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Q2 Scene - new head admin needed (8 comments)
Posted by CAREEM @ 11:30 CDT, 1 September 2010 - iMsg
Hello fellow quakers! As it was mentioned after last season, we are looking for new headadmin for EDL. So far noone suitable for this position showed up, so we'd like to highlight our search for admin again. If we can't find someone who can run the league, it is possible that we won't have another season of EDL this year. There's also a possibility that somebody from previous admin crew will change his/her mind and become active admin again, but that might not happen as well, so if you want to see another season of EDL and you would like to help q2 comunity, feel free to /msg wision on IRC or via q2scene messenger!
8448 Hits
Official maps?! (62 comments)
Posted by CAREEM @ 05:45 CDT, 1 September 2010 - iMsg
Discuss official maps here:

Imo current official maps are so wrong. I would like to see only new maps or at least see House of Decay replaced with Lost World.
10400 Hits
Quake meets ...WoW Arena? (30 comments)
Posted by CAREEM @ 16:09 CDT, 17 August 2010 - iMsg
King of the Server (KotS), in this case the 2007 variant, is a mod that takes regular deathmatch and mixes it up with some RPG elements.
"As you join one of the servers you're prompted to begin a character based on your in-game name. As you start fragging away in a FFA DM setting your character will gain exp points, as well as credits and increase in levels. For each level you grow you gain points that allow you to upgrade weapons and playertrees such as: Strength, Dexterity, Wisdom and Rage."

The character database gets reset tonight so everyone starts at level 0 again and the servers will be crowded!

Links: Q2 Download Quake II KotS, KotS forum, KotS Guide, mIRC #q2kots
Edited by xou at 17:29 CDT, 17 August 2010 - 17075 Hits (20 comments)
Posted by CAREEM @ 00:25 CDT, 13 May 2010 - iMsg
I would like to introduce a brand new page for Slovenian Quake community.

(upam da se registrirate in pridruzite slo quake sceni!)
7009 Hits
Cypher at the Intel Extreme Masters (2 comments)
Posted by CAREEM @ 10:18 CDT, 29 April 2010 - iMsg

0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
Rating: 8 (15 votes)
Netherlands Musashiii has made a new Quake Live fragmovie called: Cypher at the Intel Extreme Masters.
After following Cypher in his progaming career. And after some insane shots i saw on the ESLtv stream i decided to make a little Movie about his performance in the Intel Extreme Masters (IEM)
Edited by xou at 10:59 CDT, 29 April 2010 - 2574 Hits
ESWC Slovenia (28 comments)
Posted by CAREEM @ 08:00 CDT, 23 April 2010 - iMsg
Slovenia will also have ESWC qualifiers for Grand Final in Paris. There will be qualifiers for Quake Live, Trackmania Nations Forever, Warcraft III Frozen Throne and Fifa 2010. The sign-ups for ESWC Slovenia are already open. Qualifiers will be held on the 8th of May in Slovenia Ljubljana. The winner will travel to France and represent Slovenia in the world finals at Disneyland, Paris.
fifa_ Fifa 2010 (PS3)
wc3 Warcraft III Frozen Throne (PC)
tmn Tracmania Nations Forever (PC)
ql Quake Live (PC)
Links: Facebook,
Edited by xou at 05:15 CDT, 26 April 2010 - 12436 Hits
PURRI WON EDL #8 (31 comments)
Posted by CAREEM @ 11:02 CDT, 21 March 2010 - iMsg
EDL had this season 98 participants and now has finally reached the finals. Tonight at 14:00 CDT we will see big finals between Finland syanid and Sweden PURRI. Live stream will be at and shoutcaster will be United States of America Jehar. More information about tonights game can be found on EDL and on mIRC mIRC #edl.
Another year has passed since the last EDL finals, so I believe you are very tempted to see yet another awesome match between two duel masters. In the final we will see last year winner and title defender PURRI facing well known Finnish dueller Syanid. These two players already met together in EDL finals before. Not many newcomers will remember this because it happened six years ago in EDL #1. Their last meeting turned into victory for PURRI and leaving Syanid to take 2nd place.

UPDATE: Sweden PURRI won with the score 3:1 - demos - VOD - Pre-match discussion with PURRI and syanid

Q2 Download Quake II
Edited by CAREEM at 01:54 CDT, 22 March 2010 - 17058 Hits
NDML9: Invitational (19 comments)
Posted by CAREEM @ 22:19 CDT, 17 March 2010 - iMsg
There was no official game some time in Q2 Quake2. Why's that? Oh, right, the last NDML season was canceled after only 8 teams signed up... Q2scene spent a year (sobbing and) waiting for the NDML9 to come. And here it is! A few days ago, Belgium Gravgon announced he is looking for active teams to compete in a new season of the league! The number of teams, which was not enough for the league to be run last year (8), was said to be enough this year. But as it turns out, it's not that easy to gather 8 nations to play.

This spawned a discussion what to do so the league starts and, as Gravgon put it, doesn't feel "forced" with half-active teams and imaginary countries. That's when the NDML9: Invitational idea emerges, but that leaves a bunch of questions: who to invite, on what conditions, what would be the league layout, considering the small number of teams. How would you like the league to look like? How do you see it? Post your ideas!

Links: NDML, mIRC #ndml
Edited by xou at 22:38 CDT, 17 March 2010 - 9214 Hits
House of Quake Leagues! (43 comments)
Posted by CAREEM @ 21:51 CDT, 16 March 2010 - iMsg
House Of Quake wants to welcome and introduce you to the new Quake Leagues. HOQ will have ql Quake Live and Q2 Rocket Arena II leagues. There will be Quake Live Duel, Quake Live Clan Arena 2v2, Quake Live Clan Arena 3v3 and Quake2 Rocket Arena II 2v2 Leagues. The map list of each game mode can be discussed at HOQ forum since map list does not have final decision. All participants have to idle on #HoQLeagues. The head admin of these leagues is United Kingdom HowHard and the deadline to sign-up is 17:00 CDT, 31 March 2010.

Info and sign-ups:
ql Duel
ql CA 2v2
ql CA 3v3
Q2 RA2 2v2

Download: Q2 Quake II - Rocket Arena 2
Edited by xou at 08:24 CDT, 17 March 2010 - 12459 Hits
ESWC2010 (41 comments)
Posted by CAREEM @ 08:30 CST, 15 February 2010 - iMsg
"Qualification process will start in January 2010, Games Solution is aiming to gather 32 countries to participate in the ESWC come back."

Can any1 tell me when will qualification start and in what countries?
6593 Hits
Damiah won The Edge Finals (102 comments)
Posted by CAREEM @ 03:03 CST, 29 January 2010 - iMsg
Q2scene has finally reached the Edge finals. Out of 100 contestants were left only four to face each other and to prove who is the Edge champion in Europe and USA. Today at 20:00 CET there will be finals between Finland Damiah and Sweden PURRI for 1st place.

Grand Final:
Sweden PURRI 0:3 Finland Damiah

Match for 3rd place:
Estonia Aone vs Finland Gerppa

Previous News :: Quick Quake2 Installer :: mIRC #edge.q2 :: GTV :: VideoStream & AudioStream by United States of America Jehar :: Demos :: VOD
Edited by Badb0y at 05:43 CST, 30 January 2010 - 32024 Hits
Wizards won EuroQ2L! (41 comments)
Posted by CAREEM @ 11:39 CST, 17 December 2009 - iMsg
The Q2TDM tournament league Euroq2l have reached the finals! There are only two strongest teams left to face it and to prove who is the new champion of the European Quake2 League season #12. The tournament will have full coverage with GTV and a shoutcaster - United States of America Jehar with video streaming. Finals will start tonight at 14:30 CDT. Read the full full preview or a quick statement.

Update: Finland Wizards won with the score 3:2 - demos - VOD

Streaming: - audio only - GTV MVD (connect to /
mIRC #euroq2l - Q2 Download Quake 2
Edited by CAREEM at 19:45 CST, 17 December 2009 - 13363 Hits
Posted by CAREEM @ 17:20 CDT, 18 October 2009 - iMsg
Scheduled: 07:00 CDT, 18 October 2009 to 13:00 CDT, 18 October 2009
Schedule: Passed

Update: The tournament is over, final results are:
cup_gold 1st: Sweden PURRI - 100€
cup_silver 2nd: Finland Provi - 50€
cup_bronze 3rd: Finland Damiah - 30€


Q2scene just announced their 8 invites for European Duel league Invitational. Eight players will face each other in two groups of four players each and the top two of each group will reach the playoffs. The tournament will have full coverage with GTV and a shoutcaster - United States of America jehar with video / audio streaming. The tournament will start on 18th of October at 13:00 CET.
Along with EDL #8, we will host on this site one-day invitational tournament for 8 players from all over Europe. Players will be divided in two groups, where players will play each other and two top players will advance to double elimination playoffs. Rules are almost the same as in EDL while playoff is played in double elimination BO3 matches and grand final will be BO5.

Links: Quick Quake2 Installer - mIRC #edl - Q2scene, all about Quake 2!
Edited by CAREEM at 20:37 CDT, 18 October 2009 - 9358 Hits
The Edge League (93 comments)
Posted by CAREEM @ 07:16 CDT, 5 October 2009 - iMsg
Q2scene is once again proud to present another league. This time Belgium Gerdt has decided to make a league with only one map played. The map will be The Edge - q2dm1, probably the most know and most played map ever in Quake2. Signups are open untill Friday 9 Oktober 24.00 CET and the league will start on Monday 12. Oktober.
Many people will agree with me when I say q2dm1 is the queen of all quake2 duel maps, and maybe even the best duel map ever built. That's why I decided to have a new duel league where only 1 map will be played: q2dm1.

Links: Quick Quake2 Installer - mIRC #edge.q2 (on Qnet).
Edited by CAREEM at 10:39 CDT, 9 October 2009 - 26533 Hits
EDL #8 (13 comments)
Posted by CAREEM @ 07:09 CDT, 2 October 2009 - iMsg
Q2scene is proud to announce another European Duel League season. The tournament will be played in best of five with double elimination. EDL will be lead by head admin Czech Republic wision. The signups will be opened until 11th of October. For more information join mIRC #edl on QuakeNet or visit EDL.
Welcome to the 8th season of European Duel League! Summer is definitely over and that is a sign of new EDL season coming up. This year's layout will be same as previous season, meaning that we will have elimination stage, which will determine 24 players who will go to the group stage, where they will meet 8 players who were invited directly to the group stage.

If you want to participate in this tournament then just sign up on!
Edited by CAREEM at 09:01 CDT, 6 October 2009 - 4117 Hits
Jump Tournament for money to win! (20 comments)
Posted by CAREEM @ 14:38 CDT, 28 September 2009 - iMsg
Thanks to the great success of the previous Quake2 jump tournaments, a new edition will be held shortly! The winners will be awarded with the prize money of 125€ in total and the deadline for sign-ups is 4th of October. The tournament will be lead again by Lithuania APKIS and Norway _SK3L3T0R_. For more info visit Q2jump or mIRC #q2.jump.

Previous Q2 jump news - Sign-ups
Edited by Badb0y at 18:17 CDT, 28 September 2009 - 11196 Hits
n00k1e won the Quake-2-Jump event (99 comments)
Posted by CAREEM @ 11:42 CDT, 20 September 2009 - iMsg
*UPDATE*: Poland n00k!e was 1st who completed a map and won 35EU

Norway _SK3L3T0R_ is organizing something special for all Quake 2 jumpers. You can win money to complete a map. The first player who completes the map draxi6 will be awarded 25€. The map will be uploaded on 09:00 CDT, 20 September 2009. The maximum number of clients will be increased and the map will run until we have a winner.

More info can be found on or at mIRC #q2.jump.

Links: Quick Quake2 Installer - mIRC #q2.jump (on Qnet) - Q2 Defrag Movie - Q2scene, all about Quake 2!
Edited by CAREEM at 18:09 CDT, 20 September 2009 - 21357 Hits
Euro Quake2 League #12 Signups Open (10 comments)
Posted by CAREEM @ 00:52 CDT, 5 September 2009 - iMsg
Scheduled: 04:00 CDT, 5 September 2009 to 16:59 CDT, 20 September 2009
Schedule: Passed

Q2scene is about to start another great season of the infamous Euroq2l. After many very successful seasons q2scene decided to continue the tradition! The league will again be lead by the head admin Czech Republic wision. The league will have divisions for any kind of skill-level. If you want to sign your clan up click here if you want to create one you have to contact an admin first. The deadline for signups is 20th of September.
"Welcome to the 12th season of the most awesome Q2 4v4 TDM league! Hopefully you have all woken up from summer sleep.. If not, then now is the right time. The signups for this season are opened until 20th of September, so you've got enough time to sign your clan in. Layout of the league will be announced right after the signups are closed. Don't forget the usual stuff like fixing your clan info and squad list."
Quick Quake2 Installer
mIRC #euroq2l (on Qnet).
Q2scene, all about Quake2!
Edited by xou at 06:55 CDT, 5 September 2009 - 6387 Hits
Does k1ck-Yuka cheat? (wallhack/aimbot) (971 comments)
Posted by CAREEM @ 19:41 CDT, 4 July 2009 - iMsg
I think we have a cheater on Quake Live, Yuka.

The evidence:
- He has been caught in Counter Strike for using wallhack and in Quake2 for using ratbot.

- He apparently bought a brand new mouse and suddenly improved. Additionally he won a new mouse at a Slovenian tournament but said he didn't need it.

- His average accuracy against average players two-three weeks ago was around 18-33% and he was also being beaten by average players. But now he has accuracy against top players (strenx, spartie, blanka and bodzo) of around 45-58%, and he is now beating them (bodzo / blanka and strenx with a frag difference of more than 15-20 a few times).

Examples games versus strenx / spartie (with a "new" mouse):

Examples games at clan base (with his old mouse vs some avarage players):

If you check weapon accuracy, mg 50%, lg 45-50% and rg 63-65%, however you still can fake % in ql. (with a "new" mouse)

Example of Quake Live hacks:

Is YUKA using a wallhack?:

People post your thoughts. Did he really become so good because of a mouse or is he cheating?

Interesting post by rax
SyncError's response regarding a ban from QuakeLive
Edited by CAREEM at 16:59 CST, 9 November 2009 - 408701 Hits
EDL, THE FINAL (38 comments)
Posted by CAREEM @ 08:07 CDT, 26 April 2009 - iMsg
Scheduled: 12:30 CDT, 26 April 2009
Schedule: Passed

Tonight at 12:30 CDT is the European Duel League super final between Sweden PURRI and Finland Damiah. Finland Damiah already lost a game against him in WB finals with 3:0. Now he needs to beat Sweden PURRI twice in order to win the EDL finals.
All information about tonights game can be found on IRC mIRC #edl or on the official EDL site.


Shoutcast: by United States of America peewee & United States of America DaHanG
Q2 Download Quake II
Edited by Nukm at 10:22 CDT, 26 April 2009 - 11599 Hits
Posted by CAREEM @ 09:15 CDT, 23 April 2009 - iMsg
The Slovenian Quake Live tournament got new sponsors and new sponsored prizes. Prizes were edited and this time the first 8 players will receive something. Currently 29 of the 32 slots are filled. More information about the tournament can be found in mIRC or on the DHC forums. You can also check the previous post.

The new sponsors are AGT computers d.o.o with steelseries.
Edited by xou at 11:24 CDT, 23 April 2009 - 8297 Hits
EDL, LB FINALS! (22 comments)
Posted by CAREEM @ 04:35 CDT, 21 April 2009 - iMsg
Tonight at 13:00 CDT the European Duel League presents it's Lower Bracket game between Finland Damiah and Poland Ibogine. The winner of today's match will face Sweden PURRI in the super finals on Sunday! All information about tonight's and Sunday's matches can be found on IRC mIRC #edl.


Shoutcast: by United States of America [BTF]Jehar
Q2 Download Quake II
Edited by KekS at 05:34 CDT, 21 April 2009 - 9732 Hits
Slovenian QL 1v1 Tournament! (55 comments)
Posted by CAREEM @ 06:22 CDT, 16 April 2009 - iMsg
Scheduled: 11:00 CDT, 10 May 2009 to 16:00 CDT, 10 May 2009
Schedule: Passed

We're proud to announce our first on-line Slovenian QuakeLive duel tournament. The tournament will be played in best of three with double elimination and the player limit will be 32. The tournament will start at Sunday, 11:00 CDT, 10 May 2009, check-ins will open at 17:00 CEST. More info about the tournament can be found here or in on QuakeNet.

Slovenian QuakeLive 1v1 tournament sponsors are racunalniske-novice and Joker.

*UPDATE* (28.04.09) The tourney has been delayed by a week and will now take place on 11:00 CDT, 10 May 2009.
Edited by KekS at 12:58 CDT, 28 April 2009 - 23658 Hits
FOOKI WON! (196 comments)
Posted by CAREEM @ 21:23 CDT, 8 April 2009 - iMsg
The winner of our first is Sweden fooki! In the Winner Brackets Final Poland bodzo knocked the Swedish player out to the Loser Brackets with a score of 2-1. However, Sweden fooki managed to beat everyone in LB and played his Polish opponent once again in the Grand Final. The games were a worth watch: Poland bodzo's amazing RailGun vs Sweden fooki's unstoppable LightingGun!

Final standings:
cup_gold Sweden fooki
cup_silver Poland bodzo
cup_bronze Poland Blanka
4-6. Spain pizo, Poland bloodpa1nt, Italy fl4sh

Demos, brackets and videos of the tournament are available. The signups for next tournament are already open! There will be only 64 slots this time. Feel free to signup and follow the tournament! More info on IRC: mIRC
Edited by xou at 05:32 CDT, 9 April 2009 - 33091 Hits
european QL1v1 tournament! (53 comments)
Posted by CAREEM @ 11:10 CDT, 26 March 2009 - iMsg
Poland Festival has decided to run a new QL tournament in Europe. Since the scene in QL is so big he decided to make a tournament with 128 players. The system will be best-of-three and with double elimination brackets. The dates are not decided yet, but they will be when the tournament will have full slots. For more info join at mIRC - mIRC

If you want to participate in this tournament then click here to signup!
Edited by CAREEM at 10:26 CDT, 27 March 2009 - 9867 Hits
EDL #7 WB FINALS! (15 comments)
Posted by CAREEM @ 10:55 CDT, 24 March 2009 - iMsg
Scheduled: 16:00 CDT, 24 March 2009 to 17:00 CDT, 24 March 2009
Schedule: Passed

European Duel League have reached the winner brackets finals! The WB finals will be played between our four time EDL champion Finland Damiah and our World - Qcon2005 / EDL#1 champion Sweden PURRI. All information about tonight's game can be found at mIRC mIRC #edl.The finals will be played tonight at 16:00 CDT!

The shout casting will be sponsored by - United States of America [BTF]Jehar.

Q2 Download Quake II
Edited by CAREEM at 14:55 CDT, 24 March 2009 - 5920 Hits
EDL #7 1/4 and 1/2 FINALS! (24 comments)
Posted by CAREEM @ 09:48 CDT, 18 March 2009 - iMsg
EDL has finally moved on to the next rounds! Matches in 1/2 winner brackets are between Finland Damiah - Lithuania DM, and Sweden PURRI - Poland Assasin. In losers bracket the players will have to play two games per week. The deadline and forced date will be on Sunday 22.3.2009 - 17:59 CDT!

Previous news

Website: - IRC: mIRC #edl - Q2 Download Quake 2
Edited by CAREEM at 15:31 CDT, 18 March 2009 - 7167 Hits
Posted by CAREEM @ 10:13 CDT, 9 March 2009 - iMsg
Slovenia CAREEM, Poland Festival and Poland urbasek have opened new page for Quake Live. The purpose of this page is to share all kind of Quake Live demos from all around the world.
If you think a demo is a worth watch then register, upload and of course comment a demo!

DEMOSQUAD // #quakelive.ds mIRC
Edited by CAREEM at 10:50 CDT, 10 March 2009 - 4808 Hits
EDL #7: the Playoffs (16 comments)
Posted by CAREEM @ 14:56 CST, 23 February 2009 - iMsg
The famous European duel league has reached the playoffs stage! This EDL season had 107 participants and now 16 players are left. Only one of them can become the new EDL champion! The playoffs will be played with best-of-5's in a double brackets. The deadline for these matches is Sunday 16:00 CST, 1 March 2009.

Website: - IRC: mIRC #edl - Q2 Download Quake 2
Edited by CAREEM at 09:27 CDT, 18 March 2009 - 6915 Hits
Interview with Jarkko "Damiah" Liukkonen (39 comments)
Posted by CAREEM @ 18:28 CDT, 14 October 2008 - iMsg has interviewed the best Quake 2 player Finland Damiah. Many people knows Sweden PURRI as a world greatest Q2 player. In interview he is talking about his games with Sweden PURRI, sponsors and many other interesting things! How about sponsors, do you have a sponsor, would you like to join fnatic or SK gaming?

Damiah: Nope, dont have any sponsors. Would I want to join.. well, if someone thinks I would be worth sponsoring in a game that inspires me play a lot, then why not.
Feel free to read the entire interview with Damiah on!

Damiah's achievement:
Edited by Nicky at 00:30 CDT, 15 October 2008 - 19611 Hits
Posted by CAREEM @ 11:43 CDT, 21 September 2008 - iMsg
Quake2 movie creator Spain Bullz made another Quake2 movie. The movie is really enjoyable especially if you are a Quake2 player. However, the movie is a must see!



Featuring Lithuania Apkis, Europe Skulle, Hungary Dud4, Finland Dimmo and Denmark Daelmun

Edited by CAREEM^^ at 11:50 CDT, 21 September 2008 - 4802 Hits
(2.0) -vs- Wizards (19 comments)
Posted by CAREEM @ 03:26 CDT, 18 September 2008 - iMsg

0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
Rating: 8.4 (4 votes)
Gametype: Team Game
Map: N/A
Mod: Team Death Match
Viewpoint: Damiah
How to play back Q2 demos

1st division game between our favorite Quake2 clans Finland Two-point-o - (2.0) and Finland [Wizards] - [Wizards].

Demos are a must see!!

Edited by Nicky at 03:41 CDT, 18 September 2008 - 8673 Hits
EURO Q2L #10 (12 comments)
Posted by CAREEM @ 02:53 CDT, 15 September 2008 - iMsg
Q2scene wants to welcome you and introduce to the 10th season of Euroq2l, after great seasons q2scene decided to continue the tradition! This season have 34 clans signed from all over the Europe! The head admins for upcoming season will be: Finland Foen, Belgium Gravgon, Sweden Pogo, Sweden Spam, Slovakia wision, Sweden ph and Q2 star admin Lithuania __d34d!
"Welcome to the 10th season of EuroQ2L! After so many seasons, it's safe to say that you are about to play in the most prestigious Q2TDM clan league. The whole gaming world will be watching you so make sure to be on your best behaviour."

Previous EQ2L News
Quick Quake2 Installer

mIRC #euroq2l (on Qnet).
Q2scene, all about Quake2!
Edited by Badb0y at 12:38 CDT, 20 September 2008 - 7624 Hits
Quick Quake2 Installer (146 comments)
Posted by CAREEM @ 08:36 CDT, 3 September 2008 - iMsg
Are you bored making Quake2 all the time step by step? Here is the Quick Quake2 installer for you. All what you need to do is to download Quick Quake2 installer, install on your disc and play the game!

Download Quick Quake2 Installer, install the game and enjoy it! Quick Quake2 installer have under Quake2 / Multiplayer / join network server, servers only for beginners. Of course this installer is for everyone not just for beginners. Are you asking your self what will cost you? What to setup? How long will it take to set/download everything? The only thing that actually will cost you is less then 10mins of waiting to download the game.

"If you have no chance of actually killing your enemy I advice you retreating when you can't survive a direct hit rocket. It's a easy enough rule to follow. If both are low, take a chance if you really need the frag. Don't attack a fully stacked enemy with only 100 health and no armor, and don't expect to kill a fully stacked enemy at first attack. It usually takes more than one attack/retreat series to kill an enemy in control. Be patient, your chance will come sooner or later."

More of "newbie guide to 1v1" you can find it in Quick Quake2 installation!

Quake2 is created with Q2demo + 3.20v. All files are legal.
Edited by CAREEM at 20:39 CDT, 21 October 2013 - 68402 Hits
OpenTDM new Quake2 mod (73 comments)
Posted by CAREEM @ 01:20 CDT, 1 September 2008 - iMsg
The famous R1Q2 client and anticheat Quake2 Quake2 creator
United Kingdom R1CH has released latest OpenTDM version with everything fixed and with some new features.

R1Q2 (client)
Using R1Q2 and R1GL together is strongly recommended for optimum performance and stability.

Quake2 download.
Q2scene, all about Quake2!
Edited by CAREEM^^ at 13:01 CDT, 1 September 2008 - 20022 Hits
Quake2 EuroQ2l #10 (47 comments)
Posted by CAREEM @ 22:56 CDT, 25 August 2008 - iMsg
European Quake2 League (EQ2L) is an online Quake2 Quake2 teamplay 4 versus 4 tournament since 2003.
"It is again that time of a year when it is time to change beach to Quake2 and sun to your monitor light, because Euroq2l is here with its 10th edition. Slovakia wision is leading the way again and he opened the signups yesterday evening. You have two weeks to gather your team and join the league. Signups will be closed on 5th September. League format is still a bit unknown, since it is impossible to know how many clans will signup so it will be decided later, but basic rules will remain same, which you can find here."

mIRC #euroq2l (on Qnet).
Quake2 download . Click "Pobierz" to download.
Q2scene, all about Quake2!
Edited by CAREEM^^ at 01:36 CDT, 12 September 2008 - 17899 Hits
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