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Quake Live | COOLLER [Frag Movie] (Classic) (2 comments)
Posted by Regulator @ 10:31 CDT, 27 June 2024 - iMsg

0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
Rating: - (0 votes)
This is possibly the greatest Quake Frag Movie ever made.

By popular demand this movie is now back on the internet!

I thought I would share with all ESRers.

WASD Gamers
138 Hits
Re: Quake Champions Classic Mod for Quake 1 (1 comment)
Posted by gojira_ @ 11:17 CDT, 23 June 2024 - iMsg
Nice. I like how we all agree, champions are better played on actual quake engine.
244 Hits
Spiterbot Version .50 RC9 (No comments)
Posted by SquirrelzQL @ 20:12 CDT, 19 June 2024 - iMsg
I already made a post about Version .51 which I just labeled 2023, but I thought I would mention I did finally recover the prior prototype RC9 and I hotfixed it. So I just wanted to make a little update on whats going on with this mod. So basically, I needed to merge the contents within the RC9 Update (VM01.pk3) and overwrite contents inside of the March 29th Version (VM.pk3). After this, the mod works great.

I have decided to release a Hotfix on ModDB for all to use, hopefully you will like what this mod is like now. I think this is basically the restoration project concluded, in the future I will be uploading a few other prototype versions of Spiterbot but I still need to sort through potential incompatibility issues first.

I'd recommend playing any other bot but Spite, typically around level 70. The accuracy and response time are now reduced appropriately to the skill level. Spite is still a raw aimbot with perfect reaction speed, so play him at your own peril.
153 Hits
A note to game developers (No comments)
Posted by ShadyVoltaire @ 01:59 CDT, 19 June 2024 - iMsg
If you want to financially win, then please add more attractive girls with big breasts.
163 Hits
Team fortress mod in quakelive (No comments)
Posted by nined @ 03:08 CDT, 11 June 2024 - iMsg
How about organic integration into quakelive, team fortress mode, like it was before - q3tf. More fun and aternative to other ql team modes like ctf, tdm, ft etc.

And plz remasting and huge refreshing update.
Edited by nined at 03:09 CDT, 11 June 2024 - 219 Hits
TEnEP ETO PYCCKu CAuT (2 comments)
Posted by stpbozin @ 08:07 CDT, 7 June 2024 - iMsg
Chto by u velikih moralistov ne potekli slezki ot brannyh slov i oskorblenij, jetot tekst budet koncentratom faktov. Hot' v pervuju ochered' on i adresovan kom'juniti, razrabotchikam i razlichnym provodnikam, tak zhe stoit oznakomit'sja.

Da, Dzhon Karmak pishet otlichnye dvizhki. Uchityvaja vremja, te obstojatel'stva i metody, kotorye ispol'zoval Dzhon Karmak, ego po pravu mozhno nazvat' geniem. No, chto delaet ego legendarnym, tak jeto to, chto Dzhon Karmak otkryval ishodnyj kod svoih dvizhkov. Blagodarja jetomu, pojavilos' ogromnoe kolichestvo zamechatel'nyh igr. Vsja sut' progressa sostoit imenno v tom, chtoby narabotki odnih talantlivyh ljudej, ispol'zovalis' drugimi talantlivymi ljud'mi, dlja sozdanija chego-to novogo i luchshego, dlja budushhih pokolenij.

Po vsej vidimosti, na Frose zagorelas' shapka, kogda on uvidel moj predydushhij post. Po jetomu on ne smog prochest' i osmyslit' ego, i reshil sam dodumat' o chem shla rech'. Svoimi dogadkami on s udovol'stviem podelilsja na strime, rasskazav chto ih obvinjajut v vorovstve vdizhka ku3. Konechno, bylo by glupo, s moej storony, obvinjat' kogo ugodno, v vorovstve ishodnikov idtech3. No, raz Frosja ne ponjal o chem rech', pridetsja razzhevyvat'.

Kvejk kom'juniti perezhilo mnogoe. Samye jarkie, svetlye, jepichnye momenty, konechno zhe byli v kvejk lajv. Nu, a samye sil'nye potrjasenija, konechno zhe, prines kvejk chempions. Igra, so starta, ne zadalas'. Uzhasnaja optimizacija, kucha bagov, disbalans, lozh ot razrabotchikov. Kom'juniti, izo vseh sil pytalas' chto-to ispravit'. No, kamennye lica, zaranee proplachennyh pro-igrokov, ubezhdali nas chto vse normal'no. Chto vse budet horosho, nuzhno tol'ko PODOZhDAT'' i POMOLChAT''. My zhdali, my molchali, mnogimi mesjacami, godami igraja so slomannymi hitboksami, s raketami bez urona, bez splesha, s dyrjavymi kartami i tak dalee. I terpeli my vse jeto radi togo chtoby igra prosto izdohla, tak i ne stav igrabel'noj?

Jeto ponjatno, chto vremja razrabotchikov stoit deneg. No, po vsej vidimosti, tol'ko razrabotchikov. Po vsej vidimosti nashe vremja, vremja bydla, holopov i ne obrazovannyh skvernoslovov - ne stoit ni chego. Dlja nih my prosto stado, massovka. Oni - svetlye umy, a my nikto. No, im nuzhno nabrat' opredelennoe kolichestvo, bezlikoj, molchalivoj tolpy. Chtoby ta sozdavala vidimost' aktivnosti, vidimost' zainteresovannosti publiki i ne vystupala. No, esli vy budite vystupat', jeto budet meshat' PROEKTU razvivat'sja i vy budite likvidirovany.

Da, mozhno vozrazit'. Pogodite, no JeTO ZhE DRUGOE! Jetot kvejk delajut NAShI dlja SEBJa. Mozhet byt', mozhet byt'. No poka chto, byl oskorblen i unizhen predstavitel' malorossii - pepko, byl podvergnut atake bejz, byl zabanen agent i byli zatknuty za pojas vse ostal'nye. Nu i chto tut drugoe? Esli otnoshenie k kom'juniti takoe zhe kak bylo v kvejk chempions? Nas opjat' uverjajut chto vse horosho, chto nuzhno tol'ko podozhdat' i pomolchat'. Hotja svoimi glazami mozhno uvidet' chto vse ochen' i ochen' ploho. Nam opjat' rasskazyvajut pro malen'kuju indi kompaniju, kotoraja staraetsja tol'ko dlja vas. Opjat' kormjat nas obeshhanijami, rasskazyvajut chto vse tol'ko nachinaetsja. Opjat' provodjat chempionat na slomannoj, syroj igre i zatykajut vsem rty. Zachem vy jeto delaete, zachem vy nastupaete na te zhe grabli? V peredi 6 let beta testa, bez edinogo luchika sveta. I esli vy dumaete chto bladran uzhe luchshe, potomu-chto fps bol'she, to jeto zabluzhdenie, oshibka. Kogda oni nachnut dobavljat' vysokopoligonal'nye modeli i slozhnuju animaciju, vashi fpsy uletjat v trubu.

Vam ne nravitsja kak kritikujut vashi igru? A kto zhe vas zastavljal sobirat' vseh v igre, kotoraja ne sdelana dazhe na polovinu? Vas oskorbljajut, da? A vy dumaete nas ne oskorbljajut beskonechnye chudo razrabotchiki, kotorye obeshhajut nam zolotye gory? Vy schitaete u vas est' pravo izdevat'sja nad ljud'mi, raz vy celuju tyshhu zaplatili? Ja govorju o tom kak vy prinuzhdaete vseh hodit' po stojke smirno. Zastavljaete ljudej ulybat'sja, hvalit' igru i osuzhdat' agenta, ugrozhaja raspravoj(a, kuller ugrozhaet dazhe fizicheskoj raspravoj). Esli dlja vas takoe povedenie priemlemo, to ja ne vizhu ni kakih prichin, po kotorym ljuboe drugoe povedenie mozhet byt' nepriemlemym. Vy hudshie predstaviteli chelovechestva. Kak tol'ko u vas pojavilas' minimal'naja vlast', vy tut zhe nachinaete eju zloupotrebljat'. Ne znaju s kogo vy kopiruete model' povedenija, no jeto hudshee chto mozhno bylo vybrat' iz vsego spektra. Zanimat' poziciju "ne nravitsja - ne igraj", jeto ochen' nizkij uroven'. S takimi sposobnostjami luchshe molchat' i ne kommunicirovat' s soobshhestvom.

Chto kasaetsja kradennogo koda. V predydushhem poste ja opisal unikal'nye bagi, daleko ne vse, kotorye jekskljuzivny dlja kvejk chempions i bladran. I uchityvaja chto kvejk chempions napisan na idtech5, a bladran na idtech3(v kotorom podobnyh bagov ne sushhestvovalo), to takie identichnye bagi ne mogli pojavit'sja sluchajno. Bol'she tut obsuzhdat' nechego, za iskljucheniem togo, chto ispol'zuja kradennyj kod vy rasskazyvaete o morali. Jeto uzhasnoe licemerie i ego, kak i kullera, hotelos' by slyshat' pomen'she. Poskol'ku kuller jeto ne tol'ko chsv, a tak zhe zhivoe voploshhenie licemerija.

Voobshhem, jeto ne ja nachal zatirat' pro moral', a vy. Po jetomu ja predlagaju vam izvinit'sja pered kom'juniti za deviantnoe povedenie, za vashe licemerie i za kullera. Zamet'te, ja ne stavlju pered vami nevypolnimyh zadach, ja ponimaju chto kuller s ego neobosnovannym chsv izvinjat'sja ne stanet. No, ty Frosja, buduchi mjagkim i gibkim, mozhesh' i dolzhen publichno izvinit'sja. Za sebja, za kuller, za vse.
Edited by stpbozin at 14:33 CDT, 7 June 2024 - 359 Hits
Posted by wwwAnyBoy @ 21:58 CDT, 4 June 2024 - iMsg
Now available in Steam and Epic Games store

Balls with bodies.

Edited by wwwAnyBoy at 21:58 CDT, 4 June 2024 - 1516 Hits
Road of Glory (No comments)
Posted by n00k1e @ 14:35 CDT, 4 June 2024 - iMsg

0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
Rating: 6 (1 vote)
Quake II fragmovie by David
Edited by n00k1e at 21:17 CDT, 7 June 2024 - 322 Hits

<< Comment #1 @ 14:35 CDT, 20 June 2011 >>
By 2k2_2 Nukm 
not that it tells the whole story or anything but i thought it could be interesting, here are the stats of the candidates:
(average of all playoff matches)

Edited by Nukm at 15:07 CDT, 20 June 2011
<< Comment #4 @ 14:58 CDT, 20 June 2011 >>
By Austria noctis  - Reply to #1
dmg rcvd highlight is wrong :p
<< Comment #6 @ 15:08 CDT, 20 June 2011 >>
By 2k2_2 Nukm  - Reply to #4
silly me
<< Comment #52 @ 07:42 CDT, 23 June 2011 >>
By Slovenia Slajer  - Reply to #1
Heh, seems like vote percentage is based on frags :)
<< Comment #54 @ 09:25 CDT, 23 June 2011 >>
By United States of America T1E  - Reply to #52
screentime too :)
<< Comment #2 @ 14:51 CDT, 20 June 2011 >>
By 2K Akuma 
were all impressive, but noctis/linkje most of all :)
<< Comment #3 @ 14:56 CDT, 20 June 2011 >>
By Sweden xoji 
This poll makes no sense, where are other players?
<< Comment #5 @ 14:59 CDT, 20 June 2011 >>
By 2k2_2 Nukm  - Reply to #3
was thinking about making the poll very open with almost all players as an option but i decided to stick with a selection. if this gets massive criticism i will reconsider it
<< Comment #19 @ 19:14 CDT, 20 June 2011 >>
By Unset retire  - Reply to #5
those players listed (apart from deus) get special treatment from their team mates, so its not entirely fair to ignore the efforts of the support players, who have to work with more difficult conditions (less items).
<< Comment #20 @ 19:21 CDT, 20 June 2011 >>
By 2k2_2 Nukm  - Reply to #19
sure, not every player gets the same amount of resources and not every player has a role where he can dish out the most damage or whatever, but in the end who would you vote for when it comes to the mvp of a tournament: the guy who does the amazing quad run or the guy who left the armor for him?
<< Comment #22 @ 03:04 CDT, 21 June 2011 >>
By Lithuania son1dow  - Reply to #20
MVP means Most Valuable Player - if somebody was incredibly good at giving others armor and not dying it should be him, even though not many people are knowledgeable enough to consider that. Technically :)
<< Comment #26 @ 06:09 CDT, 21 June 2011 >>
By 2k2_2 Nukm  - Reply to #22
agreed, but its very easy to say like this and very hard to judge. in the end this is why deus is in the list aswell.
give me a name to your argument
<< Comment #28 @ 06:34 CDT, 21 June 2011 >>
By Lithuania son1dow  - Reply to #26
I myself am not qualified to give a name. Practically, the way you did it or just listing all of the players are the only ways to do it.
<< Comment #7 @ 15:21 CDT, 20 June 2011 >>
By Canada-Alberta pks  - Reply to #3
What does it matter when the clear winner is noctis?
<< Comment #8 @ 15:21 CDT, 20 June 2011 >>
By cooller skint 
None of the above
<< Comment #9 @ 15:25 CDT, 20 June 2011 >>
noctis! \o\ \o/ /o/
<< Comment #10 @ 15:38 CDT, 20 June 2011 >>
By psychoxou xou 
online zyv
<< Comment #11 @ 15:54 CDT, 20 June 2011 >>
By wc3_undead mammon 
he did it again

(broke the frontpage)
<< Comment #12 @ 15:59 CDT, 20 June 2011 >>
By 004 jamalz 
I enjoyed Silencep's play, he did a lot for srs and had some just incredible moments.

Linkin seems to magnetize bitches when he has quad they all just spawn infront of him or something, really sick play.

Toxjq had good moments but he wasn't exactly beasting, he was more the set up guy (like fox) and linkin took over the beasting role (toxjq used to do)

Noctis carried his team on his back. Fazz disappointed me.. deus/zyv were alright..

My vote: Linkin, his pov was the most enjoyable and had the most bullshit.
<< Comment #15 @ 17:42 CDT, 20 June 2011 >>
By Germany scowl  - Reply to #12
toxjq totally beasted dreadful place against reason.
<< Comment #13 @ 16:08 CDT, 20 June 2011 >>
By Quake 3 ischju 
linkje was the best. no doubt - i did not expect anything else.
<< Comment #14 @ 16:40 CDT, 20 June 2011 >>
noctis, ez
<< Comment #33 @ 10:35 CDT, 21 June 2011 >>
By RI-US ia  - Reply to #14
Yeah, I agree. He had the best combined result across both tourneys (4th in duel, 2nd in tdm), and without him it's unlikely reason would have placed as highly, whereas if either toxic or linkin (but not both) were replaced their team probably would have been top 4 anyway.
<< Comment #16 @ 18:14 CDT, 20 June 2011 >>
By Poland aiken 
Voted on l1njke but it was really hard choice, he was so solid and he's quad runs looked like it was QuakeWorld not QuakeLive.

In the other hand noctis played in so creative way, I mostly remember his attitude on RA at Real of steel rats. He's done so many impressive and smart things there that I'm really impressed.

toxjq was also so impressive. Hitting so many rails in a row, positioning himself so well. He's definitely TDM genius as well.

deus, holy rail, nothing to add. Not only great aim, but instinct to know were to set his crosshair waiting on opponent. A few times he was doing good job killing quad carrier from another side of the map.

Both finalist teams had all talented and skilled players, great teamplay and they made superb show. I just wished they played Grim Dungeons as last map not dm20, but the final result is fair enough,

Can't wait to the next event!
<< Comment #17 @ 18:27 CDT, 20 June 2011 >>
By nesreca wch 
linkje for beast quad runs.

noctis very close second though!
<< Comment #18 @ 18:32 CDT, 20 June 2011 >>
By rammstein *deotrip butcher_kgp  - Reply to #17
link1n may have had good quad runs but noctis has the best quad run of all time in cpm4.

<< Comment #48 @ 18:25 CDT, 22 June 2011 >>
By Korea (Republic of) tipatapa  - Reply to #18
Can it be viewed somewhere?
<< Comment #49 @ 20:40 CDT, 22 June 2011 >>
By rammstein *deotrip butcher_kgp  - Reply to #48

skip time to 1:13:00 (1 hour 13 min mark) and just keep watching, the lead up to the quad and associated team work involved to keep it open for noctis was just brilliant.
<< Comment #21 @ 00:36 CDT, 21 June 2011 >>
Has to be noctis. Going into duel at the last minute, and with no practice... plus his performance in TDM. That is pure Australian power.
<< Comment #76 @ 01:56 CDT, 26 July 2011 >>
By cpma JaGGz  - Reply to #21
Ehh... hes austrian *trollface*
<< Comment #23 @ 04:18 CDT, 21 June 2011 >>
By Dird's Xmas tree ;o Bob 
Edited by Bob at 17:17 CDT, 27 June 2024
<< Comment #25 @ 06:04 CDT, 21 June 2011 >>
By 2k2_2 Nukm  - Reply to #23
strenx didnt really play strong in the playoffs, aka when it mattered.
he seemed really strong in the group stage but keep in mind that he got heavily pushed by his team to be able to do so

was thinking about adding silencep but his performance, although strong, seemed a bit inconsistent (and v3rb played stronger than him in the third place match btw). in the end i only chose players of the final teams, otherwise he would have been an option i guess
<< Comment #29 @ 06:42 CDT, 21 June 2011 >>
By Dird's Xmas tree ;o Bob  - Reply to #25
Edited by Bob at 17:17 CDT, 27 June 2024
<< Comment #30 @ 06:48 CDT, 21 June 2011 >>
By 2k2_2 Nukm  - Reply to #29
ah okay, you meant it like this. yeah he played really strong that game and i felt like metsu would have beaten srs if they would have had silencep back and srs went with w3st
<< Comment #31 @ 06:56 CDT, 21 June 2011 >>
By Dird's Xmas tree ;o Bob  - Reply to #30
Edited by Bob at 17:17 CDT, 27 June 2024
<< Comment #35 @ 13:35 CDT, 21 June 2011 >>
By Quake 3 InDepther  - Reply to #25
I think u can choose for us, since u r the authority here

why even bother asking? Very creative way to tell and validate ur opinion.
<< Comment #24 @ 04:46 CDT, 21 June 2011 >>
By Quake 4 Yavich 
<< Comment #27 @ 06:29 CDT, 21 June 2011 >>
By US-Kentucky ggnore 
Noctis for obvious reasons.
<< Comment #32 @ 07:32 CDT, 21 June 2011 >>
By Iceland hnns 
Has to be a winner, imo.
<< Comment #38 @ 14:32 CDT, 21 June 2011 >>
By United States of America T1E  - Reply to #32
mvp are usually top players (captains) of a team that either won or did much much better than expected (that is what 'most valuable player' implies!)

the heavy team aspect in this tournament still makes me vote for noctis who did extraordinarily well in both game modes and had some amazing moments in his tdm playoff matches
<< Comment #34 @ 13:29 CDT, 21 June 2011 >>
By Quake 3 InDepther 
stremy, strenx, silencep, cooller, winz + many many others missing.

Very unfair post as usual.
Edited by InDepther at 13:31 CDT, 21 June 2011
<< Comment #36 @ 13:57 CDT, 21 June 2011 >>
By 2k2_2 Nukm  - Reply to #34
as usual?

anyway lets get one thing clear before anythign else. i am doing this poll so everyone can enjoy the dreamhack tournament a little bit more and so that everyone gets more excited for the players and everything. I have no personal agenda here i am investing me free time in this and frankly, nobody else would do it otherwise as it stands atm. i am no "authority" as you put it, i am merely the guy who does something and i am always willing to listen, when have i ever forced my way?
i am trying to do it the best way i can, but its obviously not always perfect, thats why i ask for feedback. now if you wanna argue about how this poll could be improved, then be my guest and lets make it better, but if you wanna whine, like in your comment above then fuck off.

i posted something about the way the poll is designed here:
if i add players like cooller and strenx i would really just need to add every player and i thought this would not be wise (asked for some feedback on this before i did the poll aswell). but as i mentioned "if this gets massive criticism i will reconsider it", so far it hasnt but i am willing to listen if you have arguments why your selection would be better.
Edited by Nukm at 13:58 CDT, 21 June 2011
<< Comment #37 @ 14:25 CDT, 21 June 2011 >>
By Quake 3 InDepther  - Reply to #36
put all pleyers mentioned in below thread, or if they are too many (don't think so), include only the ones mentioned twice.

Favourity players of dreamhack

That would be much less biased, since is the sum of many ppl thoughts.

As for ur work, kudos and I much appreciate it (and periodically plus it, since is the only way to show appreciation), but if I have diff opinion on something will usually say it.
<< Comment #39 @ 14:33 CDT, 21 June 2011 >>
By 2k2_2 Nukm  - Reply to #37
well you can (but your two comments, especially were not really constructive. i mean dird drops a one liner, thanks for the feedback anyway, and i explain my thoughts behind not including silencep. dont get your anger towards me here). linking that thread is a good thing cause it is a form of community selection that i wasnt really aware of.

so anyone else think i should restart it with a majority of players?
btw i always thought that the MVP (for anything) comes from a team that made it far into the tournament, is that wrong? (hnns and t1es comment seem to validate that). cause thats the main reason i didnt include silencep or simply made the poll open for all players
Edited by Nukm at 14:42 CDT, 21 June 2011
<< Comment #40 @ 14:39 CDT, 21 June 2011 >>
By Belgium dem0n  - Reply to #36
some players that havent joined all star teams are missing indeed.

But I guess thats how you interpret the definition of 'MVP' of the tournament. I would rather put MVP of the final in this case, cause some people may argue that some people that werent in the final and would easily do better than some of those who actually were in the final aren't in this poll.

Oh well in the end who cares :P. But I'm not gonna vote because in my eyes the best player of this tournament isn't in that list of players :/ (Spart1e <3)
<< Comment #41 @ 14:49 CDT, 21 June 2011 >>
By 2k2_2 Nukm  - Reply to #40
But I guess thats how you interpret the definition of 'MVP' of the tournament..
indeed, see the comment above. i simply dont consider someone who lost in the quarter finals for the tournament mvp. but this might be wrong interpretation of the whole thing afterall. maybe we should start a second poll where we vote for "the player who was most important for his team in the few matches they played" ;)
Edited by Nukm at 16:08 CDT, 21 June 2011
<< Comment #42 @ 15:58 CDT, 21 June 2011 >>
By United States of America T1E  - Reply to #41
well it's a team mode =P
<< Comment #45 @ 17:15 CDT, 21 June 2011 >>
By Belgium dem0n  - Reply to #41
Well in the end people are not beeing objective anyway when they vote so I guess a poll like that is just a mean to get some hype in a community and it's a good thing.

I didn't mean to criticize what you're doing etc
<< Comment #43 @ 16:13 CDT, 21 June 2011 >>
By iron deus 
Hey guys, there is something wrong with my headphones all I hear is impressive.
<< Comment #62 @ 11:43 CDT, 24 June 2011 >>
By France winz  - Reply to #43
You should stop watching our POV of the dm20 game then! ;)
<< Comment #63 @ 12:17 CDT, 24 June 2011 >>
By iron deus  - Reply to #62
Call me a bus driver coz i'm taking you to school !!!
<< Comment #64 @ 12:27 CDT, 24 June 2011 >>
By France winz  - Reply to #63
<< Comment #44 @ 16:44 CDT, 21 June 2011 >>
By Denmark KillaloT 
It's not that I'm biased in any way, i was just wondering;
<< Comment #46 @ 09:32 CDT, 22 June 2011 >>
By Suriname draven- 
everyone in colwn played well, cant really pick one MVP from there team if there like one guy who made a impact and made them win matches when they shouldnt it would be prolly Silencep which was a huge improvement instead of West.
<< Comment #47 @ 09:34 CDT, 22 June 2011 >>
By Netherlands kevz 
toxic impressed because he still plays at a god tier level
linkin impressed because he seemed to up his game alot compared to older tournaments
noctis always impressive in tdm
silenceps rail delivered

not sure who to vote for really. but leaning towards noctis making the most difference getting his team in the finals (even if he got most of the armors/quads relative to his teammates)
<< Comment #50 @ 02:17 CDT, 23 June 2011 >>
By India Cyn1c 
Noctis without a doubt. Not only did he kick ass at TDM, he beat DaHanG despite having left duel for good.
Edited by Cyn1c at 02:18 CDT, 23 June 2011
<< Comment #51 @ 06:51 CDT, 23 June 2011 >>
By zerg esdf 
noctis by far, placing unexpectedly well in duel and as expected reaching finals in tdm.
<< Comment #53 @ 09:14 CDT, 23 June 2011 >>
By 2k2_2 Nukm 
why do people bring his duel results all the time? doesnt matter for this poll at all
<< Comment #55 @ 07:24 CDT, 24 June 2011 >>
By fishy [eXodus] 
why isn't tony in this list?
<< Comment #56 @ 08:07 CDT, 24 June 2011 >>
By zthor sign by mic zoot 
Nukm - Please put a selection of players down that clearly aren't the ones that you care about most. I enjoyed watching so many players here. I think Winz did an amazing job for Colwn - much like stermy. All the players in Reason did a fantastic job too. Silencep was a huge surprise in the tournement and also Garpy did a great job for dignitas.

Think a little bit before making these posts, there was almost 60 players at the tdm tournament... you might as well not have bothered making this post unless you were going to include many more players :-/
<< Comment #57 @ 09:26 CDT, 24 June 2011 >>
By 2k2_2 Nukm  - Reply to #56
okay lets have a look at what you are saying and then compare it to what the vote is about and why id did what i did.
or well lets make another thing clear before that
Please put a selection of players down that clearly aren't the ones that you care about most.
not what i did at all, just because you might have done it differently does not mean that i just put in ma favorites. that list would be different.
Think a little bit before making these posts
thanks, i did. and i asked for feedback about the vote options too before i posted this.

I enjoyed watching so many players here
me too, but you know what, thats not what the poll is about its about that 1 player who was the most valuable in the whole tournament

All the players in Reason did a fantastic job too. Silencep was a huge surprise in the tournement and also Garpy did a great job for dignitas.
okay this would already be where the arguing starts. i disagree, fazz for example, although obviously playing on a high level, didnt really shine, he didnt perform exceptionally, he was not the player that mattered the most. silencep did really well in most matches yes (although i wouldnt call that a surprise). or take garpy, sure he played good for dignitas and made them the surprise they were, but others would argue that the same could be said for draven. so i dont think taking 8-9 players would have been possible, no the alternative to my 4 choice vote would have been to basically make everyone an option.
now why do i think that is bad. first of all as i understand it, the mvp, the most valueable player comes froma team that did great in the tournament. then having players like cooller and so on would almost inevitably that people are going to vote simply for their favorite player, a player from their country or maybe a teammate in case of the dh players. imho that is not what should happen in a vote like this. it isnt perfect either and i am not saying my is aswell, i kinda think i should have maybe added silencep to the list but there is no perfect way to do it in the end.

all that being said your post still got me thinking again and i will do another (non major vote) called Exceptional DH TDM Players with multiple answers possible where everyone can select palyers who in their opinion deserve to be mentioned for their performance. will edit in the link
the problem with taking

Edited by Nukm at 09:44 CDT, 24 June 2011
<< Comment #59 @ 09:47 CDT, 24 June 2011 >>
By United Kingdom Six16  - Reply to #57
I think the poll is fine, ignore the whiners.
<< Comment #68 @ 20:28 CDT, 26 June 2011 >>
By zthor sign by mic zoot  - Reply to #57
You should have added Silencep then surely? Oo

Also Winz did a great job considering people weren't expecting much from him and that he also did the same if not better than the rest of his team on certain maps. As well as the numerous online players who had yet to prove themselves on LAN.

I'm saying your list is poor considering there were so many 'valuable' players.

Yes - will take your new thread in to account although I still think you rushed yourself making this poll.
<< Comment #69 @ 20:33 CDT, 26 June 2011 >>
By 2k2_2 Nukm  - Reply to #68
way to ignore everything my comment was about ;) w/e
<< Comment #71 @ 06:00 CDT, 27 June 2011 >>
By zthor sign by mic zoot  - Reply to #69
I listened to all of it - though I decided you didn't justify yourself sufficiently :)
<< Comment #70 @ 01:02 CDT, 27 June 2011 >>
By Austria noctis  - Reply to #68
can you link me to the reason for silenceps hype cause i think i missed it :x
<< Comment #72 @ 06:02 CDT, 27 June 2011 >>
By zthor sign by mic zoot  - Reply to #70
Can't remember what games silencep shined on in particular (though I think he played brilliantly all Sunday), can try out links such as - :)
<< Comment #73 @ 14:33 CDT, 27 June 2011 >>
By Belgium dem0n  - Reply to #70
didnt get yours either :X <3
<< Comment #58 @ 09:45 CDT, 24 June 2011 >>
By United States of America w0nk0 
good poll.

find it weird that all these guys whining about their stars missing and no one mentions winz.
<< Comment #65 @ 12:34 CDT, 24 June 2011 >>
By Unset eh  - Reply to #58
The so-called experts called him noob before dreamhack, I don't think their opinion matters much to him now.
<< Comment #60 @ 10:23 CDT, 24 June 2011 >>
By iron deus 
Would be nice to see how much armor each player had and how much power up time they had etc.

People play all kinda different roles in a team.
<< Comment #61 @ 10:30 CDT, 24 June 2011 >>
By 2k2_2 Nukm  - Reply to #60
indeed, hope these things will be implemented at some point
<< Comment #66 @ 13:08 CDT, 24 June 2011 >>
By Unset eh 
All 4 (and some others) deserve the title, impossible to pick one :x
<< Comment #67 @ 19:49 CDT, 26 June 2011 >>
By Fox flag 0x5f3759df  - Reply to #66
actually its pretty easy, you just click the thing next to one of their names and hit vote

<< Comment #74 @ 17:11 CDT, 28 June 2011 >>
not that much impressives overall :s

nice stats tho:D
<< Comment #75 @ 06:51 CDT, 30 June 2011 >>
By Frags medal crv 
MVP in loser team...hahaha

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