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Mx, Messiah, Toomy, Cooper, b0sh, rav0r (9 comments)
Posted by Myers @ 21:37 CDT, 3 June 2005 - iMsg
Landed.cs, the final pic...for a while
5889 Hits
Landed Warming Up (15 comments)
Posted by Myers @ 21:36 CDT, 3 June 2005 - iMsg
Sorry for so many pics of Landed, i'll cruise around with a camera later and get some photos of people that aren't so dull/unknown.
7523 Hits
Bracket Drawing Ceremony (1 comment)
Posted by Myers @ 21:34 CDT, 3 June 2005 - iMsg
Slightly bizarre in their approach, but nontheless valid.
3862 Hits
International Exhibit Centre (2 comments)
Posted by Myers @ 21:33 CDT, 3 June 2005 - iMsg
The venue for the ACON 5 Finals
3695 Hits
Tianyu Gloria Plaza Hotel (3 comments)
Posted by Myers @ 21:32 CDT, 3 June 2005 - iMsg
The players/press/organisers/ACON5 Hotel, and a very nice one it is too!
4003 Hits
Messiah's Fish (2 comments)
Posted by Myers @ 21:31 CDT, 3 June 2005 - iMsg
There's something fishy going on around here... (sorry)
4012 Hits
Super Cooper and Special b0sh (No comments)
Posted by Myers @ 21:30 CDT, 3 June 2005 - iMsg
b0sh is special...
3185 Hits
b0sh, Messiah, Toomy in eating saga (3 comments)
Posted by Myers @ 21:28 CDT, 3 June 2005 - iMsg
Definitely the best and most sociable way to eat. Last night's dinner was quite fun. Apologies for the blurryness of the next image or two.
4553 Hits
My 23rd floor, double bed, hotel room (4 comments)
Posted by Myers @ 21:27 CDT, 3 June 2005 - iMsg
Not as nice as Hexus' Nick hotel suite, but I could become accustomed to such a lifestyle.
6187 Hits
Xian (8 comments)
Posted by Myers @ 21:26 CDT, 3 June 2005 - iMsg
..which wasn't a very interesting photo anyway
6195 Hits
Chinese Bus (7 comments)
Posted by Myers @ 21:25 CDT, 3 June 2005 - iMsg
This bus got in the way of my photo...
5255 Hits
Mx, Messiah, Cooper (7 comments)
Posted by Myers @ 21:25 CDT, 3 June 2005 - iMsg
Two Landed CS players and their manager/owner, Daniel Cooper.
5276 Hits
Arriving in Xian (1 comment)
Posted by Myers @ 21:24 CDT, 3 June 2005 - iMsg
We were met at Xian by a host of ACON 5 representatives and then taken by coach to our hotel.
3580 Hits
Landed Awaiting Flight (2 comments)
Posted by Myers @ 21:23 CDT, 3 June 2005 - iMsg
Over 50 ACON 5 "people" were on the same flight from Beijing to Xian. Here's the Landed CS Line-up in all their *ahem* glory.
4463 Hits
Myers & ..someone (4 comments)
Posted by Myers @ 21:22 CDT, 3 June 2005 - iMsg
I really should have learnt this guy's name by now, he was on the same flight. Someone refresh my memory.
6826 Hits
Irish pub, Beijing (1 comment)
Posted by Myers @ 21:21 CDT, 3 June 2005 - iMsg
3797 Hits
Landed's Toomeh (6 comments)
Posted by Myers @ 21:21 CDT, 3 June 2005 - iMsg
He's happy, he's feeling glad, he's got sunshine, in a bag...
4364 Hits
Landed's b0sh (1 comment)
Posted by Myers @ 21:20 CDT, 3 June 2005 - iMsg
b0sh is more acquatic than your average CS player
3631 Hits
Landed's Rav (2 comments)
Posted by Myers @ 21:19 CDT, 3 June 2005 - iMsg
Another tired Landed player, we met up at Heathrow at 7am for a 9 hour flight to Beijing, we arrived at 5am local time and then had to wait for a subsequent 6 hours for our flight to Xian.
3662 Hits
Landed's MX (2 comments)
Posted by Myers @ 21:17 CDT, 3 June 2005 - iMsg
It was a tiring journey as the first few of these pictures will show. Landed are the UK's CS representatives at this competition.
4227 Hits
ACON 5 Grand Finals (1 comment)
Posted by Myers @ 21:11 CDT, 3 June 2005 - iMsg
The ACON 5 Grand Finals take place from the 3rd - 5th June 2005. Sixteen Counter-Strike teams and Warcraft 3 players qualified for the right to represent their nations at this competition. With large cash and hardware prizes on offer the tournament should be closely contested.

I will, of course, endeavour to update this gallery daily as the tournament progresses.
Edited by Myers at 02:11 GMT, 4th Jun 2005 - 15502 Hits
Unpopular Band (33 comments)
Posted by Myers @ 07:06 CDT, 20 October 2003 - iMsg
Sadly most of the performances throughout the day weren't very popular.
13795 Hits
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