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Quake Live | COOLLER [Frag Movie] (Classic) (2 comments)
Posted by Regulator @ 10:31 CDT, 27 June 2024 - iMsg

0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
Rating: - (0 votes)
This is possibly the greatest Quake Frag Movie ever made.

By popular demand this movie is now back on the internet!

I thought I would share with all ESRers.

WASD Gamers
138 Hits
Re: Quake Champions Classic Mod for Quake 1 (1 comment)
Posted by gojira_ @ 11:17 CDT, 23 June 2024 - iMsg
Nice. I like how we all agree, champions are better played on actual quake engine.
244 Hits
Spiterbot Version .50 RC9 (No comments)
Posted by SquirrelzQL @ 20:12 CDT, 19 June 2024 - iMsg
I already made a post about Version .51 which I just labeled 2023, but I thought I would mention I did finally recover the prior prototype RC9 and I hotfixed it. So I just wanted to make a little update on whats going on with this mod. So basically, I needed to merge the contents within the RC9 Update (VM01.pk3) and overwrite contents inside of the March 29th Version (VM.pk3). After this, the mod works great.

I have decided to release a Hotfix on ModDB for all to use, hopefully you will like what this mod is like now. I think this is basically the restoration project concluded, in the future I will be uploading a few other prototype versions of Spiterbot but I still need to sort through potential incompatibility issues first.

I'd recommend playing any other bot but Spite, typically around level 70. The accuracy and response time are now reduced appropriately to the skill level. Spite is still a raw aimbot with perfect reaction speed, so play him at your own peril.
153 Hits
A note to game developers (No comments)
Posted by ShadyVoltaire @ 01:59 CDT, 19 June 2024 - iMsg
If you want to financially win, then please add more attractive girls with big breasts.
163 Hits
Team fortress mod in quakelive (No comments)
Posted by nined @ 03:08 CDT, 11 June 2024 - iMsg
How about organic integration into quakelive, team fortress mode, like it was before - q3tf. More fun and aternative to other ql team modes like ctf, tdm, ft etc.

And plz remasting and huge refreshing update.
Edited by nined at 03:09 CDT, 11 June 2024 - 219 Hits
TEnEP ETO PYCCKu CAuT (2 comments)
Posted by stpbozin @ 08:07 CDT, 7 June 2024 - iMsg
Chto by u velikih moralistov ne potekli slezki ot brannyh slov i oskorblenij, jetot tekst budet koncentratom faktov. Hot' v pervuju ochered' on i adresovan kom'juniti, razrabotchikam i razlichnym provodnikam, tak zhe stoit oznakomit'sja.

Da, Dzhon Karmak pishet otlichnye dvizhki. Uchityvaja vremja, te obstojatel'stva i metody, kotorye ispol'zoval Dzhon Karmak, ego po pravu mozhno nazvat' geniem. No, chto delaet ego legendarnym, tak jeto to, chto Dzhon Karmak otkryval ishodnyj kod svoih dvizhkov. Blagodarja jetomu, pojavilos' ogromnoe kolichestvo zamechatel'nyh igr. Vsja sut' progressa sostoit imenno v tom, chtoby narabotki odnih talantlivyh ljudej, ispol'zovalis' drugimi talantlivymi ljud'mi, dlja sozdanija chego-to novogo i luchshego, dlja budushhih pokolenij.

Po vsej vidimosti, na Frose zagorelas' shapka, kogda on uvidel moj predydushhij post. Po jetomu on ne smog prochest' i osmyslit' ego, i reshil sam dodumat' o chem shla rech'. Svoimi dogadkami on s udovol'stviem podelilsja na strime, rasskazav chto ih obvinjajut v vorovstve vdizhka ku3. Konechno, bylo by glupo, s moej storony, obvinjat' kogo ugodno, v vorovstve ishodnikov idtech3. No, raz Frosja ne ponjal o chem rech', pridetsja razzhevyvat'.

Kvejk kom'juniti perezhilo mnogoe. Samye jarkie, svetlye, jepichnye momenty, konechno zhe byli v kvejk lajv. Nu, a samye sil'nye potrjasenija, konechno zhe, prines kvejk chempions. Igra, so starta, ne zadalas'. Uzhasnaja optimizacija, kucha bagov, disbalans, lozh ot razrabotchikov. Kom'juniti, izo vseh sil pytalas' chto-to ispravit'. No, kamennye lica, zaranee proplachennyh pro-igrokov, ubezhdali nas chto vse normal'no. Chto vse budet horosho, nuzhno tol'ko PODOZhDAT'' i POMOLChAT''. My zhdali, my molchali, mnogimi mesjacami, godami igraja so slomannymi hitboksami, s raketami bez urona, bez splesha, s dyrjavymi kartami i tak dalee. I terpeli my vse jeto radi togo chtoby igra prosto izdohla, tak i ne stav igrabel'noj?

Jeto ponjatno, chto vremja razrabotchikov stoit deneg. No, po vsej vidimosti, tol'ko razrabotchikov. Po vsej vidimosti nashe vremja, vremja bydla, holopov i ne obrazovannyh skvernoslovov - ne stoit ni chego. Dlja nih my prosto stado, massovka. Oni - svetlye umy, a my nikto. No, im nuzhno nabrat' opredelennoe kolichestvo, bezlikoj, molchalivoj tolpy. Chtoby ta sozdavala vidimost' aktivnosti, vidimost' zainteresovannosti publiki i ne vystupala. No, esli vy budite vystupat', jeto budet meshat' PROEKTU razvivat'sja i vy budite likvidirovany.

Da, mozhno vozrazit'. Pogodite, no JeTO ZhE DRUGOE! Jetot kvejk delajut NAShI dlja SEBJa. Mozhet byt', mozhet byt'. No poka chto, byl oskorblen i unizhen predstavitel' malorossii - pepko, byl podvergnut atake bejz, byl zabanen agent i byli zatknuty za pojas vse ostal'nye. Nu i chto tut drugoe? Esli otnoshenie k kom'juniti takoe zhe kak bylo v kvejk chempions? Nas opjat' uverjajut chto vse horosho, chto nuzhno tol'ko podozhdat' i pomolchat'. Hotja svoimi glazami mozhno uvidet' chto vse ochen' i ochen' ploho. Nam opjat' rasskazyvajut pro malen'kuju indi kompaniju, kotoraja staraetsja tol'ko dlja vas. Opjat' kormjat nas obeshhanijami, rasskazyvajut chto vse tol'ko nachinaetsja. Opjat' provodjat chempionat na slomannoj, syroj igre i zatykajut vsem rty. Zachem vy jeto delaete, zachem vy nastupaete na te zhe grabli? V peredi 6 let beta testa, bez edinogo luchika sveta. I esli vy dumaete chto bladran uzhe luchshe, potomu-chto fps bol'she, to jeto zabluzhdenie, oshibka. Kogda oni nachnut dobavljat' vysokopoligonal'nye modeli i slozhnuju animaciju, vashi fpsy uletjat v trubu.

Vam ne nravitsja kak kritikujut vashi igru? A kto zhe vas zastavljal sobirat' vseh v igre, kotoraja ne sdelana dazhe na polovinu? Vas oskorbljajut, da? A vy dumaete nas ne oskorbljajut beskonechnye chudo razrabotchiki, kotorye obeshhajut nam zolotye gory? Vy schitaete u vas est' pravo izdevat'sja nad ljud'mi, raz vy celuju tyshhu zaplatili? Ja govorju o tom kak vy prinuzhdaete vseh hodit' po stojke smirno. Zastavljaete ljudej ulybat'sja, hvalit' igru i osuzhdat' agenta, ugrozhaja raspravoj(a, kuller ugrozhaet dazhe fizicheskoj raspravoj). Esli dlja vas takoe povedenie priemlemo, to ja ne vizhu ni kakih prichin, po kotorym ljuboe drugoe povedenie mozhet byt' nepriemlemym. Vy hudshie predstaviteli chelovechestva. Kak tol'ko u vas pojavilas' minimal'naja vlast', vy tut zhe nachinaete eju zloupotrebljat'. Ne znaju s kogo vy kopiruete model' povedenija, no jeto hudshee chto mozhno bylo vybrat' iz vsego spektra. Zanimat' poziciju "ne nravitsja - ne igraj", jeto ochen' nizkij uroven'. S takimi sposobnostjami luchshe molchat' i ne kommunicirovat' s soobshhestvom.

Chto kasaetsja kradennogo koda. V predydushhem poste ja opisal unikal'nye bagi, daleko ne vse, kotorye jekskljuzivny dlja kvejk chempions i bladran. I uchityvaja chto kvejk chempions napisan na idtech5, a bladran na idtech3(v kotorom podobnyh bagov ne sushhestvovalo), to takie identichnye bagi ne mogli pojavit'sja sluchajno. Bol'she tut obsuzhdat' nechego, za iskljucheniem togo, chto ispol'zuja kradennyj kod vy rasskazyvaete o morali. Jeto uzhasnoe licemerie i ego, kak i kullera, hotelos' by slyshat' pomen'she. Poskol'ku kuller jeto ne tol'ko chsv, a tak zhe zhivoe voploshhenie licemerija.

Voobshhem, jeto ne ja nachal zatirat' pro moral', a vy. Po jetomu ja predlagaju vam izvinit'sja pered kom'juniti za deviantnoe povedenie, za vashe licemerie i za kullera. Zamet'te, ja ne stavlju pered vami nevypolnimyh zadach, ja ponimaju chto kuller s ego neobosnovannym chsv izvinjat'sja ne stanet. No, ty Frosja, buduchi mjagkim i gibkim, mozhesh' i dolzhen publichno izvinit'sja. Za sebja, za kuller, za vse.
Edited by stpbozin at 14:33 CDT, 7 June 2024 - 359 Hits
Posted by wwwAnyBoy @ 21:58 CDT, 4 June 2024 - iMsg
Now available in Steam and Epic Games store

Balls with bodies.

Edited by wwwAnyBoy at 21:58 CDT, 4 June 2024 - 1518 Hits
Road of Glory (No comments)
Posted by n00k1e @ 14:35 CDT, 4 June 2024 - iMsg

0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
Rating: 6 (1 vote)
Quake II fragmovie by David
Edited by n00k1e at 21:17 CDT, 7 June 2024 - 322 Hits

<< Comment #1 @ 18:54 CDT, 9 June 2011 >>
By Belgium dem0n 
<< Comment #2 @ 19:03 CDT, 9 June 2011 >>
By B2L - Barrysworld boenk 
yay dem0n voted for dem0n :D

if you think you'll win you got my vote too :>
<< Comment #3 @ 19:04 CDT, 9 June 2011 >>
By 2k2_2 Nukm 
gonna be close, i think cypher, rapha, cooller, av3k, strenx can all compete for the win and stermy, spart1e, fazz (maybe even dahang and k1llsen) are able to cause an upset ot two
Edited by Nukm at 20:20 CDT, 9 June 2011
<< Comment #7 @ 20:13 CDT, 9 June 2011 >>
By Plusme ins  - Reply to #3
rapha can't compete for the win? :(
<< Comment #11 @ 20:21 CDT, 9 June 2011 >>
By 2k2_2 Nukm  - Reply to #7
not even cause an upset! nah, he was certainly in the list for the favorites in my mind, just forgot to write him down
<< Comment #4 @ 19:11 CDT, 9 June 2011 >>
By grey kg 
av3k is showing some nice play recently
<< Comment #5 @ 20:07 CDT, 9 June 2011 >>
By Latvia fuzz 
<< Comment #6 @ 20:12 CDT, 9 June 2011 >>
By Uruguay gSTRUCTOR 
The first vote for the king is mine muahahah
<< Comment #9 @ 20:15 CDT, 9 June 2011 >>
By Uruguay gSTRUCTOR  - Reply to #6
ofc i mean

O   O
L       L
L         L
E           E
R              R
Edited by gSTRUCTOR at 20:24 CDT, 9 June 2011
<< Comment #32 @ 19:40 CDT, 10 June 2011 >>
By ._o SigningOff  - Reply to #9
that is getting old fast.
<< Comment #34 @ 19:44 CDT, 10 June 2011 >>
By Uruguay gSTRUCTOR  - Reply to #32
I appreciate your support.
<< Comment #8 @ 20:14 CDT, 9 June 2011 >>
cypher, or dahang (my dark horse pick)
<< Comment #10 @ 20:16 CDT, 9 June 2011 >>
By Germany twister 
Strenx is the favorite for me. While most players focused on tdm practises he kept playing duel most of the time. He also practised toxicity A LOT so I'm guessing he will be beating everyone on the map.
<< Comment #12 @ 02:28 CDT, 10 June 2011 >>
By United States of America erok  - Reply to #10
is cypher even on a tdm lineup? can't imagine he'll be practicing anything but duel if he's not in the tdm tournament
<< Comment #65 @ 05:26 CDT, 16 June 2011 >>
By CGS-Berlin Allianz adrenal1ne  - Reply to #12
this is why he is my favorite to win ;D
<< Comment #13 @ 04:47 CDT, 10 June 2011 >>
By Bulgaria cha0z_ 
Cypher will rocket it up to the final.
<< Comment #14 @ 05:16 CDT, 10 June 2011 >>
By Moldova Ffleri 
I think most enjoyable to watch is Av3k, so I voted for him. But i don't think he will win. In my opinion he will be top4 100%.
<< Comment #15 @ 05:20 CDT, 10 June 2011 >>
By Sarge TUMULT 
<< Comment #39 @ 22:47 CDT, 10 June 2011 >>
By US-Mississippi Spyyder  - Reply to #15
Avekkk. get it right.
<< Comment #16 @ 05:52 CDT, 10 June 2011 >>
By Poland therm 
voted vor avek but would love to see cypher winning this
<< Comment #17 @ 06:45 CDT, 10 June 2011 >>
By United Kingdom Sellya 
Meh, I don't think my favourite will win, but I'mma still vote for him!
Go Garpy! :3
<< Comment #18 @ 06:55 CDT, 10 June 2011 >>
By United Kingdom Six16 
Cooller is in 6th place on an esr poll? bit unexpected..
<< Comment #19 @ 08:23 CDT, 10 June 2011 >>
By Scotland Something 
I really want avek to do well.

Been showing great form and has produced some great online games to watch recently; would be very surprised if he was outside the top 4.

<< Comment #29 @ 16:21 CDT, 10 June 2011 >>
By Belgium Gladius  - Reply to #19
agreed, let's see him play the final again!
(allthough as always, I root for cooller & killsen, and demon of course)
Edited by Gladius at 16:22 CDT, 10 June 2011
<< Comment #20 @ 08:31 CDT, 10 June 2011 >>
By -nepal- fooKi 
too easy for fazz
<< Comment #21 @ 08:38 CDT, 10 June 2011 >>
I see people have taken dem0n as the mock vote, akin to writing "donald duck" as a candidate in election.
<< Comment #22 @ 08:59 CDT, 10 June 2011 >>
By grey kg  - Reply to #21
Well damn!

Good you were here to point it out for us.
<< Comment #23 @ 11:22 CDT, 10 June 2011 >>
By Belgium Boss___ 
<< Comment #24 @ 12:16 CDT, 10 June 2011 >>
By 2k2_2 Nukm  - Reply to #23
fail, this is how you do it







<< Comment #26 @ 14:42 CDT, 10 June 2011 >>
By United Kingdom ZeritoN  - Reply to #24
Stolen off me? :(
<< Comment #27 @ 15:00 CDT, 10 June 2011 >>
By 2k2_2 Nukm  - Reply to #26
no? posted this over a year ago already and i am sure that it was new back then
<< Comment #28 @ 15:45 CDT, 10 June 2011 >>
By grey kg  - Reply to #26
Your copyright has expired.
<< Comment #33 @ 19:42 CDT, 10 June 2011 >>
By ._o SigningOff  - Reply to #24
He'll fail again as he always does.
<< Comment #35 @ 19:47 CDT, 10 June 2011 >>
By Uruguay gSTRUCTOR  - Reply to #33
So #1 of Europe and #2 of the World is failing? You must be seriously succesful, or a big mouthie.
<< Comment #36 @ 20:05 CDT, 10 June 2011 >>
By ._o SigningOff  - Reply to #35
No, fails to take first place in a world wide tourney. And he will again, you'll see.
<< Comment #49 @ 21:04 CDT, 11 June 2011 >>
By Ukraine RMS  - Reply to #36
He is not focused on duel now. So there cant be any fail. And l remember only 1 fail of him recently.
<< Comment #42 @ 06:02 CDT, 11 June 2011 >>
<< Comment #25 @ 13:28 CDT, 10 June 2011 >>
By Dird's Xmas tree ;o Bob 
Edited by Bob at 02:46 CDT, 28 June 2024
<< Comment #30 @ 16:23 CDT, 10 June 2011 >>
By Belgium Gladius 
could you please make a tdm poll as well? =)
<< Comment #31 @ 17:01 CDT, 10 June 2011 >>
By 2k2_2 Nukm  - Reply to #30
will do something like that yeah, its still a week
<< Comment #37 @ 20:37 CDT, 10 June 2011 >>
By Slovenia CAREEM 

Edited by CAREEM at 20:38 CDT, 10 June 2011
<< Comment #61 @ 22:42 CDT, 15 June 2011 >>
By United States of America evilbollweevil  - Reply to #37
miss watching cypher on t9...guy's rox on that map just seemed bigger than opponents if that makes any sense.
<< Comment #38 @ 22:19 CDT, 10 June 2011 >>
By Australia outspoken 
dem0n (6) ..?

Amai will do stupidly good.. u ppl watch.

but Cypher will take it no doubt..
<< Comment #40 @ 22:59 CDT, 10 June 2011 >>
Players like stermy, killsen and spartie are ranked lower than fazz and demon. Hopefully betting pools go the same way. I'll make tons of esrmoney.
<< Comment #44 @ 08:12 CDT, 11 June 2011 >>
By Quake 3 ischju  - Reply to #40
too bad they dont take esr money at walmart.
<< Comment #51 @ 01:27 CDT, 12 June 2011 >>
By United Kingdom ZeritoN  - Reply to #44
They do at Tesco
<< Comment #52 @ 05:26 CDT, 12 June 2011 >>
By Quake 3 ischju  - Reply to #51
man, i love tesco :/ they have such good stuff imho. i also love having pints of milk and not a liter :D *reminisce*
<< Comment #53 @ 09:23 CDT, 12 June 2011 >>
By United Kingdom ZeritoN  - Reply to #52
Sainsburys > Tesco tbh

I could live on those tubs of mini doughnuts
<< Comment #41 @ 03:40 CDT, 11 June 2011 >>
By ql hitsu 
Impossible to tell tbh :D

rapha and cooller are always great, especially on big tournaments...
av3k was a beast recently, raping every single guy with gl :X ... Strenx fazz spartie stermy kilsen - aim whores are always dangerous... However im sure cypher will not win... No reasons, but he wont.

I would like to see mr 3rd place winning, but i guess hes still to young in top scene to take 1st place
<< Comment #43 @ 06:08 CDT, 11 June 2011 >>
By lolfly lol frs 
avek & cypher for sure. hope i can contain myself and not spray everywhere at dh
<< Comment #45 @ 09:46 CDT, 11 June 2011 >>
By terran limity 
i know a lot ppl thinks that fazz can't make his group but still almost every game vs fazz on iem were very close and he playing a lot tdm/duel so he might show some good resaults imo. :)
Edited by limity at 09:46 CDT, 11 June 2011
<< Comment #46 @ 16:08 CDT, 11 June 2011 >>
By US-Kentucky ggnore 
Avek. Form looks really strong as does his motivation and commitment.

Do think strenx could also be a strong contender for top 3 as does rapha.
<< Comment #47 @ 17:43 CDT, 11 June 2011 >>
By CNN Ryan2015 
i for one am cheering for Stermy!
for giving us an awesome event !
<< Comment #69 @ 18:42 CDT, 30 July 2011 >>
<3 Sun Tzu
<< Comment #48 @ 20:44 CDT, 11 June 2011 >>
By Ukraine RMS 
I think Cypher is still not in the best shape. Rapha is top contender obviously. But I would like to see av3k taking 1st place
P.S. And Cooller should perform either good even without much of training
Edited by RMS at 20:47 CDT, 11 June 2011
<< Comment #50 @ 01:00 CDT, 12 June 2011 >>
By SC_Terran Venim 
Can the next poll be a ban raythenoob poll?
<< Comment #57 @ 07:32 CDT, 14 June 2011 >>
By Bulgaria cha0z_  - Reply to #50
Easy pluses are not easy on esr.
<< Comment #58 @ 14:04 CDT, 14 June 2011 >>
By SC_Terran Venim  - Reply to #57
It was a serious question.
<< Comment #66 @ 06:06 CDT, 16 June 2011 >>
By wc3_human DamianLillard  - Reply to #50
Or a guide on how to use the ignore fuction? It seriously takes two clicks.
<< Comment #67 @ 14:12 CDT, 16 June 2011 >>
By SC_Terran Venim  - Reply to #66
I know how to use ignore.

I'd rather he just got banned instead.
<< Comment #54 @ 10:57 CDT, 12 June 2011 >>
By wc3_undead mammon 
the hr below options breaks front page
<< Comment #55 @ 18:26 CDT, 12 June 2011 >>
By Poland mefajpE^ 
I will shock everyone of you by the bald statement that Rapha will win this!

<< Comment #56 @ 18:48 CDT, 12 June 2011 >>
By Unset retire 
tox :)
<< Comment #59 @ 14:27 CDT, 14 June 2011 >>
<< Comment #62 @ 22:49 CDT, 15 June 2011 >>
By United States of America evilbollweevil  - Reply to #59
waa? well...hmmm, interesting, that choice stopped me scanning down the thread, not entirely farfetched either.
<< Comment #60 @ 06:08 CDT, 15 June 2011 >>
By ._o Xen_Crypt 
would be kewlz if avek won duel and srs wins in tdm

but i voted cypher :p
<< Comment #63 @ 04:36 CDT, 16 June 2011 >>
Voted for Spartie, he deserves to win a final and is currently in shape!
<< Comment #64 @ 05:10 CDT, 16 June 2011 >>
By ffs_light kK_Storm  - Reply to #63
Yeah, especially when he loses more than a half of t7s and dm13s to zsx :D
<< Comment #68 @ 14:17 CDT, 16 June 2011 >>
cmon cypher get some practice goin!
<< Comment #70 @ 07:19 CST, 21 February 2015 >>
By USSR adem 
Cypher: 27% (50)
evil: 0.5% (1)

oh times...
<< Comment #71 @ 09:40 CST, 21 February 2015 >>
By australia-nsw wem420  - Reply to #70
Wow that is eye opening isnt it
<< Comment #72 @ 11:45 CST, 21 February 2015 >>
By Earth earth  - Reply to #70
Necro-posting is sooo in fashion right now, right?

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