only a few people to play with. And thats NO FUN!

If you want the community to pay for something, then you have to give them things they want. The introduction of thunderstruck, ra3map1 and ra3map1 was a good start! ;)
<< Comment #127 @ 15:12 CDT, 4 July 2011 >>
By Argentina raythenoob  - Reply to #111
keep waiting
<< Comment #113 @ 06:56 CDT, 16 October 2010 >>
Premium is enough for me ;D
<< Comment #120 @ 12:05 CDT, 30 October 2010 >>
By South Africa sTPHN 
I want Paypal.
I want to be able to buy a 3 / 6 / 9 / 12 / 1337 month sub.
I want.
I want.
I want.
I want.
<< Comment #122 @ 03:43 CST, 8 November 2010 >>
You can now pay if you have a standard bank card too with Maestro etc ;)
<< Comment #124 @ 11:25 CST, 3 January 2011 >>
By Q2 q_Crane 
Waiting for servers where I could finally have <120 ping.
<< Comment #132 @ 07:11 CDT, 3 April 2014 >>
I wich the had made a more advanced QL game out of ioQuake3 with even more features than some private programmers did :)

incl nVidia's TXAA
incl AMD's True Audio
Edited by Rothaarig3 at 07:12 CDT, 3 April 2014
<< Comment #133 @ 09:27 CDT, 3 April 2014 >>
By Uruguay gSTRUCTOR  - Reply to #132
So you revive a 4 years old thread about account type to post about features u want in the game? hmmm
<< Comment #136 @ 03:26 CDT, 4 April 2014 >>
By Germany Rothaarig3  - Reply to #133
are u asking or telling me something ?

I'am not even sure if it will be better than now, i think YES :)

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