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more prizes (No comments)
Posted by Liefje @ 15:44 CDT, 3 June 2007 - iMsg
The PES guys went home
Edited by Liefje at 18:04 CDT, 3 June 2007 - 1532 Hits
More CS: S (No comments)
Posted by Liefje @ 15:44 CDT, 3 June 2007 - iMsg
Edited by Liefje at 18:04 CDT, 3 June 2007 - 1503 Hits
guys doing stuff (2 comments)
Posted by Liefje @ 15:44 CDT, 3 June 2007 - iMsg
Man it was hot in there...
Edited by Liefje at 18:04 CDT, 3 June 2007 - 3008 Hits
drek (No comments)
Posted by Liefje @ 15:44 CDT, 3 June 2007 - iMsg
Announcing the prizes
Edited by Liefje at 18:04 CDT, 3 June 2007 - 1557 Hits
WC3 third place (No comments)
Posted by Liefje @ 15:44 CDT, 3 June 2007 - iMsg
getting his headphones
Edited by Liefje at 18:04 CDT, 3 June 2007 - 1462 Hits
WC3 third place (No comments)
Posted by Liefje @ 15:44 CDT, 3 June 2007 - iMsg
..and his cheque

I think the nick reads "knoff"
Edited by Liefje at 18:04 CDT, 3 June 2007 - 1442 Hits
WC3 second place (1 comment)
Posted by Liefje @ 15:44 CDT, 3 June 2007 - iMsg
can't read the name on this one :x
Edited by Liefje at 18:04 CDT, 3 June 2007 - 1703 Hits
WC3 first place (No comments)
Posted by Liefje @ 15:44 CDT, 3 June 2007 - iMsg
Edited by Liefje at 18:04 CDT, 3 June 2007 - 1529 Hits
WC3 first place again (No comments)
Posted by Liefje @ 15:44 CDT, 3 June 2007 - iMsg
He can't seem to stand still for a photo
Edited by Liefje at 18:04 CDT, 3 June 2007 - 1329 Hits
Quake 4 third place (No comments)
Posted by Liefje @ 15:44 CDT, 3 June 2007 - iMsg
PURRI ( there were hearts on his cheque but you can't see them :( )
Edited by Liefje at 18:04 CDT, 3 June 2007 - 1430 Hits
Quake 4 second place (No comments)
Posted by Liefje @ 15:44 CDT, 3 June 2007 - iMsg
I think i'm obsessed...
Edited by Liefje at 18:04 CDT, 3 June 2007 - 1413 Hits
Quake 4 second place (No comments)
Posted by Liefje @ 15:44 CDT, 3 June 2007 - iMsg
Edited by Liefje at 18:04 CDT, 3 June 2007 - 1321 Hits
Quake 4 first place (No comments)
Posted by Liefje @ 15:44 CDT, 3 June 2007 - iMsg
Edited by Liefje at 18:04 CDT, 3 June 2007 - 1411 Hits
fojji (No comments)
Posted by Liefje @ 15:44 CDT, 3 June 2007 - iMsg
Note the hearts on his cheque!
Edited by Liefje at 18:04 CDT, 3 June 2007 - 1518 Hits
CS: S third place (No comments)
Posted by Liefje @ 15:44 CDT, 3 June 2007 - iMsg
I can't read the name :(
Edited by Liefje at 18:04 CDT, 3 June 2007 - 1366 Hits
CS: S third place (No comments)
Posted by Liefje @ 15:44 CDT, 3 June 2007 - iMsg
The guy in red is looking like the mousepad is a bomb or something
Edited by Liefje at 18:04 CDT, 3 June 2007 - 1351 Hits
CS: S second place (No comments)
Posted by Liefje @ 15:44 CDT, 3 June 2007 - iMsg
Edited by Liefje at 18:04 CDT, 3 June 2007 - 1441 Hits
CS: S second place (No comments)
Posted by Liefje @ 15:44 CDT, 3 June 2007 - iMsg
Edited by Liefje at 18:04 CDT, 3 June 2007 - 1290 Hits
CS: S first place (No comments)
Posted by Liefje @ 15:44 CDT, 3 June 2007 - iMsg
getting their prize
Edited by Liefje at 18:04 CDT, 3 June 2007 - 1405 Hits
CS: S first place (No comments)
Posted by Liefje @ 15:44 CDT, 3 June 2007 - iMsg
Edited by Liefje at 18:04 CDT, 3 June 2007 - 1341 Hits
Last attempt (No comments)
Posted by Liefje @ 15:44 CDT, 3 June 2007 - iMsg
They just won't stand still!
Edited by Liefje at 18:04 CDT, 3 June 2007 - 1469 Hits
drek saying goodbye (No comments)
Posted by Liefje @ 15:44 CDT, 3 June 2007 - iMsg
Edited by Liefje at 18:04 CDT, 3 June 2007 - 1367 Hits
CS: S guys (No comments)
Posted by Liefje @ 15:44 CDT, 3 June 2007 - iMsg
looking really happy
Edited by Liefje at 18:04 CDT, 3 June 2007 - 1464 Hits
OMG daylight (No comments)
Posted by Liefje @ 15:44 CDT, 3 June 2007 - iMsg
It's always nice when a tournament ends when theres still sunshine
Edited by Liefje at 18:04 CDT, 3 June 2007 - 1547 Hits
more CS: S guys (No comments)
Posted by Liefje @ 15:44 CDT, 3 June 2007 - iMsg
where's the rest of them?
Edited by Liefje at 18:04 CDT, 3 June 2007 - 1317 Hits
The winning team (No comments)
Posted by Liefje @ 15:44 CDT, 3 June 2007 - iMsg
Edited by Liefje at 18:04 CDT, 3 June 2007 - 1430 Hits
Interviews (No comments)
Posted by Liefje @ 15:44 CDT, 3 June 2007 - iMsg
I just realized I have no pics of ooze.. he's looking healthy and happy though.
Edited by Liefje at 18:04 CDT, 3 June 2007 - 1497 Hits
fojji in the spotlight (No comments)
Posted by Liefje @ 15:44 CDT, 3 June 2007 - iMsg
Edited by Liefje at 18:04 CDT, 3 June 2007 - 1471 Hits
trito filming fojji (No comments)
Posted by Liefje @ 15:44 CDT, 3 June 2007 - iMsg
Edited by Liefje at 18:04 CDT, 3 June 2007 - 1677 Hits
The top 3 (No comments)
Posted by Liefje @ 15:44 CDT, 3 June 2007 - iMsg
Edited by Liefje at 18:04 CDT, 3 June 2007 - 1546 Hits
PURRI's desk at home (No comments)
Posted by Liefje @ 15:44 CDT, 3 June 2007 - iMsg
I dont know what this picture is doing here but I can't figure out how to delete it and I don't remember taking it......
Edited by Liefje at 18:04 CDT, 3 June 2007 - 1422 Hits
Japanese poodle scam (33 comments)
Posted by Liefje @ 15:58 CDT, 2 May 2007 - iMsg
I laughed so hard when I hear about this. Apparently thousands of Japanese people have been fooled into buying "poodles" that were actually sheep from the UK or Australia! HAHA!

"The scam was uncovered when Japanese moviestar Maiko Kawamaki went on a talk-show and wondered why her new pet would not bark or eat dog food.

She was crestfallen when told it was a sheep.

Then hundreds of other women got in touch with police to say they feared their new "poodle" was also a sheep.

One couple said they became suspicious when they took their "dog" to have its claws trimmed and were told it had hooves."

:D Adoreable Japanese!
5837 Hits
Starcraft IRL! (8 comments)
Posted by Liefje @ 11:03 CDT, 13 April 2007 - iMsg
I'm sure you've all seen the "CS IRL" and "Quake IRL" videos but this one is different and I really loved it:

There is also real life broodwar hehe:

PS **offtopic**: Michael Schofield should end up on the LOST island and break all those people out, the others wouldn't stand a chance. ISLAND BREAK!
Edited by Liefje at 11:04 CDT, 13 April 2007 - 3308 Hits
Oh no (75 comments)
Posted by Liefje @ 14:02 CDT, 25 March 2007 - iMsg
Disaster struck on my desk today :(

edit: the pic is cut off for me, right before the flaming wreckage, is that happening for anyone else? :(
Edited by Liefje at 14:14 CDT, 25 March 2007 - 15988 Hits
Furniture / PC stuff for sale (8 comments)
Posted by Liefje @ 14:43 CST, 17 February 2007 - iMsg
The Home of Chrome is closing at the end of the month and we are looking at selling a lot of furniture (beds, dressers etc) and computer stuff (monitors, chairs, desks, lan cables etc). We are in the Stockholm area and it might even be possible to arrange delivery. If anyone is interested contact me:

liefje @
3657 Hits
Logo contest winner (26 comments)
Posted by Liefje @ 09:47 CST, 16 February 2007 - iMsg
Last week I ran a logo contest and I finally picked the winner (with a little help ;))

Anyway some really cool ones weren't posted up on ESR and for those of you interested you can view my overview of the contest and of course find out who the winner is :)

There is a lot of talented people out there and i'd really like to thank everyone who entered.... now I know who to hit up when I need photoshop help hehe.

BTW the prize was shipped off today!
7620 Hits
Logo design contest! (103 comments)
Posted by Liefje @ 15:03 CST, 6 February 2007 - iMsg
I don't have a wacom and suck at drawing so I am looking for someone who can design a logo for me to use on my upcoming website ( Yep... I hope the name can inspire you ;D hehe

The winning design will get credited on my site as well as a link to their personal design page (if they have one) and I will also send you a brand new pair of SteelSound 4H gaming headphones!

You can either post your work here or email it to me: sweetflow @

I will contact the winner through esr IM if you don't leave an email address for me to reply to :) It would be really nice if it could be scaled so I can change the size and stuff... and with a transparant background.

Winner will be announced on Valentines Day.

Sooo have fun!

edit: i dont want a banner, i want a logo! :) Please note I have changed the email address because the previous one didnt seem to be working. The site is now live so you can see the layout and maybe that will give you some ideas :)
Edited by Liefje at 09:02 CST, 10 February 2007 - 40176 Hits
nVidia for men? (54 comments)
Posted by Liefje @ 16:04 CST, 29 December 2006 - iMsg
Tyler says (10:46 PM):
gaming events should be sponsored by Axe body spray
Liefje says (10:47 PM):
bleh yeah.. or even better, nvidia for men
Tyler says (10:47 PM):
atleast in the US
nVidia for men
the greatest.
Liefje says (10:47 PM):
for the metro euros

thanks to Tyler from GamingJunky for the image
Edited by Liefje at 16:19 CST, 29 December 2006 - 12102 Hits
f***ed up travel... be careful :x (31 comments)
Posted by Liefje @ 12:13 CST, 22 December 2006 - iMsg
I copy pasted this from my girlzgaminghouse blog.

Ok, the CPL is over and there really isn't much more to say about it except for what you may read here on esplat. I was really ready to leave and spend some time at the Home of Chrome chillaxing and doing Christmas things.

Today however my usually calm, easy-going personality was cracked. Being organized I had written down all my flight details (including provided "itinerary numbers") and was confident that I would be leaving Dallas for Newark airport at 11am this morning. Of course, I had very little sleep last night as I wanted to hang out with the other players seeing as I don't know when the next event is so I won't know when i'll see them again! I shared a cab with CZM to the airport as we had flights leaving around the same time... or so I thought.
My ticket was booked on which we have used many times to book our tickets and have never had a problem with. This time, I had a big problem.

I go to check in my bags at the express check in but my 11am flight to Newark doesn't exist! (Note: I had to go through Newark and check-in again with a different ticket / airline to get back to Stockholm). Thinking I must have been tired and just written down the wrong time, I assumed that my flight was the 12:30 one they mentioned. No big deal, all I had to do was check in upstairs.

After waiting in line for around 45 minutes to check in I discover that my name wasn't on any American Airlines flights. The lady at the desk suggested that maybe I had a different departing airline but after checking the other schedules of the airlines at BOTH Dallas airports there were none leaving around 11am on any airline going to EWR (Newark).

The next step was to run a check of my name in all their records to see where I was booked to leave Dallas. I wasn't. I started to panic because I knew I HAD to make it on my flight back to Sweden. My only option was to buy a last minute one-way ticket to EWR which was $730. That was more than my entire bunch of flights was from Sweden to New Jersey and back again. Checking all the other airlines for cheaper options I was out of luck as I had to make it to EWR on time to catch my flight to Stockholm.

Shocked and reluctant, I pulled out my credit card and agree to pay the shocking price to get some part of the way home. Transaction not accepted. Could this day get any better? I ask to use an internet terminal to check if I had enough funds to purchase this ticket. Apparently, there are no internet terminals in DFW (Dallas Fort Worth airport). Of course it was not an option for me to leave my excessive Christmas shopping luggage at the airport so I had to take it all on a crazy trek to the Hyatt hotel that was close to the airport (walking of course)... and of course there were many stairs involved causing me to spill my stuff all over the place all the time. I'm not strong enough to cope with all my luggage :(

I was pressed for time to be able to make the next flight and had to ignore the shitty situation I was in just to be able to not break down and freak the fuck out. I was on a mission to get a crazy expensive ticket to EWR. At the Hyatt they were very nice to me. They let me leave my luggage upstairs while I frantically ran around the hotel looking for their "Business center" where I could use the internet (which was SOOO not easy to find).

I quickly get on the internet (which they let me use for free because I guess I looked so upset) and spent about 5 seconds making sure I had the available funds to get this ticket. I also double checked my itinerary leaving Dallas and all the information I had given to the check-in lady was accurate. WTF?! I guess I could have handled it if I had made the mistake but I hadn't. Nothing was going to stop me from making it back to Sweden TONIGHT! Plus I was thinking about the luxury of Malaysian airlines and I couldn't cope with having to let that flight go.

After that, the Hyatt put me on the shuttle back to the airport and had people help me with all my bags so that I would make it on time. Now I had my ticket, I felt a million times better. And quite unnecessarily poor. It really freaked me out to think that how many times I have booked flights online and no mishap like this has ever happened.

I can't even begin to think how freaky it would be if I didn't have enough funds in my bank to pay for this flight. So everyone, please double check all your bookings so this crazy shit doesn't happen to you!

The cherry on top is that when I got to Sweden (yes i made it), they had left my luggage in NJ, HAHA! They're supposed to call me and tell me when it arrives but my phone is almost out of battery and the charger is in my suitcase.... :)
7636 Hits
Pro-gamers as role models? (95 comments)
Posted by Liefje @ 17:15 CST, 6 November 2006 - iMsg
18256 Hits
toxic rulez (67 comments)
Posted by Liefje @ 14:54 CDT, 19 October 2006 - iMsg
Really, he does!

He smiles too! :D

If I could find his ESReality account i'd tell you to plus him!! hehe :D
Edited by Liefje at 16:11 CDT, 19 October 2006 - 11647 Hits
'Till death do us part (15 comments)
Posted by Liefje @ 18:43 CDT, 16 July 2006 - iMsg
[01:38] <fnatic\purri> wanna shag?
[01:38] <chrome\Liefje_> no, im a married woman now
5653 Hits
GUESS THE GAMER!! (20 comments)
Posted by Liefje @ 12:57 CDT, 25 June 2006 - iMsg
Clicky clicky!

Guess who the gamer is hehe!

Note: Don't leave your guesses here!
2499 Hits
Edited by g0d-Missy at 04:10 CDT, 23 June 2006 - 8127 Hits
Home of Chrome Launch Party (PICS!) (9 comments)
Posted by Liefje @ 19:15 CDT, 15 April 2006 - iMsg
Last wednesday we had the official Home of Chrome launch party. People of interest that were there were:
Carmac, Sujoy, Tosspot, Toogood, Nomadic, PURRI (<3), Anna (CS girl formerly of seules), fox and a lot of press :)

The gallery can be found here!

It was also Fox's birthday which was celebrated in the Home of Chrome and there are a few pics from that bender too in the same gallery.

Here's a little taste of what is to be viewed:
Carmac getting babied
The payback
Fox's birthday cake
TooGood gets freaked out... I have no idea why! :( haha
Pro poker players! ;) and carmac pulling the finger :(
Carmac giving a funny look
Carmac "constructing" ... or more like mounting!
TooGood loooooves his chocolate cereal!, especially all chav'd up!
Timothy Brown giving his speech
My favourite bartender... PURRI! =D
CS player Anna
Tosspot recreating the wolvenstein logo uhh.. in butter!
Carmac is extremely unimpressed with his rubber duckies
Sujoy needs to wake up now!

Haha ok I think thats a nice taste of what the gallery has to offer ;)
2319 Hits
CeBIT Pictures!! (29 comments)
Posted by Liefje @ 11:38 CST, 27 March 2006 - iMsg
Last week the girlz of destruction attended the CeBIT expo in Hannover, Germany. There is a gallery uploaded here.

The gallery features well-known gamers that were also in attendance, such as fox, stermy, fatal1ty, toogood, astz (all doing shootouts) and the ever-illusive carmac.

Heres a little taste of what the gallery holds in store:

Toogood looking like I just grabbed his ass
Local German chav
Toogood and astz shoutcasting
Stermy and fox at the creative booth
Fatal1ty chromed
Carmacs way of saying hello to Toogood
WTF is going on here??
Fox feeling feminine

hehe anyway i could go on all day.. its definitely a gallery worth checking out =)
3768 Hits
E3 Adventures! (part 2 of g0ds journey) (13 comments)
Posted by Liefje @ 03:23 CDT, 26 May 2005 - iMsg
Not a single game was lost at the Razer booth except by trito to fox and daler, both top Q3 players. The three hectic days at E3 were tiring, overwhelming and fun. We all met a lot of interesting people and although we didn’t really get to see many exhibits, being there was a great experience and a real eye opener to the industry. I managed to be able to play two of the worlds top UT2004 players and Fatal1ty which was great as I love the challenge and do aspire to one day become that good too. I think we would all definitely do it all over again if given the chance.

Day 0 (May 17): Our first look at E3! At first we had to be at the convention centre by 10 – 11am, but there were some delays with the PCs and we didn’t have to be there until 2. Itching to leave the hotel, we drove to Venice Beach. It was extremely beautiful there. I wish I could post pics but my piece of shit camera had already run out of memory. We ate lunch in the sun (the weather was awesome!) and hurried back to the convention centre, which took a lot longer than we thought, especially since none of us were familiar with the area.

We got to the booth ready to install the games. Man UT is a pain in the ass to install when you don’t have the DVD version. I left my gitzZz signed copy of UT at the booth so whoever took it, thanks for finally giving me the excuse to buy a DVD copy of UT! Anyway, once UT and Q3 were installed, that was the end of our short “first” look at E3. Tomorrow would be totally different, with all the exhibitions set up and being open to all, and we’d have a real taste of what the next days had in store for us.

Day 1 (May 18):
As expected, the first day was going to be tough, as we only had five of our members at the Razer booth. Ms. X, Keyla, Rocket Queen, trito and myself (sWeeTfLoW) were there the entire day, not really having a chance to look around as we had to attend to the booth. Various people came up to the booth but didn’t really know what it was all about. Constantly having to explain that we were actual gamers and actually played games and participated in tournaments was a little tiring. E3 closed at six but that is not where our day ended.

That evening we luckily had invites to the gamespot party. We showed up around 8:30 pm and the bouncers weren’t letting many people in. Lucky for us, we didn’t have that problem ;). Going from the Airport Park View hotel in the ghetto (Inglewood) to an exclusive party in downtown LA was a very funny feeling. We did have to turn in early however, as tomorrow was another hectic day at E3 and RocketQueen and I had to be up early to pick up Missy from the airport.

Day 2 (May 19):
Today was a little more eventful than yesterday. Last night after the party, MiLf (Liliana) showed up at the hotel and we played a little prank. The prank involved the giant hello kitty piñata from Tijuana. Yes, it is on video. Also, at 7:30 am we had to pick up Missy (Jamie) from LAX. RocketQueen (Sara) and I went, leaving Ms. X, MiLf, trito and Keyla to work the booth while we were gone. The way the traffic was that morning, we would’ve never made it to E3 on time anyway.

Today we decided it would be a good gimmick to bring the hello kitty piñata to the booth. It worked wonders. Loads of people were snapping shots of the kitty.

Upon arrival at E3, it was straight to the booth. However at 11am I went to the gamespot booth to challenge eVeNfLoW*dx, as I had the chance to win a $2,500 voucher for a PC. The score was 3 – 0 (to eVeNfLoW) on a 3 minute map. On the way back, Alana and I thought it would be fun for me to challenge Fatal1ty, as his game at his booth was in fact UT2004. Luckily, I was able to sign up but I had to be back at his booth by 3:00pm for a 3:30 game. Good thing I did come before 3:30 as I got to witness fnatic|lauke beat Fatal1ty 11 – 1! The match was excellent. Granted, the map was dm-compressed (a UT2003 map) and double damage was on, and it was only 4 minutes but it was a great game to watch. Naturally, most of the crowd was cheering when Fatal1ty got his single frag on lauke, but there was also a few lauke fans cheering him on! Lucky (skill in this case) lauke’s prize was a large $2,500 cheque.

I was up next. This was totally nerve-racking for me, as I am definitely not used to a lot of attention when playing games and well, Fatal1ty always draws a crowd, especially if someone is beating him, or if someone like lauke is playing him. Before the match I shamelessly asked Fatal1ty if he would be so kind as to wear the “catwoman/batman” glasses that had become quite infamous at this point. He declined, and the MC woman thought I was trying to blind him? WTF? Obviously she didn’t see the humour nor the style behind the glasses. Oh well, it was worth a try. My match vs Fatal1ty didn’t go as well as lauke’s. The scores were pretty much reversed, 11 - -1! That wasn’t surprising, but what I was surprised about was the amount of media and crowds that were there! I guess being a female really does count, as I know there certainly wasn’t that many people watching when Fatal1ty beat some “unknown” player two matches prior to mine.

I wasn’t done after Fatal1ty, I had to play lauke over at the gamespot booth soon after. That wasn’t bad. I have fun playing top players, I would love to train with them all the time. I wasn’t nervous like I was nervous playing Fatal1ty. I guess the media and crowds is definitely not something I am used to. Of course, lauke beat me, the score being 7 – 0 on dm-Rankin. After the lauke match, I had to play someone else for 3rd place. I won, the score being 2 – 1, my prize being a steering wheel! Score, I’ve always wanted one of those! Later though, I found it was for Playstation 2, damn! Once again, lauke was the winner again, taking home a voucher for a $2,500 PC.

And while all this was happening, Missy and LiLi were filming a DVD! I can’t wait to see it &#61514; Its going to be released in the UK and as far as I know, its about gaming and the future of gaming, although it was more console based.

That night it was the Razer dinner. I had a delicious steak in a restaurant on Sunset Blvd. It felt good to have some *real* food, which I hadn’t had pretty much since the beginning of this journey.

Day 3 (May 20): Everyone had mixed feelings about today. Happy because it was the last day of standing on crazy high heels, but also sadness as it was the last day of the expo, no one really had a chance to go exploring, and the last day meant that the trip was going to be over soon!

We had a photo shoot today. It was funny because as soon as we started posing and someone was taking pictures and looking interested, a sudden swarm of cameras would appear! I guess you seem important if one person is taking pictures of you, haha. After that, Ms. X, Missy and I met up with stirge, whom we were meant to meet up with last night but our schedules just didn’t match up. We went and checked out the gamespot booth once more and to my surprise infinite was there! However he did not win the $2,500 PC voucher that gamespot were giving away that day.

After that, we had to make another attempt for Fatal1ty to wear the infamous glasses. This time, after a littler persuasion, he relented and a photograph was taken for the collection.

Just before the 4pm closing of E3, we managed to finally get a look at the Nvidia booth and had a few more team shots taken.

That pretty much concludes the E3 expo, I will finish the E3 section here, although it isn’t where the trip concluded. We went to disneyland and california adventure park the next two days, there are pics here.

Read about our pre e3 adventures here!
Edited by sWeeTfLoW at 02:57 GMT, 29th May 2005 - 5050 Hits
surviving the ghetto - g0d style (45 comments)
Posted by Liefje @ 03:14 CDT, 26 May 2005 - iMsg
The following is an account of three girlz 0f destruction members: Ms. X, trito and my own adventures in Los Angeles and Mexico before the E3 event. I hope you enjoy the read, as it really was a crazy trip :)
Article Page: 1, 2, 3, 4 || next page >>
Edited by netrex at 12:52 GMT, 31st May 2005 - 8821 Hits
Pics from the South Island, NZ (23 comments)
Posted by Liefje @ 16:42 CST, 26 February 2005 - iMsg

eVeNfLoW and I just spent 2 weeks there, it was absoloutly stunning. In fact, I can say it has some of the most beautiful places I have ever seen! If you ever visit New Zealand, the west coast of the South Island is an awesome place to see.

I saw a few LOTR filming places too :)
6144 Hits
0wned by a girl (frag movie) (32 comments)
Posted by Liefje @ 22:16 CST, 23 January 2005 - iMsg
0wned by a girl

My first frag movie '0wned by a girl' (the title is a bit of a joke :)) has some pretty average frags, was fun to make though! I just wanted to see if i can make a frag movie :) just sorted through old demos to find reasonable (reasonably crap) frags... so don't expect too much! :)

ALSO its done in REALLY crap quality, it wasn't really intended to be a piece of artwork (wow i'm really pimping it here :p).

Its short and small (about 1.45min, 11 meg d/l).

Edited by sWeeTfLoW at 04:37 GMT, 24th Jan 2005 - 10083 Hits
WCG2004 Photos! (6 comments)
Posted by Liefje @ 04:32 CST, 22 January 2005 - iMsg
In addition with missy's WCG pics, there are more to be seen here!!

Also, there is a hilarious magic carpet video that you can download from here!

Magic carpet rides are awesome :))))
Edited by sWeeTfLoW at 00:26 GMT, 23rd Jan 2005 - 3338 Hits
Posted by Liefje @ 05:44 CST, 22 March 2004 - iMsg
3127 Hits
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