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So where are teh demos, once again? (1 comment)
Posted by baron Railgun @ 21:38 CDT, 25 June 2008 - iMsg
did not see prozac matches from the last contest, if I understood correctly he played pretty well against everybody :-(
in the past a decent quake competition had most of the matches if not all recorded
we are not a gay carom3d community, we wanna see demos from q3 competitions; who is da faggot decisions taker that don't wanna record all the matches excepting the finals?
all competition matches played by known q3 players should be recorded, at least
1029 Hits
Rainbow Six Vegas 2 is just pure magic (3 comments)
Posted by baron Railgun @ 14:41 CDT, 25 June 2008 - iMsg
I did not know till I played it; really:
-if you play single player campaign, you find out that police or SWAT or whatever is always ambushed by enemies comeing from nowhere all around you; that's the way it is hapenning in reality too, police and antiterrorist troups never plan their actions, so they are always ambused and when they are taken by surprise they do just fine; the fantasy scenarios are wonderful
NOW talking about single missions: I think I have some kind of paranormal enemies
-if you play the single missions, you have there the lone wolf option; still terrorists say "aim for their leader" which makes me think there are some invisible powers accompanying me; vodoo magic, I could swear; seems they see these powers, too
-after some tough firefights, I managed to kill one more enemy, making a lot of noise with my mg, still a close enough enemy that I could hear his voice said "I think they left"; obvious it was not talking about me so it must be a philosophical argument regarding his mates; magic philosophical terrorists, I like it
-after being involved in some close range fights, I managed to escape my surrounding enemies by climbing up a ladder; a few seconds later one terrorist was climbing the ladder after me, with the logical intention to eliminate me; but after climbing up the ladder, he just stopped looking to some agnostic wall; philosophy kill us all; this happening confirms me once again I am right about the deep education and implication of the terrorists into philosophy
-it seems they have some kind of device appearing in front of me from nowhere, maybe some teleportstion device, also these teleporters seems to be trigged by some invisible alarm trap I step into
-they must have some paranormal sense of knowing my position, doesn't matter how hard I try to hide by changing my position-example with the ladder is concludent: as soon as I was climbing the ladder, doesn't matter no enemy was able too see me, they all came right to me, defying the general survival rule of self preservation, through other things
-terrorists all have some secret code, they don't use regular grenades, only flashbangs and rarely incendiary grenades
-seems the terrorists are not walking, but flowing through air, as most times you don't hear their footsteps, even if they are running behind you
-they know all locations like their own pocket so they are able to round you and shoot you from behind just a few seconds after you initiated the attack
I could complain that FEAR enemies have much more realistic behaviour, but now I understand RV 2 must be based on some Tolkien novel
1579 Hits
cg_crosshairColor and vq3 (64 comments)
Posted by baron Railgun @ 06:47 CDT, 17 June 2008 - iMsg
where in the fuckin' God's name do I have to look to modify the colour of the crosshair ?
cg_crosshair is white
ch_crosshair is something similar
still I have a faggin violet crosshair colour

damn u arqon with your faggin vq3 and all that "new" stuff
could you not just adjust the old console commands? now I have to read entire manuals just to learn how to modify the colour of the crosshair ?
osp is waaaaaaaaaaay2good compared to ur vq3
12015 Hits
ESWC Russia demos here (14 comments)
Posted by baron Railgun @ 04:35 CDT, 15 June 2008 - iMsg
here I have to ask too where are teh demos ?
5311 Hits
Anyone with hacking skillz here ? (161 comments)
Posted by baron Railgun @ 18:40 CDT, 1 June 2008 - iMsg
I want to get my gf's (kinda) messenger logs and because we don't stay in the same town anymore, I have to access her computer from the Internet, she have some crappy xp system and don't have big knowledge in setting a high security on her PC
I did not study the problem on the net yet, any fast ideas/suggestions would be appreciated (+)
k 10x :p
25029 Hits
Red Orchestra (8 comments)
Posted by baron Railgun @ 17:37 CST, 11 February 2008 - iMsg
I buyed Red Orchestra
I gave them my money
Right ?
And what do I find out ?
Despite the fact that this game is not a new game anymore, the patches did not fix a main problem that you have in the game: if you are prone and strafe left or right and there is something not very big in your way, you wake up on top of that shit! now I understand that you may climb, but in order to do this, that stuff must be in front of you, not on your left/right
So I pay for a game and what do I find out ? Once you give them your money they don't do shit to fix major problems.
If I understand correctly this game evolved first as a mod, with thousand of new adds every patch.
Once it became a market product it stopped evolving.
And this is not the only stupid thing about this game
The recoil of some machineguns is too big and unrealistic, the idea that you should use your mouse to simulate the use of your muscles to reduce the effect of the recoil is just stupid, if that was the idea. You may shoot an enemy from behind from 15 meters, round after round, he have time to go prone, turn to you and shoot you, well this is a a hell of a realism
You run like an 55 years old smoker, after running for 100 meters you are close to dead lol, realism
Grenades inflict too much radius damage, there is many times no sound when they fall
The whole movement and reflections are stupid, the speed of the strafe is too high because poor player models animation (FEAR have a much better player movement animation, Red Orchestra should have at least player animation at this quality, if he wanna be called realistic game), and the speed when you want to aim is too low, not to mention many times if you don't obsessely press the aim button it won't aim at all especially if you run before
And there would be more!

I must repeat, this game was evolving, afaik, now what was happening ?No more evolution ?Game over ?Because I hardly see they will fix this stuff
Edited by Nicky at 03:35 CST, 12 February 2008 - 2969 Hits
Great matches that never took place (30 comments)
Posted by baron Railgun @ 20:20 CST, 27 November 2007 - iMsg
Name some and who you think would have been the winner

for example:
fatal1ty vs cooller on pdm6 -cooller would have win that maybe :-?
ZeRo4 vs Lakerman on pt4 -dunno, z4 ?
jibo vs czm on pt4 -jibo maybe on ESWC 2005, dunno in rest of the
(don't necessarily have to be quake3)
Edited by Nicky at 14:56 CST, 5 January 2008 - 7246 Hits
Germany bans another game (60 comments)
Posted by baron Railgun @ 07:15 CDT, 27 September 2007 - iMsg

Are these people stupid or just...stupid ?

EDIT: seems was not accurate on this (see comments below)
Edited by Nicky at 15:00 CST, 5 January 2008 - 10338 Hits
Id d3 engine without metal shaders (45 comments)
Posted by baron Railgun @ 02:33 CDT, 13 September 2007 - iMsg
I found out why they did not implement metal shaders in their doom3 based engine games.
I modified the pro-q3tourney4 bluemetal1b_shiny material so he acted like the bluemetal1b_chrome material (the metal which we have in q3tourney4) and run some random demo with timedemo 1 with and without that material, on full details.
The results are relevant I think. Without that material I got 119 fps, and with that metal material on the results were giving 64.9 fps, so the performance drop with almost 50%.
That's why they removed quake3 shader instructions when they made doom3, they did not want to have people doing fancy things, trying too much and looking in their engine to find out it is a bad concepted engine.
There might be a small possibility that material in particular is causing such a fps drop.
Unless they change some code, maybe remove real time shadows, I expect to see more Id games coming out with plastic aspect materials all the way.
Edited by Nicky at 15:02 CST, 5 January 2008 - 12427 Hits
Bioshock. What ? (85 comments)
Posted by baron Railgun @ 19:16 CDT, 17 August 2007 - iMsg
So what's the big deal with this game the guys got nuts ?
Is this game like Deus Ex 1 somehow? You don't have scripted A.I. ?.
So? The "big" graphics? Or some people are just easy to be pleased now in lack of any major new fps game ?
Haven't try it out yet, just asking...
Edited by Nicky at 15:05 CST, 5 January 2008 - 12225 Hits
so which one is cooller's grandfather ? (39 comments)
Posted by baron Railgun @ 20:58 CDT, 18 April 2007 - iMsg
I mean Jesus f* Christ!
there were thousands and thousands of people killed by snipers in WW II
war is hell, that's for sure
u think these records are real ?
Edited by Nicky at 15:16 CST, 5 January 2008 - 10288 Hits
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