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Do you want Clan Arena in Quake Champions? (74 comments)
Posted by son1dow @ 16:16 CST, 18 November 2017 - iMsg
No: 43% (54)

Yes: 38% (48)

Depends on how it's done: 9.6% (12)

No preference: 8.8% (11)

In the latest dev stream they had some comments about plans for CA and CTF. We've been loud and clear about CTF, so I figured why not have a poll about how we feel about CA :)
Edited by son1dow at 16:17 CST, 18 November 2017 - 92785 Hits
Were the Quakecon tournaments and coverage a success? (8 comments)
Posted by qmau @ 21:08 CDT, 31 August 2017 - iMsg
Yes: 46% (19)

No: 39% (16)

FPS Pulse: 15% (6)

Opinions in comments vary wildly about the quality of the Quakecon experience for internet spectators. With the tournaments completed, and the results stirring up an enjoyable level of commentary, do you feel that you got what you wanted from the tournament and coverage?
48562 Hits
Quake Champions Beta Impressions (62 comments)
Posted by qmau @ 16:15 CDT, 8 May 2017 - iMsg
Generally Favorable: 36% (56)

Generally Negative: 19% (30)

Generally Neutral: 9.7% (15)

Extremely Favorable: 9.7% (15)

Extremely Negative: 7.7% (12)

Extremely Neutral: 7.1% (11)

Haven't Played: 6.5% (10)

Unsure: 3.9% (6)

With the closed beta coming to a...close, what is your general impression of Quake Champions?
82428 Hits
Would you like to see an ESR user interview at id Software? (51 comments)
Posted by qmau @ 20:37 CDT, 26 April 2017 - iMsg
Yes: 70% (38)

No: 30% (16)

I think SyncError is afraid that giving ESR original content will just be another opportunity for a festival of negativity. Are ESR users interested in a non-critical interview at id Software? Can ESR users enjoy some fan-service in anticipation of a new game, regardless of expectations, past experiences, or current opinions?

I would absolutely love to sit down with SyncError, without any cloud of criticality or expository/investigative intent, to discuss his experiences over the years leading to this moment in id Software history, and to discover his approach to work, where his motivation to stick to development comes from, and what he hopes to achieve.

Edited by qmau at 21:36 CDT, 26 April 2017 - 70454 Hits
Should ESReality admins censor posts by QC beta users? (41 comments)
Posted by qmau @ 21:40 CDT, 16 April 2017 - iMsg
No: 67% (56)

Yes: 33% (28)

Posts by Quake Champions beta users are being censored due to the claim by some administrators that the posts violate the Quake Champions beta non-disclosure agreement.

Is it the responsibility of ESReality administrators to perform this action? Please share your rationale after voting.
43295 Hits
Frag-o-Matic 17.1 Duel Map pool (3 comments)
Posted by Teen Queen @ 18:36 CDT, 3 August 2015 - iMsg
Blood Run: 12% (20)

Furious Heights: 12% (20)

Lost World: 9.8% (17)

Aerowalk: 9.2% (16)

Sinister: 8.7% (15)

Toxicity: 8.7% (15)

Campgrounds: 7.5% (13)

Cure: 7.5% (13)

Hektik: 5.8% (10)

Silence: 5.2% (9)

House of Decay: 4.6% (8)

Elder: 4.6% (8)

Dismemberment: 2.9% (5)

Battleforged: 2.3% (4)

Here you can vote for the maps you'd like to see on Frag-o-Matic LAN.

Multiple choices allowed per user.
There's also a strawpoll running here.

Links: Links: Frag-o-Matic Official, GameType Poll, Main thread
Edited by Teen Queen at 18:37 CDT, 3 August 2015 - 30196 Hits
Frag-o-Matic 17.1 gametypes (9 comments)
Posted by Teen Queen @ 02:49 CDT, 30 July 2015 - iMsg
Team Deathmatch: 60% (30)

Capture The Flag: 40% (20)

After a quick talk with the Frag-o-Matic organizers, I've deiced to set up a poll to let the ESR userbase vote and discuss which gametypes they would prefer to see on Frag-o-matic LAN event this September 11th. Duel is already confirmed, the second gametype will be decided based on community interest.

There is also a fun focused tournament under discussion - potentially a CA tournament; something for the not-so-competitive players in mind.

This should also shed some light on attendance numbers, community suggestions et cetera.

Again a huge thanks to the FoM team for keeping the dream alive \o/

Links: Official event website, esr ESR thread (in works)
Edited by Teen Queen at 02:50 CDT, 30 July 2015 - 29297 Hits
Which site will you be using? (91 comments)
Posted by LCANT @ 05:21 CDT, 5 June 2015 - iMsg
ESR: 76% (104)

+f: 23% (31)

FPS Pulse: 1.5% (2)

ESReality has been around longer than most Call of Duty players have been alive, but the fundamental utility of the site was progressive enough to foreshadow many modern user interfaces, and still offers a stripped down community content-oriented user experience. ESR has been a haven for competitive gaming news for many games, but over time, as more and more niche web sites became available, it was the Quake players who sort of mumbled "Eh, this is okay," and cemented themselves in place for the long-haul.

ESR users have recently been directly solicited with a few new options for community interaction, news, and editorial content geared toward fast-paced arena FPS games with the announcements of FPS Pulse and Plus Forward.

Which site do you foresee as remaining or becoming your go to source for, well, whatever it is you go the the source for?
Edited by LCANT at 05:23 CDT, 5 June 2015 - 90374 Hits
North America: Would you play FFA Pickup (10 comments)
Posted by Teen Queen @ 09:26 CST, 9 December 2014 - iMsg
Yes: 58% (11)

No: 42% (8)


I am starting this thread to find out if N.A. players want something similar to the "Classic FFA Pickup" by Yakumo. I always enjoyed FFA under the classic rule set and I know I'm not alone.

So what do you think North America? Let's ditch the load out games for some classic deathmatch! If you are interested please take a moment to Vote and comment

Edited by Teen Queen at 09:47 CST, 9 December 2014 - 26426 Hits
CTF League/cup in Jan 2015, are you in? (37 comments)
Posted by Teen Queen @ 11:59 CST, 10 November 2014 - iMsg
Yes: 67% (48)

No: 33% (24)

#ctfpickup are trying to organize a ctf league, they would like to see if there is enough interests from the players. Voting will be closed on November 24th

Should there be enough votes, a League or cup is planed in January 2015

Links: mIRC #ctfpickup
Edited by Teen Queen at 12:00 CST, 10 November 2014 - 47322 Hits
Which player model do you prefer in CPMA (6 comments)
Posted by Teen Queen @ 14:34 CDT, 29 September 2014 - iMsg
Ranger: 15% (6)

Visor: 10% (4)

Sarge: 10% (4)

Orbb: 10% (4)

Keel: 7.7% (3)

Xaero: 7.7% (3)

Doom: 5.1% (2)

Bitterman: 5.1% (2)

Razor: 5.1% (2)

Mynx: 5.1% (2)

Tankjr: 5.1% (2)

Klesk: 2.6% (1)

Bones: 2.6% (1)

Anarki: 2.6% (1)

Lucy: 2.6% (1)

Crash: 2.6% (1)

Major: 0% (0)

Sorlag: 0% (0)

Grunt: 0% (0)

Hunter: 0% (0)

Uriel: 0% (0)

Biker: 0% (0)

Slash: 0% (0)

As stated above, requested by DEZ_
Edited by Teen Queen at 14:34 CDT, 29 September 2014 - 17829 Hits
Quakelive, Steam and VAC (77 comments)
Posted by xou @ 07:54 CDT, 22 September 2014 - iMsg
Yes: 63% (98)

Don't care: 22% (34)

No: 15% (23)

Should QuakeLive go Steam exclusive and use Valve Anti-Cheat?
81170 Hits
When were you introduced to quake? (213 comments)
Posted by tom @ 11:52 CDT, 20 August 2014 - iMsg
1997-1999: 36% (169)

2000-2005: 22% (103)

1996 baby!: 20% (93)

2006-2010: 15% (70)

2011-noob: 7.4% (35)

I don't qwake: 0.4% (2)

125705 Hits
Donations to send duelers to QC'14 (83 comments)
Posted by xou @ 11:44 CDT, 26 May 2014 - iMsg
Yes: 61% (76)

No: 29% (36)

Is it legit?: 10% (13)

Lately, a few threads and posts on ESReality are appearing and discussing donations to send players to the QUAKE LIVE Duel Masters Invitational Championship at QuakeCon 2014 (Sweden toxjq, Poland Av3k and France strenx).

Would you consider donating money to send European duelers to the tournament?
Edited by xou at 11:50 CDT, 26 May 2014 - 60192 Hits
125 FPS Showmatch - Cooller vs Strenx (29 comments)
Posted by Nico_QD @ 09:30 CDT, 13 March 2014 - iMsg
Cooller: 57% (103)

Strenx: 43% (78)

Who will win this showmatch

Edited by Teen Queen at 21:28 CDT, 13 March 2014 - 87839 Hits
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