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Crysis 1 coming to consoles (6 comments)
Posted by Monkey_Business @ 03:27 CDT, 9 September 2011 - iMsg

I don't know how they tweaked the CryEngine 2 to work with the console hardware. I bet that the graphics will be watered down.
1863 Hits
Dick Tracy game for the NES (9 comments)
Posted by Monkey_Business @ 05:17 CDT, 8 September 2011 - iMsg
When I was a wee-high kid (6-7 years old) playing the Dick Tracy game on the NES, and I quite clearly remember that at one point in the game, you could shoot people who were chained up to walls, and even people in wheelchairs -- holy shit!

Back then, video games were not excessively violent. But who's idea was it to allow players the ability to shoot helpless people chained up to walls and people in wheelchairs?

In today's world, such a feature would be politically incorrect and would probably offend many people.
3241 Hits
Quad SLI/Xfire (11 comments)
Posted by Monkey_Business @ 06:10 CDT, 4 September 2011 - iMsg
I have two HD 5870's in crossfire and I don't understand the necessity of having more than two graphics cards in a system.

There are many inherent problems with having four graphics cards. With heat and staggering power consumption being the most prominent. Four-way HD 6970 or GTX 580's can use 1,400W+ of total system power at full load. The only PSU that I know of capable of powering four GPU's at full-bore (tested) is the Silverstone 1,500W. Also, your typical power socket cannot handle the load and circuit breakers can blow. Requiring an electrician to repair.

Don't forget the chip-damaging heat four graphics cards can produce. And since they are right next to each other, they share the heat. This can cause some of the cards to exceed 90 *C in some cases.

Who the hell would need four GPU's in SLI/CF? It's better to have two dual-core GPU's like two HD 6990's or two GTX 590's instead of having four individual graphics cards. While sacrificing some performance due to the cards being downclocked.

It's hard to overclock the dual core GPU's to match the clock speeds of their single core counterparts. The cards are downclocked for heat/power reasons.

Two or three is more than enough for most applications. Also, the performance scaling after two GPU's isn't very good. A third card might add 40% more performance, while a fourth will give about 25%.

Trying to run Crysis on 2560x1600 with 32xMSAA with graphics mods installed and on multiple monitors might need four GPU's. But I can't think of anything else.

Does anyone here have four graphics cards in their system? If so, can you give me some input?
2656 Hits
GTX 680 twice as fast as GTX 580? (36 comments)
Posted by Monkey_Business @ 17:00 CDT, 31 August 2011 - iMsg
I read on a hardware website that the new GeForce GTX 680 "Kepler" cards will offer almost twice the performance as the GTX 580.

Now that's damn impressive!

Anyone who is considering building an enthusiast gaming rig should wait until early 2012 for the Kepler cardsd!
6266 Hits
Man in jail cell dives into toilet! (15 comments)
Posted by Monkey_Business @ 15:53 CDT, 31 August 2011 - iMsg
2786 Hits
Has anyone here ever fragged Fatal1ty? (19 comments)
Posted by Monkey_Business @ 23:00 CDT, 28 August 2011 - iMsg
Even though Johanathan "Fatal1ty" Wendel is no longer the world's #1 gamer, has anyone here ever played him or perhaps fragged or beaten him?
5058 Hits
Claymore mines are returning in BF3 (17 comments)
Posted by Monkey_Business @ 13:52 CDT, 21 August 2011 - iMsg
If anyone has played Battlefield 2 online for more than a few hours, you will understand what a nuisance claymore mines can be.

Especially in infantry-only servers. A claymore mine is literally around every single corner. All people do is plant them left and right, and they cannot be destroyed or avoided.

Some people get 25 kills per round using claymore mines.

Perhaps BF3 will allow players to destroy or disable enemy clays.
4053 Hits
Do pro gamers play on public servers? (28 comments)
Posted by Monkey_Business @ 07:56 CDT, 17 August 2011 - iMsg
Do professional gamers occasionally play on public servers in games like battlefield bc2, the quake games, team fortress, counter-strike, and other titles?

I've been playing battlefield 2 since 2005 and I have come across a few players who were extremely skilled and may possibly have been pro.
4901 Hits
Half Life gman vs X-files character (4 comments)
Posted by Monkey_Business @ 08:48 CDT, 13 August 2011 - iMsg
I noticed some resemblances between the "gman" from half life 2 and the "cigarrete smoking man" from the x-files TV show. What do you think? Do you think they used his likeness?

12689 Hits
Truck driver crosses yellow line (14 comments)
Posted by Monkey_Business @ 02:59 CDT, 10 August 2011 - iMsg
An impatient truck driver passes the double yellow line into oncoming traffic in order pass another truck that wasn't driving fast enough for him. In doing so, he comes within mere inches of hitting a passenger vehicle head-on.

2829 Hits
Special edition of Deus Ex 3? (1 comment)
Posted by Monkey_Business @ 07:06 CDT, 9 August 2011 - iMsg
I was at the mall and walked by a "gamestop" store and saw a poster about a "limited edition" of Deus Ex 3 which comes with the first two games, as well as the third.

I remember playing the first two Deus Ex games but I never finished them. It would certainly be nice to see how the new graphics shine on my monster gaming rig.

Did the change the game's coding to make them compatible with windows 7 and modern hardware?

I'm not sure if it was for the PC or consoles.
367 Hits
Cooling fan is making sounds (23 comments)
Posted by Monkey_Business @ 09:54 CDT, 24 July 2011 - iMsg
I think the cooling fan on my GPU is making an annoying rattling sound. Because when I turn the fan speed down to 20% the sound goes away.

Should I open up my case and blow into it with a can of compressed air?

How do I fix this?
5042 Hits
Will my PC max out Skyrim? (49 comments)
Posted by Monkey_Business @ 03:23 CDT, 23 July 2011 - iMsg
I heard that the system requirements for the PC version of Elder Scrolls 5 Skyrim are going to be staggering, possibly even more so than Crysis. Especially if you want to max it out. Games that are made for consoles and then ported to PC's are given major graphical facelifts because PC hardware is so much faster.

Can I play Skyrim on it's highest settings @ 1920x1080 and get a playable framerate with the following hardware setup?

*Core i7 930
*6GB DDR3 1333MHz RAM tri-channel
*MSI Big Bang Xpower X58 motherboard
*Two Radeon HD 5870's (1GBB in crossfire

I can play Crysis on all very high spec on 1920x1080 and get 30-50 fps.
6966 Hits
Corsair "force" series SSD is faulty? (10 comments)
Posted by Monkey_Business @ 01:56 CDT, 15 July 2011 - iMsg

I heard that the Corsair "force" series of solid state drives are faulty and are being recalled.

I am considering getting one of these solid state drives to install a few games on and perhaps my operating system to speed things up a bit.

But if these SSD's are faulty, should I even bother getting one? The one I want has SATA 3 speeds. And I believe my MSI X58 enthusiast motherboard is compatible with SATA 3 as well as USB 3.0.

It's about $214.99 at my local electronics store. Is it worth the money? Are there any other solid state drives comparable in price, speed, and capacity which are not faulty?
2710 Hits
Gi Joe parody dub-over (No comments)
Posted by Monkey_Business @ 23:35 CDT, 3 July 2011 - iMsg
1106 Hits
Arrow keys don't work in my BIOS (33 comments)
Posted by Monkey_Business @ 16:13 CDT, 29 June 2011 - iMsg
I tried accessing my BIOS and noticed that the arrow keys don't work. I can't select any of the options, meaning that my BIOS is "broken."

I have the MSI Big Bang Xpower X58 motherboard. I'm not sure about which BIOS version I have.

Is there any website I can visit to update my BIOS version?
18295 Hits
A workaround for Moore's law found! (28 comments)
Posted by Monkey_Business @ 13:13 CDT, 27 June 2011 - iMsg
Electronic engineers have finally discovered a solution for the inherent problems of Moore's law. It's called "3D" transistors. Meaning that transistors are stacked on top of each other, instead of trying to fit more of them onto chips horizontally. This should open up a whole new realm of possibilities to make microprocessors faster and more efficient.

This new technology will be implemented into the next-gen "ivy bridge" processor from Intel.
8414 Hits
PS4 to have faster hardware than PC's? (73 comments)
Posted by Monkey_Business @ 21:59 CDT, 26 June 2011 - iMsg
I heard a rumor about how the playstation 4 is supposed to have faster hardware than even a $5,500 gaming PC with the fastest hardware setups possible.

Also, the next-gen XBOX and Ninento Wii 2 are supposed to have faster-than-PC hardware.

The combined graphical power of 4-way SLI GTX 480 or 4-way Crossfire HD 6970 still isn't even half of what the PS4's GPU is alleged to be capable of.

There are also rumors of a 22nm TERAFLOP CPU in the next-gen consoles.
6655 Hits
Nuke plant threatened by floods (8 comments)
Posted by Monkey_Business @ 10:36 CDT, 21 June 2011 - iMsg

The "Fort Calhoun" nuclear power plant in Nebraska is almost underwater because of severe flooding. This could potentially have led to disaster if the water levels rose any higher.
2123 Hits
Question about BFBC2 weapon unlocks (2 comments)
Posted by Monkey_Business @ 02:14 CDT, 12 June 2011 - iMsg
How do I unlock the "SPECACT" (special action) weapons in battlefield bad company 2? Also, how do I unlock the M1 Garand?

I have all of the over weapons/gadgets unlocked except the SPECACT weapons and the WW2 M1 rifle.

What is the difference between the SPECACT weapons and their regular counterparts? Are they more accurate or cause more damage than the normal weapons?

This is really bugging me.
1056 Hits
SSD vs HDD (88 comments)
Posted by Monkey_Business @ 22:20 CDT, 7 June 2011 - iMsg
Large capacity hard drives should be used for mass-storage such as photos, music, video, text documents, whatever. Right now, I have a Hitachi 7200RPM 2TB hard drive, and I am considering putting a 128GB SSD in my computer to make a few games run significantly faster. About how much more performance does an SSD offer over a standard hard drive? I heard loading times in games are cut in less than half in most cases. Also, do games run smoother and feel more responsive?

SSD's are extremely expensive, a 512GB can cost more than $600. I don't have that kind of money to spend right now. So I'm going to go with a ~128GB to install about 6-7 games on or so. Particularly Battlefield 3 (when it comes out).

I have a few more questions about solid state drives. I have never used an SSD before, so I am not familiar with them. All I know is that they are many times faster than standard hard drives.

*What is the typical power consumption of these devices?
*Does it use a regular SATA cable like a hard drive?
*Will I notice significant increase in performance?
*Some solid state drives have a "TRIM" feature, what is "TRIM" and how do I know if my SSD has it?
*Does it come with software/drivers?
*How long do SSD's last before they die out? I heard that they are much less reliable than hard drives.
18431 Hits
Post your Battlefield 2/BFBC2 stats (22 comments)
Posted by Monkey_Business @ 13:43 CDT, 4 June 2011 - iMsg
I recently became a Lieutenant General in Battlefield 2 because I had earned the veteran aviator badge.

BFC2 is kind of boring.

Anyway, here is my player profile in both games. You should post yours too (if you have one).
3722 Hits
Crysis junlge map? (8 comments)
Posted by Monkey_Business @ 05:29 CDT, 3 June 2011 - iMsg

I played Crysis and Crysis Warhead from beginning to end and I do not recall any "jungle" map where I was in a densely forested jungle.

Is this a custom map? If it is, where do I download it and how to I play it?
1261 Hits
Ivy Bride chipset and socket type? (4 comments)
Posted by Monkey_Business @ 00:39 CDT, 29 May 2011 - iMsg
The Sandy Bridge processors are not significantly faster than the Nehalems, and they only have dual-channel memory.

Hopefully, the HUGE performance boost will be with the 8-core/22nm "Ivy Bridge" processors. I am curious if any official information is available about the "X68" chipset. What are some of the new features on this chipset? I heard rumors of PCIe 3.0 x32, more than twice the QPI speed, and even quad-channel memory.

I would imagine the 3rd generation of DX11 graphics cards from ATI and Nvidia will be available by then.

Hopefully, the Ivy Bridge processors will offer a performance boost similar to going from a C2Q to a Nehalem.
1321 Hits
High-resolution gaming and AA (18 comments)
Posted by Monkey_Business @ 03:46 CDT, 26 May 2011 - iMsg
I have a 1920x1080 monitor and a powerful enough rig to playably run any of my games on that resolution, even Crysis. I heard that AA (anti-aliasing) isn't necessary at high resolutions. And that adding AA at high-res is almost completely unnoticeable, and it only murders your framerate.

The only function of AA is to make jagged edges appear smoother. I believe high resolutions has this same effect, eliminating the need for AA. Although high-res AA might have some effect if you look very closely in some areas. But otherwise it is mostly unnoticeable.

I play games on 1080p with 0x AA and I do not see any jagged edges. But when I reduce the resolution, the jagged edges become very obvious.
Anisotropic filtering (AF) is a different story.

So low resolution + AA or high resolution - AA?

Not to mention that turning off all AA (especially at high-res) SIGNIFICANTLY improves your framerates.
2763 Hits
The hardest game you will EVER play! (17 comments)
Posted by Monkey_Business @ 20:35 CDT, 14 May 2011 - iMsg
It's a flash game called "QWOP"

It is virtually impossible to play.

Let's see someone here give it a try
2755 Hits
Texture problems in shift unleashed (4 comments)
Posted by Monkey_Business @ 13:03 CDT, 13 May 2011 - iMsg
I've been having texture problems and memory leaks for the PC version of need for speed shift unleashed. Sometimes the textures on the cars, and on the road, and in the sky, are all solid black.

I had this same problem with star wars the force unleashed.

Is there anything I can do to fix this? What might be causing this problem?
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Some tracks are completely unplayable because much of the road has been "blacked out."
1524 Hits
METRO 2033 DOES NOT WORK! (6 comments)
Posted by Monkey_Business @ 22:52 CDT, 19 April 2011 - iMsg
As soon as I boot up the game, it says "this application has stopped working" and "executable has stopped working." The exact same thing that happened with COD world at war. I pait $50 for this game and I can't return it after opening it. What the f#*@ is the problem?!?

How do I patch it through steam?
1825 Hits
Metro 2033 latest patch? (1 comment)
Posted by Monkey_Business @ 17:41 CDT, 19 April 2011 - iMsg
Can anyone link me to the latest patch for the PC version of Metro 2033? Every place I have found to download it requires me to pay money to sign up for something, or download other (probably malware infested) software.

I need a link to a legitimate website where I can download the full patch for this game.
1012 Hits
How will Metro 2033 run on my PC? (5 comments)
Posted by Monkey_Business @ 15:17 CDT, 19 April 2011 - iMsg
Core i7 930
6GB DDR3 1333 MHz
MSI Big Bang Xpower X58 motherboard
X2 Radeon HD 5870 (1GB) in CF
Corsair TX850 850W PSU

How will Metro 2033 run on my computer? Can I run it on 1920x1080 with DX11/tesselation enabled? I heard that Metro 2033 is even more hardware-demanding than Crysis. And that Metro is highly optimized for Nvidia cards, not ATI.
1755 Hits
New tribes game? (12 comments)
Posted by Monkey_Business @ 08:21 CDT, 17 April 2011 - iMsg
I remember 10-11 years ago playing the first starsiege tribes.Just like quake 2, it is one of the most memorable PC multiplayer games ever made. Apparently they are making a new TRIBES game called tribes ascend. Are there any screenshots or gameplay videos of this game yet?

Does anyone else here remember the first "tribes" game?
3591 Hits
Call of Duty world at war won't work (2 comments)
Posted by Monkey_Business @ 04:09 CDT, 13 April 2011 - iMsg
I tried playing call of duty world at war, and when I try booting it up, it then crashes back to windows and an error message pops up saying "call of duty world at war has stopped working, please choose to end this application now."

I've tried reinstalling it, and this same problem persists. I clearly remember playing this game a few months ago on this same computer. What the hell is the problem? The patches are like 2GB's each and you have to download them in sequence and install them in chronological order from oldest to latest. And there are like five or six patches.

Does this game have compatibility problems with Windows 7?

Oh god, why can't I run this game?..............
1070 Hits
GTA4 The lost and damned keeps crashing (9 comments)
Posted by Monkey_Business @ 10:18 CDT, 11 April 2011 - iMsg
The GTA4 expansion "the lost and damned" keeps crashing after a certain point. It's during the mission where you have to sell diamonds to some people at the museum. You get ambushed and you have to escape. The very second I exit the museum, the game crashes into desktop.

It does it over and over again. I can't play the game beyond that point.
5027 Hits
Horrible graphics glitch in Crysis 2 (3 comments)
Posted by Monkey_Business @ 21:11 CDT, 10 April 2011 - iMsg
There is a really bad graphics glitch in Crysis 2 where all the light sources are constantly flickering. It is so bad it renders the game almost unplayable. The only way to solve this problem is to either run the game in windowed mode or turn off crossfire/SLI. Apparently it only does this with multi-gpu setups.

I hope EA/Crytek releases another patch for the game fixing this problem. Or perhaps ATI/Nvidia can fix this with new drivers.
1664 Hits
Has anyone here fragged Fatal1ty? (14 comments)
Posted by Monkey_Business @ 21:04 CDT, 10 April 2011 - iMsg
Has anyone here fragged the famous pro gamer "Fatal1ty" or perhaps even beat him in a match?

On their spare time, do pro gamers sometimes play on public servers in games like UT3, any of the battlefield games, Quake 2-4, and so forth?
2314 Hits
Putting multiple GPU cores on one die? (10 comments)
Posted by Monkey_Business @ 21:00 CDT, 10 April 2011 - iMsg
If CPU's can have 2-6 cores on a single die, why can't they do the same with GPU's?

We could have a graphics card with 4-8 GPU's on a single PCB.

Imagine the possibilities.
2366 Hits
Your imput on my rig (85 comments)
Posted by Monkey_Business @ 07:57 CDT, 10 April 2011 - iMsg
A few months ago, I put together a $2,500 gaming rig. The specs are the following.

*Core i7 930
*MSI Big Bang Xpower X58 motherboard
*6GB DDR 1333MHz RAM
*X2 Radeon HD 5870's in CF
*2TB 7200RPM HDD
*ZALMAN CNPS9900 CPU cooler
*Corsair TX850 850W PSU
*Creative SB X-Fi sound card
*Coolermaster HAF 932 case

I wish I had waited a while and gotten two GTX 580's (the PALIT 3GB models) and a slightly larger power supply. But I exceeded my budget with this build.

I can max out pretty much any game out there without any noticeable lag, with the exception of Crysis and Metro 2033.

What do you think of my build?
11865 Hits
Crysis 2 PC screenshot? (6 comments)
Posted by Monkey_Business @ 15:08 CDT, 6 September 2009 - iMsg
I find it utterly impossible to believe that this is an actual in-game screenshot from the PC version of Crysis 2. My computer would explode if I tried to run this. This has to be some CG image with the Crysis HUD photoshopped into it. What do you think?
1790 Hits
Gordon Freeman's prank call (2 comments)
Posted by Monkey_Business @ 00:40 CDT, 23 August 2009 - iMsg
Some guy prank calls coast to coast AM with George Noorey, a radio show dedicated to conspiracy theories. This is hilarious! George Noorey falls for it so bad!
1823 Hits
HD 4850 512 MB running at 110* Celsius!! (19 comments)
Posted by Monkey_Business @ 19:35 CDT, 10 August 2009 - iMsg
I bought a new gaming rig to replace my old shitty desktop. Use this link to see detailed specs.

My Radeon HD 4850 512 MB idles around 80-90 degrees Celsius. When playing a 3D game, such as Crysis, or even an old title such as Battlefield 2, the temperature of the card reads 100-110+ degrees Celsius in ATI Catalyst control center. I don't know why it's getting to damn hot! I'm not sure if that is an error or an accurate reading. Are the HD 4850's known to have overheating problems?

I've been told that it's the cheap 400W power supply that gateway tossed into my computer which could be causing my problems. I bought the Corsair TX750, but I have not had it installed yet. I wonder if it will run any cooler with the new PSU. Probably not.
3526 Hits
Star Trek, Riker destroys the Enterprise (5 comments)
Posted by Monkey_Business @ 20:59 CDT, 2 July 2009 - iMsg
Hilarious Star-Trek parody video on youtube.
3523 Hits
Will a single Radeon HD 4890 run Crysis? (21 comments)
Posted by Monkey_Business @ 01:15 CDT, 2 July 2009 - iMsg
I was wondering if a single Radeon HD 4890 will run Crysis Warhead on "Enthusiast" settings at 1024x768 with no AA.
3538 Hits
S.T.A.L.K.E.R. Call of Pripyat (23 comments)
Posted by Monkey_Business @ 05:06 CDT, 1 July 2009 - iMsg
Apparently, there is a third installment in the S.T.A.L.K.E.R. game franchise. It's called "Call of Pripyat". I really liked the other two STALKER games, and I hope in this one you will be able to explore more of the Chernobyl plant itself. It would be nice if we could go into the control room. I haven't found much info on this game yet, when is it going to be released in the U.S.?
4001 Hits
Will this rig bottleneck these GPUs? (7 comments)
Posted by Monkey_Business @ 22:45 CDT, 8 March 2009 - iMsg
Will this PC bottleneck a single radeon 4870 single core or x2? Do I absolutely have to have a Core i7 965 OC'ed to 4.0 GHz with 12 GB DDR3 RAM to fully handle it's throughput? Is there any way I could upgrade the processor? I noticed that the power supply is very low for a system with these specs, if I were to upgrade, what wattage would you recommend? Could you perhaps give me some recommendations and link them to me on newegg? It took me 5 months to convince my stepfather to buy this computer, he originally wanted to buy some $400 piece of crap HP workstation.

I would have liked a PC with better specs, but he wouldn't budge.

Here is a link to the specs.
3196 Hits
I fragged the worlds #1 BF2 player (27 comments)
Posted by Monkey_Business @ 22:35 CDT, 8 March 2009 - iMsg
I was playing on a public Battlefield 2 server and fragged the worlds #1 ranked player (before he got his stats reset by EA) three or four times in a single game. His username was *=OSS*ROID=*

He was playing on an infantry only Road to Jalabad server with forty or so players in it, and was using the support class. I was able to frag him three or four times in a single round with the G36E medic unlock.

That makes me feel proud.

Does anyone know why his stats were reset?
5489 Hits
Will this rig bottleneck these GPU's? (2 comments)
Posted by Monkey_Business @ 22:11 CST, 23 January 2009 - iMsg
This is my rig I bought very recently to replace my old one.

^ Check link for system specs ^

It sports a single Radeon HD 4850 512 MB. If I were to upgrade the power supply to sufficiently power a single Radeon HD 4870 single core or X2, would the computers CPU and other components not have the processing bandwith to handle the cards colossal throughput? Would I be forced to upgrade to a high-clocked Phenom 2 or Core i7 if I wanted to use today's most powerful GPU's? Could I run Crysis on all very high settings at 800X600 or 1024X768 resolution with no major FPS loss using the HD 4870 X2?

Based on the system's specs, what power supply would you recommend for me if I were to upgrade to power the best cards?
1724 Hits
Serious problems with Gateway FX6710-01 (4 comments)
Posted by Monkey_Business @ 00:17 CST, 31 December 2008 - iMsg
I tried setting up my Gateway FX6710-01 desktop today, and everything was plugged in correctly.. But when I turned it on, the Gateway HD LCD monitor said there was no video singal. I had the mouse, keyboard, speakers, computer power plug, and the monitor power plug and monitor imput wire plugged into the blue colored port in the back of the computer.

The computer turned on, everything seemed fine, except the monitor said "no signal" on it's screen. Could the computer be broken or could there be a problem with the monitor? I paid like $1,260 for the computer, which they said had been been returned by it's previous owner because they "didn't want it". The tech people at the store said they tested it for problems once they got it back and there were none. Did they lie?

I noticed that the computer also came with an adapter for the blue monitor plug that attaches directly to the GPU. The other blue port which has a monitor symbol located on the back of the computer plugs directly into the motherboard. There are two adapters that plug into the Radeon GPU ports that may have something to do with the monitor, but I don't know what.

I hope that the computer is broken. If it is, then I will demand that they get me ahold of one that never once been used and have them set it up in front of me into a monitor to prove to me that it actually fucking works.

The monitor worked absolutely fine back in early September this year literally the last time it had been used. Hooked up to my old and semi-functional desktop. It's funny how the system came with a crossfirex connector when the mobo only has one PCI exrpess 2.0 X16 socket. It is also funny how the computer came with an HP keyboard instead of a gateway one (two entirely seperate companies)
1940 Hits
Running Battlfield 2 on Vista (3 comments)
Posted by Monkey_Business @ 03:20 CST, 9 December 2008 - iMsg
I am getting a Gateway FX6710-01 for Christmas. It uses windows vista home premium 64-bit, I really enjoy playing Battlefield 2 and it's expansions (especially online), and I was wondering if the "the Battlefield 2 collection" which includes the Battlefield 2 game, it's expansion special forces, and the two booster packs on a single DVD disk, would install, and run, on windows vista home premium 64-bit.

Do I have to install some kind of game patch for it to install and run without any problems on Vista? Since the game was released during the windows XP era, will there be any problems during installation? I have read that some people have the game crash on them about 20 minutes into gameplay into desktop without any error message when they run it on Vista.

Will I be able to install it easily if I just insert the disk into the computer, and go through with the installation process as I usually would if I were instaling it on windows XP? Will it run alot faster, more smoothly, and have faster loading times with my new PC than it would on a machine with Pentium 4, 1GB of RAM, and a radeon X800 series? Especially during online play? Will I get better FPS and less game lag? Here are the hardware specifications of that computer below.

If I were to upgrade to a Radeon HD 4870 X2, would it run Battlefield 2? And since September of 08, has there been a new Battlefield 2 game patch released? I stopped playing because of severe computer problems, let's just leave it at that. I would really appreciate it if someone with a very good knowledge of computer hardware and PC gaming would answer my questions. Especially if they themselves play Battlfefield 2 and run it on Vista.

*Chipset Intel G33
*CPU Type Core 2 Quad
*Installed Qty 1
*CPU FSB 1333MHz
*CPU Speed Q9400(2.66GHz)
*L2 Cache Per CPU 6MB
*CPU Socket Type LGA 775
*CPU Main Features 64 bit Quad-Core Processor

*GPU/VPU Type ATI Radeon HD 4850
*Graphics Interface PCI Express x16

*Memory Capacity 6GB DDR2
*Form Factor DIMM 240-pin
*Memory Spec 2GB x 2 & 1GB x 2
*Memory Slots (Available/Total) 0/4
*Maximum Memory Supported 8GB

Hard Drive
*HD Capacity 720GB
*HD Interface SATA II
*HD RPM 7200rpm
*HD Spec 16MB Cache

Optical Drive
*Optical Drive Type DVD Super Multi
*Optical Drive Spec Write max: 18x DVD-R, 18x DVD+R, 6x DVD-RW, 8x DVD+RW, 8x DVD+R DL, 8x DVD-R DL, 12x DVD-RAM, 48x CD-R, 32x
*Read max: 16x DVD-ROM, 48x CD-ROM

*Audio Chipset Integrated
*Audio Channels 8-Channel (7.1)

Modem 56K. V92
*LAN Chipset Integrated
*LAN Speed 10/100Mbps
*Front Panel Ports
*Front USB 2
*Front IEEE 1394 1
*Front Audio Ports 2
2784 Hits
Do you feel like maiming yourself after? (21 comments)
Posted by Monkey_Business @ 02:04 CST, 5 December 2008 - iMsg
Whenever I have a losing streak while playing on online game, I get the completely uncontrollable compulsion of going in my living room and bashing my head on the solid granite base of my fireplace as hard as I can about 20 times. I knocked myself out once and was bleeding out my nose when I woke up.
4454 Hits
Post your Battlefield 2 player stats (5 comments)
Posted by Monkey_Business @ 17:39 CST, 4 December 2008 - iMsg
Post your Battlefield 2 user stats in this thread.
1745 Hits
Which CPU is more powerful? (9 comments)
Posted by Monkey_Business @ 02:07 CST, 30 November 2008 - iMsg
Is a Intel Core 2 Quad more powerful than an AMD Phenom X4?
2756 Hits
High school classroom fills with sewage (18 comments)
Posted by Monkey_Business @ 23:03 CST, 18 November 2008 - iMsg

A sewage pipe broke in the roof of a high school. The rest was history....
3872 Hits
2610 Hits
Do ALL European gamers hate Americans? (184 comments)
Posted by Monkey_Business @ 20:58 CDT, 28 October 2008 - iMsg
I've spent alot of time playing on European BF2 servers, and almost every single "euro" say's rude, and hateful things about any American they see on the servers (at least the ones that actually speak english). I was wondering, is it just European gamers who hate U.S. gamers? Or is it all/most of Europe?

I was playing on a full 64-player Karkand server, I was playing as the USMC, and within less than a minute, all 32 enemy players were camping mostly at the main USMC spawn (where the tank spawns) they had even brought their own tank, as well as 2-3 APC's. The very insant you spawned, you were dead. While the euros on the other team were saying absolutely hateful, and even serious threats of violence and death to the all American players on my team.

Every European dedicated ranked BF2 server I have played on, I have been harassed by a European player.
21759 Hits
A favor to ask... (1 comment)
Posted by Monkey_Business @ 23:20 CDT, 27 October 2008 - iMsg
My desktop computer died, I took it to the PC repair shop, and they said it is either a bad motherboard and/or CPU.

I found out what kind of motherboard I had, and was wondering if you could find the same model (Asus P4P800SE) for sale anywhere on the internet on a legitimate website.

I found it on the official Asus website, but I didn't see anything about being able to buy it. Apparently, the motherboard has been discontinued. But I am sure you can find it for sale somewhere on the internet, (considering the internet's collosal size). Would you be so kind as to look on the web and see if you can't find it for sale anywhere?

It's a Asus P4P800SE

I've already found a Pentium 4 3.0 GHz HT on newegg for a bargain price.

And tell me if the website accepts vanilla cards.
1006 Hits
How long did you train to become pro? (34 comments)
Posted by Monkey_Business @ 02:50 CDT, 24 October 2008 - iMsg
I've been playing FPS games online ever since the old days of Quake 2. I can't play shit other than Diablo 2 anymore because my desktop is dead (for good) and my laptop can't stand up to Battlefield 2 since it does not have any graphics card whatsoever.

I've had my ups and downs, I pwned the shit out of a few little kids in CS at a LAN event once.

How long did it take training for you to finally be considered a professional gamer? Eight years maybe? Ten? I've watched the pro's play, and I cannot even begin to compare my skills to theirs. Especially in BF2. All I do in that game is play Strike at Karkand and set as many claymore mines as humanly possible, stand behind the protection of my team and pick off anyone I see with the sniper rifle. For some reason, I belive that if I trained every day for the rest of my life, I would never becomen any better at FPS games. Diablo 2 really doesn't require any skill, it requires really, REALLY good items and a good character build.

I won't get a new PC until I can cough up about $2,500.
8997 Hits
Has Fatal1ty ever missed a rail? (21 comments)
Posted by Monkey_Business @ 02:47 CDT, 25 September 2008 - iMsg
I was wondering if Fatal1ty has ever missed a rail playing quake. Has he ever made any other mistakes?
5349 Hits
I have an impostor! (19 comments)
Posted by Monkey_Business @ 00:06 CDT, 19 September 2008 - iMsg

Monkeybusiness, is an impostor, impersonating me and saying bad things about me for apparently no reason. Will a moderator/admin PLEASE ban him?

I am Monkey_Business, not MonkeyBusiness, I have an underscore in my name. And if you review my post history, it will prove that I am the real Monkey_Business.
4055 Hits
Battlefield 2 Complete Collection problm (5 comments)
Posted by Monkey_Business @ 00:45 CDT, 18 September 2008 - iMsg
I know I can't talk to any of you and actually get straight fucking answers to my questions. I just got my computer back from being repaired. (the hard drive wiped clean, and windows and all the drivers reinstalled because they were all corrupted) and I tried installing the "Battlefield 2 Complete Collection on my "new" PC, and the game installs. However, when it tries to patch the game to the latest version, (the patch that actually came with the game), it patches itself indefinitely. I may or may not have had this problem before, I have to take it back to the fucking PC shop and spend ANOTHER few hundred dollars to have them find out what the fucking problem is and actually install the fucking game. What could be the problem now? With all the money I've spent on getting this piece of shit repaired this year, I could have bought a $5,000 PC!!
2147 Hits
My car is slow, help me! (11 comments)
Posted by Monkey_Business @ 13:43 CDT, 17 September 2008 - iMsg
I drive a 1970 Chevy impala, and as of a few months ago, I cannot get it past 45 Mph, even on the freeway. People constantly honk at me to go faster, but I can't. I've been given a few angry hand gestures too. Do what could be wrong with my car? It won't budge past 45 even in the fourth gear.
2915 Hits
Old ATI GPU comparisons (6 comments)
Posted by Monkey_Business @ 00:25 CDT, 17 September 2008 - iMsg
I took my desktop into the PC repair shop today, and they said that I either need a new hard drive, or a new graphics card. These are my current PC specs. (I know, it's old)

*Windows XP Professional
*450 Watt PSU
*Intel Pentium 4 HT 3.0 GHz
*1024 MB DDR3 RAM
*ATI Radeon X-800 Pro
*Sound Blaster Audigy 2 ZS

*I don't know the make/model names of my hard drive and motherboard.

The guy at the PC repair shop told me that if my graphics card needs to be replaced, he was a Radeon X-1600 series in storage for $119. I was wondering, is the Radeon X-1600 series "better" at all aspects than my X-800 Pro? It's got 512 MB, my X-800 has 256.

I researched the two cards online, and these how the two cards specifications compare.
*Radeon X-800 Pro

Core clock - 475 MHz
Memory - 256 MB
Memory clock - 950 MHz
Memory interface - 256-bit
Memory transfer rate - 30.4 GB/s
Pixels per clock - 12
DirectX - 9.0

*Radeon X-1600 Pro

Core clock - 500 Mhz or 575 Mhz
Memory - 512 MB
Memory clock - 780 MHz
Memory interface - 128 bit
Memory transfer rate - 22.08 GB/s
Pixels per clock - 12
DirectX - 9.0c

It looks like the X-800 Pro has the X-1600 Pro beat pretty bad. I don't want to have downgrade my PC just to get it to work again. Does the X-1600 have ANY advantage over the X-800? Besides the 512 MB?

You tell me which is better.
1771 Hits
Post your Battlefield 2 profile/stats (13 comments)
Posted by Monkey_Business @ 14:47 CDT, 15 September 2008 - iMsg
I like playing Battlefield 2, but I can't for a while until I get my desktop fixed. If you play BF2, post a link to your user profile on any of the stat websites, such as this one.

Here's mine. My score in rather low because there was a 2 1/2 year period where I did not play at all. I only started playing again about a month ago.
2949 Hits
About Fatal1ty (54 comments)
Posted by Monkey_Business @ 02:20 CDT, 14 September 2008 - iMsg
Has Fatal1ty ever been fragged once by a non-professional player in one of his "beat fatal1ty for fatal1ty gear" challenges? Has Fatal1ty ever lost a match to someone in it?
9003 Hits
Battlefield 2 player hacks or pro-gamer? (11 comments)
Posted by Monkey_Business @ 19:19 CDT, 8 September 2008 - iMsg
I was playing battlefield 2 a few days ago, on the Dalian Plant map, and I was playing as the USMC. There was this guy on the Chinese team who was using the M95 sniper rifle. (the M95 can shoot through aircraft cockpits, killing the pilot(s). My team had two fighter jets in the sky, moving very fast with the afterburner on. two blackhawk helicopters and one combat helicopter in the air. This guy, I forgot what his username was, kept popping his head through a fence, and literally withing less than one second after doing so, kept sniping the pilots in the helicopters/jets.

Even though they were half way accross the map and moving at extremely high speeds. It was a full game, with 64 people on the server. This guy had over 200 kills and 0 deaths. Literally every time someone went to pilot an aircraft, they got sniped less than an instant after entering it. Almost every player on my team that crossed/tried to cross the ocean from the USMC carrier got sniped by this guy. He was like a one-man army. Un fucking believable!! If you are a pro gamer and reading this, do you think he was using cheat/hack programs? Or was he unbelievably skilled or a professional gamer?

I've been playing FPS games online since the early days of Quake 2, but I have NEVER seen ANYTHING like this!
3158 Hits
MAJOR computer problems! (29 comments)
Posted by Monkey_Business @ 01:49 CDT, 7 September 2008 - iMsg
I've been playing battlefield 2 online for more than a month now, with almost no problem, but today when I tried booting up special forces, everything was upside-down, and is still upside down. So I am making this post from a monitor which has physiacally been turned upside down, so I can read and write this post.

I played BF2 all this morning with no problem. Then I went to go get my car fixed, which took about 3 1/3 hours. I came home, booted up my computer, which is running windows XP professional, with a Pentium 4, 3.0 GHz, 1GB of RAM, and an ATI Radeon X-800 Pro. I've been having a few problems with my computer and also in the game.

I purchased the battlefield 1942 anthology, which comes with BF1942 and it's two expansions, and battlefield vietnam. I also installed battlefield 2 collectors edition, which comes with battlefield 2, battlefield 2 special forces expansion set, and the armored fury and euro force booster packs. All of those games are successfully installed and on my computer at the moment.

Sometimes during BF2's gameplay, the game simply shuts off, and my computer goes into desktop. There have been times where thye game has locked up, and I am forced to turn off my computer, and when I turn it back on, it say's that windows is checking my hard drives for "consistancy".

For some reason, when I go into control panel, and into "add and remove programs", I try to uninstall battlefield 1942, it's expansions, and battlefield vietnam, since I don't really play them. But they do not uninstall, instead, it say's that it has "finished performing maintainance on the program".

After my screen was inverted when I tried to boot-up BF2 special forces, I exited the game, and went into desktop. However, my screen was not inverted, but it was on 800X600 resolution. I normally keep my 1680X1050 resolution with high color depth. And it was also set to 256 color mode.

I went into display in the control panel, and set it back to 1680X1050 with 32 bit color, and everything seemed to be okay. I turned off my computer and left to go somewhere in a hurry. When I came home, I turned my computer back on, and my screen was at a normal resolution, but was upside-down. I went into my graphics card control center, and I can't find anything wrong.

When I woke up this morning, I got this weird message once I got into desktop. It said something like, but I can't remember exactly, "your graphical settings have been changed", and something about driver incapatability. I didn't know what that meant, so I just pressed cancel, and played BF2 for a few hours before I left. And as I said, when I returned, and tried booting up BF2SF, thats when the screen turned upside down and the resolution got crazy.

I tried double-clicking on the BF2 desktop icon, but the game does not start. A few other problems I have noticed in the weeks following up to these events, is being unable to delete desktop icons, especially an icon of a game that I uninstalled. (if you click on it, or highlight it, the computer freezes for about 30 seconds and starts back up, and you can't delete the icon AT ALL! I go into add/remove programs, and it say's that battlefield 1942 road to rome and secret weapons of world war II take up only 2-5 MB disk space, which is IMPOSSIBLE! I have even played both of them in the past successfully.

Could I have some kind of horrible virus? Could it be a hardware problem? Could someone have hacked my computer? Could it be a video driver/software issue? If anyone reading this knows ALOT about computers, please tell me what the problem could be! I am in desperate need of help as my computer is no longer in warranty.
3741 Hits
How did YOU become a pro gamer? (55 comments)
Posted by Monkey_Business @ 03:12 CDT, 24 August 2008 - iMsg
I've been playing video games ever since the NES, I am 21 years old now, and I became interested in first person shooters shortly after the release of Quake 2. Thats when I started playing online. I've been playing for hours every day for years, and I have watched gameplay videos of professional gamers, and I cannot at all compare my skills to theirs. How did they become so skilled? Did they do it from practice?

Or are their reflexes, hand-eye-coordination, speed, etc, neurologically "gifted" at birth. In other words the parts of their brains that are used when playing a video game are somehow wired slightly differently than other people's. And have more brain activity. And that only people with their "gift" can achieve the pro skill level. With anyone else it would be impossible to achieve simply by practice or without hacks.

If you are a pro gamer, were you "not so good" when you started playing FPS for the first time in your life? How did you achieve the skill level of a professional gamer? Please, tell me.
9755 Hits
Is Battlefield 2 played in pro-leauges? (8 comments)
Posted by Monkey_Business @ 23:02 CDT, 31 July 2008 - iMsg
I was wondering if battlefield 2, or any other Battlefield title, are played by professional gamers in tournaments in the pro-leagues like CPL, or CGS.

Just a question.
2769 Hits
What is your favorite Battlefield game? (3 comments)
Posted by Monkey_Business @ 08:24 CDT, 29 July 2008 - iMsg
My favorite is Battlefield 1942, but I also really liked BF2. What is your favorite Battlefield game?
1799 Hits
Technical difficulties with BF-1942 (1 comment)
Posted by Monkey_Business @ 08:20 CDT, 29 July 2008 - iMsg
I installed battlefield 1942 "deluxe edition", which comes with the regular game, plus the "road to rome" expansion. The original game runs fine, and installed correctly. But when I try to install road to rome, the installation locks up and crashes. And when I try to upgrade my installation, nothing happens. If you know why this is, could you please tell me?
986 Hits
My drawing of Metal Gear RAY (7 comments)
Posted by Monkey_Business @ 08:16 CDT, 23 July 2008 - iMsg
Took me alot longer than REX, and was more difficult. But here is my mspaint RAY.
9460 Hits
A drawing of Metal Gear REX I made (21 comments)
Posted by Monkey_Business @ 09:25 CDT, 20 July 2008 - iMsg
It was done in MSPaint, but people say it's pretty good. What do you think?
8350 Hits
I am an abysmal player (No comments)
Posted by Monkey_Business @ 08:26 CDT, 18 July 2008 - iMsg
I can't even beat UT2004 bots set on "adept" difficulty in 1 on 1 deathmathces. I'm sure most of you could effortlessly pwn godlike bots. I'm nothing, I shouldn't even be playing video games. I am a disgrace to them.

I have beaten the adept bots several times in the past though, I haven't tried masterful or inhuman, but I doubt the results will be good.
879 Hits
Who is "Terifire"? (29 comments)
Posted by Monkey_Business @ 18:44 CDT, 1 July 2008 - iMsg
Who is "Terifire"? He posts on the forums, and I have spoken to him many times. I see him in the duel demos that ESR puts on their site. Is he a pro-gamer? Is he an upper-tier pro gamer? Within the ranks of VOo, Fatal1ty, Toxic, Fox, and other pro gamers at their rank?

I try to watch the demos, but for some reason it won't load.

If I were a pro gamer, my handle would be "Woman". even though I am not a woman, nor a homosexual, I have an obsession with MORBIDLY obese, white, middle-aged American women who are extremely far-left politically. And cackle when they talk.
9988 Hits
Female gamers! (No comments)
Posted by Monkey_Business @ 12:56 CDT, 1 July 2008 - iMsg
Wait for the image to be approved.
809 Hits
What is "CPMA"? (36 comments)
Posted by Monkey_Business @ 03:23 CDT, 1 July 2008 - iMsg
I see it mentioned alot on this website. I don't know what it is. Could you tell me?
9559 Hits
Nvidia GeForce GTX280 (8 comments)
Posted by Monkey_Business @ 19:51 CDT, 29 June 2008 - iMsg
I just discovered that a new line of GeForce graphics cards were just released a few weeks ago. It is THE most powerful single-core GPU available to the public right now. Does it have a new chip architecture to it? It's not like the 9800 that has the same architecture as the 8800, only with a few more shaders? Are they going to make an SLI, or dual-core 4-way SLI? Each card requires 250+ watts of power, and if you have 4 of them, that sucks up 1,000 watts. Remember, you have to power your CPU, motherboard, system ram, hard drive, sound card, and other components. What is the highest watt power supply that is available to the public currently? 2,000 watts? 3,000 watts? Do I have to have an actual high-voltage electrical transformer to power it? (sarcasm). What's next in Nvidia's next line of cards? What about ATI's Radeon cards? I can only imagine that they will get better.
3305 Hits
Are there any Yottoflop computers? (5 comments)
Posted by Monkey_Business @ 00:31 CDT, 26 June 2008 - iMsg
******************************************************************************************************************************* NUKED BY TOM ****************************************************STAR*******************************sTARASTAT*********************************
Edited by tom at 17:35 CDT, 27 June 2008 - 1928 Hits
Nick Hogan is fast and furious! (16 comments)
Posted by Monkey_Business @ 11:02 CDT, 20 June 2008 - iMsg
When teenagers went to go see "The Fast And The Furious" movies, they were fed subliminal messages with music, and imagery, that told them to go drive cars recklessly. And "race" and "drift" their way into earning respect, money, drugs, and/or women. Illegal street racing has never been as popular and big as it is today, because of "The Fast And The Furious" films. Street racing is mostly done by uninsured teenagers. Whom #1, have little experience driving, let alone racing. #2 often race while they are drunk or high. #3 Make poor, irrational, senseless, and illogical decisions because their adolescent brains, and because they are immature.

I have seen "The Fast And The Furious", "2 Fast 2 Furious", and "The Fast And The Furious Tokyo Drift". And since then, I have had no desire to go street racing or want to operate a motor vehicle recklessly. But with uninsured teenagers, some of them not even old enough to get driver's ed learner's permits, somehow get in the driver's seat of motor vehicles and "race" their friends and usually end up getting in a high-speed collision with another vehicle and someone almost always gets injured/killed, and/or sued.

Some of the male teenagers, say an 18 year old boy, asks his 14 year old girlfriend to give him oral sex while he is "racing". Which is illegal. But hey, they're a bunch of American kids, what do you expect?

In the case Of Hulk Hogan's son, Nick Hogan, whom got in a high speed auto accident when he lost control of his vehicle due to the excessive speed in which he was traveling at, and crashed his "race car" into a palm tree, profoundly injuring the passenger in the car with him. The passenger, who was a friend of Nick's, is permanently in a coma because of the accidnet. And get this, he is an Iraqi war veteran! Plus, Nick Hogan was driving drunk! At 17!!! I am affraid that Nick Hogan may have seen one of The Fast And The Furious movies, and it inspired him to become a "racer", and drive recklessly on public streets. Who does he think he is? Paul Walker?!

Every time I hear of a street racing accident or fatality on the news, or elsewhere, it's almost ALWAYS a person aged 15-20, and drugs and/or alcohol were involved. I think that they should stop making The Fast And The Furious movies, and there should be a national awareness campaign that tells teenagers that racing is dangerous, and they are too young and inexperienced to be racing. I have a feeling that there is going to be a massive lawsuit somewhere down the line because of these movies and what they teach teenagers.

Here, I made this picture of Nick Hogan.
8173 Hits
I am being called by telemarketerss 24/7 (17 comments)
Posted by Monkey_Business @ 03:51 CDT, 20 June 2008 - iMsg
I am continuously being called by telemarketers that say that I have won a car, but I need to buy magazine subscriptions and sign op for a credit card before I can get it. They call my house about once or twice every 30 minutes. 24/7. They would call at 1:00, 2:00, 3:00, 4:00, 5:00 6:00, 7:00, 8:00, 9:00, 10:00 12:00 in the morning, and in the after noon. I cannot sleep because of it. I had to unplug all my phones. Once I swear they must of called me 150 times in one day. Every time I speak to them they tell me that I have won a car, and I tell them to send me papers proving their claims, but they can't. I know all their calls are recorded, so I can't cuss them out. This has been happening for a week. The call is almost always automated, but about 1 in every 20 is a human being. And when I tell them that they call me 5 times every half hour. I told them to put me on their no-call list, but they keep calling. This is driving me fucking insane! Should I take some kind of legal action against them?

Is this some kind of scam?
3989 Hits
Have you ever played against pro gamer? (58 comments)
Posted by Monkey_Business @ 22:41 CDT, 17 June 2008 - iMsg
Has anyone here ever played agains't a pro gamer? Especially if you are just an average player? I've played agaisnt people in online FPS games that I could have sworn were either god himself, or they were using cheat codes. I'd probably put myself "below average" as far as a gamer goes. I do not ever wish to play against a pro gamer because I know that I would be crushed every time.

Have you ever played against a professsional gamer? Does it seem to you like you could play against them for eight hours every single day for ten years and never get a single frag on them? Do they seem as if they play as if they were not human beings? I don't play FPS games online anymore because I have grown too mentally unstable to handle losing. I've been fragged in some ways that seem as if they are utterly impossible.

"This guy HAS to be using hacks!" I think to myself. But in reality, they are not. If the opponent you are playing against makes you feel like he is playing inhumanly, or like a god, does that mean he is using hacks? Or is he/she really just that good?
17824 Hits
Picture of me. People say that I am fat (59 comments)
Posted by Monkey_Business @ 21:58 CDT, 11 June 2008 - iMsg
Everyone who see's picture of me that I post online, say that I am "Fat", and/or "ugly. I can understand the ugly part, But I am 6'3, 230 lbs.
15186 Hits
Does Fatal1ty have a girlfriend? (33 comments)
Posted by Monkey_Business @ 19:00 CDT, 11 June 2008 - iMsg
I have never seen Johnathan "Fatal1ty" Wendel with a woman. I'm not calling him gay, but it's just strange....
8193 Hits
I was told this by someone. Is it true? (9 comments)
Posted by Monkey_Business @ 03:45 CDT, 9 June 2008 - iMsg
I was told by someone that graphics processing units are actually more power than CPU's, and millions and millions of more transistors. They may not run at as high of a clock speed, but can process more information and it's chip architecture is more advanced and complicated. And I was told that a GPU it's self is actually a powerful computer.

You would think that CPU's would have more processing muscle, which I believe, but I don't know whether to believe this guy, or think he's nuts.
3066 Hits
My machine, will it run this game? (No comments)
Posted by Monkey_Business @ 05:11 CDT, 8 June 2008 - iMsg
I have a old computer. About 4 1/2 years old. It is a pentium 4, 3.0 Ghz, 1GB ram, and a Radeon X-800 pro. Is that enough to run Unreal Tournament 3? Or will it run really, really, really slow and probably crash? I know that it definitely will NOT run Crysis.
899 Hits
Unreal Tournament 2004 & Godlike Bots (16 comments)
Posted by Monkey_Business @ 00:54 CDT, 6 June 2008 - iMsg
When playing against "godlike" bots in UT2004 in "Instant action" deathmatches, epsecially 1 on 1, I lose 25-1 every single time. I have never won a single match playing against godlike bots. They play the game better than I have ever seen a human opponent play. With near perfection. I can only manage to get a few kills off of them. It seems as if they have 100% accuracy. Unbelievable!

But again, I am still not a very good player. I can only win deathmatches when playing against bots up to masterful skill. I'm sure that people like Fatal1ty could play against 15 godlike bots teamed to together to frag him, and win every match 100-0. Whenever I encounter a godlike bot, I die before I even know what hits me. I feel like I'm playing against Fatal1ty, "VoO" or "Toxic". The bots get mid-air rockets and lightning shots on you from the other side of the map after you are flying through the air at high speeds after you just jumped on one of those jump-pad things in maps such as "plunge".


Amy tips on beating godlike bots in UT2004? Have you ever beat them or won a match against them? I haven't and probably never will.
6102 Hits
Intel and AMD unveil 8-core processors (3 comments)
Posted by Monkey_Business @ 21:17 CDT, 30 May 2008 - iMsg
I wonder if this new computer technology will allow me to play crysis on everything set to the absolute maximum settings possible.
2123 Hits
Crysis is a great game! Except for...... (11 comments)
Posted by Monkey_Business @ 01:18 CDT, 27 May 2008 - iMsg
I played Crysis at an electronics store, and I was disappointed because there wasn't enough gore in the game. If you shot a guy in the head with a large caliber gun, his head didn't explode into pieces and a pool of blood didn't drain from it. And if you shoot a person with a rocket launcher, they don't explode into guts and gibs. And I was especially disappointed that you can't rip up the enemy after you kill them like you can in soldier of fortune. Like with a knife or something. I would have liked it to be possible to blow limbs off enemies and their guts fall out if you shoot them in their chest/abdomen with a shotgun at close range. And a pool of blood pours everywhere. Or the enemy doesn't get crushed flat if you run over them with a jeep or tank, and their guts don't come out of their mouthes.

3994 Hits
What kind of power supply will I need? (38 comments)
Posted by Monkey_Business @ 00:16 CDT, 27 May 2008 - iMsg
What kind of power supply will I need to power a PC like this? About 10,000 volts? Perhaps more? Is there enough juice going through the wall outlet to power it?

A Quad-Core 3.8 GHz processor
Quad-SLI GeForce 9800 GX2
6-8 GB of ram
An X-FI soundcard
the absolute best cooling system currently available
A 10,000 RPM 500GB hard drive
A blu-ray DVD player
a large 1080P HD monitor
7.1 surround sound speakers

2,000 watt power supply?

I don't know anything about electricity, but isn't that about 10,000 volts? Will my electrical bill be $1,000 per month?
5514 Hits
How do you run Crysis on "very high"? (10 comments)
Posted by Monkey_Business @ 20:29 CDT, 23 May 2008 - iMsg
What do you need to run Crysis on very high? With a computer built with the best hardware and highest performance currently possible run Crysis on very high?

Would IBM's "blue gene" supercomputer run Crysis on very high if it were possible to install windows vista on it? What if blue gene were a giant GPU? How long until there will be cards that will run Crysis with all the graphical settings set to the absolute maximum?
2402 Hits
Will computers ever become?............. (44 comments)
Posted by Monkey_Business @ 17:01 CDT, 23 May 2008 - iMsg
Will computers ever become more powerful than the human brain? Maybe, 30-50 years from now?
10331 Hits
Crysis 2? (15 comments)
Posted by Monkey_Business @ 21:49 CDT, 21 May 2008 - iMsg
I've heard rumors that there is going to be at least 2 sequels to the smash hit PC title "Crysis". I can only imagine what the graphics look like, and the astronomical system requirements they will have. Are the Crysis sequels really in the works? Or is it just a rumor?
3166 Hits
ESR girls, do you think I'm ugly? (76 comments)
Posted by Monkey_Business @ 22:15 CDT, 15 May 2008 - iMsg
I've always thought that I am ugly, I don't have any luck with women. If you're a girl, do you think I am ugly? Here's a picture of me. Every woman that I have been in love with has completely rejected me.
16466 Hits
My MSPaint drawings (22 comments)
Posted by Monkey_Business @ 22:11 CDT, 15 May 2008 - iMsg
I drew all these in MSPaint. Too bad you can't attach more than one file to a post. I can always make replies though.

I drew American Idol winner Katharine Mcphee because I'm in love with her.
5482 Hits
How do you become a professional gamer? (92 comments)
Posted by Monkey_Business @ 06:50 CDT, 13 May 2008 - iMsg
How does one achieve a skill level that pars that with a professional gamer? I know, I've been practicing with FPS games since 1997, and every time I play online I lose. And I am not getting any better. I wonder how Fatal1ty got to where he is now. Maybe he was gifted at birth with unusually high ammounts of brain activity in the parts of the brain that govern hand-eye coordination and reflexes. Especially the visual cortex. I certainly would not ever be able to play games professionally because I was born a failure as a gamer. If you are a pro gamer, tell me how you became one.
12435 Hits
XP version of Quake 2 and the Eraser Bot (13 comments)
Posted by Monkey_Business @ 06:19 CDT, 13 May 2008 - iMsg
I remember that the special edition of Quake 4 came with a bonus disc with windows xp-compatible versions of Quake 2 and its two expansions. I was wondering, does the "eraser bot" downloadable botmatch only work for the windows 95-2000 versions? Or can it work with windows xp? I really liked quake 2 online play, but nobody plays quake 2 online anymore. I think the master server was shut down like five years ago. Do you know of any legitimate, xp-compatible botmathces that I could
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