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Back with some FP Prac Stream (2 comments)
Posted by nicerdicer @ 12:01 CDT, 1 November 2012 - iMsg
1120 Hits
Faceit Saturday Invitational (234 comments)
Posted by nicerdicer @ 15:14 CDT, 26 October 2012 - iMsg
Scheduled: 13:00 CDT, 27 October 2012 to 16:00 CDT, 27 October 2012
Schedule: Passed

This Saturday, right before our weekly Sunday cup, we bring you an extra experience. FACEIT is inviting four player for an invitational tournament. Every player is going to play each other once in a group format, the player who ends up with most victories will get first place prize: $40.

All matches will be played as Best-of-5, with the DreamHack Winter 2012 map pool. Since every player has three matches to play, we will have two matches on at the same time, so we will launch Facebook poll where you can choose which match you want to watch live on the stream. Tomorrow casters in the studio will be United Kingdom Xavier "Zoot" Dhorne and United Kingdom Daniel "ddk" Kapadia.

Don't miss any action tomorrow, starting right before 13:00 CDT in our studio live!

Links: FACEIT // mIRC #FACEIT, Facebook FACEITCommunity, Twitter @FACEITcom
Edited by nicerdicer at 17:10 CDT, 27 October 2012 - 36959 Hits
QuakeLIVE Circuit (109 comments)
Posted by nicerdicer @ 17:49 CDT, 25 October 2012 - iMsg
Hi. Just rough idea to discuss with you. What if you have mlg-ish curcuit for quake? League with LAN event in the end for let's say duel and tdm? How it might works in QuakeLIVE in your opinion?
Edited by nicerdicer at 19:35 CDT, 25 October 2012 - 17580 Hits interview with Frozen (24 comments)
Posted by nicerdicer @ 17:20 CDT, 25 October 2012 - iMsg
Let’s welcome the old-school quake player Russia Frozen, who recently played Netherlands Adroits LAN TDM Tournament with Russia impulse7 team! In the interview he talks about the lead-up to the Androids LAN and his experiences at the tournament.
What was your goal for this LAN? To get any good position or just to have fun?
Our goal was to at least pass the group, and potentially get 4th place.

Why you didn’t even advance into the playoff then?
Obviously, one week of practice was just not enough. Our team has huge teamplay experience, but ...
Read More

Russia Yuriy "Foppa" Romanov can be found on Facebook.

Source: Ukraine translated for you by Ukraine nicerdicer and Switzerland Memento_Mori
Article Page: 1 || next page >>
Edited by Badb0y at 15:43 CDT, 1 November 2012 - 24892 Hits
4392 Hits
dEus TDM 4v4 for fun cup (59 comments)
Posted by nicerdicer @ 16:51 CDT, 5 October 2012 - iMsg
Scheduled: 11:00 CDT, 13 October 2012 to 15:30 CDT, 13 October 2012
Schedule: Passed

Czech Republic Clan Rebels (aka dEus) from Czech Republic are going to hold a Quake Live TDM 4v4 tournament at 11:00 CDT, 13 October 2012 (Saturday). The 12th will be the last day to register. Between 10:00 CDT and 10:50 CDT on the 13th, participants should check in on IRC at mIRC Rebels have already ran a couple smaller 2v2 TDM tourneys, and now it's time to make a big one!

Links: // mIRC
Edited by xou at 05:20 CDT, 13 October 2012 - 17068 Hits
Adroits LAN Promo (2 comments)
Posted by nicerdicer @ 13:28 CDT, 2 October 2012 - iMsg
Hype! 16 days before LAN.
1110 Hits
Last Cooller interview 24/09 (80 comments)
Posted by nicerdicer @ 10:48 CDT, 24 September 2012 - iMsg
Video in russian, it is last Anton' interview about his eSports leaving.
18121 Hits
My FP Prac Stream before LAN Tournament (13 comments)
Posted by nicerdicer @ 14:48 CDT, 16 September 2012 - iMsg
From tonight on will prac as much as I can. Watch me improving before the LAN. Thanks
3248 Hits
BlackMesa LIVE (1 comment)
Posted by nicerdicer @ 15:54 CDT, 14 September 2012 - iMsg
1422 Hits
SWS Clan QuakeLIVE Championship in Kiev (49 comments)
Posted by nicerdicer @ 09:42 CDT, 7 September 2012 - iMsg
Scheduled: 04:30 CDT, 13 October 2012 to 13:00 CDT, 14 October 2012
Schedule: Passed

Dear Cybersport followers and everyone, who likes one of the most impressive games in the world – Quake. We want to invite you to the SWS QuakeLIVE Cup 2012 in Ukraine Kiev.
After almost five years break SWS Quake Cup Championship series, organized by Ukraine ShadoWS Clan, Kiev is back. After such a big break, we are happy to announce our next two days championship and extended cups list. In addition, a new level of coverage of the tournament - a mandatory stream of the most interesting games and text coverage throughout the tournament!

For this two days championship, we are offer free accommodation for first 20 registered players (can be extended). Please, see the details below.

Stream: Russia DarkRa
Edited by wn at 12:49 CDT, 14 October 2012 - 19322 Hits
Cooke the movie (63 comments)
Posted by nicerdicer @ 05:01 CDT, 16 August 2012 - iMsg

0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
Rating: 5.7 (86 votes)
During the smoke breaks while working on "full-sized" highlight for Russia deliberate murder and one curious "historical" project (which I'm sure will be quite interesting for all the quakers) famous Ukrainian movie-maker Aidaho made a small frag-movie as a gift for team 102 manager Russia cooke
Edited by nicerdicer at 05:06 CDT, 16 August 2012 - 23883 Hits
The Arena #4 -vs- various (8 comments)
Posted by nicerdicer @ 16:22 CDT, 14 August 2012 - iMsg

0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
Rating: 9 (4 votes)
Gametype: Duel
Map: Various Maps
Mod: N/A
Viewpoint: any
Version info: latest
How to play back QL demos

The Arena powered by AMD Sapphire #4 demos

Edited by xou at 10:37 CDT, 15 August 2012 - 7845 Hits
The Arena powered by AMD Sapphire #4 (259 comments)
Posted by nicerdicer @ 17:06 CDT, 11 August 2012 - iMsg
Scheduled: 11:00 CDT, 12 August 2012 to 16:20 CDT, 12 August 2012
Schedule: Passed

This Sunday starting at 11:00 CDT, we are pleased to present you with an 8 man Quake Live invitational tournament, part of our "Arena" series of events under The GD Studio. The Arena features monthly tournaments for Quake Live, Bloodline Champions, Dota 2 and Starcraft 2, all supported by AMD Sapphire.

Your hosts for the evening will be United Kingdom James "2GD" Harding and United Kingdom Xavier "zoot" Dhorne.

Links: Brackets, Stream, mIRC #TheGDStudio, Twitter @TheGDStudio, Facebook TheGDStudio
Edited by wn at 16:16 CDT, 12 August 2012 - 67135 Hits
Cypher and QC discuss on LO3 now (17 comments)
Posted by nicerdicer @ 16:42 CDT, 1 August 2012 - iMsg
Slasher: Tonight's @LiveOnThree will be all things not StarCraft 2, including preview of QuakeCon and SBO, and recaps of ECC Poland and GameGune 1.6
3264 Hits
JeeSports' QuakeCon 2012 coverage (35 comments)
Posted by nicerdicer @ 13:19 CDT, 1 August 2012 - iMsg
I want to share with you my all-in-one report from QuakeCon 2012, where you can find different information related to upcoming QuakeLIVE Greatest Tournament. Search no more, all you want to know about this year QuakeCon is right here, and be ready to refresh this page in time.

QuakeCon 2012 LIVE Report
Edited by xou at 14:37 CDT, 1 August 2012 - 15529 Hits
QuakeLIVE TV at QuakeCon 2012 (167 comments)
Posted by nicerdicer @ 06:13 CDT, 1 August 2012 - iMsg
This year QuakeCon will be broadcasted by community-run organization Everything starts tomorrow, so get ready to welcome the best casters of all time: United States of America Alex "Jehar" Popa, United Kingdom Stuart "Disrepute" Evans and United Kingdom Xavier "zoot" Dhorne.
"...The live broadcast of the QUAKE LIVE Duel Invitational Masters and the Intel QUAKE LIVE Capture the Flag Open will be available at with supplementary content, including highlights from the QUAKE LIVE Duel Open, syndicated on For European viewers, the broadcast will be recorded and replayed outside of tournament hours. The media team at Quake Live TV and their partners will also be capturing the energy and excitement of QuakeCon’s BYOC area with player interviews, behind-the-scenes coverage, and tournament broadcasts all streaming at 60fps."

Links: Official Statement,, Level Up TV,
Edited by xou at 06:59 CDT, 1 August 2012 - 47327 Hits
RESP QL Tournaments (30 comments)
Posted by nicerdicer @ 16:02 CDT, 30 July 2012 - iMsg
Russian e-Sport Portal trying to keep this game alive already for a long term, almost weekly tournaments in different game modes with prizes. I want to share with you next few tournaments, all information below.

Edited by nicerdicer at 08:49 CDT, 1 August 2012 - 7075 Hits
Clanbase Eurocup XXV winners (17 comments)
Posted by nicerdicer @ 09:38 CDT, 13 July 2012 - iMsg
Clanbase Eurocup XXV is over, and the champions are Russia deliberate murder! You can check out their official YouTube channel for final VOD's. Also, United Kingdom Level Up TV VOD is here.

Links: Source, mIRC #ClanBase.ql
Edited by nicerdicer at 14:59 CDT, 16 July 2012 - 6907 Hits
JeeQL CTF Nations Cup Final (46 comments)
Posted by nicerdicer @ 11:55 CDT, 12 July 2012 - iMsg
This is finally gonna happen. Final match of whole JeeSports CTF Nations Cup season is tonight at 14:00 CDT. Two best teams of the tournament so far will find out, what Europe country is the CTF champion.

Edit: Grand Final will be played on Sunday at 14:00 CDT. Sorry for postpone.

Stream: Russia 102
Links: Final Playoff Brackets, Group Stage results || mIRC Facebook Twitter steam
Edited by nicerdicer at 15:52 CDT, 12 July 2012 - 17422 Hits
JeeQL CTF Nations Cup Semifinal (5 comments)
Posted by nicerdicer @ 14:18 CDT, 8 July 2012 - iMsg
We are moving to the Semifinal already, and here are 4 teams that currently fighting for top position. The rest teams can still play for 5th place as brackets shows. Second Semifinal is live now!

Stream: United Kingdom Level Up TV
Links: Final Playoff Brackets, Group Stage results || mIRC Facebook Twitter steam
Edited by nicerdicer at 09:39 CDT, 9 July 2012 - 7754 Hits
#Shootmania.wars pickup launched (15 comments)
Posted by nicerdicer @ 09:32 CDT, 7 July 2012 - iMsg
Basically, it's a pickup channel in irc (QuakeNET), where you can easy start game with friends, and meet new players. Enjoy the game without leavers and haters. We have our own Shootmania and TeamSpeak server. There is so much fun we had last night with pickup opening, didn't know I could play this game whole night long :). Thanks to all who supported our last night opening - United Kingdom zoot, Finland rulah, Norway reacto, Sweden exixt and many more.
We are waiting on you to start.

6174 Hits
Peter “mccormic” Kerulo interviewed (50 comments)
Posted by nicerdicer @ 15:38 CDT, 4 July 2012 - iMsg
After a short break we gladly introduce an important eSports person - mccormic. Read this latest interview!

Did your movies ever helped you to visit eSports events?

mccormic: Dreamhack Summer 2011, Dreamhack Winter 2011 and Dreamhack Summer 2012. James "2GD" Harding was looking for a video editor last April and ZeroQL suggested me. We got in touch, and I told him that I'll help him if he gets my ass to Dreamhack Summer '11. 15 minutes later I already had everything booked so I noticed its no-joke. After meeting him personally we decided to work together in the future so he brought me to the upcoming Dreamhacks too. And more to come! :).

Full interview

Links: JeeSports || mIRC Facebook Twitter steam
Edited by Badb0y at 10:12 CDT, 5 July 2012 - 12667 Hits
Looking for admin and content team (4 comments)
Posted by nicerdicer @ 05:51 CDT, 4 July 2012 - iMsg looking for admin and content team to open Shootmania section.

Providing online tournaments in different game disciplines. Esports content about everything related. To know more about what JeeSports is visit our official website:

Volunteers will be considered first if salaried positions become available. Benefits will be awarded as we develop our loyalty scheme.

If you have any questions please contact myself at

We preparing to launch descent Shootmania Seasons, Leagues in competitive modes for a long term.
4061 Hits
JeeQL CTF Nations Cup Semifinal (22 comments)
Posted by nicerdicer @ 08:09 CDT, 28 June 2012 - iMsg
We are moving to the Semifinal already, and here are 4 teams that currently fighting for top position. The rest teams can still play for 5th place as brackets shows. First Semifinal is tonight at 14:00 CDT

Edit: Won't happen today, because of football.

Stream: United Kingdom Level Up TV
Links: Final Playoff Brackets, Group Stage results || mIRC Facebook Twitter steam
Edited by nicerdicer at 13:37 CDT, 28 June 2012 - 9983 Hits
ASUS ROG movie competition (38 comments)
Posted by nicerdicer @ 09:28 CDT, 21 June 2012 - iMsg
Hello, my fellow friends! We are proud to announce brand new competition of movie-makers. Anybody can make a movie and send it to us. And it might be a fragmovie, game-movie, unofficial teaser, video compilations from eSports events or whatever you like.

Edited by twister_ at 07:10 CDT, 24 July 2012 - 13238 Hits
Shootmania CybSum giveaway (2 comments)
Posted by nicerdicer @ 15:35 CDT, 20 June 2012 - iMsg
Everybody, who can visit CybSum will get personal alpha access, for those, who can't do that I will make giveaway during the Saturday in my twitter.
3552 Hits
QPAD is official sponsor for colwn (10 comments)
Posted by nicerdicer @ 09:46 CDT, 18 June 2012 - iMsg
France Michael "winz" Bignet
Italy Alessandro "stermy" Avallone
France Pierre-Emeric "l1nkin" Portier

5655 Hits
ShootMania Basic overview and Introduce (2 comments)
Posted by nicerdicer @ 18:01 CDT, 15 June 2012 - iMsg
This is mostly for russian speaking audience from here:
3924 Hits
DreamHack Summer 2012 LIVE by JeeSports (8 comments)
Posted by nicerdicer @ 14:18 CDT, 13 June 2012 - iMsg
We have three more days now untill DreamHack Summer 2012 will starts. Looking for DreamHack photos, videos, scores or any other stuff? Search no more, all you want to know about DreamHack from is right here. My DH All-in-One report will provide you DreamHack Summer 2012 latest updates. Be ready to refresh this page in time, and follow one of the largest eSports tournament on earth as if you were there!

Links: JeeSports LIVE report || mIRC Facebook Twitter steam
14218 Hits
The Arena #3 -vs- various (9 comments)
Posted by nicerdicer @ 13:52 CDT, 13 June 2012 - iMsg

0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
Rating: 8.8 (3 votes)
Gametype: Duel
Map: Various Maps
Mod: N/A
Viewpoint: both
How to play back QL demos

The Arena powered by AMD Sapphire #3 demos

Missing only Belarus cypher demos.
Edited by xou at 10:37 CDT, 15 August 2012 - 11000 Hits
JeeQL CTF Nations Cup Final Playoff (11 comments)
Posted by nicerdicer @ 05:22 CDT, 13 June 2012 - iMsg
We are moving to the Semifinal already, and here are 4 teams that currently fighting for top position. The rest teams can still play for 5th place as brackets shows.

Stream: TBA
Links: Final Playoff Brackets, Group Stage results || mIRC Facebook Twitter steam
Edited by nicerdicer at 09:42 CDT, 15 June 2012 - 8633 Hits
THE ARENA #3 Bronze match (25 comments)
Posted by nicerdicer @ 04:46 CDT, 13 June 2012 - iMsg
The Arena powered by AMD Sapphire #3 Bronze match, which wasn't streamed on TheGDStudio twitch channel, as we followed final. In this post I release demos and russian VOD of the 3rd place game. Enjoy great Bo3 match with both POV's!

Links: Demos, Russia VOD (from 0:53:20)
9680 Hits
evil -vs- rapha (26 comments)
Posted by nicerdicer @ 04:30 CDT, 13 June 2012 - iMsg

0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
Rating: 9 (7 votes)
Gametype: Duel
Map: Various Maps
Mod: N/A
Viewpoint: both
How to play back QL demos

The Arena powered by AMD Sapphire #3 Bronze match, which wasn't streamed on TheGDStudio twitch channel, as we followed final. Enjoy great Bo3 match with both POV's

12392 Hits
KC-Gaming JeeQL LATAM Kick-Off Playoff (64 comments)
Posted by nicerdicer @ 17:31 CDT, 1 June 2012 - iMsg
Scheduled: 14:00 CDT, 2 June 2012 to 18:00 CDT, 2 June 2012
Schedule: Passed

The final Tournament of KC-Gaming JeeQL LATAM Kick-Off is starting today at 14:00 CDT. The top 16 ranking players will play for the final prize in single elimination brackets, which will be published before the tournament starts.

Streams: [AIM]ClanTV
Links: Cup page, Brackets || mIRC Facebook Twitter steam
Edited by nicerdicer at 04:48 CDT, 2 June 2012 - 26343 Hits
Web Update - May 31: Premium Stats Graph (16 comments)
Posted by nicerdicer @ 16:54 CDT, 31 May 2012 - iMsg
Web Update - May 31: Premium Stats Graphs
An update to the QUAKE LIVE web frontend is now online.

This update brings Premium and Pro users the ability to see graphs of your last 10 matches on all player profiles. View recent data for over 30 different statistics collected during play, including individual weapon frags and accuracy, frag/death ratio, highest frag spree, and more. These graphs are only available to our Premium and Pro subscribers, so subscribe today and get more insight on your performance!

We have also re-added the In Browser Resolution dropdown to Game Settings for those who are having issues with their current configuration.

If you haven't yet refreshed your browser, the changes will not be visible, however a simple CTRL+F5, or clicking Refresh while holding down shift will reload all site assets.

Source: QuakeLIVE forum
3280 Hits
JeeQL CTF Nations Cup Final Playoff (14 comments)
Posted by nicerdicer @ 12:43 CDT, 28 May 2012 - iMsg
All the group stage games are over and without wasting your time let us introduce to you the eight best European Quake Live CTF teams. They are going to find out who is on the top of the hill.

Update: First round timeframe was increased till June 10th

Stream: United Kingdom Level UP TV
Links: Final Playoff Brackets, Group Stage results || mIRC Facebook Twitter steam
Edited by nicerdicer at 15:35 CDT, 10 June 2012 - 12309 Hits
Posted by nicerdicer @ 05:11 CDT, 27 May 2012 - iMsg
Scheduled: 12:30 CDT, 27 May 2012 to 14:00 CDT, 27 May 2012
Schedule: Passed

This battle started with the first days of spring, when participants had to fight their way through the qualifying tourneys. And now - when we've got only couple days till summer - it is time for the last and the most exciting match of the whole championship. Tonight right after ZOTAC Cup #135 Russia evil and France strenx are going to find out who gets the prize, so don't miss the show.

For all of those who are interested, United Kingdom JeeSports are going to announce a new league soon - and this time it's something brand new! Stay tuned.

Note: VOD's will be up shortly at United Kingdom Level UP TV and Russia Empire TV channels.

Links: Cup page + Groups + Brackets || mIRC Facebook Twitter steam
Edited by nicerdicer at 16:25 CDT, 27 May 2012 - 8045 Hits
KC-Gaming JeeQL LATAM Kick-Off Q. #4 (5 comments)
Posted by nicerdicer @ 08:33 CDT, 25 May 2012 - iMsg
Scheduled: 14:00 CDT, 26 May 2012 to 18:00 CDT, 26 May 2012
Schedule: Passed

Before we can announce the Final Playoff, we need to get top 16 Latin America players. Last qualifier starts tomorrow at 14:00 CDT, with one hour check-in beforehand, and anyone from Latin America who wants to play has a chance to get a place. All participants should be present on the official IRC channel throughout the tourney. For more info about this championship, see the announcement. Registration and check-in for the 4th and last qualifier is available.

Streams: TBA
Links: Qualifier #4, Rating || mIRC Facebook Twitter steam
Edited by wn at 09:03 CDT, 25 May 2012 - 6237 Hits
KC-Gaming JeeQL LATAM Kick-Off Q. #3 (8 comments)
Posted by nicerdicer @ 05:05 CDT, 18 May 2012 - iMsg
Scheduled: 14:00 CDT, 19 May 2012 to 18:00 CDT, 19 May 2012
Schedule: Passed

Can anybody in Latin America stop Brazilian players from dominating the JeeSports tournaments? The next qualification round starts tomorrow at 14:00 CDT, with one hour check-in beforehand, and anyone from Latin America who wants to play has a chance to get a place. All participants should be present on the official IRC channel throughout the tourney. For more info about this championship, see the announcement. Registration and check-in for the 3rd qualifier is available.

Streams: TBA
Links: Qualifier #3, Rating || mIRC Facebook Twitter steam
Edited by wn at 16:24 CDT, 18 May 2012 - 8936 Hits
Dem0n joins Monomaniac eSports (36 comments)
Posted by nicerdicer @ 05:01 CDT, 18 May 2012 - iMsg
You might have seen this Belgian gamer playing under the "mono" tag. Today it is time to announce it officially: "Dem0n is part of Monomaniac eSports"

"With the growing popularity of MOBA and RTS games primarily Starcraft II and League of Legends, first person shooters haven't been receiving as much attention as they deserve. With that being said we were a bit reluctant to recruit teams from that genre. But we simply received an offer we couldn't turn down..." - Official announce
Edited by wn at 15:10 CDT, 18 May 2012 - 7589 Hits
KC-Gaming JeeQL LATAM Kick-Off Q. #2 (16 comments)
Posted by nicerdicer @ 16:11 CDT, 11 May 2012 - iMsg
Scheduled: 14:00 CDT, 12 May 2012 to 17:00 CDT, 12 May 2012
Schedule: Passed

Last week two Brazilian players reached the final match of the very first qualifier of the LATAM Quake Live tournament. The next qualification round starts tomorrow at 14:00 CDT, with one hour check-in beforehand, and anyone from Latin America who wants to play has a chance to get a place. All participants should be present on the official IRC channel throughout the tourney. For more info about this championship, see the announcement. Registration and check-in for the 2nd qualifier is available.

Streams: AIM
Links: Qualifier #2, Rating || mIRC Facebook Twitter steam
Edited by nicerdicer at 14:47 CDT, 12 May 2012 - 16100 Hits
JeeSports CTF Nations Cup Updates (16 comments)
Posted by nicerdicer @ 07:53 CDT, 9 May 2012 - iMsg
It's been a while since last news about JeeSports CTF Nations Cup, so it's time to remind you about the tourney and tell what's going on. Team Italy Italy dropped from the tournament and everyone who lost them got a free win.
Check out the info below to find latest results and VODs or see schedule for coming up matches. Group stage is about to finish and we'll see eight teams playoff.

Links: Cup page || mIRC Facebook Twitter steam
Edited by nicerdicer at 14:54 CDT, 20 May 2012 - 12668 Hits
Stermy: Life of a Professional Gamer (14 comments)
Posted by nicerdicer @ 16:49 CDT, 8 May 2012 - iMsg
Didn't see this great movie before. Want to share with new players, or to anyone who didn't see it before, like me. It was really fun to watch.
3388 Hits
I was so close... holyshit! (8 comments)
Posted by nicerdicer @ 03:46 CDT, 8 May 2012 - iMsg
Just funny moment of last Sunday CSN Series Points Cup #2. Thanks to my team "randommix", was really fun and interesting to play, though we registered team right before the cup, true randommix: Ukraine 03, Germany cpt, pimps

Check yourself

Thanks to United Kingdom Level Up TV
Edited by nicerdicer at 03:47 CDT, 8 May 2012 - 2122 Hits
JeeQL SDC Final Playoff (1 comment)
Posted by nicerdicer @ 14:24 CDT, 7 May 2012 - iMsg
After a month of bloody fights in a group stage JeeQL 2012 Spring Duel Championship reaches its final stage. Top 8 players gonna face each other in a single elimination playoffs during this month.

Links: Official news, Final Playoff brackets || mIRC Facebook Twitter steam
Edited by wn at 09:04 CDT, 8 May 2012 - 5378 Hits
JeeQL LATAM Q.1 -vs- various (9 comments)
Posted by nicerdicer @ 13:37 CDT, 7 May 2012 - iMsg

0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
Rating: 9 (4 votes)
Gametype: Duel
Map: Various Maps
Mod: N/A
Viewpoint: All players
How to play back QL demos

Demos from KC-Gaming JeeQL LATAM Kick-Off Q. #1.
Thanks to Poland PYTON
Edited by xou at 10:37 CDT, 15 August 2012 - 8470 Hits
Back to the old times (15 comments)
Posted by nicerdicer @ 11:42 CDT, 7 May 2012 - iMsg
Back to the old times. Just realized how epic it is

Is there anything, that could be done more atmospheric?
3344 Hits
The Arena 2 -vs- various (17 comments)
Posted by nicerdicer @ 17:37 CDT, 6 May 2012 - iMsg

0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
Rating: 9.4 (7 votes)
Gametype: Duel
Map: Various Maps
Mod: N/A
Viewpoint: All players
How to play back QL demos

Demos from "The Arena #2"

Edited by xou at 10:36 CDT, 15 August 2012 - 10766 Hits
The Champions League (34 comments)
Posted by nicerdicer @ 09:58 CDT, 6 May 2012 - iMsg
Welcome to The Champions League, Quake Live Team Death Match league for the current top teams of the Europe. We consider this to be a beta tournament, and if everything works out well and people like the concept, it will become a series with 2 tournaments per year. We use forced maps for this league and the matches will be played every Sunday at 11:00 CDT and 13:00 CDT during 6 weeks.

Streams: United Kingdom Level Up TV and dubcat
Links: Official site, mIRC #CL.ql
Edited by wn at 12:35 CDT, 6 May 2012 - 10134 Hits
KC-Gaming JeeQL LATAM Kick-Off Q. #1 (13 comments)
Posted by nicerdicer @ 09:42 CDT, 4 May 2012 - iMsg
First out of four qualification round starts tomorrow at 14:00 CDT, with one hour checkin before, and anyone from Latin America who wants to play got a chance to get a place. All the participants should be present on an official IRC-channel during the whole tourney. For more info about this Championship check here. Registration and checkin for the 1st Qualifier at the site

Streams: TBA
Links: Qualifier #1, Brackets, mIRC #JeeQL
Edited by nicerdicer at 18:42 CDT, 5 May 2012 - 8823 Hits
KC-Gaming JeeQL LATAM Kick-Off Champions (14 comments)
Posted by nicerdicer @ 08:35 CDT, 27 April 2012 - iMsg
Dear Latin American Quakers, we proudly announce the launch of the first Latin American Quake Live Duel Tournament presented by KC-Gaming and United Kingdom JeeSports!
There will be 4 Qualifier open rounds leading to the Playoffs, where the top 16 will fight for the first place, rewarded with 100 dollars.
Servers are back, and we start first Qualifier next Saturday. Reserve your own slot.

Streams: TBA
Links: Official announce, mIRC #JeeQL
Edited by nicerdicer at 08:36 CDT, 27 April 2012 - 8889 Hits
Alexey "Cypher" Yanushevsky left SRS (75 comments)
Posted by nicerdicer @ 05:19 CDT, 25 April 2012 - iMsg
Belarus Cypher has just confirmed that he doesn't play for Serious Gaming any more. Looks like this multigaming have some problems - if you will try to visit their official site you will see nothing there. In fact, Alexey left the team because Serious Gaming managment broke contract conditions. Information about world champion's new team coming soon...

Links: Alexey "Cypher" Yanushevsky - Facebook
Edited by nicerdicer at 05:19 CDT, 25 April 2012 - 23696 Hits
JeeSports CTF Nations Cup Round 4 (No comments)
Posted by nicerdicer @ 08:05 CDT, 19 April 2012 - iMsg
JeeSports CTF Nations Cup moves on, and we reach the Round 4. Less words, more Quake: here are all the scores and available records.

Links: Cup Page,, mIRC #JeeQL
Edited by nicerdicer at 07:16 CDT, 9 May 2012 - 6068 Hits
KC-Gaming JeeQL LATAM Kick-Off Champions (53 comments)
Posted by nicerdicer @ 18:33 CDT, 9 April 2012 - iMsg
Dear Latin American Quakers, we proudly announce the launch of the first Latin American Quake Live Duel Tournament presented by KC-Gaming and United Kingdom JeeSports!
There will be 4 Qualifier open rounds leading to the Playoffs, where the top 16 will fight for the first place, rewarded with 100 dollars.

Update: Servers are back, and we start first Qualifier next Saturday. Reserve your own slot.

Streams: TBA
Links: Official announce, mIRC #JeeQL
Edited by nicerdicer at 04:46 CDT, 27 April 2012 - 17560 Hits
The Arena -vs- demos (10 comments)
Posted by nicerdicer @ 14:17 CDT, 8 April 2012 - iMsg

0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
Rating: 9.3 (6 votes)
Gametype: Duel
Map: Various Maps
Mod: N/A
Viewpoint: All players
How to play back QL demos

Demos from "The Arena"

You can find almost all demos in this pack, we missing only Sweden toxiq demos and one demo from Poland avek.

Enjoy it!
Edited by Demiurge at 14:44 CDT, 8 April 2012 - 8278 Hits
Interview with zoot from The Party LAN (31 comments)
Posted by nicerdicer @ 04:58 CDT, 7 April 2012 - iMsg
mousestar: You are one of the most famous shoutcasters in the Quake Live scene, how did you start your career?

zoot: I started in 2011 around May, someone offered me the opportunity to cast and i said "yeah sure I`ll give it a go".So I took the opportunity but I was casting on my own. I just sounded extremely monotonous and I could tell it was a lot harder than I thought it would be, so it gave me the motivation to improve.

Full article at
12679 Hits
JeeQL SDC Final Stage (13 comments)
Posted by nicerdicer @ 17:51 CDT, 6 April 2012 - iMsg
After four qualifying tourneys within last month we got 16 players with the best rating, who goes straight to the JeeSports Quake Live Spring tournament finals. First they gonna fight in a group stage, and then best 2 from each of 4 groups will get to the play-offs. All the games will be played bo3 and finals traditionally bo5. Everyone can watch official streams on Russia Empire TV and United Kingdom Level UP TV and support their favorite athlete. Here is the list of the best players and toss for a group stage.

Links: Cup page + streams + scores, mIRC #JeeQL
Edited by nicerdicer at 18:04 CDT, 6 April 2012 - 6911 Hits
JeeSports CTF Nations Cup Round 2 Review (2 comments)
Posted by nicerdicer @ 19:03 CDT, 2 April 2012 - iMsg
Here we go again! You did miss some of the Round 2 matches? No Problem here is a little resume.

Netherlands The Netherlands vs. Belgium Belgium

Belgium: redemptor, vertex, dem0n, impulse
The Netherlands: eXodus, Blad3, draven, Sc00t

The first map to be played was Belgiums pick Japanese Castles.
Belgiums play was highly aggressive, they based their play on constant attack waves in 20 second terms.
The dutch tactics seemed more sorted, counting on coordinated attacks.
Due to Belgiums constant attacks in order to keep the enemy def low, there was a 30 second delay between the Powerups which the Belgians could fix after 10 minutes. Their sloppy play on the Powerups in the first 6 minutes didnt cause any damage though since their frequent attacks worked out well. The Dutch had some problems breaking Dem0ns and redemptors defensive play, while they were busy returning their own flags. But after 7 minutes Draven managed to get a double Powerup (Quad + Regen) and made the first cap for The Netherlands .1-0 NL. Only 2 minutes later Vertex stole the flag and ninjad the flag to enemy garden rocketjumping from the connector over mid to his base. 1-1. After Dravens impressive double PU cap, he seemed to get greedy. Draven had alot of flagtouches but he always tryed to make the caps all alone rambo style. His unreasonable solo shows had no chance against the whole Belgium team trying to catch him. If Draven would have waited for some team support the map score could have taken another direction. Anyway after 14 minutes Vertex again took himself a lot of time to outmaneuver the Dutch. Vertexs' ninja style paid off as he hid himself at enemy garden at the 50 health bubble, waiting for his full team to support him.2-1 BEL. After that cap The Netherlands couldnt get back to their stable play fast enough and impulse made an instant connective cap.3-1 and the win for Belgium.
The Dutch pick Ironworks turned out tremendously intense.
After only 2 minutes there was a crosstouch but the Belgians had full control over mid and thats why the dutch
carrier had no chance getting across mid. Vertex putting a 1-0 on the scoreboard.At the 6 minute mark redemptor, the belgian home-red player, stole the flag and thanks to the full mid control and support by his team, there was the 2-0 in favor of Belgium. Only 1 minute later Draven could take advantage of his home-red stack including medkit. The Belgian def was distracted defending against the PU when Draven sneaked to the flag making a flawless fastcap 2-1. It looked like The Netherlands had found a weakspot on Belgiums def since Dravens team used the same move again 1 minute later. Draven got fragged on his way out though but Sc00t was there to finish the run. 2-2. Again only 2 minutes later Draven once more could count on his team distracting Dem0n and redemptor, and he carried the flag home easily. 3-2 NL. But team Belgium reacted wisely to this weakness and focused on enemy-red attacks, succeeding in detering Draven from attacking. With 11 minutes on the clock something weird happened. impulse rushed in the dutch base to take a hard fight for the flag, but there was none. When impulse grabbed the flag the dutch base was completely empty. The dutch team seemed to have disappeared mysteriously when impulse took a walk (in the park) across mid and put a 3-3 on the scoreboard. With a tied score the pressure went through the roof and both teams
found a balance. 2 minutes before overtime Draven once more was able to convert his red-armour stack into a cap and this should be the win for The Netherlands.
The tie breaking map was Belgiums pick Troubled Waters.
At the 3 minute mark Vertex could frag the flag def. Vertex grabbed the flag and made the torch jump to the right
balcony. When he was crossing mid the Belgians had full control over mid and it should turn out as a rather easy cap. 1-0 BEL. One minute later Draven managed to swim to enemy base with red and medkit unspotted. His stack advantage helped him across and eventually ended up in a conversion cap 1-1. When Vertex , impulse and redemptor started a well organised attack, vertex dropped the flag from its podium, impulse picked it up to carry the flag to the front jumppad enemy side, where he eventually got railed. But dem0n , belgiums flagdef, rushed to the enemy side to pick up the flag once more while redemptor still was supporting in mid. This cap should show the true strenght of their teamplay. 2-1 and the win for Belgium.

Live Records: First map, Second map, Third map

The other match reviews can be found at site. Read and Luv it!

Text by Germany mousestar
Edited by nicerdicer at 19:06 CDT, 2 April 2012 - 6106 Hits
JeeSports CTF Nations Cup Round 3 (26 comments)
Posted by nicerdicer @ 17:41 CDT, 28 March 2012 - iMsg
We are about to see round 3, here are the matches!

Streams: United Kingdom pav, United Kingdom Level Up TV
Links: Cup Page, Round 1 report, United Kingdom, mIRC #JeeQL
Edited by nicerdicer at 07:25 CDT, 3 April 2012 - 10835 Hits
JeeQL CTF NC Round 1 matches (12 comments)
Posted by nicerdicer @ 18:41 CDT, 23 March 2012 - iMsg
The JeeSports CTF Nations Cup has reached round 2 now.
We would like to present a little review on round 1 with detailed insight on the most exciting matches.

In the Nations Cup opening match Norway faced The Netherlands.

The encounter of those Group 1 teams took a brief ending since Norway couldn't keep up with their superior colleagues from middle Europe. The Netherlands' map pick Ironworks turned out 8-0 only 17 seconds before the 20 minute mark. Norway showed a quite defensive play and eventually was not able to take control over enemy red and the Powerups. Netherlands Draven showed impressive homered-play which allowed him to build up monster stacks which mostly ended up in caps. While Norway DCR had a hard time keeping the flag in base, Netherlands Sc00t played a remarkable base defence detering Norway from their first flagtouch for 10 minutes.

Norways pick Troubled Waters started just like the first map. After only 1 minute Netherlands draven managed to steal the flag easily which was punished immediately with a 1-0 for Holland. Only a few minutes later Norway expierenced a flicker of hope when Norway DCR finally got into the game and put a 1-1 on the scoreboard. Unfortunately this cap should stay the last for Norway and The Netherlands continued their convincing 3-men-attacks. A lack of communication or maybe Netherlands Vissers and Netherlands Sc00ts dominating mid and supportive play might be the reason, why the Scandinavians barely had any red armor or medkit touches, while their opponents controlled the items as strong as the mid itself. The match and the game ended after 16 minutes and 5 seconds, 8-1 in favor of The middle europeans.


In the second game of Round 1, another middle vs northern Europe match took place: Germany played against Finland. The Group 2 match would turn out as one of the closest in Round 1.

On the first map, Japanese Castles, aim-heavy players such as Finland wit, Finland gerppa and Germany fragmaster showed amazing moves and frags. Also Germany xtro proofed himself with his sneaky-in-fast-out skills once more. It looked like the match would surely go into overtime but the Germans didn't count with Finland gerppa who managed to win the game 5-4.

The second map pick Ironworks was even closer. Barely one Powerup got picked up clean and the match turned noticeably dead serious. Germany seemed to advance out of this brutal battle over the mid control and thanks to Germany xtros and Germany Fragmasters attacking skills it was 2-0 at the 10 minute mark. This fragile balance turned to Finlands advantage and legendary Finland thaigo finally capped after 12 minutes. With only 20 seconds remaining Finland thaigo once more capped and therefor forced Germany into overtime. After 4 minutes of incredibly intense CTF action quake 2 legend Finland gerppa could take advantage out of a clean Powerup touch and a medkit to end the overtime with 3-2 for Finland.


The third match to take place was Italy versus France. Spider Crossings and Ironworks were the maps to be played.

Italy confronted with Frances star line-up (winz, the_k1ng, l1nkin and fishbone) would show a clean fight and a good game on the french pick Spider Crossings. Despite the final map score 6-0 in favor of France, the Italians played solid and clever. The french team with superior aim and some little mistakes in communication on the italian side decided the map clearly for France. Italy zyrinx, the flag def, showed a great performance though. His clever reads and smart decisions combined with strong aim surely secured the Italian team from a brief 8-0.

Quite the same situation appeared on Italys pick Ironworks. While Spider Crossing is a more stiff structured map Ironworks is decided by individual play since u need to react on situations instantly. Italy seemed to struggle on keeping the fragile construct of their strong-def-2-attackers formation alive. Italy dimitris good home Red play worked in parts against France l1nkins convincing enemy Red attacks but the bottom line is - Italy had to accept their defeat without a single cap. 5-0 and team France winning the game.

VOD #1, VOD #2

The fourth game of the JeeSports Nations Cup would later be known as The Great Battle of the East. Russia and Poland delievered epic 3 matches which couldn't have been closer at all. Japanese Castles was the first pick, Troubled Waters the second and Ironworks eventually ended the carnage.

On Japanese Castles Poland springsteen, Russia h8m3 and Russia hypnoi showed off an amazing box defence. While Russia defended with 2 players, the burden of defence was on quake 3 legend Poland springsteen a.k.a. annihiluzz all alone. Both Poland and Russia had back to back flag touches but the perfect teamplay of both teams didn't allow anyone to cross mid. It looked like no matter what direction to take, how much support to have, the opponent team always catched the carriers right away. There was literally a fight over every single Powerup and only few Quads actually made it into the enemy base. After 9 minutes of holding the balance Poland pyton took down the defence line and made his way to the garden where he got stopped. When Russia hypnoi returned the flag immediately without waiting for the "save" by his mates, wolf had an easy grab and made his way home. This crucial mistake put a 1-0 for Poland on the scoreboard. With 14 minutes on the clock Russia decided to switch their tactics to a 3 men offence which eventually was rewarded with a cap. Poland was able to keep their game stable though and the match lead to an insane 8 minute overtime. After 3 Powerups in the overtime, Poland pyton finally got a clean pick up and stole the flag. When he used the front yard jumppad to his base, down to 35 hp, railbot missed the crucial rail and Poland pyton was able to finish the map to his favor.

Russians pick Troubled Waters was the second map and Poland made a tactical player switch. Poland wolf got exchanged for Poland paw, polands teamleader.The polish team seemed to have troubles getting control over mid and after only 3 minutes Russia railbot had a rather easy cap without much resistence by Poland. The russian tactics seemed risky though. They didn't care about red armors or medkits, trying to dominate mid. Unfortunately the polish attackers couldn't convert their stack advantage into a cap and the map ended 1-0 for Russia.

After a short picking process Poland decided to take the fight on Ironworks. After 5 minutes the perfect balance over mid turned into a cross cap. Poland pyton with the flag only made his way across the map because of the brilliant support by Polandspringsteen and Poland wolf while Russia railbot made a quite clean steal. Only some seconds later Poland could get the return and the cap. After 8 minutes Poland wolf once more proofed he`s worth the money and made a genious sneak to the flag escaping high with well-timed support by his team - 2-0 Poland. From that point team Russia seemed to lose confidence and Russia railbot struggled defending his base. On the 10 minute mark wolf once more stole the flag and made it across but Russia railbot stopped him with a holysh1t rail. As nice as the shot was wolf had enough support and the cap eventually was made. After a 3 minute cross cap Russia hypnoi finally made the first point for Russia at the 14 minute mark. Unfortunately the Russians couldn't keep control and the match ended 6-1 after 3 quite convincing caps from Poland.


The 5th game was Denmark vs Belgium.

On the first map Ironworks Denmark was struggling against Belgiums heavy-aim line-up naming vertex and dem0n but thanks to great individual play by Denmark zlc and Denmark rahzei Denmark could take advantage of the Powerups and finish the map 5-2 in their favor.

On Belgiums pick Japanese Castles the middle europeans were clearly dominating and forced a decider map with 6-3. The Belgians finally got into the game and were able to put constant pressure on their opponents while Denmark had a hard time breaking Belgium dem0ns remarkable box defence.

On the third map Troubled Waters the Belgians could take full advantage of Belgium vertex ruling mid with Belgium dem0n as strong flag defence.Denmark really did play well but their opponents teamplay wouldn't let them escape the base or even get across mid. After 20 intense minutes Belgium took the map 2-0.

VOD #1, VOD #2, VOD #3

Round 1 of the JeeSports Nations Cup was completed with Sweden versus United Kingdom.

After a thrilling match Sweden won on their map pick Spider Crossings 3-1. Sweden Nace and Sweden dibbe showed great teamplay just like United Kingdom betija and United Kingdom Derfel.

Spider Crossings was a very close and even match and thats why it was a big surprise seeing UK owning Sweden on their pick Ironworks. After a rather short game the match ended 8-1 in UKs favor.

The third map Japanese Castles was very similar to the first map and UK eventually won the game 3-1.

VOD #1, VOD #2

Text by Germany mousestar. We will keep you uptodate with the Round 2 matches. Don't forget to follow JeeSports ! Stay tuned! - FaceBook and Twitter. Thanks!
Edited by nicerdicer at 09:39 CDT, 31 March 2012 - 9683 Hits
JeeQL’12 SDC - Last Qualification (10 comments)
Posted by nicerdicer @ 10:51 CDT, 23 March 2012 - iMsg
The 4th and last qualifier for the JeeSports QL’12 Spring Duel Championship is taking place tomorrow Saturday starting at 08:00 CDT with 1 hour checkin before. Last week France strenx took first place.

Streams: Russia uaShadow, United Kingdom zoot
Links: Official announce, Qualifier #4 - mIRC #JeeQL
Edited by nicerdicer at 09:55 CDT, 24 March 2012 - 3762 Hits
JeeQL CTF Nations Cup Round 2 (5 comments)
Posted by nicerdicer @ 18:51 CDT, 21 March 2012 - iMsg
The JeeSports Nations Cup continues with Round 2 and we are going to see some fantastic games.

Update: Check the Round 1 matches overview from Germany mousestar

Streams: United Kingdom pav, United Kingdom Level Up TV
Links: Cup Page, United Kingdom, mIRC #JeeQL
Edited by nicerdicer at 15:47 CDT, 27 March 2012 - 3643 Hits
deliberate murder (102) (65 comments)
Posted by nicerdicer @ 06:34 CDT, 21 March 2012 - iMsg

0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
Rating: 7.2 (59 votes)
In the beginning of 2012 Russian Quake Live team with a main task not just put a clantag before the nick, but really fight on upcoming Europian LAN's, was created. And here is the first fragmovie dedicated to the deliberate murder (102) clan. This movie was created by Ukraine Aidaho, and those people (quite famous ones, I believe) are starring: 421, ash, CTAPOCTA, Lexaaa and pavel.

Edited by Badb0y at 12:22 CDT, 21 March 2012 - 18219 Hits
JeeQL’12 SDC - Qualification #3 (23 comments)
Posted by nicerdicer @ 06:31 CDT, 17 March 2012 - iMsg
Scheduled: 08:00 CDT, 17 March 2012 to 12:00 CDT, 17 March 2012
Schedule: Passed

The 3rd qualifier for the JeeSports QL’12 Spring Duel Championship is taking place today starting at 08:00 CDT with 1 hour checkin before. Last week Spain p0ni took first place.

Streams: kk_Storm
Links: Official announce, Qualifier #3, Brackets - mIRC #JeeQL
Edited by nicerdicer at 11:18 CDT, 17 March 2012 - 7532 Hits
JeeQL Best Demo Contest (59 comments)
Posted by nicerdicer @ 16:46 CDT, 14 March 2012 - iMsg
We received plenty of applications for the JeeSports Invitational Draft Best Demo Contest. United Kingdom presents the best 10 Scenes of the JeeQL invitational draft: Youtube.

Update: The winner of the JeeSports Invitational CTF Draft best demo contest has just been announced on the Level Up stream. Congratulations to Ukraine tripleSex! Contact the JeeSports Admins to receive your prize. Thanks to all participants. Here are the top 10 again if you havent seen them yet.

The first place will be rewarded with 20 euro and never ending fame. The demos have been judged by zoot, dubcat, Kersi, nicerdicer and mousestar. Every member of the jury had 3 points to give. Either on different clips or multiple points on the same clip. The winner will be announced this Sunday on the Level-Up-Your-Game Stream 1.
Edited by nicerdicer at 12:13 CDT, 18 March 2012 - 18362 Hits
JeeQL CTF Nations Cup Round 1 (20 comments)
Posted by nicerdicer @ 12:40 CDT, 13 March 2012 - iMsg
We welcome the captains and players to our QL CTF Nations-cup. With the signups behind us it's time to start playing! Groups are up now and we proudly announce 13 Nations to compete: The Netherlands, Norway , Belgium, Denmark, France, Italy, Poland, Russia, Sweden, United Kingdom Czech Republic, Germany and Finland! Top 4 of both groups advance into the playoffs which will be single elimination. The first games have been played already. Default match day is every Sunday 20:00. Make sure you schedule your games to avoid problems.Theres only one wildcard per team! Round 5 is spread over 2 weeks to avoid problems with participants attending "The-Party" in Eindhoven.

Update: Last Round 1 match tonight!

Streams: United Kingdom pav, United Kingdom Level Up TV
Links: Cup Page, United Kingdom, mIRC #JeeQL
Edited by nicerdicer at 18:19 CDT, 19 March 2012 - 8409 Hits
JeeQL CTF Draft Invitational (25 comments)
Posted by nicerdicer @ 11:09 CST, 10 March 2012 - iMsg
Scheduled: 10:00 CDT, 11 March 2012 to 16:00 CDT, 11 March 2012
Schedule: Passed

Ladys and Gentlemen welcome to the first JeeSports Invitational CTF Draft Tournament. United Kingdom invites Europe's best players to fight for victory and honor. Several streams including shoutcasters will be up to entertain the audience and show off CTF action at its best. There will be a side-contest during the whole tournament. rewards the best frag or sequence (may contain flagruns, PU-runs and flagreturns) made during the event. The participants are advised to send their demos including description (action + time) to mousestar in irc. Show starts tomorrow at 10:00 CDT

Note: mousestar will make a short video with best frag or action next few days.

Streams: United Kingdom Level Up TV #1, Russia ZTV
Links: Cup page, Official announce, mIRC #JeeQL
Edited by nicerdicer at 18:32 CDT, 11 March 2012 - 7928 Hits
Some changes in JeeSports.QL (23 comments)
Posted by nicerdicer @ 05:16 CST, 10 March 2012 - iMsg
There is such an organization as United Kingdom JeeSports. And a guy named eXodus used to work there. And terrible thing happened to him - he wasn't invited to CTF draft invitational. You know what that fu... bad man did? He screamed, he cried, he removed all the ops from official JeeSports Quake Live channel and he banned all the admins (somehow he made this channel 100 years ago, so he's still an owner). Thanks God he can't do anything with the website, because I'm sure he would mess everything up there as well, creating even more problems for JS admins and tourneys participants. That's the first time I see one going so crazy about single tournament. Don't even know what to say.

However! If you plan to play on JeeSports Quake Live events, please note, that official channel on is now #JeeQL, and admin clan called JeeQL. Neither #Jeesports.QL, nor JS.QL or eXodus have anything to do with JeeSports! Nothing changed with website.

Links: mIRC #JeeQL
Edited by xou at 06:22 CST, 10 March 2012 - 4798 Hits
Some changes in JeeSports.QL (35 comments)
Posted by nicerdicer @ 05:11 CST, 10 March 2012 - iMsg
There is such an organisation as JeeSports. And a guy named eXodus used to work there. And terrible thing happened to him - he wasn't invited to CTF draft invitational. You know what that fu... bad man did? He screamed, he cried, he removed all the ops from official JeeSports Quake Live channel and he banned all the admins (somehow he made this channel 100 years ago, so he's still an owner). Thanks God he can't do anything with the website, coz I'm sure he would mess everything up there as well, creating even more problems for JS admins and tourneys participants. That's the first time I see one going so crazy about single tournament. Don't even know what to say...

However! If you plan to play on JeeSports Quake Live events, please note, that official channel on is now #JeeQL, and admin clan called JeeQL. Neither #Jeesports.QL, nor JS.QL or eXodus have anything to do with JeeSports! Nothing changed with website.

Links: mIRC #JeeQL
Edited by nicerdicer at 05:12 CST, 10 March 2012 - 7118 Hits
"Reaper" joined MySports (63 comments)
Posted by nicerdicer @ 18:12 CST, 5 March 2012 - iMsg
"A few weeks ago we started searching for a good Quake Live Player. Now we found one of the best players in this game. He is an EMS and National Player of Ukraine Ukraine and from now on he will represent MySports in the Quake Live Scene." Check official announce for more info.

Edited by Badb0y at 07:57 CST, 7 March 2012 - 16305 Hits
NEW 2GD STUDIO (14 comments)
Posted by nicerdicer @ 18:34 CST, 3 March 2012 - iMsg!

The GD Studio

A group of commentators who live and fight together launch a new content studio for eSports and aquiring fan girls

Launch Date: March 18th
Stream url:

Hosts: James '2GD' Harding, Shaun 'dApollo' Clark, Auguste "Semmler": Massonnat

Production: Cristian 'Trance' Tamas, Max 'Mulleboy' Delic, Pιter "mccormic" Kerόlő

Video by Pιter "mccormic" Kerόlő
5418 Hits
JeeSports QuakeLive CTF Nations Cup (17 comments)
Posted by nicerdicer @ 15:35 CST, 3 March 2012 - iMsg
Welcome Captains and Players to our QL CTF Nationscup. With signups behind us it's time to start playing! Groups are now up, with 13 signups it is divided into 7 and 6 nations. Top 4 of both groups advance into the playoffs which will a single elimination. The first games are planned to be starting in the upcoming week. Final date being for them to be played is March 18. The standard time every week for games is Sunday 20:00 CET. Make sure you schedule your games to avoid problems. You only have 1 wildcard! Round 5 is spread over 2 weeks to avoid problems with Nations who are attending @ TheParty in Eindhoven.

Update: First matchweek delayed by 1 week so there won't be any problems with HoQ, Draft and possible TDM NC all at the same day. [eXodus]

Problem? Come to our IRC channel #JeeQL and we will (try) solve them! Good luck & have fun to all players and captains.
We will try to get streams for as many games as possible.

Streams: TBA
Links: Cup Page, United Kingdom, mIRC #JeeQL
Edited by nicerdicer at 05:14 CST, 10 March 2012 - 9054 Hits
JeeQL CTF Draft Invitational (64 comments)
Posted by nicerdicer @ 07:26 CST, 1 March 2012 - iMsg
Ladys and Gentlemen welcome to the first JeeSports Invitational CTF Draft Tournament. United Kingdom invites Europe's best players to fight for victory and honor. Several streams including shoutcasters will be up to entertain the audience and show off CTF action at its best.
Captains picking is on Friday 9.03 at 19:30 CET

Update: Prizes increased, participant list updated. Please, idle in our official irc-channel.

Streams: TBA
Links: Cup page, Official announce, mIRC #JeeQL
Edited by nicerdicer at 05:13 CST, 10 March 2012 - 23291 Hits
JeeQL’12 Spring Duel Championship (53 comments)
Posted by nicerdicer @ 17:32 CST, 24 February 2012 - iMsg
Hello, my fellow quakers! All of you know what United Kingdom JeeSports is, and if you've been into the game scene lately, you've noticed, we focused on a team tourneys last season. But this spring duels are coming back - even though we wont forget about TDM and CTF, we just gonna work even harder. So, several qualifying duel tourney are coming up, and after this top 16 players will meet each other in a final battle. Participate and watch official streams on Russia EMPIRE TV and United Kingdom Level UP TV.
And please, follow us in social Facebook and Twitter.

Streams: Russia EMPIRE TV, United Kingdom Level UP TV
Links: Announce + Registration, Rating, mIRC #JeeQL
Edited by xou at 11:25 CST, 10 March 2012 - 10483 Hits
Jee'QL back with some QuakeLIVE Duel (9 comments)
Posted by nicerdicer @ 17:46 CST, 21 February 2012 - iMsg
Not only about Team modes...

JeeSports Promo, FaceBook

Official announce of Duel Championship Register and take part now!
Edited by nicerdicer at 18:09 CST, 23 February 2012 - 2762 Hits
JeeSports searching for admins (2 comments)
Posted by nicerdicer @ 12:49 CST, 7 February 2012 - iMsg

Position: Volunteer*


Work alongside our Head Admin to produce and manage a range of quality of events for casual and professional players. Knowledge of standard rules and tournament structures is a must. Being reliable and good decision making is essential. Flexible and adaptable on working hours due to nature of work.
* Volunteers will be considered first if salaried positions become available. Benefits will be awarded as we develop our loyalty scheme.
1242 Hits
JeeQL'12 Feb. CTF 4vs4 Draft Tournament (38 comments)
Posted by nicerdicer @ 14:47 CST, 3 February 2012 - iMsg
Scheduled: 08:00 CST, 5 February 2012 to 13:00 CST, 5 February 2012
Schedule: Passed

JeeSports is continuing with teamplay tournament series. And after a great CTF draft success we organizing another one! And this time we're even going to give out some cash prizes (it's not a lot, but it's better then nothing, huh?). We hope everybody will enjoy this event even more then the last one, and we're waiting new competitors to join! The tourney start on Sunday 5th February, 09:00 CDT.
Please note several changes in rules, that were made since the last tourney!

Update: Cup is over. Check the final VOD.

Streams: Rox_TV, United Kingdom HoQ #2, Russia ZTV
Links: Cup page, Brackets, VOD's from previous events , mIRC #JeeSports.QL
Edited by nicerdicer at 10:34 CST, 6 February 2012 - 14225 Hits
JeeSports QuakeLive CTF Nations Cup (60 comments)
Posted by nicerdicer @ 12:00 CST, 1 February 2012 - iMsg
Welcome Captains and Players to our QL CTF Nationscup. With signups behind us it's time to start playing! Groups are now up, with 13 signups it is divided into 7 and 6 nations. Top 4 of both groups advance into the playoffs which will a single elimination. The first games are planned to be starting in the upcoming week. Final date being for them to be played is March 11. The standard time every week for games is Sunday 20:00 CET. Make sure you schedule your games to avoid problems. You only have 1 wildcard! Round 5 is spread over 2 weeks to avoid problems with Nations who are attending @ TheParty in Eindhoven

Problem? Come to our IRC channel #JeeSports.QL and we will (try) solve them! Good luck & have fun to all players and captains.
We will try to get streams for as many games as possible.

Streams: TBA
Links: Cup Page, United Kingdom, mIRC #JeeSports.QL
Edited by nicerdicer at 15:35 CST, 3 March 2012 - 17951 Hits
JeeQL'12 Jan. TDM 4vs4 Draft Tournament (50 comments)
Posted by nicerdicer @ 08:44 CST, 15 January 2012 - iMsg
Scheduled: 09:00 CST, 15 January 2012 to 13:00 CST, 15 January 2012
Schedule: Passed

It's time to put away your whiskey glasses... oh, I mean your New Year ice-creams and take the mouse back. And it's time to fight in first JeeSports Quake Live 2012 tournament! As our last TDM tourney went really well, we've thought it'll be a good idea to make another one. So on Sunday 15th January at 10:00 CDT you can run over the TDM maps along with your friends. Oh, and please notice: those, who ain't going to play are totaly not welcome. But for all the others registration has already started. Captains and teams will be picked on Sutarday 14th, and everything starts on Sunday 15th.

Update: Best TDM 4vs4 Draft team is ZZZ (Ukraine vendigo(c) Ukraine extreme Slovakia wision Russia pawz). Catch VOD's soon!

Streams: Russia Empire TV
Links: Brackets, Cup page, VOD's, mIRC #JeeSports.QL
Edited by xou at 13:20 CST, 19 January 2012 - 21542 Hits
JeeQL'11 Dec. 1v1 Amateurs Cup #4 (1 comment)
Posted by nicerdicer @ 13:51 CST, 27 December 2011 - iMsg
JeeSports continues to organize non-pro cups. The last, fourth cup of Amateurs Series starting on Wednesday 28th December at 14:00 CDT. Try to win professional lessons from best players all over the world. Don't forget to check-in 30 minutes before the start.

Streams: TBA
Links: Sign Up, December Season, #JeeSports.QL
2792 Hits
JeeQL'11 Dec. 1v1 Open Final Playoffs (2 comments)
Posted by nicerdicer @ 13:11 CST, 25 December 2011 - iMsg
There are two main events coming up: the end of the year and the end of JeeSports December Series. The open cup play-offs will be played on Thursday 29th December 2011 at 14:00 CDT. It's been a long hard way to the finals of the last Quake Live tourney of 2011, and now only the best JeeSports fighters will face each other in the main battle of the month, trying to get 160€ prize pool.

Note: Top 16 players, pm me for password to join the cup. All qualified players should be on notified on #JeeSports.QL IRC channel ( 10 minutes before the cup starts.

Update: VOD's

Streams: Russia EmpireTV
Links: Cup page, mIRC #JeeSports.QL
Edited by nicerdicer at 05:02 CST, 30 December 2011 - 4130 Hits
Q3God's QuakeLive Cup #2 (78 comments)
Posted by nicerdicer @ 00:22 CST, 21 December 2011 - iMsg
Scheduled: 09:00 CST, 21 December 2011 to 13:00 CST, 21 December 2011
Schedule: Passed

The guys from are glad to announce the 2nd edition of the Q3God's QuakeLive Cup, featuring Duel with 1,000$ as cash prize! The tournament will have 4 qualification cups before the finals with the invited players start on the 24th (exact date and time will be announced later) of December.

Special thanks goes to Alexander "Q3God" for sponsoring the tournament!

Update: The last Qualifier is starting today, the 21st December, at 10:00 CDT!

Link: Participants + Full rules in English + Brackets + Stream - mIRC #GoodGame.Ru
Edited by xou at 00:22 CST, 21 December 2011 - 24837 Hits
JeeQL'11 Dec. 1v1 Amateurs Cup #3 (No comments)
Posted by nicerdicer @ 15:12 CST, 20 December 2011 - iMsg
JeeSports continues to organize non-pro cups. The third cup of Amateurs Series starting on Wednesday 21th December at 14:00 CDT. Try to win professional lessons from best players all over the world. Don't forget to check-in 30 minutes before the start.

Streams: TBA
Links: Sign Up, December Season, #JeeSports.QL
2314 Hits
JeeQL'11 Dec. 1v1 Open Qualifier #5 (6 comments)
Posted by nicerdicer @ 13:19 CST, 19 December 2011 - iMsg
The fifth Qualifier for the JeeSports Open Series Duel Cup will be played on Tuesday 20th of December at 14:00 CDT. Check-in starts 30 minutes before. This time earn more point to get to top16.

Streams: TBA
Links: Sign up, December Season, mIRC #JeeSports.QL
Edited by nicerdicer at 13:19 CST, 19 December 2011 - 4501 Hits
JeeQL'11 Dec. CTF Draft Tournament (84 comments)
Posted by nicerdicer @ 07:55 CST, 18 December 2011 - iMsg
Besides our usual duel tournaments we often offer you other game modes to play. And after successful TDM draft community demanded the same thing for CTF. We asked ourselves: "Why not?" So now we are organizing JeeQL'11 Dec. CTF Draft Tournament for those, who prefer stealing heavy enemy flags rather then hit mercy-limit. Everything starts December, 18 at 09:00 CDT, and now is the right time to register! So far it's been 45 players (including the world famous ones), who applied.

Update: For those, who missed the cup - VOD's up

Streams: United Kingdom Level Up TV, Sweden Snelvovve, Russia ZTV
Links: Cup page, Brackets, VOD's, mIRC #JeeSports.QL
Edited by nicerdicer at 01:40 CST, 19 December 2011 - 20339 Hits
JeeQL'11 Dec. 1v1 Open Qualifier #4 (2 comments)
Posted by nicerdicer @ 12:02 CST, 16 December 2011 - iMsg
The fourth Qualifier for the JeeSports Open Series Duel Cup will be played on Saturday 17th of December at 08:00 CDT. Check-in starts 30 minutes before. Try to win cash this time.

Streams: Dubcat
Links: Sign up, December Season, mIRC #JeeSports.QL
Edited by nicerdicer at 06:45 CST, 17 December 2011 - 2969 Hits
How about some competitive PQL? (98 comments)
Posted by nicerdicer @ 11:51 CST, 16 December 2011 - iMsg
Would you like to see or would you like to take part in any kind of PQL Tournaments?
18590 Hits
JeeQL'11 Dec. 1v1 Amateurs Cup #2 (3 comments)
Posted by nicerdicer @ 05:07 CST, 13 December 2011 - iMsg
JeeSports continues to organize non-pro cups. The second cup of Amateurs Series starting on Wednesday 14th December at 14:00 CDT. Try to win professional lessons from best players all over the world. Don't forget to check-in 30 minutes before the start.

Streams: TBA
Links: Sign Up, December Season, #JeeSports.QL
Edited by nicerdicer at 14:14 CST, 13 December 2011 - 3055 Hits
JeeQL'11 Dec. 1v1 Open Qualifier #3 (No comments)
Posted by nicerdicer @ 13:50 CST, 12 December 2011 - iMsg
The third Qualifier for the JeeSports Open Series Duel Cup will be played on Tuesday 13th of December at 14:00 CDT. Check-in starts 30 minutes before. This time earn more point to get to top16.

Streams: TBA
Links: Sign up, December Season, mIRC #JeeSports.QL
Edited by nicerdicer at 13:59 CST, 12 December 2011 - 1835 Hits
JeeQL'11 Dec. 1v1 Open Qualifier #2 (6 comments)
Posted by nicerdicer @ 12:26 CST, 9 December 2011 - iMsg
The second Qualifier for the JeeSports Open Series Duel Cup will be played on Saturday 10th of December at 08:00 CDT. Check-in starts 30 minutes before. Try to win cash this time.

Streams: HoQTV
Links: Sign up, December Season, mIRC #JeeSports.QL
Edited by nicerdicer at 07:09 CST, 10 December 2011 - 3437 Hits
JeeQL'11 Dec. 1v1 Amateurs Cup #1 (23 comments)
Posted by nicerdicer @ 07:30 CST, 7 December 2011 - iMsg
JeeSports continues to organize non-pro cups. The first cup of Amateurs Series starting on Wednesday 7th December at 14:00 CDT. Try to win professional lessons from best players all over the world. Don't forget to check-in 30 minutes before the start.

Streams: TBA
Links: Sign Up, December Season, #JeeSports.QL
Edited by xou at 07:30 CST, 7 December 2011 - 8836 Hits
JeeQL'11 Dec. 1v1 Open Qualifier #1 (3 comments)
Posted by nicerdicer @ 14:14 CST, 6 December 2011 - iMsg
We are opening JeeSports December QuakeLIVE Season! The first Qualifier for the JeeSports Open Series Duel Cup will be played on Tuesday 6th of December at 14:00 CDT. Check-in starts 30 minutes before.

Streams: TBA
Links: Sign up, December Season, #JeeSports.QL
Edited by xou at 14:14 CST, 6 December 2011 - 3662 Hits
JeeSports CTF Draft Mappool (54 comments)
Posted by nicerdicer @ 16:35 CST, 2 December 2011 - iMsg
What mappool you prefer...5 maps only


Choose the last map for mappool!
Edited by nicerdicer at 07:06 CST, 3 December 2011 - 9748 Hits
DHW'11 by JeeSports (1 comment)
Posted by nicerdicer @ 15:15 CST, 27 November 2011 - iMsg

Just good designed final standings to your attention. Thanks to all, who followed this report last 3 days.
957 Hits
JeeQL'11 Nov. 1v1 NA Open Cup #3 (11 comments)
Posted by nicerdicer @ 14:25 CST, 18 November 2011 - iMsg
Scheduled: 14:00 CST, 19 November 2011 to 16:30 CST, 19 November 2011
Schedule: Passed

The third JeeSports NA Open Series Duel Cup will be played on Saturday 19th of November at 15:00 CDT. Check-in starts 30 minutes before. We have weekly cash prizes for this NA series. Try to win some competitive cash from JeeSports this month!

Stream: TBA
Links: Sign up #3, mIRC #JeeSports.QL
Edited by xou at 14:44 CST, 18 November 2011 - 8181 Hits
JeeQL'11 Nov. 1v1 NA Open Cup #2 (13 comments)
Posted by nicerdicer @ 12:39 CST, 12 November 2011 - iMsg
Scheduled: 14:00 CST, 12 November 2011 to 16:30 CST, 12 November 2011
Schedule: Passed

The second JeeSports NA Open Series Duel Cup will be played on Saturday 12th of November at 15:00 CDT. Check-in starts 30 minutes before. We have weekly cash prizes for this NA series. Try to win some competitive cash from JeeSports this month!

Stream: HoQtv #4(nsx)
Links: Sign up #2, mIRC #JeeSports.QL
Edited by xou at 12:39 CST, 12 November 2011 - 3871 Hits
JeeQL'11 Nov. 1v1 NA Open Cup #1 (8 comments)
Posted by nicerdicer @ 08:37 CDT, 1 November 2011 - iMsg
Even though we only hold TDM tournament in Europe this month, North American weekly 1on1 competition will be still running with the same prizes, as usually offered to the JeeSports.EU champions. We have three more NA Duel cups on Saturdays for you before DreamHack get started. Try to win some competitive cash from JeeSports this month!

Links: Sign up #1, mIRC #JeeSports.QL
Edited by xou at 14:02 CDT, 1 November 2011 - 3096 Hits
JeeSports Interviews Evil - August JSQL (2 comments)
Posted by nicerdicer @ 12:15 CDT, 7 September 2011 - iMsg
JeeSport's August Series of Quake Live has ended and the September Series is about to begin. The top 3 finalists of last months Play-offs have found a moment to have a chat with us about their games. Enjoy some nice words from Russia Evil.
There are two language interviews with Evil, that JeeSports made - Russian and English!

Links: Full English Interview, Full Russian Interview
Edited by nicerdicer at 16:15 CDT, 7 September 2011 - 1373 Hits
kRoNic interviewed by JeeSports (12 comments)
Posted by nicerdicer @ 08:04 CDT, 3 September 2011 - iMsg
JeeSport's August Series of Quake Live has ended and the September Series is about to begin. The top 3 finalists of last months Play-offs have found a moment to have a chat with us about their games. Enjoy some nice words from Ireland kRoNic.
There are two language interviews with kRoNic, that JeeSports made - Russian and English!

Links: Full English Interview, Full Russian Interview
Edited by xou at 11:23 CDT, 4 September 2011 - 5802 Hits
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