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A note to game developers (No comments)
Posted by ShadyVoltaire @ 01:59 CDT, 19 June 2024 - iMsg
If you want to financially win, then please add more attractive girls with big breasts.

Day One (13 comments)
Posted by czm @ 12:07 CDT, 15 April 2024 - iMsg
Got some weird skin thing on my knee, should I get it checked out? Also wasn’t it cool back when we just hit a few keys in a row to communicate in game via text? Pretty sure that’s what I spent most of my time thinking about while getting driven home from middle school But back to the skin iss

GA-LOO-GA-LOO (6 comments)
Posted by Jamerio @ 18:12 CDT, 26 March 2024 - iMsg
Kinda scary, whichever side you're on, if you don't see the severity of a company like google doing this, you're one of the bad guys.. Wonder how long it will take until they start editing your emails, whatapp and creating sinister simulations of your browsing history to frame you
Edited by Jamerio at 18:24 CDT, 26 March 2024
Quake the kidnapper (No comments)
Posted by garz @ 04:58 CDT, 10 October 2019 - iMsg

Old fart not able to coop with speed of the gaming industry (17 comments)
Posted by Unho @ 03:17 CDT, 28 September 2018 - iMsg
Lately I'm having issues enjoying gaming. It's still something I spend 2-3 hours a day on as it beats TV but I simply do not enjoy them as much anymore. At this point I game out of a habit rather than real enjoyment. Now, the easiest reasoning would be 'yeah dude, all normal, as we a
Edited by Unho at 03:26 CDT, 28 September 2018
Labeling the community (3 comments)
Posted by azxx @ 09:12 CDT, 21 July 2018 - iMsg
Even after a lot of discussions and speculations in the community, I believe there is no clarity on whether the most established Arena FPS formula, Quake 3, could have some kind of standing in this era*. It never got a true chance to be tested because the so called attempts since then missed the mar
Edited by azxx at 09:14 CDT, 21 July 2018
LG? quake Champs (6 comments)
Posted by Jamerio @ 18:41 CDT, 3 June 2018 - iMsg
I understand and accept some people have better LG than others in a head to head scenario, but what I don't get is some people seem to get so much more DPS on their LG than others in 100% aim scenarios. There must be more to it, like sometimes when you get caught out and before you can react

Fixing this flop (57 comments)
Posted by Zanno @ 16:55 CDT, 3 April 2018 - iMsg
So this game has been out for a while, I was totally pumped for it, and it's abundantly clear that this game is a flop. It has absolutely no Twitch presence whatsoever, which is by far the most important metric for measuring how well a game is doing these days, and provides a snowball effect wh
Edited by Zanno at 16:57 CDT, 3 April 2018
a quake tutorial by baSe (87 comments)
Posted by esdf @ 05:42 CST, 7 February 2018 - iMsg
So, recently I was thinking "hey, maybe I dismissed QC too early" since I'm seeing all these people having fun in game, and streaming and what not. Now for all of you who know me, you know I'm a ctf god and played maybe 50 duels and 100 tdms over my 8-9 years of playing quake.
Edited by esdf at 13:46 CST, 7 February 2018
Old stuff (1 comment)
Posted by Ins0mnia @ 10:46 CST, 1 December 2017 - iMsg
I've got some pictures made by Amsterdam Wob during EuroCup III to VI lanfinals. On 21th of December (the 4th year anniversary of the death from ClanBase) Ill release them all... Here a teaser :-) //update:// oh, seems the gods of ESR is reading me and brought me back to ULTIMATE POWAH.
Edited by Ins0mnia at 18:55 CST, 1 December 2017
This was my peak (56 comments)
Posted by dem0n @ 18:31 CST, 22 November 2017 - iMsg This was my peak. Winning this cup meant so much to me back in the time but now I realize how big an upset I made. I don't think I've ever been a champion material but I'll keep annoying the fuck out of the best if I can. The people t
Edited by dem0n at 18:44 CST, 22 November 2017
TimConLAN 4 Results & Summary (7 comments)
Posted by CrazyAl @ 19:06 CDT, 27 September 2017 - iMsg
TimCon 4 has been and gone. Once again, around twenty of Arena FPS' worst and dimmest met in the storied English city of Liverpool, at the ever ostentatious Horizon E-Sport Club. TimCon’s third edition was such a success, we agreed little should be changed. The atmosphere remained. The thrills
Edited by CrazyAl at 19:07 CDT, 27 September 2017
Post-Event thoughts about Quakecon 2017 (9 comments)
Posted by Memento_Mori @ 09:36 CDT, 27 August 2017 - iMsg
I went asleep last night after watching the finals, and in my dreams the Mad Hatter from Alice in wonderland interviewed me. He had an uncanny resemblance to ReDeYe. Anyways, I woke up and found this transcription next to my bed, and thought of posting it. [hide=Discussion] Mad Hatter: Hello and
Edited by Memento_Mori at 15:03 CDT, 5 September 2017
Some Thoughts on Duel Post-QuakeCon 2017 (6 comments)
Posted by azxx @ 07:05 CDT, 27 August 2017 - iMsg
# Disregard clawz and his lightning gun rushes for a moment, because I want to ask: conceptually, could Quake Champions duel evolve into the most defensive form of it yet? In Quake Live, we saw the increased importance of the first spawn and first frag due to the drop in time limit from 15 to 10 min
Edited by Teen Queen at 05:03 CDT, 28 August 2017
A Spectator's Thoughts Post-QuakeCon 2017 (7 comments)
Posted by azxx @ 06:57 CDT, 27 August 2017 - iMsg
I'd like to preface this by saying that since QuakeCon 2017 was the first event for Quake Champions, it is important to keep in mind that things can only improve from here. As the game finds a footing and the production teams become more well-versed with its nuances, we should be in for better
Edited by Teen Queen at 05:03 CDT, 28 August 2017
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