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Constitutional Communism (10 comments)
Posted by G.I. Jonesy @ 19:16 CST, 9 January 2010 - iMsg
"Where is the party in opposition that has not been decried as communistic by its opponents in power? Where is the opposition that has not hurled back the branding reproach of communism, against the more advanced opposition parties, as well as against its reactionary adversaries?"

Republicans never stop accusing Democrats of being communistic. Because everyone loves Communism, especially those in power, let us form the Communist Party of America. Instead of pure Communism (purity seems to always result in failure), why not create Communism with a constitution to protect people from government abuse?
3430 Hits
The Criminilization of Love (20 comments)
Posted by G.I. Jonesy @ 04:08 CST, 7 January 2010 - iMsg
Republican cocksuckers, who are so filled with hate, have gone to such extents, they have begun to prosecute love. If you are 18 and your love is 17, in some states you can be imprisoned for 99 years. According to these Republicans, unless your lover is also your sister, you should be executed. Why everyone fails to understand the oppression of love, and subsequently accepts its persecution, I cannot tell you.
4550 Hits
Republican Logic, Part III (15 comments)
Posted by G.I. Jonesy @ 21:48 CST, 6 January 2010 - iMsg
I do not want to kill all Republicans, I just want to kill everything they stand for. Some of these Republicans have so much, they are so rich, yet when there is a job-opening at their business, instead of hiring someone who actually needs the money (there is a recession on, atm), they hire one of their kids. Why do such a thing? The reason is usually simple, something like, so their kid will move out of their house. The word selfishness does not begin to describe the horror that is everything Republicans are and do on a constant, daily, micro and macro-basis. Even today, with 6.5 billion living human beings, they still contend we should practice what they call 'self-reliance', which basically means we should all function as individuals, or at most, pack-animals. Many of these Republicans consistently fail to understand cultural differences. They are what you might call 'philistines'. In some cultures, families never stop living together. Even so, because Republicans are ethnocentric, they consider any U.S. citizens living with their families beyond a time-frame currently considered acceptable to be, in a word, 'losers'. These people (the 'losers'), are persecuted, and generally attacked by the various uneducated members of the United States.

Never let Republicans fool you by claiming their selfish whims are for your good. I am against authoritarianism, but I am not against communism or socialism. Long as I can choose between which system, and none of the systems can function tyrannically, I have no problem.
4070 Hits
The 1st Rule of War (85 comments)
Posted by G.I. Jonesy @ 03:15 CST, 5 January 2010 - iMsg
I learned this rule when I was in 3rd-grade. For some reason, Republicans still fail to learn it or understand it. If you do not know the rule, it is roughly, "Never start a war you cannot win.". What this rule means is you should know the outcome before the war even begins. This rule is different from the rule, "The first casualty of war is the battle-plan.", which has nothing to do with the outcome, but rather the intricacies and alterations present in each individual battle.

Is their ignorance and ineptitude a result of stupidity and arrogance, or something more complex? Injury causes evolution. Those injured by Republicans are evolving to defeat them. Rove and the Bush administration in particular repeated the practice of starting unwinnable wars, thus miserably losing the last two federal elections.
11646 Hits
Republican Logic, Part II (No comments)
Posted by G.I. Jonesy @ 02:57 CST, 4 January 2010 - iMsg
If you don't force it, it won't happen. Like wild animals, they think we must struggle over every little sunflower-seed. If you are waiting to deplane, you must force your way into the aisle because no one will let you in.

I don't know where Republicans got this thinking, but it certainly wasn't in reality. I never force my way into the aisle, and almost everyone lets me in. If they don't, someone will have to gather their belongings from the overhead bins, giving you more than enough time. The only thing to gain by forcing your way is about 2 seconds. Are 2 seconds really worth being a disrespectful dickhead?

I don't know about any of you, but when people use force against me, it really pisses me off. When unnecessary force is used, it induces violent urges. So not only are Republicans flat-out wrong about the use of force, they are also pissing people off and endangering themselves. Such extreme selfishness and stupidity cannot survive in the long-term. There is practically no real gain, and the enemies you make will ensure tragic loss.
1438 Hits
Government Practices (2 comments)
Posted by G.I. Jonesy @ 23:10 CST, 3 January 2010 - iMsg
When Republicans obtain power, sex becomes outlawed and violence becomes accepted. With Democrats, it is the opposite. Are they deliberately attempting to decrease or increase the population? If so, why do Republicans oppose both homosexuality and abortion while Democrats support both? Is it an attempt to better regulate the increases and decreases? If these are their purposes, should they continue the practices?
726 Hits
Republican Logic (15 comments)
Posted by G.I. Jonesy @ 11:55 CST, 31 December 2009 - iMsg
Normally, 2+2=4. But, according to Republicans, if you live with your parents and you have no money, 2+2 does not equal 4. The fact correctness and which tree you live in or how many nuts you collect have no correlation whatsoever seems to completely escape them. The truth is though, they are instinct-driven, banana-eating gorilla's, deeply inadequate and always attempting to compensate. They never shut up and give you a chance to talk because if they do, you will easily expose them for the fools they are. Their pseudo-intellectualism is merely a shallow attempt to make themselves feel superior. When they prove you wrong with their vast expanse of trivial knowledge, all they prove is that they are time-wasting fools.

I question whether one should attempt to educate them. Maybe in trying to teach philosophy to a squirrel, you, not the student, would be the fool. The real problem though is not their inability to be anything but shallow, materialistic and insignificant, it is their sadistic aggression and inability to change. You would think, being humans, they could learn, but something, maybe pride, base instinct, ignorance or some combination utterly prevents any movement. Many young Republicans are atheists, who are only that way because atheism allows them to do the offensive things they want. It may well be their mediocrity which drives them to be something more. Unfortunately, that kind of drive often leads to terrible things. Greatness can be defined in too many awful ways.

Maybe what Republicans need is to stop trying to be something they are not. They need to learn that they do have good qualities, and those are what they should exercise. And on a completely different note, people should learn to differentiate between martial arts and martial sports. Martial arts are not fun to watch, and almost no one these days is trained in their practice. It is very possible even, if you want to know real martial arts, you will have to train yourself.
3494 Hits
New Ideas (13 comments)
Posted by G.I. Jonesy @ 17:57 CST, 29 December 2009 - iMsg
I was hoping you guys could give me some feedback on some new business ideas. I want to make shirts which say funny things. One shirt would read, "I'm a suicide-bomber.". Another shirt would be, "I'm an airplane hijacker.". And the third, last shirt reads, "Fuck you airport security cocksuckers, I know my 1st amendment Right to say any God-damn fucked up thing I want.", and in fine print it would read, "P.S. I'm a suicide-bombing airplane-hijacker.".

Does anyone think these shirts would sell?
2210 Hits
ESports Revivalism (2 comments)
Posted by G.I. Jonesy @ 10:29 CST, 28 December 2009 - iMsg
You are sleeping soundly. It is 4AM. A noise awakens you from your wonderful slumber. You hear it clearly... something is outside. Maybe it is a burglar, or Big Brother come to shut you down, or even the boogey-man. Finally, you muster the courage to look outside and find out what this terrifying noise actually is. You use night-vision goggles, so as to not reveal your position. What you find is more horrific than you could have imagined - it is.... a flying-squirrel and it's eating sunflower-seeds.

Maybe this story isn't so scary to people without flying-squirrel phobias. Obviously, i'm going to corner the flying-squirrel phobia demographic. And this lesson here, fools, is what matters. The Saints will lose their first playoff-game, because they are the Saints. 16-0, 100-0, whatever-0, the Saints will lose. If the Saints were publicly-traded, everyone who knows the Saints would sell their stock immediately before the first postseason game. The Saints could have all the greatest players to ever play the game, and they would still lose. To the Saints, nothing is more important than consistency. Winning would be catastrophically inconsistent.

But i'm not really talking about the Saints, I am talking about flying-squirrel phobias and what they mean to everyone. When the flying-squirrel attacks, what will you do? Cry to your mother? Call the police? In New Orleans, we had one rule - never go to the cops. Whatever your problem, no matter how dreadfully terrifying flying-squirrels might be, you handle your own affairs. What this means to the world of video games, esports and pro-gaming is that people are not really afraid of flying-squirrels, nor are flying-squirrels a real threat. But I can promise you, if Republicans can get elected on an anti-flying-squirrel platform, and they can successfully launch a War on Flying-Squirrels, they will do so. All it takes is to convince people flying-squirrels are a threat and Republicans are the protection.

I don't know what this has to do with pro-gaming, but those flying-squirrels scare me to death. I think maybe it is a raccoon, but no, it is a flying-squirrel. Maybe there is something to learn from this column. I will leave that challenge to the readers. Fact is, people are intelligent. If you give them something, they can extrapolate the fuck out of it and develop any number of evolutionary and creative things. Flying-squirrels do not really fly, but they do frighten.
2162 Hits
United Nations Involvement (4 comments)
Posted by G.I. Jonesy @ 18:41 CST, 26 December 2009 - iMsg
Should the U.N. continue attempting global measures, or should they change to an international capacity? I think the U.N. should enact one global initiative and then change. That global measure should be the establishment of sovereign Rights. It could be like the Bill of Rights for nations. When sovereign Rights are violated, the U.N. would use its power (military, economic and diplomatic), to appropriately repel and punish the offending nation.
1052 Hits
State of the Union (4 comments)
Posted by G.I. Jonesy @ 05:10 CST, 26 December 2009 - iMsg
Maybe the U.S. is hopeless? The people are insane. You would think they are mentally retarded. They wage unnecessary war by any means necessary. When I murdered your family and raped your daughters (pre and post-mortem), I was defending democracy. You don't even need to truly be defending democracy, as long as you say you are defending democracy, the U.S. people will allow you to commit any heinous crime you can imagine. They don't really know what democracy is, or freedom, or tyranny, or the Bill of Rights. No matter how good a system might be, if the people fail the system will fail. The people here do not care about mass-murders and genocides committed through their tax-dollars, they only care about big-screen TV's and fast-food. Superficial is preferred to thorough, leading to injustice after injustice.

People here care more about their petty, pathetic personal problems than the terrible offenses committed by their government. The people here live in a bubble, where they only see what they want, and the truth is almost never what they want. The guiltier you are, the more you fear and avoid truth. When you are responsible for such atrocities, you find ways to cope or you die of guilt and shame.

Einstein opposed Nazi nationalism and left Germany. Maybe the few intelligent people left in this Union should follow his example.
1863 Hits
Defending Democracy (28 comments)
Posted by G.I. Jonesy @ 21:02 CST, 25 December 2009 - iMsg
Aggressively killing everyone is the only way to successfully defend democracy. If anyone lives, there is a chance they will attack democracy.

Why is the U.S. called U.S.A.? Any state can join the Union. What's wrong with the U.S. anyway, that they think it's ok to go around murdering innocent people and claiming their crimes are 'in defense of democracy'? I've got a great idea, let's all do whatever we want and then simply claim our actions were in 'defense of democracy'. Apparently, if you say your actions are 'in defense of democracy', you can do anything you want.
5562 Hits
Health-Care Reform (1 comment)
Posted by G.I. Jonesy @ 15:58 CST, 25 December 2009 - iMsg
Here's a little news for you guys interested in the United States health-care issue.

Democrats are so desperate to pass their health-care bill, and so easily controlled by Republican politicians, they have added new 'sweeteners'. The first new incentive guarantees another bill, to be voted on directly after health-care reform is signed into law. This new bill will completely destroy the Constitution and install Republican totalitarianism. The second incentive is for Democrats to, after the 'Destruction of the United States bill' has passed, sell their souls to Satan and then kill themselves. Democrats are confident that this version of the health-care bill will pass.
710 Hits
Happy Ramadan (5 comments)
Posted by G.I. Jonesy @ 19:15 CST, 24 December 2009 - iMsg
Tell Glenn Beck it is my mission to kill Christmas. As the Palestinian people suffer, Glenn Beck and his family celebrate. Raise your hand if you love politics. The gold-chains of Mr. T are like the hair of Samson.
3089 Hits
Football Stupidity (10 comments)
Posted by G.I. Jonesy @ 05:48 CST, 22 December 2009 - iMsg
Why do football players, when they get in fights, punch each others helmets? Why not punch a tank, i'm sure it will hurt the people inside. If any fines should be inflicted for football fights, it should be for stupidity. If you want to hurt someone, don't hit them in the armor. Football players should go for liver shots, they have no armor there, correct?

Anyway, I think it was good the Saints lost. They can easily beat that Dallas team. Who would they rather have in the playoffs, someone they can easily beat, or someone who might have a chance (like the Giants)? I know they beat NY and Philadelphia early in the season, but both teams are much better now. The Cowboys have not made any improvements. A 16-0 season is worthless without a super-bowl win.
3501 Hits
Continuance or Change (1 comment)
Posted by G.I. Jonesy @ 03:45 CST, 20 December 2009 - iMsg
Only an absolutist fool would cling permanently to one or the other. If continuance means failure, you should enact change. If change means failure, enact continuance.

Oh yeah, and scientists are all communists. Evolution is a communist conspiracy designed to subvert religion. That Ben Stein knows exactly what he is talking about.

And the Saints kicked the shit out of themselves. Dropped-passes, turn-overs, failing on every key-play. These are things you should change.
1425 Hits
Current Republicans (No comments)
Posted by G.I. Jonesy @ 12:24 CST, 19 December 2009 - iMsg
Since the 2006 Congressional elections, Republicans have been a bunch of contrarians and obstructionists. I don’t know why they are so superficial. I assume it is because they are damned animals who do not understand the inherent flaws of their senses. They allow physical mechanics to control their conscious perception.

You could call me contraficial. And while there are some detriments to contraficiality, they are far outweighed by the detriments of superficiality.

Regression and permanence are the ways of Republicans. They are unfit to be of the Union. Our frequent elections and ever-changing laws are completely unsuitable for anything conservative. This is why they practice obstructionism and contrarianism. They do not want to know anything, they want things to remain the same. This makes them a tremendous danger to the United States and everyone else. They attempt to install permanent Presidents, permanent political parties, permanent military occupations, and permanent power-structures (which could only mean tyranny). They regress our world into older, more ignorant ways of doing things. The most permanent thing here is the Constitution, a device which protects endless change. You might wonder why they seek to destroy the Constitution, and why they frequently install government faculties which ignore or bypass the Constitution. There is no greater threat to conservatism than the United States Constitution, and the Union itself. Since they gained federal power with Richard Nixon, the Constitution has had only two amendments, and only one substantial amendment which was installed almost immediately following the election of Richard Nixon.

Why they so desperately cling to continuance, even when continuance is suicide or worse, I can only attribute to some kind of base brain-function. I have no doubt they are unaware of how their brain functions and why it functions that way.
1219 Hits
Pro-Gaming Game Ideas (15 comments)
Posted by G.I. Jonesy @ 06:28 CST, 19 December 2009 - iMsg
As enjoyable as suicide-bombing little kids and watching their limbs forcibly detaching from their bodies might be, a game like Champions of Freedom isn't really suited for pro-gaming. Does anyone here have any ideas for an esport? Video games are progressive. The technology improves, the games improve, there are always new games. You could say video games are sports for liberals and non-video games, which practically never change and certainly never in any major ways, are sports for conservatives. The last decade of fascism has stagnated and regressed what should never be either. Let's get past the Fourth Reich and bring progression back to the world of video games.

CTF with only one flag; why use only one? Imagine the game with only one flag. The flagstand is in the middle of the map; you cap in your opponents base, like any number of different sports (hockey, football, soccer, rugby, basketball, so on and etc.). When you drop the flag, anyone can pick it up and continue moving it around. The flag only returns to the stand if it falls into a pit, or gets capped, or has been on the ground for too long.

With two-flag CTF, teams will often get a flag and camp inside their base. With one-flag and cap in your opponents base, it would be dangerous to camp in your base. If you were killed, the opposing team could pick up the flag close to the capture point.

Instead of some people on offense and some on defense, everyone would do both. Because there is only one-flag, there is no need to defend your base when your team securely holds the flag. In this way, it would be similar to basketball.

Instead of audiences switching back and forth between flag-carriers and teams, the focal-point would always be on the flag.

Single-flag CTF does, to a large degree, resemble any number of professional sports. Not in a simulated way either. It is challenging, and full of depth, skill and strategy. Maybe I could make games and get rich, but some games should not belong to anyone. Imagine if someone owned soccer. You'd have to pay some dickhead just to play a game in your backyard.

What do you think? Single-flag CTF is definitely an esport, but is it a good esport? Could it be used professionally? Would it be preferable to two-flag CTF? Do you have any ideas for esports? Something new, something different, something we could use?
4215 Hits
Game Ideas (3 comments)
Posted by G.I. Jonesy @ 01:14 CST, 15 December 2009 - iMsg
How about a game where your objective is to suicide-bomb pre-schools? The more kids you kill, the more points you get.

Or, a game where you play the role of a school-shooter. It could be called Columbine, the Game. Targets (students) could move around in realistic ways. The more of them you kill before killing yourself, the more points you get.

Or another game where you hate the government. You think government is a parasite. You are driven by the notion that humans can exist without government, but government cannot exist without humans. The entire game consists of your mission to eliminate government. This entails things like destroying government buildings and killing cops.
987 Hits
Advanced Measuring (4 comments)
Posted by G.I. Jonesy @ 04:23 CST, 14 December 2009 - iMsg
Many materialistic gamers limit themselves to what they perceive as reality-gaming. Everyone who isn't superficial knows, those games are only realistic on the surface. Once we break free from the chains of reality, great things can be achieved. Let's go over some game ideas that would blow the minds of even the dumbest sports-bar jock...

Charlton Heston vs. Clint Eastwood, who wouldn't want to see this fight? How about Mr. T vs Hitler? Or Ghandi vs the Dalai Lama? In video games, we can make these fights happen, and we can even give Mr. T super gold-chain powers. I think if it was Charles Bronson vs. Spider-man, Charles Bronson would win.

We've all seen games like FIFA soccer and Madden football. Apparently, people enjoy pretending to be their favorite sports-stars. My brother is a football fanatic. He named his cat Reggie, after Reggie Bush. He has a Reggie Bush Saints-jersey (i'm a little out-of-date, with my Ricky Williams Saints jersey). Instead of getting rid of these sports icons completely, why not turn them into children? You could have like a 5 year-old Brett Favre. Even better, take some of those Mutant League Football things, and you could have a 3 year-old suicide-bomber blitzing the QB. With how realistic video games are starting to look, if people at a sports-bar glanced at the screen and saw kid sports-stars exploding into little, bloody bits, it would freak the fuck out of them. And kids would love it too. I'm sure those wild animals fantasize about becoming suicide-bombers. Or, at the very least, blowing up their most hated players.

What else could be done to flip out sports-bar jocks, you know the kind, who are terrified of being associated with anything considered 'childish' or 'nerdy'? I suppose you could always go with more sports-games. Maybe a baseball game where you can hit the ball so hard, it decapitates people? The pitcher could switch out the ball for a hand-grenade... take spit-balls to the next level. But maybe we shouldn't simply add violence? Adding sex is cheap, but violence can be funny and can add to the strategy. Let's say you manage to kill the entire first-string of your opponents team. At that stage, you have an enormous tactical advantage. Even a simple case of eviscerating their best player would prove invaluable. Humor by itself can be valuable in video games. Some games, like Lego Star Wars, achieve great success with humor.

Course, real esports leaves the ability not in the hands of the character, as a materialistic game does, but in the hands of he or she who controls the character (otherwise known as the 'player'). Most people do not understand the differences between esports and other types of video games. There are video adventures (like Drake's Fortune), video escapes (World of Warcraft), and video simulations (FIFA soccer). Only esports should be used for pro-gaming. Nothing against the other types of 'games', but they do not belong in a professional sports environment. Every potential pro-gaming game should go through the sports-bar test. How many people must hide their love of esports, simply because the games are not sports-bar adequate?
Edited by iNkind at 05:14 CST, 14 December 2009 - 8979 Hits
When Jews Become Nazi's (11 comments)
Posted by G.I. Jonesy @ 19:08 CST, 11 December 2009 - iMsg
What's worse than a right-wing Jew? Don't these Jews know, Nazi's were right-wing? These Jews are completely anti-communist, yet apparently pro-Nazi. It's strange... I don't remember hearing stories about communists killing millions of innocent Jews.

So, I was watching this Ben Stein documentary about intelligent design and evolution. Ben Stein (a right-wing Jew), completely misses the point. Intelligent design supporters are all right-wing, and they all argue that our bodies were created in their current state. That means, turtles were always turtles and sharks were always sharks. Evolution simply suggests, and has already conclusively proven, that we were not 'created' (like in Genesis), in our current state but rather evolved from other physical conditions. Whether or not the initial condition came from what people call 'God' or from something else is not even remotely what intelligent design proponents argue.

In this documentary, Ben Stein literally says, 'Can't we believe in God and Darwin'? Well Ben Stein, your audience is a reflection of you. Like many other right-wingers (Rush Limbaugh and Fox News), you have created audiences full of idiots. Science has nothing to do with belief. It is about ascertainment. You do not believe in science, you make certain to an absolute degree. When science begins believing, it is no longer science.

Next time you decide to parade around your right-wing cabal, try to make it seem less like a blatant propaganda film. I'll repeat it for you, in hopes you will not forget:

Nazi's were right-wing.
Religion is faith.
Science is ascertainment.
Spirituality is philosophy.
Edited by iNkind at 04:48 CST, 15 December 2009 - 2511 Hits
Saints Shareholders Meeting (1 comment)
Posted by G.I. Jonesy @ 19:10 CST, 8 December 2009 - iMsg
What do you think would happen if professional sports team were publicly traded?
568 Hits
Health-Care Reform (1 comment)
Posted by G.I. Jonesy @ 03:08 CST, 7 December 2009 - iMsg
Republicans are the kind of people who will block needed reform solely for political gain. They always say we cannot use diplomacy... some people are unreasonable and cannot be talked to. How could they know something like that? It's because they are unreasonable and cannot be talked to. Republicans consistently practice projectionism and they suffer from 'takes one to know one' syndrome.

Maybe we should learn from them... you cannot reason with Republicans, you simply have to destroy them.
508 Hits
Spirituality in Gaming (6 comments)
Posted by G.I. Jonesy @ 03:03 CST, 7 December 2009 - iMsg
World of Warcraft is a game of materialism. When you play this game, you collect experience points, levels, special abilities, gold, and equipment. When you move to your next MMO, none of these things will go with you. Also, the time, money and effort you invested will be lost. There are some things which will stay with you from game-to-game. Those are things like strategies and controller skills. Even though video games themselves will not go with you into the next life, you can learn about spirituality by playing video games.

A game like Quake is one of the least materialistic, most spiritual. There are no levels or experience points. No real items, only a few things you collect for short-term use. It is very much a game of need. The game prevents greed by limiting the amount of health, armor, weapons, and ammo you can collect. When you switch to a new DM-FPS game, if you were wise enough to focus on the things that carry over, even as a beginner you are an expert. This is why some players, like myself of course 'cause i'm awesome, can pick up a game they've never played before and instantly defeat experienced players. We only need to learn a few minor things, which can be learned within a few short minutes. Other players, materialistic ones, are often good at one game of Quake (such as Quake 2), and yet poor at another (Quake 3).

If you wanted to enhance the spiritual aspects, what could be done? The simplest way would be to eliminate all possible materialistic things. Get rid of everything that will not transfer from one game to the next. A player retains their strategies, such as timing and controlling items. From there, they only must learn the difference in respawn times. Players also retain their skills, such as operating a keyboard and a mouse. Each game has a slightly different feel, but the adjustment happens quickly enough. Beyond that, there are differences in projectile speed or weapon-type, but if you are clever enough, you can realize there are only so many different ranges, and so many different speeds, and all weapons fall into those measurements and therefore, they all basically the same uses and levels of effectiveness.

So yes, video games can teach people a great deal about spirituality. Going from one game to the next is like going from one life to the next. With practice and possibly some guidance, you can figure out all the things which will help you not only in the current game, but also in the next and the one after that. Like with Muslim women, you should only be concerned with the parts you cannot see because those are the parts which will go from one game to another. When you invest your time into things which will only help you in the current game, you will begin the next game with nothing and be once again as a newborn child. Ten years of graphics>gameplay, materialism>spiritualism, and people wonder why we still play Q3.
Edited by iNkind at 05:12 CST, 14 December 2009 - 1977 Hits
Materialism or Spirituality (7 comments)
Posted by G.I. Jonesy @ 00:29 CST, 6 December 2009 - iMsg
Materialists live based on the possibility there is no life after death. They say we should live our lives to the fullest, because it's all we get. Being someone firmly anti-belief, I cannot agree with them. Because we do not know if there is a life after death, we can ascertain that the possibility + consequence ratio is in favor of spirituality. What I mean is, if there is no life after death, it is impossible to have any after-life consequence or reward based on what was done here. If there is a life after death, what you do here risks after-life punishment.

Heaven and Hell is a bunch of sillyness. The rest of spirituality remains true. One should focus on the inner, because the outer will definitely not pass to the next life. This is why things like lust and gluttony, pleasures of the body, are deadly sins.
1681 Hits
MMO Security (4 comments)
Posted by G.I. Jonesy @ 22:57 CST, 2 December 2009 - iMsg
Probably the worst thing about World of Warcraft is that your account can be stolen by hackers. Like a Republican at a casino, you spend your whole life working hard and saving up material possessions only to lose everything in a single second of bad luck. There are two ways of eliminating the problem:

1. Become more spiritualistic. Instead of the game functioning exclusively on materialism, you could have a mode, or maybe one of the factions, where skills and abilities are independent of levels and items. This way, there is no difference between a lvl 1 character and a lvl 100. The difference comes from your abilities, not those of your characters.

2. I'm not sure if this one would work, but maybe you could create a small piece of hardware people could use instead of an account name and password? It could plug into a usb slot, and would automatically log into an account hard-coded to the device.

Both ideas have their merits. I still like the idea of making one faction communist and the other capitalist. That way, people can learn about the tactical, rather than what they consider moral, aspects of each system.
2096 Hits
The American Communist Party (2 comments)
Posted by G.I. Jonesy @ 11:04 CST, 2 December 2009 - iMsg
Someone should start this party, just to show everyone how wrong and tyrannical and insane the United States government has been since WWII. Communism isn't un-American... what's un-American is the suppression of freedom. One freedom is the freedom to be communist. Another freedom is the freedom to develop one's culture within their sovereign Rights. Another freedom is the freedom to smoke weed, so let's cut the illegal drug-trade funded wars and stop persecuting everyone domestic and foreign over some crazy delusion of who the next satan will be. Who needs enemies with friends like these?

Once hijackers are smart enough to become pilots, every airplane will be susceptible.
2370 Hits
The Special Olympics (17 comments)
Posted by G.I. Jonesy @ 12:28 CST, 1 December 2009 - iMsg
When video games handicap themselves to reality, it is like the special olympics compared to the normal olympics. No one watches the special olympics, and the only players are handicapped. Yes, I am saying people who play realism video games are mentally handicapped.
2136 Hits
Prostitution (9 comments)
Posted by G.I. Jonesy @ 09:38 CST, 1 December 2009 - iMsg
Look, you fucking prostitute whore's (with an apostrophe), no one will rather watch a realism football video game simulation than a real game of football. At least, when you include things which could never be done in real football, you have a chance of making something people prefer.

Get with the program, cunt-faces, 'cause this is no bullshit. Do you see how I mix curse-words with perrrrfect punctuation? My cat taught me that. Go fuck yourselves!!!!!
3043 Hits
Realism or Fiction? (2 comments)
Posted by G.I. Jonesy @ 17:07 CST, 30 November 2009 - iMsg
You shouldn't use the elements just to use them, they should be used to make things better. Let's take a case like Madden football or whatever it's called. In this game, you play American football and everything looks and is somewhat realistic. Personally, I think games like this are terrible. They're slow, boring and they do not come even close to replicating the experience of a real football game. From this point of game, what changes could be made to make it better?

I'll use an old game as an example. The game was called Mutant League Football. Instead of real players, it had things like skeletons and mutants. Instead of real stadiums, the stadiums were in space, volcano's or stuff like that. Instead of only the normal plays, which were there, you had special plays. There were any number of special plays that are completely unrealistic. One of them was where you wired the football with a bomb. The play was to pass the ball to one of your receivers, deliberately allowing the other team to intercept. Upon interception, the player exploded. After that, the player was out for the game.

Personally, I always enjoyed Mutant League Football and have never enjoyed realistic football games. MLF was football with extra things to make it more enjoyable. Re-making the game could turn out great, with modern graphics and internet multiplayer. Imagine, in full 1080p, all the exploding skeletons and mutants falling to their deaths through holes in the field. Some people, maybe they will always prefer realism because they suck and i'm awesome, but there is always a market for those people like me, who are awesome and don't suck.
Edited by iNkind at 17:57 CST, 30 November 2009 - 943 Hits
The Best Column Ever (1 comment)
Posted by G.I. Jonesy @ 16:07 CST, 30 November 2009 - iMsg
So there was a cat and a rat. The cat was crazy, the rat was lazy. When the cat got caught in a rat-trap, the rat had himself quite a laugh, "Who needs to be mazy, when trap-food is so tasty?", he cackled.

The previous short-story sums up the world of esports.
When cats and rats play with traps
laughter, cackles and snacks
happy, snappy, rappy, and catastrophe
snakes eat cakes
lakes of great
pastries for the mainstreams
and last but not least
monkeys are funky;

The other side of esports hides many dark, disturbing secrets. Male nurses, animals being forced to wear embarrassing clothes, underground streaking competitions...
Edited by iNkind at 17:57 CST, 30 November 2009 - 631 Hits
Drug-Assembly (8 comments)
Posted by G.I. Jonesy @ 15:07 CST, 29 November 2009 - iMsg
How could this assembly be formed effectively? There would be membership, including a fee. The fee would go almost exclusively to a team of lawyers and spokespeople (the rest going towards creation and distribution of membership cards). Membership would provide full legal protection under the team of lawyers and spokespeople, as well as granting access to participating drug-bars. The bars would be private institutions where drugs could be used and traded for use elsewhere.

Because the membership fee's go almost entirely to the legal team, membership cost would be inexpensive. If you have a million members paying only $20 a month, you have a highly powerful legal team. Of course, the businesses involved would also have to be members and would pay a higher fee than a single drug-user.

There are currently two main Constitutional protections being breached (4th and 8th amendments). The 4th amendment forbids the government from unreasonable intrusions of privacy. The 8th amendment forbids any excessive punishment (if something should go unpunished, any punishment is excessive - like imposing a fine for breathing). With the addition of an assembly, 1st amendment protections would also apply. The assembly being organized properly gives drug-users the best possible protection from government tyranny.
1741 Hits
American Fascism (1 comment)
Posted by G.I. Jonesy @ 01:55 CST, 29 November 2009 - iMsg
What you have to understand, is that Republicans are part fascist. A couple good examples are McCarthyism and the Vietnam war. In both, the idea of communism was used to accomplish something. For McCarthy, it was about politics. For Vietnam, it was about a military invasion. The truth is, any United States citizen could start a communist party right here in the U.S., and it would be as protected as any other political party. In an entirely democratic way, people could vote for communism. Even though, because of free-speech and free peaceable-assembly, these things are true, fascist Americans managed to terrorize people into persecuting other Americans (including members of opposing political parties), and wage a terrible holocaust against a non-threatening sovereign nation.

Do you suppose if drug-users formed as assembly, because drug-use is peaceable, it would be enough (combined with other Constitutional protections), to eliminate the fascist drug-policy?
603 Hits
Defending Democracy (3 comments)
Posted by G.I. Jonesy @ 00:56 CST, 27 November 2009 - iMsg
Sometimes, you hear these phrases... 'restoring integrity to the White House' (George W. Bush), 'restoring integrity to Europe' (Adolf Hitler). These devices are meaningless political phrases meant to manipulate. How is invading Iraq and Afghanistan 'defending democracy'? Are these two land-locked desert nations going to bypass our navy, and subsequently conquer us militarily? Would any sane person suggest terrorism is capable of conquering a nation? Only the weakest of worms would allow terrorism to change their ways.

If you really want to 'defend democracy', you should kill Rupert Murdoch, Fox in general, and the Republican party. They hate democracy and they especially hate free-thought. Their intention is to control your thinking, and through your thinking, elections and public opinion.
1205 Hits
The Problem With America (8 comments)
Posted by G.I. Jonesy @ 05:04 CST, 25 November 2009 - iMsg
Despite the 1st amendment, and despite the fact blowjobs are perfectly legal, a United States President was almost impeached for getting a blowjob. To understand how insane -some- of the American people are, you must understand this specific case.

Why was Bill Clinton almost impeached for a blowjob? It is because of the 10 commandments. There are so many Christian nutjobs here, a United States President was religiously persecuted. The 1st amendment separates the church and state, yet Christians here never stop attempting to integrate. I do not know if there is a greater threat to humanity than United States Christianity. Everyone should be aware, alert, and prepared. If you think what is happening in the Middle-East is not the product of Judeo-Christian belief systems, you must be ignoring the situation.
2050 Hits
Patriots Vs. Colts (3 comments)
Posted by G.I. Jonesy @ 03:07 CST, 23 November 2009 - iMsg
What do you guys think about the controversial Patriots call from last week? Everyone thinks it was a bad idea, but I think it could have been good, if, after they didn't get the first, they let the Colts score as quickly as possible. Then, the Patriots would have gotten the ball back with like 1:30 left and all they needed was a field goal. If they punted, the Colts could have done the same thing they did, which was run the clock out and score a TD right at the last second, leaving the Patriots with no time left to do anything.
1026 Hits
Drug Laws Pt. 2 (8 comments)
Posted by G.I. Jonesy @ 17:10 CST, 22 November 2009 - iMsg
Humans can be funny, in their ways. Sometimes when they sustain an injury, they incorrectly identify the problem and thus the solution. Take, for example, Jews and pork. The reason Jews do not eat pork is because thousands of years ago, people were dying of trichinosis (which is, of course, a disease contracted from pork). Their solution was to outlaw the eating of pork. Today, we know all you must do to avoid the disease is keep the meat fresh and heat it thoroughly before eating.

One of my old girlfriends had a boyfriend who, when he smoked weed, became a way she didn't like. I don't know the details, but she disliked it so much that when I got some weed, for my chronic condition, she told me to not smoke it. She didn't just tell me, she was like a religion or government, trying to force me into abstinence. Of course, I smoked it anyway and what she found is that when I smoked weed, it was nothing like when her ex-boyfriend did. What this means, is that the weed wasn't really the problem, just like the pork wasn't really the problem, and the only reason she wanted me to abstain was because of a previous painful experience.

Obviously, the same problem exists with her as with Jews (and most other humans). Their solution is abstinence, and usually they attempt to force abstinence through any means necessary. Their problem is fear, a fear of repeating the same injury, and fear of injury in general. The problem with their solution is that, first off, abstinence isn't necessarily safer. When was the last time anyone died of trichinosis? People eat pork all the time. Secondly, they try to force abstinence through terrorism (like, convincing you that if you eat pork you will spend eternity in hell), or through some kind of immediate punishment (which might amount to the tortures of prison). The third problem with their solution is that when you abstain, you miss all the joys of eating pork.

Maybe the cause of their problem comes from too much instinct, not enough philosophy? Whatever the case may be, their condition is a major hurdle blocking change in drug-policy. All drugs can be safely used, and most users do use them safely. With practice, all users can use safely. It is not so much about eliminating injury, it is about how you eliminate injury. If you eliminate both Heaven and Hell, obviously your method of eliminating injury, while successful in its intention, will result in purgatory.
1495 Hits
Mayweather - Pacquiao (1 comment)
Posted by G.I. Jonesy @ 22:10 CST, 21 November 2009 - iMsg
So the Pacquiao - Cotto fight was pretty good. Pacquiao is a lot of fun to watch. I think against Floyd Mayweather, he wouldn't be nearly as much fun to watch. I'd have to say Pacquiao would lose conclusively, maybe landing a few tricky quick shots.

That being said, how often do you get two p4p best fighters at the same weight class?
765 Hits
Drug Laws (1 comment)
Posted by G.I. Jonesy @ 18:02 CST, 21 November 2009 - iMsg
Why do we have laws? It is very simple - we have laws to suppress injury. The Devil, our favorite Prince of Darkness, is the personification of injury. Heaven is the state reached when all injury has been eliminated. Why then are drugs illegal? It is because the government sometimes goes too far and outlaws something where, when used responsibly, no injury or only self-injury occurs.

Government most frequently uses the law enforcement method of an eye-for-an-eye. This system was always and will always be a failure. Injury causes evolution, which, in the eye-for-an-eye system, enables a perpetual cycle of injury. To truly reach Heaven, injury coming from every source must be eliminated. That means, injury coming from government must be eliminated. If no injury occurs, government should not get involved. To prohibit the use of drugs, simply because when used irresponsibly, injury does occur, is an injury to the responsible drug-user. If caught, they sustain greater injuries, including the horrors of prison. What injury did they cause to deserve the injury they sustained? They did not cause any injury.

If you look at the big-picture, legal drugs cause far less injury than illegal. The drugs themselves are safer, as the businesses who sell them must be accountable. The drugs also come with full safety instructions. The government can provide comprehensive drug-safety education. When drugs are legal, the massive underground industry, complete with Al Capone type violent criminals, no longer exists. Taxes are lowered, due to the inclusion of an enormously profitable industry no longer siphoning dollars from the system. Injuries sustained by the people, from the government, cease to exist, except in cases where the drug-user did cause some kind of injury to others.

Can anyone realistically suggest, supported by actual evidence, there is more risk of injury when drugs are legal? People en-mass currently use drugs, and most of them have no problems. When drugs were new, a lot of people got hurt, but that was due to ignorance. Is anyone willing to claim, outlaw drug-users are somehow more capable of being responsible than legal drug-users would be? If so, maybe we should stop putting our most responsible people in prison.
894 Hits
The War on Something Non-Human (5 comments)
Posted by G.I. Jonesy @ 07:00 CST, 19 November 2009 - iMsg
First, there was the war on drugs. Then, the war on terror. Isn't the point of waging these types of wars to ignore human rights? It is a back-door way of waging wars. As everyone knows, Washington functions on back-room deals. Why everyone other than Washington continues allowing these human-rights abuses, is another matter.
1251 Hits
The War on Republicans (10 comments)
Posted by G.I. Jonesy @ 17:34 CST, 18 November 2009 - iMsg
I think, and the world would agree with me, Republicans are an extreme danger to everyone. Look at the damage they have already done. It is long past time we stood up to this menace. If we do not defeat the evil known as the Republican party (a.k.a., the conservative-cabal), the world will soon see suffering like never before. Let us look at the facts:

1. Republicans start as many wars as possible.
2. Republicans destroy the environment, risking human extinction.
3. Republicans exploit everyone possible, making themselves richer and their victims poorer.
4. Republicans cheat to win public elections.
5. Republicans practice and support slavery.
6. Republicans have no respect for life of any kind, unless that life is American, Republican, and human.
7. Republicans will gladly kill, rape and rob you, if doing so is profitable, achievable and unpunishable.
8. Republicans have every intention of destroying democracy, something they practice regularly.
9. Republicans are malignantly narcissistic and arrogant, ensuring their aggressions will never end.

From now on, being a Republican will be punishable by a minimum of 20 years in prison. If you are a Republican recruiter, you will be executed. The United States will no longer tolerate the advancement of Republicanism. This hellish threat to freedom, also known as the G.O.P., will stop at nothing to destroy the fabric of American life. If we do not defeat the Republican threat, your daughters will be raped and your sons enslaved. Vote for Jonesy, the only candidate who can win this war of grave imperative. Always remember the one standing rule of Republicans - destroy liberty at all costs.
2028 Hits
The War on Drugs (4 comments)
Posted by G.I. Jonesy @ 15:47 CST, 18 November 2009 - iMsg
Tell me, people of esreality, what it means when your own government has levied war against you? In the United States, we have what is called the 'War on Drugs'. Now, because it isn't war when one side doesn't fight back, and because drugs are inanimate and therefore cannot possibly fight back, the name 'War on Drugs' is incorrect. To be correct, you would have to rename it the 'War on Drug-Users'. Treason in the United States is defined as levying war against the United States or giving aid and comfort to its enemies. Considering the fact drug-users are United States citizens, how it is anything but treason for the U.S. government to levy war against United States citizens? Is it possible to argue there is some difference between levying war against the United States and levying war against the people of the United States? Would anyone advocate it is somehow ok for the government to levy war against the people of the United States? Would it be ok for the government to levy war against any kind of United States people, or only the kinds bigots deem worthy? Maybe the government could levy war against homosexuals, or blacks, or Jews, or cigarette smokers... long as the government does not technically levy war against 'the United States', it is perfectly ok for the United States government to levy war against anyone or anything else?

Exactly how did the 'War on Drugs' get started, why was it allowed, and why do people allow its continuance?
911 Hits
The Science of Losing (12 comments)
Posted by G.I. Jonesy @ 10:11 CST, 17 November 2009 - iMsg
Do any of you know why Democrats are the biggest losers imaginable? What makes them such losers? The answer is - because they rely on others. Do you know why Republicans are also losers? It is because they rely on themselves. Now sure, self-reliance works better than reliance on others, but either path will end in failure. Only a fool would rely on something unreliable. Even when humans are at their best - their most honest - they are still imperfect and therefore unreliable. When humans are at their worst, like George Bush and his polluting of hearts, minds and environments, humans are far worse than unreliably imperfect.

There is only one thing you can rely on, and that thing is nature. If you want to win, Democrats, stop relying on people and start relying on nature. You see, I can say these things publicly, and if you do them, you will win. How do I know? Not because I rely on you, it is because Republicans know nothing about nature. Only 9% of scientists are Republican, and most of those one's are only half-assed scientists. The time and trouble it will take Republicans to learn enough about nature to begin relying on it gives you, and your 91% of scientists, more than enough time to learn everything you need to know about relying on nature.

Did you guys see the Saints game the other day? They were tighter than a virgin on a cold winter night.
2686 Hits
Satellite Delay (4 comments)
Posted by G.I. Jonesy @ 02:36 CST, 17 November 2009 - iMsg
There must be some way of eliminating this delay. How does the data travel? Is it through some kind of fiberoptic laser?

If the delay could be eliminated, directv could purchase a satellite internet company, partner with microsoft, nvidia and intel, and then easily produce an integrated television/computer/internet system comparable to anything comcast could provide.
902 Hits
The Future of Pornography (10 comments)
Posted by G.I. Jonesy @ 05:48 CST, 16 November 2009 - iMsg
Recently, I acquired a new television. It is one of those flat-screen HDTV things. While I was waiting for the satellite TV people to install an HD receiver, I noticed the TV had a VGA port. I figured, while this squished, stretched picture is here, might as well watch some DVD's through my PC. While fooling around with the whole thing, I started thinking...

What is it most people do with their PC's? They use a web-browser and play video games. What is the difference between a television and a computer monitor? Aside from the size and position relative to the user, there is practically no difference. There are a few issues though, which may prevent people from considering the change. One of those issues is the keyboard, another is the mouse, and a third would be the size of computers.

If you look at something like an HD DVR satellite TV receiver, it is roughly twice the size of a laptop. My tiny little netbook does everything, aside from video game things, I could possibly need. Would it be outrageous to suggest integrating a full-size laptop (which would be suitable for gaming and everything else), with a satellite/cable TV box?

The mouse and keyboard problem is easily solved. My satellite TV controller is enormous. Is it impossible to add a tri-functionality, without increasing the size? Some of you may be familiar with what is called an 'air mouse'. It functions similarly to a wii controller (there is one called the MX Air if you care to research). When you add that functionality to the TV controller, you can do almost everything you need (after all, most computer navigation is point-and-click).

For the keyboard, look at modern cell-phones. They flip open to reveal a perfectly usable keyboard. You wouldn't want to write a 500-page essay on it, but for the purpose of this system, it is completely adequate. With the air-mouse technology and this cell-phone keyboard tech, you have an entirely functional controller. You could also use this device for gaming, although it would be lacking (for those who want more, support for gaming controllers and/or standard mouse/keyboards could easily be offered).

When all this comes together, what do we have? A superior gaming console which could eliminate traditional consoles. We have something which would allow normal people to watch streaming video of Quake Live games while sitting on their couches, or even, and just as easily (with the right software), watch Quake Live through GTV. I tried watching Q3 demos through this setup, and it worked great. I had to set picmip to 0 and turn on vsync, but for a spec, you don't need the same as a player. Because this setup allows normal people (not computer or gaming professionals), to do practically everything they normally do on computers/televisions/theinternet (and in better ways), they have every reason to use a system which grants them better access to professional gaming.
Edited by iNkind at 05:52 CST, 16 November 2009 - 1527 Hits
The Saints (1 comment)
Posted by G.I. Jonesy @ 15:32 CST, 15 November 2009 - iMsg
They're playing it way too safe these days. Beginning of the season, they'd call all sorts of crazy 4th-down plays. Now, they're like a schoolgirl afraid of having her heart broken. Reggie Bush is doing really fucking great though.
754 Hits
Israel (7 comments)
Posted by G.I. Jonesy @ 23:05 CST, 14 November 2009 - iMsg
Isn't all this Israel shit just about religion? Is no nation willing to sell Israel a plot of land equal to what it currently has? Montana is huge and no one lives there. There's only one resident and he's the governor. What about a nice piece of land in Montana, bordering Idaho? Or how about Australia? It is massive and has a tiny population. I could go there and visit New Israel and eat Matzo thins and it would be good. And if you're next to Idaho, I could just drive over. Would only take a few hours.

It is incredible how no one (not even the U.S., Israel's greatest ally), is willing to sell such a small piece of land, knowing that by doing so, all of this middle-east war/conflict stuff would end. Religion is the only possible way of explaining this nonsense. Jerusalem and all that crap in the Bible is why the land is contested and why politicians use such ridiculous, coercive tactics to validate Israel's 'right to exist'. It's a bunch of bullshit... fuck religion, move to Montana.
1772 Hits
Global Warming Solutions (110 comments)
Posted by G.I. Jonesy @ 23:07 CST, 9 November 2009 - iMsg
1. Remote working and schooling:

Most of our gasoline usage comes when we travel to and from work/school. If people who can work or school from their homes (which many people can do perfectly well today by utilizing computers and the internet), a large portion of our Co2 production would be eliminated.

-Additional benefits of remote working/schooling include a significant decline in traffic problems (a further traffic decline could be achieved through more night-working). Businesses would profit, because their electricity, property and many other miscellaneous costs would cease to exist. Workers/students would gain due to an increased surplus of time and money (fuel and transportation both cost time and money).

#2. Instead of allowing produced Co2 to simply escape into the atmosphere, maybe it could be captured and transported to where it could be converted into oxygen (like a dense forest or man-made converting factory).

Now, if you add your solutions, maybe we can get this thing fixed.
15006 Hits
NFL Strats (No comments)
Posted by G.I. Jonesy @ 18:46 CST, 8 November 2009 - iMsg
Instead of waiting until the 1 second mark, the offense should play fast as they can. Not only will you get lots of delay of game penalties on the defense, the defense will become completely exhausted. Because the offense trains to play that style, they'll have plenty of stamina. Even with a mediocre team, because the defense gets so exhausted, the offense will win anyway.
570 Hits
The United States of Israel (26 comments)
Posted by G.I. Jonesy @ 01:38 CST, 4 November 2009 - iMsg
Politicians often criticize Mahmoud Ahmadinejad over his Israel-stance. They say, "Israel has a right to exist.". I agree completely with them, especially on that last point. I was thinking, I should find a nice piece of real estate, get the inhabitants to invite me inside, rename the place 'Jonesy Manor', refuse to leave, and when they attempt to kick me out, i'll simply tell them "Jonesy Manor has the right to exist.".

Let's get honest here people... Ahmadinejad does not care if Israel 'exists', he cares if Israel 'exists' in that specific location. If Israel moves to the moon, or to another galaxy, he wouldn't say anything about Israel's 'existence'. Why do these politicians continue deliberately distorting the truth? How can they consider their motives justifiable when they refuse to be honest? Without truth and correctness, there is no justice.

What do you think? All these crooked politicians must have awful motives, or they're just too stupid to understand the difference between existing and existing in a particular location. Either way, I don't see how anyone could support them. Maybe they still don't understand the problem with the holocaust? It wasn't a Jewish thing. It was a mass-murder of innocents thing. People who did nothing were invaded, occupied and murdered in enormous numbers. In fact, it is very similar to what is going on now in the Middle East. Arabs are the new Jews. The United States is the new Germany. To suggest invading Iraq and Afghanistan was somehow justifiable simply because the 9/11 people may have organized something from Afghanistan is like suggesting because a white man once committed murder, we should invade all the white places and kill all the white people.

Tell me, aside from extreme bigotry, prejudice and discrimination, what exactly motivates the Middle-East invaders?
3299 Hits
Smells Like... Victory (No comments)
Posted by G.I. Jonesy @ 03:00 CST, 2 November 2009 - iMsg
Pornography, video games and mass-murder, what do they have in common? All three of them involve humanity. Yes, humans are a wonderful species. They kill each other, and murder each other, and rape each other, and rob each other, and sometimes they play video games (with each other). As I re-organize file after file of medical records, I think about how much i'd rather be playing Quake. At the hospital, there is access to a broadband connection. It is difficult stopping myself from bringing a laptop so I can play a few games of Quake Live. But no, the medical files must be re-organized for electronic entry.

The joys of having a surgeon step-father. You get to help out the practice for pennies on the hour. People wonder why health-care is so expensive.. maybe it's because the medical profession still uses paper files instead of interactive computer systems? But this isn't about outdated medical procedures, it is about video games. Or more accurately, mass-murder.

In the field of mass-murder, we find several things in common: 1. Death 2. Dismemberment 3. Blood 4. Victory. Most people have a problem with numbers 1-3, but everyone loves victory. All the conflict, and disgustingness, is worth it, when victory is achieved. What makes victory so worthwhile? Is it the women? The money? The pride? Will winning a game of Quake get you into Heaven? When you die, will your victories in this life have some impact on your life after?

Psychologists often argue over which has more impact: nurture or nature. They never question the impact of consciousness. People are like robots, in their nature and nurture, but their consciousness can change their mechanically programmed ways. So yes, victory feels good to your organic self. In your consciousness though, what can you fathom is victory's real value? Sure, it typically produces many material rewards, especially women, money and status. But does victory achieve any inner reward? If you received no material rewards, would you still seek victory? If losing provided more material rewards than winning, would you prefer losing? If so, victory is meaningless. Only the rewards, of a material nature, are of value.

Positive reinforcement... to reward both biologically and materialistically. Spiritualists would frown upon such atheistic practices. Is it better to institute such a system of external reward, or to establish a system of inner reward? No matter what people think, or what they say, they cannot touch what is 'inside' of you. On the other hand, they can rape your body, and rob your possessions. Maybe the best case scenario is having a fair balance of both external and internal rewards? That way, you are covered no matter what happens.
1551 Hits
International Delicacies (68 comments)
Posted by G.I. Jonesy @ 02:53 CDT, 23 October 2009 - iMsg
I go to Australia and what do I find? Tim-Tams. I've never heard of these things before. Some local woman there talks about them like everyone knows what Tim-Tams are. I go back to the States, I go to the store, and what do I find? Tim-Tams. It says right there on the package, 'Australia's favorite cookie'. Why do I spend 50 trillion hours on a plane, with people having strokes, just to get the same shit I could get here?

When I was there, in Australia, on like the last night, I found this great vodka. The guy at the store said it was the only vodka they imported from Russia. Better yet, it came from St. Petersburg. My ancestors come from St. Petersburg. Maybe i'm biologically biased, but this vodka was fucking delicious. Either I move to Australia, or hopefully the U.S. somehow convinces Russia to bring this incredible vodka here.
19958 Hits
Nobel Peace Prize (2 comments)
Posted by G.I. Jonesy @ 06:26 CDT, 21 October 2009 - iMsg
What do you foolz think about this years peace prize? I was thinking, in order to be correct, they should change the name to Nobel war prize. How could you give a peace prize to someone who has committed himself to war? How could someone expect the Afghanistan government to know what every single individual is doing? If the 9/11 conspirators did the planning from Ireland, the U.S. would not have invaded Ireland. Why then is it acceptable to invade and occupy Afghanistan, to the point doing so warrants a Nobel peace prize? It all seems so insane to me.
1008 Hits
Australia (4 comments)
Posted by G.I. Jonesy @ 07:01 CDT, 20 October 2009 - iMsg
I've been to almost every state in the Union, including Montana. I went to Canada, Belize twice, Mexico, Ecuador and the Galapagos, but Australia is a whole other thing. The wildlife is larger, more colorful, and more unique. The people are easy-going, even compared to Mexicans. There is practically no service (i'm guessing due largely to the fact Australians do not tip). The women are irresistible.

I fucking love it there. Watch me move to Australia, but don't follow me, 'cause you'll ruin it.
1827 Hits
Counter-Strike and Quake (7 comments)
Posted by G.I. Jonesy @ 19:43 CDT, 19 October 2009 - iMsg
Here I am, back from Australia. One thing you should know, if you plan on visiting Australia, is that within the first 30 seconds of arriving, you will hear the words 'yeah' and 'no' about 50,000 times. It is fun though saying the two words, when you do it with an Australian accent. Apparently, the Australian accent is achieved simply by emphasizing vowels. I did try kangaroo meat, and I have to say, it was delicious.

Oh well, back to work then.

Counter-Strike and Quake are two games with different strengths and weaknesses. Usually, their differences create antagonism. One game has lots of players, but the game itself is below professional quality. The other game has few players, but possesses professionalism. Instead of fighting each other, maybe these two groups should cooperate? If they make up for each others weaknesses, while retaining their strengths, it is possible a game could be created with the population and professionalism necessary to achieve professional success, in every way professional can be defined.

Or, we could keep fighting each other. Maybe we could make a game where the two groups fight each other in-game, instead of only on the forums? That might be more interesting. I'm not sure how it could work, technically speaking. One round of CS and one round of Quake? In video games, things not limited by reality, who knows what can be done. What I do know is, the world of esports is not necessarily profiting from the CS-Quake feud. We should either make feuding profitable, or stop feuding.
Edited by iNkind at 17:54 CDT, 22 October 2009 - 2556 Hits
In Australia (4 comments)
Posted by G.I. Jonesy @ 02:20 CDT, 14 October 2009 - iMsg
So here I am, in a place called Palm Cove. It is wayyy too much like the U.S., and the food is too expensive, but there are lots of nice women. I was at a place called Trinity Beach until this morning. For the most part, I liked it better there. Here in Palm Cove, it is like being at a Florida beach resort. So far, i've annoyed a crocodile by throwing kangaroo pellets at its face, and i've fed many kangaroo's and wallabee's. I've got a few more days here before I head back to the U.S.... hopefully the United States will not interrogate me for suspicion of illegal drugs simply because I don't eat any of the meals served on the plane.

If i've learned one thing so far from Australia, it is that if you want to smuggle illegal drugs here, make sure you eat the meals served on the plane.
5353 Hits
The Katrina Syndrome (2 comments)
Posted by G.I. Jonesy @ 02:33 CDT, 5 October 2009 - iMsg
If it wasn't for the Saints, I would not watch American football. I started watching the Saints because, when I was there, they were the only professional sports team in New Orleans. The Saints are funny to me, because they always lose and usually in ridiculous fashion. But, ever since Katrina, the Saints have been doing ok. This got me thinking... maybe if there is a pro-gaming disaster, pro-gaming will start doing well... Therefore, I have engineered three potential 'disasters':

#1. A lan party is hit by a guerrilla attack. All the top players excluding the people I like will be killed.

#2. A lan party is hit by a man-made, man-controlled tornado, something currently in development at the National Secret Weapons Development Institution.

#3. Angel Munoz dies of old age.

It is difficult to choose between the three. I have ascertained the effects generated by each, and they would all get the job done. The problem is, Angel Munoz cannot die of old age, weapons developed by the National Secret Weapons Development Institution must remain secret (a.k.a. can never be used), and guerrilla's would not succeed against an army of gamers. There must be some kind of realistic disaster capable of producing the changes needed in pro-gaming. What does the community think? We don't have cities to destroy like other sports.

While you all contemplate how to make gaming seem less nerdy/more cool to the superficial crowd of common-people, i'm gonna go to Australia. I've learned their main cuisine is seafood. This suits me perfectly fine. I look forward to comparing Australian seafood to New Orleans seafood. I'll catch you fools on the other side of the International Date Line. Later.
Edited by iniiiiiiii at 20:59 CDT, 5 October 2009 - 772 Hits
Realism (38 comments)
Posted by G.I. Jonesy @ 22:42 CDT, 30 September 2009 - iMsg
Realism video games suck. Even when i'm winning these games, I still don't like them. To begin with, only someone superficial would think they are realistic... like we drive real-life racing cars with xbox joysticks. Past faux-realism, why would someone limit themselves to reality when it isn't necessary?
14672 Hits
The Pursuit of Justice (1 comment)
Posted by G.I. Jonesy @ 16:11 CDT, 22 September 2009 - iMsg
I am publicly proclaiming, here and now, the term 'spineless' will no longer be accepted as a derogatory term. On behalf of my invertebrate clients, I am suing the human population for exactly 11 trillion U.S. dollars. Slander does not begin to describe the insufferable damage caused by this genus slur. The next United States President will be an invertebrate, not a woman, because women head-coaches cannot win Super Bowls.
Edited by iniiiiiiii at 20:47 CDT, 22 September 2009 - 518 Hits
Health-Care Reform (1 comment)
Posted by G.I. Jonesy @ 15:31 CDT, 21 September 2009 - iMsg
Yeah, let's reform health-care... I mean, why not? But why is the President so involved? Regulating commerce is the domain of the legislature.

I've got a crazy idea... how about the legislature does the job of the legislature, the judiciary does the job of the judiciary and the executive does the job of the executive? And people wonder why things are so screwed up... the executive is doing the job of the legislature, the legislature is doing the job of the judiciary and the judiciary is doing the job of the executive.
726 Hits
Awards (3 comments)
Posted by G.I. Jonesy @ 10:24 CDT, 21 September 2009 - iMsg
What is the point? Should we egomaniacly celebrate our human accomplishments? Is there really something special about being able to run half the speed of a cheetah? As we look around the world today, we see sillyness everywhere. People striving to achieve mediocrity, and then getting rewarded for being slightly less mediocre than every other human. Shouldn't awards be used to support and motivate?

The award ceremony itself should be brief, so people can get back to work. Many people dislike work. Most people have slave-like jobs fit for robots. If you find the right work, it is highly rewarding, in and of itself, with or without financial gain. When you add financial gain, you might find yourself becoming a work-aholic.

There is a lot of work to be done... a whole Universe to explore. Awards should be as least distracting as possible. In general, motivation, exercise and support should be the only purposes of sport. Fun is important, of course, and that is part of support and motivation.

If you ask what should be exercised and encouraged, you find almost all sporting things fail qualification. Swimming 1/16th as fast as the slowest fish is no accomplishment (and serves no practical use). What does qualify, are all things of the intellect: science, engineering, constructing, manufacturing, researching, machine-operating, designing... all things which go relatively unrewarded compared to brutish sports of nothing but personal and financial value. Why don't we change our sporting ways? Why don't we create some kind of scientific sport? You could have teams of scientists and engineers, competing against each other for billions of dollars. It would certainly give the world of science the kind of money necessary (and the kind currently only going to things of uselessness). What could these teams do with the exercise, motivation and support we give to professional or Olympic 'athletes'? Sure, those 'athletes' can jump a fraction the height of a frog (proportionately speaking), but what possible use can that serve, especially when considering the jumping machines we could create, which jump far higher than frogs, humans, or anything else organic? Our jets fly faster than the fastest bird. Our cars run faster than the fastest cat. Even though this is clearly and obviously true, humans persist with their contests of running and jumping... rewarding these inane things as if they should be rewarded.

The direction we are going, and should be going, is perfectly clear. Why then do so many humans continue moving in the wrong directions? Why do we reward metaphors for human achievement instead of rewarding the actual thing?
Edited by iniiiiiiii at 13:04 CDT, 21 September 2009 - 719 Hits
Pass Interference (3 comments)
Posted by G.I. Jonesy @ 21:48 CDT, 20 September 2009 - iMsg
Anytime the quarterback is affected should count as pass interference. Shouldn't it be called 'catch interference'?

What do you foreign type American-football lovers think about Reggie Bush? I think he should stop trying to be the best ever and just try to gain some positive yardage.
901 Hits
Leader of the Free World (5 comments)
Posted by G.I. Jonesy @ 18:45 CDT, 20 September 2009 - iMsg
The President of the United States is often called 'the leader of the free world'. But what exactly does the President lead? Let's take a closer look...

The President leads:

United States Officers

Supreme Court Nominations


The Military

The Cabinet

State of the Union

And, Pardons

Because these are the only things lead by the President, why is he or she called the 'leader of the free world'? If by leader, you mean #1, clearly the statement is untrue. The United States has not been the free-est place in some time. If by leader, you mean der fuhrer, then it is still inaccurate, because the President only leads a few things.

Don't you hate Christianity? It makes people think they can be horrible mass-murderers today and make up for their sins tomorrow. Their system creates a perpetual state of injury and recovery. Why not eliminate injury, so there is no need for recovery?
1251 Hits
Health-Care (1 comment)
Posted by G.I. Jonesy @ 13:25 CDT, 17 September 2009 - iMsg
We weren't even talking about health-care until Michael Moore made a movie. Why do we let film-makers dictate our policy and priority?

The freedom our founders gained has since been lost. We can't even smoke weed without government bringing out the whips and chains. Shouldn't regaining our freedom be the top priority?
626 Hits
Music Stations (1 comment)
Posted by G.I. Jonesy @ 20:20 CDT, 16 September 2009 - iMsg
Why, in the 21st century, must we switch between stations to find out what is currently playing? It is not uncommon, I would rather hear something else, but I do not know what is playing.

Seriously old-people, I realize you are old, and old dogs can't learn new tricks, but you need to hire some young people who can learn new tricks, so the rest of us, who are not out-dated, do not have to suffer. Remote working, schooling and shopping should already be here, but instead, old-people are old.
679 Hits
Security. (8 comments)
Posted by G.I. Jonesy @ 12:50 CDT, 16 September 2009 - iMsg
I've got a new idea for airport security. Instead of metal detectors and ID cards, why not have an obstacle course? Anyone who fails the course doesn't deserve to fly anyway.
2974 Hits
Taxation (2 comments)
Posted by G.I. Jonesy @ 13:35 CDT, 15 September 2009 - iMsg
Republicans, a.k.a. the GOP, refuse to raise taxes for education but can't stop themselves from raising taxes for unnecessary military.

What kind of agenda does the G.O.P have, that they would subvert and destroy education (something absolutely necessary for the sustainment of liberty), and yet do everything possible to strengthen unnecessary military faculties (something only useful for tyranny)?

The Republican party, a.k.a. the GOP, must be eliminated or there will only be endless conflict, endless escalation of conflict, and endless stupidity. As it is, we must simultaneously fight them and find alternative methods of improving the education system. Republicans will come to regret their methods, when people are educated enough to understand them. You cannot keep people ignorant forever. Some taxes are necessary. Only a state of fools would reject taxation absolutely.
Edited by iniiiiiiii at 14:23 CDT, 15 September 2009 - 1332 Hits
Capitalism (6 comments)
Posted by G.I. Jonesy @ 12:33 CDT, 13 September 2009 - iMsg
With directv, I can watch the Saints game in HD, but still, I cannot watch the Saints game without commercials. Everyone hates commercials, can't we find a better way?
1881 Hits
Just Say No To Drugs (and yes to war) (18 comments)
Posted by G.I. Jonesy @ 13:54 CDT, 12 September 2009 - iMsg
Anti-drug people are nothing more than modern-day witch-hunters. When drugs are used responsibly, no matter the drug, it only helps.

For example, if you take too much acid and then go scuba diving, you might die. If you take a safe amount of acid, stay in your home, and listen to the Beatles, you will learn invaluable things about 'life'.

No matter the drug, it can be used as a tool of virtue.
Edited by iniiiiiiii at 09:54 CDT, 8 October 2009 - 5894 Hits
Be Yourself (4 comments)
Posted by G.I. Jonesy @ 10:10 CDT, 12 September 2009 - iMsg
Obama is like the liberal George Bush. What for Bush was a trillion dollar occupation, for Obama is a trillion dollar health-care plan.

Instead of being like Bush, Obama should be different and actually do his job.
1097 Hits
Socialism and Government (275 comments)
Posted by G.I. Jonesy @ 03:52 CDT, 11 September 2009 - iMsg
The government does not need to be in every aspect of your lives. In fact, the government needs to be in almost none of your lives. When you use a system like socialism or communism, and the government fails, you are fucked. If the government becomes tyrannical, you are fucked. Id software says the CPL can't use Quake anymore, the Quake community is fucked. Unfortunately, most Quake players are European socialists. With their total lack of personal control, personal liberty and personal initiative, Quake has all but died, with its only chance of resurrection coming from.... the government, as id software re-releases Quake 3 in the form of Quake Live.

So tell me, honestly, socialists and communists... how do you manage, every day of your lives, to lie down and take it up the ass? I'm only asking because if the United States completely loses its mind, which doesn't seem far off, I might have to learn.

I am not a conservative or a liberal. I am an American - a person of liberty. You don't force anything on me, I won't force anything on you. But I will defend myself in the case you attempt to force something on me, whether it be taxes, unjustifiable punishment, or anything else.
28154 Hits
Obama's Health-Care Plan (25 comments)
Posted by G.I. Jonesy @ 12:10 CDT, 10 September 2009 - iMsg
What do you European socialists think of Obama's health-care plan? I can't say what I think, because the plan is a pain to find. You'd think, with the internet, an online newspaper would provide links to the plan in every related article they publish. The only thing these 'journalists' ever do is report the back and forth political rhetoric. It's the same stupid shit over and over... 'liberals want more government, conservatives want less; one politician said this, the other said that'. They never provide an easy to find summation of the actual proposals.
3095 Hits
The Basics of Liberty (2 comments)
Posted by G.I. Jonesy @ 08:57 CDT, 10 September 2009 - iMsg
Instead of using force, why not give people a choice? Freedom can only succeed when all the non-Christians bleed. ... What I meant to say was, Democracy can only succeed if people do not in-breed.

If people are not intelligent on all matters they must be intelligent on, Democracy cannot succeed. When they are un-intelligent, they can be persuaded. At that stage, the voters are nothing more than puppets, doing the bidding of politicians. It is little more than a bureaucratic monarchy. The people must think for themselves and be impervious to persuasion. One of the areas people must understand is the military. If other nations cannot breach our Naval defenses, how else could a nation possibly threaten the United States? One way is long-range missiles, which we can destroy mid-flight. The only other real and current means is through some type of sneak terrorist-like attack. This terrorist type guerrilla attack is not a matter for the military, therefore it is irrelevant when discussing the invading or occupying of foreign lands.

If the American people understood the military, they would have known Vietnam, Iraq and all the others were bullshit. None of the nations we have invaded since WWII have posed any threat to the United States. What we have learned, is the real threat comes from stupidity and furthermore, persuasion.
1699 Hits
The Need For Education (11 comments)
Posted by G.I. Jonesy @ 04:35 CDT, 7 September 2009 - iMsg
Why does everyone hate education? Is it because they don't understand its importance? Maybe the following question should be asked in every quiz and test...

Without proper education, we would be:

A. Slaves
B. Prisoners
C. Extinct
D. Some or all of the above
1529 Hits
Pinocchio: The Prequel (2 comments)
Posted by G.I. Jonesy @ 02:01 CDT, 7 September 2009 - iMsg
Before Pinocchio was tellin' lies and swattin' flies, he was a drug-dealing pimp from New Orleans. Back in those days, when a ho' didn't pay up, she learned the meaning of the word 'back', as in, she got the mo'fuckin' back-hand, bitch. When the cock-sucking cops shook ole' Pinocchio down, he nosed his way straight outta the bayou, down to the Mississippi river delta, where all the best crawfish sing like rabbits on a cold July afternoon.

Would it be ridiculous making a prequel of Quake? Like Quake -1? I have always agreed with John Carmack, in the sense video games are like porn - no one cares about the story. But what if it was so sick and twisted, a Quake -1 could be better than a pimped out Pinocchio? Like instead of a rocket launcher, there was a rock launcher, which was basically exactly the same as a rocket launcher? There are lots of spoof movies, but how many spoof video games?

Could a humorous video game succeed as an esport? You don't find much humor in sports. Traditionally, sports are about one brute smashing in the head of another. They're about animals performing at the height of their animal abilities. In other words, traditional sports are idiotic, severe, and not really fun unless you are an egomaniac.

Video games, or esports, offer an entirely new range of possibilities. With esports, we are mostly limited by our ourselves. Whether our instruments are keyboards and mice, or legs and arms, we can run, jump, catch, throw, and murder. Who we murder, aliens or ant-colonies, is entirely up to us, the video game makers, players, and viewers.
1735 Hits
Running GTV through a TV (3 comments)
Posted by G.I. Jonesy @ 00:59 CDT, 3 September 2009 - iMsg
Spectators are very casual. They don't want to watch sports through their computers. But the only way we can play professionally is through computers. I've found a device which might give us the means to play on computers and them the means to watch on TV's:
1246 Hits
Mayweather vs. Marquez (3 comments)
Posted by G.I. Jonesy @ 02:34 CDT, 1 September 2009 - iMsg
The fight is almost here. I know Floyd Mayweather, like all other freed-slaves, is perfectly good at picking cotton. What I want to know is, can Floyd Mayweather create a work of art, science, or philosophy? Boxing is often called 'the sweet science'. Let's see Floyd Mayweather be better at the sweet science than Einstein was at science. Honestly, is there really something worthwhile about being the best cotton-picking slave?

What do all you non-Americans think? You all haven't had to recently deal with much in terms of slavery, you should be able to offer a valuable perspective.
1160 Hits
Republicans Explained (113 comments)
Posted by G.I. Jonesy @ 23:38 CDT, 24 August 2009 - iMsg
In 2004, Republican voters wanted a pitbull in the White House, not a poodle. So they voted for a cheerleader over a war veteran. While Bush was sitting on the Vietnam sidelines, getting drunk and cheering on the team, Kerry was actually fighting on the field. But because Bush dressed in a pitbull costume, Republicans (who are stupid and superficial), voted directly against their own interests.
23767 Hits
Sports (1 comment)
Posted by G.I. Jonesy @ 05:21 CDT, 24 August 2009 - iMsg
By natives, I have been called Swimming Feather, Running Turtle and Flying Snail. It is with great speed and determination I break the traditional mold.

The tradition of sports is one of screaming, maniacal, zombie-like fans.

The tradition of columns is one of seriousness and severity.

My goal is to turn sports into something serious and severe, while making columns something appealing to screaming, maniacal, zombie-like fans.

Not really... maybe though, maybe there is something about traditional sports which should be changed? Instead or telling you what's what, i'm asking for your opinions. What about traditional sports should be changed?
1580 Hits
Mayweather vs. Marquez (4 comments)
Posted by G.I. Jonesy @ 23:08 CDT, 22 August 2009 - iMsg
Who do you think will win? This money Mayweather character is a concern. Slaves picked cotton yesterday, and they pick cotton today. American currency is made out of cotton. I don't know when the freed slaves will finally learn, but maybe it will happen before the Marquez fight.

I'd say, if Pretty Boy Floyd shows up, he will win. Otherwise, it could go either way.
1020 Hits
Improved Movement Controller (6 comments)
Posted by G.I. Jonesy @ 04:46 CDT, 22 August 2009 - iMsg
Know how on a console joystick, you move with your left thumb? What if you enlarged that movement stick, so it was the size of like a touch-pad? Could you achieve better control with your hand, wrist and fingers than your thumb?
2317 Hits
Dear Comcast (29 comments)
Posted by G.I. Jonesy @ 19:49 CDT, 19 August 2009 - iMsg
Looks like I probably won't be going to San Francisco after all. Therefore, I am re-petitioning someone to design a wireless network ISP's could use to provide gaming-necessary broadband. With directional antennas and repeaters, is it really so impossible to stretch a connection ¼-mile? Comcast delivers cable to the main road. All it takes is to put the modem there, and extend it wirelessly ¼-mile to my home, which is at the end of a private road.
3405 Hits
Windows Live Writer (1 comment)
Posted by G.I. Jonesy @ 23:52 CDT, 15 August 2009 - iMsg
Could esreality make a plugin for this program, so people could publish things on esreality straight through the thing?
962 Hits
When Otters Attack (14 comments)
Posted by G.I. Jonesy @ 01:12 CDT, 15 August 2009 - iMsg
Have you ever seen an otter attack a dog? I went down to the beach today (I live on water-front property). A neighbor dog came with me. When we got there, a family of otters (mother and three babies), was hanging around on the float, eating a big flat-fish (a sole maybe). Bosco, the dog, immediately started swimming to them. The mother was not accommodating. Bosco turned back after only like 5 feet. The mother chased him all the way to shore and then actually came on shore and bit him. He squealed and ran off. He's a big dog too, a chocolate lab, but he was terrified of this creature (river, not sea, otter). Usually they're playful, but not when they have babies.
5021 Hits
Pro-Popularity (7 comments)
Posted by G.I. Jonesy @ 12:13 CDT, 10 August 2009 - iMsg
My dog is bipolar, because she has chemicals in her brain. The psychiatrist arrived at this diagnosis by reading tarot cards.

Why do you suppose professional gaming is unpopular? Video games are incredibly successful. Is it because people would rather play video games than watch them be played? Is it because, to watch some kind of official high-quality match, people must use computers and 'jump through hoops'? Is it because, the games themselves are designed to be played, not watched? Because video games are so popular, it can't be a nerd thing. To answer these questions of pressing importance, I conducted several interviews.

First, I spoke with a Hippopotamus. He said, "maaaaa".

Then, I spoke with a Rhinoceros. She said, "maaaaaaaa".

Honestly, I don't know what kinds of noises these creatures make. But I have seen a youtube video of an elephant painting a self-portrait.

So I asked the Elephant these questions, and it painted a self-portrait.

After multiple failures, I tried a new tactic - asking humans. Since columnists are such experts, I found 9 of them willing to each give their answers.

Strangely enough, every one of them gave me the same answer, "maaaaaa".

I've decided to give up searching for answers. Humans and animals alike seem incapable of providing the answers I seek. I'm not a quitter, but my time is limited. I must find answers to questions that have answers.
3221 Hits
Fame (3 comments)
Posted by G.I. Jonesy @ 22:53 CDT, 27 July 2009 - iMsg
No, this is not a David Bowie tribute. When I used to play WF, 10 years ago, there was no one better. When all the pub servers were empty, I would use my official name, "]$[Chemist". It wasn't a name I had any affection for, it just kind of stuck with me. When I used this name, within 20 minutes, an empty server would become full. The moment it was full, I quietly switched to an alias and continued playing. No one knew it was still me, but the games continued.

Fame can have its advantages. It can also have its disadvantages. If I continued using my official name for too long, many 'challengers' would come along to test themselves against me. They would all join the other team - all go on offense (I played defense), and the game would end 10-0 in only a few short minutes. On other occasions, they would all join my team, which would result in 10-0 the other way around. The only time good pub games could happen, was when I used an alias. It was then I learned the downfalls of fame, and naturally, decided to avoid any future occurrences.

The beauty of the internet. It allows us to have fame, and yet still retain a level of equality. As a professional video-game player, you can be famous in your public life, and in your personal life, be completely unknown. Maybe you would have to lie to your coagulate, but it is, at least, an option. To have fame and yet non-fame simultaneously, is something impossible to achieve in traditional sports. The mystery that a person you meet could be a professional player, must be stimulating to various members of the populace. If you care not to be the source of stimulation, you can tell them you work on a farm. Obscurity or fame, with professional online gaming, it is your choice.

Fame is like a rose. When you smell a rose, there is a chance you will inhale a spider. In professional online gaming, if people find it worth the risk, there is no reason to inhibit them. And for everyone else, there is no reason to force them. Lans are like traditional sports. Everyone must risk inhaling spiders. They must deal with the disadvantages of fame. Most people are probably unaware of these disadvantages, which is why they so heavily favor lans. They probably have insecurities. Fame validates them as people, something they so desperately need. But for me, I prefer eliminating the disadvantages of fame, which is one of the main reasons I choose online-only.
2723 Hits
Marquez vs. Mayweather (4 comments)
Posted by G.I. Jonesy @ 23:03 CDT, 26 July 2009 - iMsg
Floyd Mayweather should stick to what he's been doing for 20 years. A lot of people make the mistake of changing later on. The problem with doing that, is you have no experience. Pretty Boy Floyd has decades of experience. Money Mayweather has like 2 years. There's no comparison. The most you should ever do is incorporate your new strategies into your established victories.

Pretty Boy cannot possibly lose to Marquez. Pacquiao had a hard time with Marquez because he is hyper-aggressive. It plays directly into the counter-punching strenghts of Marquez. If you don't punch, or you can't be counter-punched, counter-punching has no effectiveness.
1506 Hits
9/11, An Inside Job? (290 comments)
Posted by G.I. Jonesy @ 18:54 CDT, 16 July 2009 - iMsg
When you eliminate all other possibilities, whatever remains, no matter how improbable, must be true.

How did the buildings fall down, if not from a controlled demolition? Why was WTC 7 wired for a controlled demolition at that exact point in time? Can a structure of that size and complexity be wired for a controlled demolition in the amount of time between the first plane impact and the time of demolition? If so, why do such a thing?
41788 Hits
Cowardice (219 comments)
Posted by G.I. Jonesy @ 17:35 CDT, 16 July 2009 - iMsg
People want everything they're afraid of to either be dead or in jail. With almost every additional law, there is less liberty. The more cowardly people are, the more they outlaw. Because of cowardice, a nation becomes a prison-state. Wars are fought based on paranoid delusions. Most people are susceptible to delusion, which is like a contagious disease. To vaccinate someone, you teach them to always be either absolutely certain or admit they do not know. Religious people are the most vulnerable to delusion, and are therefore the most likely to fight unnecessary wars. Religious people are also the most afraid, and are therefore the most likely to support additional laws.

Cowardice is quite possibly the worst threat to a free nation. The job of the United States government is not to save lives or defeat evil-doers, it is to make sure the nation remains free.
57653 Hits
GTV or Streaming Video? (17 comments)
Posted by G.I. Jonesy @ 09:14 CDT, 15 July 2009 - iMsg
One of the biggest advantages of GTV is not the perfect video quality, or the options you can only have through GTV, it is the cost of bandwidth. If 10 million people are watching, and the streaming video bandwidth requires 2MB/sec, we're talking a cost of 20,000,000,000k/sec. With GTV, the streams can be flawless at like 10k/sec, which means 100,000,000k/sec. I don't know the specific costs of bandwidth, but over long periods of time, I can imagine the additional cost of streaming video would be significant. With something like xbox live, people would have no problem using GTV.

It doesn't have to be exclusively one or the other. For business reasons though, people should be strongly encouraged to use GTV.
3606 Hits
State of the eSports (2 comments)
Posted by G.I. Jonesy @ 09:51 CDT, 13 July 2009 - iMsg
Pro-gaming is at an interesting stage. It is still in somewhat early development. During this period, you get to see lots of failures. You get to watch people struggle. They're weak, like babies suckling at the only teet they know. Counter-strike really sucks bad and is the worst failure that will ever be. The CS players are hapless victims. Quake players are bad-ass, but maybe they are too bad-ass? Whatever the case, even though there isn't much, it is a good time to be involved.

30,000 years ago, video games were first invented. It was a time when dinosaurs roamed the plains. The smaller dinosaurs preferred Quake and eventually became birds. The bigger dinosaurs preferred counter-strike and died. Some of the pterodactyls enjoyed consoles. Angel used to be a devil, and caused the greatest error in e-sports history. His leaked e-mail was responsible for Counter-Strike replacing Quake. After he was a total dick, id refused to let the CPL use Quake 3 anymore. CS players are delusional and believe their game was simply better. To this day, much like Christians, their delusions persist.

If you look at the surface, which is not everything, but is one thing, you find CS players fit the mold of gamers. They are mostly ugly and/or fat nerds/dorks/geeks. They epitomize what people dislike about gaming. If you look at Quake players, they are athletic, good-looking, and they like to party. Beyond the surface, Quake players are better at gaming. No CS player has ever managed to do anything in Quake, even though some Quake players have done well in CS (the few who can stomach playing the atrocity/game for long enough to compete). I played the game for two weeks, and even with 150 ping compared to everyone else's 30, I was the best player and had the highest score. I'm not talking pubs, these were official matches. CS is just plain garbage (no offense). A game with real depth requires ages to master.

Consoles are worse than CS. The controls are fit for amateurs, and are used by amateurs. The strategy is so limited by the amateur controls, the games cannot possibly achieve a depth greater than can be found in a toilet. But people like to sit on their couches, and play with their friends on xbox live. They don't want to bother with drivers and patches and hardware upgrades and operating systems. They just want to put their disk in the xbox machine and start fucking. This leaves us, the people who are willing to do a little foreplay, with an exciting new challenge..

Of course, it is up to us, the real professionals. The amateurs and the casuals (and the frauds), do not really care. And why should they? The fake professionals get their fake dicks sucked by a bunch of naive fools. The amateurs have no desire to be obliterated beyond recognition, learning once and for all where they truly stand. The casuals just want a little light entertainment here or there, to fill the gaps of their empty lives.

What we should know, as professionals, is that investors will only involve themselves if they can expect a profitable return. We should also know, amateurs and casuals might prefer spectating. Fake professionals are meaningless idiots, who will learn soon enough. As you watch these things, it is an interest in itself, if you enjoy development.

Pro-gamers... eSports-people... let's make our dinosaurs proud (but not in a deadly-sin kind of way). If the dinosaurs could see us today, on the brink of something better than yesterday, they would eat every enemy and squish every opponent. In their absence, we will just have to do these things ourselves.
2304 Hits
Dictionary Add-On (19 comments)
Posted by G.I. Jonesy @ 09:43 CDT, 11 July 2009 - iMsg
I'll give someone a whole U.S. dollar, which is more valuable than 10 million European dollars, if you create a firefox add-on to integrate dictionaries and thesauruses into the browser. What I mean is, make it so I can mouse-over a word and it will give me definitions and synonyms/antonyms that sort of thing. Like in World of Warcraft, when you mouse over an item.

$1, it's fucking worth it.
Edited by Jonesy Inc. at 09:43 CDT, 11 July 2009 - 2784 Hits
Psychiatry Psychiasucks (10 comments)
Posted by G.I. Jonesy @ 06:21 CDT, 10 July 2009 - iMsg
Social Anxiety Disorder is total bullshit. Those cocksucking psychiatrists blame the individual, when the real fault lies with society. For example, they may diagnose someone with SAD who is actually just a virgin. The reason this virgin has so much anxiety over social things is because people their own age put so much pressure on them to lose their virginity. The virgin is treated like a freak, or like someone with a contagious and deadly disease, or is accused of homosexuality. Such a big deal is made about losing virginity, the virgin gets nervous about being confronted on the subject. The virgin may prefer the company of much older people, simply because there is less risk of any such confrontation.

If virginity was considered a good thing, psychiatrists would diagnose the non-virgins with Social Anxiety Disorder. Almost the entire psychiatry field is total bullshit. Bunch of M.D.'s thinking everything out of the ordinary is some kind illness. The reality is, often times the ordinary is the illness. The field is rife with cause&effect errors. With such a new science, the arrogance of M.D.'s could only mean excessive errors.

Although, you should lose your virginity, just 'cause virginity is restricting.
2269 Hits
Affordable Health-Care (41 comments)
Posted by G.I. Jonesy @ 09:38 CDT, 1 July 2009 - iMsg
If poverty lessens, health-care becomes more affordable. With the implementation of a maximum-wage (maximum income), everything past the maximum point would be considered tax-dollars. In order to compete with other businesses, those tax-dollars would have to be spent on legitimate tax-deductible business ventures. Presumably, the end result would be greater economic equality, or, less poverty.
5685 Hits
The Bay Area (20 comments)
Posted by G.I. Jonesy @ 23:07 CDT, 30 June 2009 - iMsg
San Francisco, the city of a million gays. My brother lives in San Francisco. I go down there to visit him sometimes. This time, he had made a gay friend. I was with this gay friend, I think we were walking through Chinatown at like 3 in the morning (I was pretty drunk), when a car drove by. Someone in the car yelled 'faggots'. I immediately remarked on the irony (since I personally am not gay).

The first time I visited my brother, we didn't go many places. This time, he drove me around more of the city. We went to the Academy of Sciences or whatever the place is with the albino alligator. The snappers there reminded me of New Orleans. I liked the academy. When he was driving me around, showing me other parts of the city, I found it was only specific areas I truly liked. We did pass by a Popeye's, and sure enough, a black man stood outside (what is the antonym of irony?). My brother also drove past Japantown. It was small compared to Chinatown, like actual Japan compared to actual China. I started imagining a scenario where Japantown attempted to invade Chinatown, resulting in Chinatown building a wall to be known as the not-so-great wall of Chinatown.

On the last day I was there, we went to an Italian restaurant. The waiters had thick Italian accents. I asked my brother if they were fake. He told me no, all the waiters are 'straight off the boat'. Outside, while we were waiting to be seated, there was a legal placard. It read, "It shall be unlawful to litter, something or other else, with a fine of $1500 or something.". I questioned why it said 'shall be' instead of 'is'. Also, I don't know why the United States government continues using static numbers. With inflation and deflation, shouldn't a relative percentage be used? Like in the Bill of Rights, where it says anything above $20. In the late 1700's, $20 was uh.. different.

The next day, it was time to leave. To reach the airport, I used BART, it's like a subway system. When I boarded, there were four strippers (in full stripper attire). At the first stop, several homosexuals boarded, one carrying a sign reading, "I support the freedom to marry." (I approved of the wording). The stop after, an obvious pimp and ho sat no more than several seats in front of me. The pimp was wearing a pink shirt, unbuttoned all the way down, with a 'fat stack' of not gold-chains, but mardi gras beads. He also wore a black hat, in typical pimp fashion. The ho was dressed in traditional ho clothing. A couple stops later, three asians boarded, two sitting in front of me, one next to me. I thought there was one male and two females. After sitting with them for 10 minutes or so, they started talking. I was looking the other way, and I thought the girls were talking. When I re-centered my view, it turned out the person I thought was a male might have actually been female. Maybe it was a transsexual? All of this was happening at 3 o'clock in the afternoon. Eventually, I reached the airport. A security guard patted me down, probably because of my middle-eastern features and possible demeanor. The search was stupid. The only people who can't beat airport security are dumber than the idiotic government workers themselves. After security, I ate at a Japanese restaurant. The server had trouble speaking English, but it all worked out. Afterwards, I got on the plane and went back to Washington, where I am now.

The United States can be a funny place. It helps to be inconspicuous. Many people live in a narrow corridor. It can be fun inside the corridor, but it is a weak place. A small amount of poison gas can kill many. There is no wind, no atmosphere, no three-dimensions, no space. The Chinese school-girls are nice though. When you are mean to other school-girls, they cry. When you are mean to Chinese school-girls, they flip you off. I'll have to go back to San Francisco, just for the Chinese school-girls. My brother lives literally two blocks from a school of only Chinese and Mexican. I look out the window and Chinese school-girls are everywhere.

That's the United States for you. Some places, mostly Texas, are not so diverse. All you have to do with Texans though is punch them in their throats until they die. After that, they're more receptive to differences.
3823 Hits
Consoles Are Consoling (2 comments)
Posted by G.I. Jonesy @ 06:17 CDT, 29 June 2009 - iMsg
It is the year 2009. Counter-strike is still counter-strike. Quake is still Quake. Consoles and PC's are still in conflict, when they should be working together. What will it take to make the needed changes?

We are dealing with a world of gamers who want computer assistance. Most people do not have time to master a game. Computer assistance allows people to be good without having to spend time. It is a perfectly good construct, except for professionals.

It is the same with precise controls. Developing the necessary skills to effectively use precision controlling requires time. This is not a problem for professionals.

Consoles are perfectly suited for amateurs, or casual players. Their jobs take up their time, and I would imagine most of them do not want to be professional anyway. Is there any real reason for consoles and PC's to compete?

Some people think pro-gaming success means television. With GTV, run through consoles, it basically is television. It is better than television. It is cheaper and easier to control. The only real downside is the lack of TV commercials. With a payment system, like a monthly fee or pay-per-view, a lack of commercials is irrelevant. At the same time, TV commercials could be achieved through a union of GTV and streaming video. I know i've played games with video cut-scenes.

With consoles and PC's working together, gaming is better for everyone. Publishers can maximize profits. Developers can make games fit for people above the age of 12. Professional players can truly be professional. And casual players can retain their casual ways, and even achieve greater casualness by spectating sometimes.

Like religious Jews and Muslims, we should ally against the common enemy - Christianity. Jesus was ok, but somewhere, things went horribly wrong.

In closing, Christianity is dumb. These people actually believe Jesus walked on water. It is like worshiping Harry Houdini or He-Man. In the immortal words of Martin Luther King, "I'm hungry.".
1819 Hits
Magnetic Fields as Weapons (4 comments)
Posted by G.I. Jonesy @ 18:51 CDT, 15 June 2009 - iMsg
Most people know almost nothing about magnetism. It is actually one of the most powerful forces in the known universe. Electrical devices are not bothered by magnetic force, but electronic devices can be easily destroyed. You could kill ten trillion cell-phones with a single neodymium magnet.

The real issue is not whether someone will attempt to control your brain through some kind of electronic implant. Although, it does provide some comfort knowing that sort of thing is unrealistic. The real issue is property damage. If you were to detonate a large-scale EMP device in a densely populated area, it would be effective at what people call 'economic warfare'. In layman's terms, people would lose a lot of money.

Magnetic fields do not harm people or buildings. Magnetism will get into anything, like oxygen does. Unlike oxygen, magnetism also goes through walls. We have only found a single means of shielding things from magnetic fields. Unfortunately, that one thing is highly limited in usefulness. Basically, it is soft metal.

We cannot wrap everything vulnerable in soft-metal. If it became the case, where people began detonating EMP devices, the potential best-case scenario would be to enclose a single electronics room in soft-metal.

Luckily, Republicans are not in charge, otherwise, they would start the 'war on magnetism'.
2511 Hits
The Modern World (No comments)
Posted by G.I. Jonesy @ 05:08 CDT, 15 June 2009 - iMsg
If you ask a common street person, they will tell you the epitome of pro-gaming is found in Guitar Hero. I have nothing against that game, but those people are wrong. These music-games only require skill. A truly great professional game requires a balance of skills and smarts.

Where will pro-gaming go? Will it move towards console games? Will the spectators consider the most popular game to be the most difficult? Will the people who know better (us), be forced to either participate in a sub-standard game or not participate at all?

I'm hanging out in San Francisco, atm, conducting interviews. Strangely enough, i've met many young Republicans. In fact, i'm not sure who i've gotten along with better, young Republicans or others. Maybe the Republican party could conceivably have a future?

The real question is, can legit pro-gaming have a future? Will we always be stuck with what the common IQ demands? Is there a way to give them what they understand and also give us what we know?

In your brain, do not worry about nano-bots. Microchips cannot be implanted because of magnetism. We have yet to find a valid source of protecting electronics from magnetism.
1187 Hits
Mandated Insurance (a.k.a. socialism) (No comments)
Posted by G.I. Jonesy @ 18:59 CDT, 10 June 2009 - iMsg
Instead of that garbage, why not make things like car and health insurance tax-deductible?
591 Hits
Airport Security (12 comments)
Posted by G.I. Jonesy @ 18:10 CDT, 9 June 2009 - iMsg
What is wrong with the caveman strategy? First, it slows everything down. The purpose of air-travel is to increase the speed of travel. Secondly, it makes air-travel more expensive and damages the economy. Third, benign private possessions are stolen (it only counts as seizure when it is reasonable). Fourth, it doesn't work.

In any security system, the security people are the vulnerable point. You can pay them to let you through, or you can kill them or incapacitate them. If any of those methods fail, you can become a member of the security team. This is why, above all else, the caveman security method is a failure. It worked in nature because animals are dumb. The only real method of stopping hijackers/whatever is to find them before they reach the airport.
2772 Hits
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