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Millenium side (No comments)
Posted by Sureshot @ 12:38 CDT, 6 July 2007 - iMsg
And the Millenium team.
Edited by Sureshot at 18:33 CDT, 8 July 2007 - 3479 Hits
End-game (No comments)
Posted by Sureshot @ 12:38 CDT, 6 July 2007 - iMsg
The game is over. And the result? A complete walkover!

Millenium won all 5 matches against Nihilum, regarded by some as the finest PvE guild in the world. To make matters worse, as far as I can remember, Nihilum registered absolutely no kills.
Edited by Sureshot at 18:33 CDT, 8 July 2007 - 3338 Hits
Kungen post-match (No comments)
Posted by Sureshot @ 12:38 CDT, 6 July 2007 - iMsg
The interviewer talks to Kungen about the games. He mainly put the loss down to a lack of PvP experience and some bad class choices.
Edited by Sureshot at 18:33 CDT, 8 July 2007 - 4424 Hits
Hmm... (No comments)
Posted by Sureshot @ 12:38 CDT, 6 July 2007 - iMsg
Sandwichs, anyone?
Edited by Sureshot at 18:33 CDT, 8 July 2007 - 3576 Hits
Sideshow tournament (No comments)
Posted by Sureshot @ 12:38 CDT, 6 July 2007 - iMsg
The aAa Frags Festival mini-tournament, with Bisou playing a competitor.
Edited by Sureshot at 18:33 CDT, 8 July 2007 - 3444 Hits
aAa Frag Festival (No comments)
Posted by Sureshot @ 12:38 CDT, 6 July 2007 - iMsg
Bisou fragging.
Edited by Sureshot at 18:33 CDT, 8 July 2007 - 4623 Hits
In-game action from Bisou (No comments)
Posted by Sureshot @ 12:38 CDT, 6 July 2007 - iMsg
And a shot from his screen.
Edited by Sureshot at 18:33 CDT, 8 July 2007 - 3267 Hits
SK CS1.6 girls team (No comments)
Posted by Sureshot @ 12:38 CDT, 6 July 2007 - iMsg
The girls of SK-Gaming having some kind of group-hug.
Edited by Sureshot at 18:33 CDT, 8 July 2007 - 4094 Hits
SK girls team 2 (1 comment)
Posted by Sureshot @ 12:38 CDT, 6 July 2007 - iMsg
I'm not sure if they lost here, or were preparing for a match.
Edited by Sureshot at 18:33 CDT, 8 July 2007 - 4694 Hits
Men's US CS1.6 team (No comments)
Posted by Sureshot @ 12:38 CDT, 6 July 2007 - iMsg
The Men's US team, Turmoil.
Edited by Sureshot at 18:33 CDT, 8 July 2007 - 3058 Hits
NoA in the 1.6 area (No comments)
Posted by Sureshot @ 12:38 CDT, 6 July 2007 - iMsg
Team NoA from Denmark, who were scheduled to play on-stage vs wNv later on in the evening.
Edited by Sureshot at 19:22 CDT, 8 July 2007 - 3477 Hits
Q4 spectator area (No comments)
Posted by Sureshot @ 12:38 CDT, 6 July 2007 - iMsg
A shot from the smaller Quake 4 spectator area, showing a match between Hunter vs Cooller (I think).

And sorry guys, but my camera ran out of battery after this :( We went to watch the CS ladies game between Les Seules and Unfinished afterwards. I'll try and bag some pics from my friend's camera.
Edited by Sureshot at 18:33 CDT, 8 July 2007 - 4785 Hits
4-4 aggnog (No comments)
Posted by Sureshot @ 12:38 CDT, 6 July 2007 - iMsg
The game ends and the final score is 4-4 over the 2 legs. It was a thrilling game to watch.
Edited by Sureshot at 18:33 CDT, 8 July 2007 - 3985 Hits
Day 1 - Outside (1 comment)
Posted by Sureshot @ 17:12 CDT, 5 July 2007 - iMsg
Wakelin ducks! Or maybe he's just that small?
Edited by Sureshot at 18:33 CDT, 8 July 2007 - 5718 Hits
In the line (1 comment)
Posted by Sureshot @ 17:12 CDT, 5 July 2007 - iMsg
The front of hall 5 of the Parc des Expositions in Porte de Versailles. We stood queuing here for around 20 minutes to half an hour. The ridiculous thing was that earlier on we went on a bit of a trek trying to find where the entrance was, walked the whole entire way around the complex and found that the exit was literally a minute in the other direction to the way we originally went. D'oh! I blame French signposting...
Edited by Sureshot at 18:33 CDT, 8 July 2007 - 4797 Hits
What's that sign? (No comments)
Posted by Sureshot @ 17:12 CDT, 5 July 2007 - iMsg
A picture taken out of pure laziness. We were too far back in the queue to read what the sign said, so I went full-zoom on my camera and took a picture to find out. It looked pretty screwy on the camera screen so it didn't really help.
Edited by Sureshot at 18:33 CDT, 8 July 2007 - 4222 Hits
First impression (No comments)
Posted by Sureshot @ 17:12 CDT, 5 July 2007 - iMsg
After queuing a bit longer and getting our passes, we finally got inside.
Edited by Sureshot at 18:33 CDT, 8 July 2007 - 3973 Hits
WC3:TFT Players (No comments)
Posted by Sureshot @ 17:12 CDT, 5 July 2007 - iMsg
This is where some Warcraft 3: The Frozen Throne matches were being played and other players generally polishing up on their gameplan. The yawning guy is obviously enthralled.
Edited by Sureshot at 18:33 CDT, 8 July 2007 - 4078 Hits
CS1.6 Area (No comments)
Posted by Sureshot @ 17:12 CDT, 5 July 2007 - iMsg
The Counter-Strike 1.6 area. Again, matches, practices and hanging about going on.
Edited by Sureshot at 18:33 CDT, 8 July 2007 - 4595 Hits
More of the 1.6 area (No comments)
Posted by Sureshot @ 17:12 CDT, 5 July 2007 - iMsg
More CS1.6. Teams A-Gaming from the Ukraine and X6tence from Mexico... I mean Spain.
Edited by Sureshot at 18:33 CDT, 8 July 2007 - 3647 Hits
Scoreboard (No comments)
Posted by Sureshot @ 17:12 CDT, 5 July 2007 - iMsg
One of the scoreboard TVs, and some guy's head.
Edited by Sureshot at 18:33 CDT, 8 July 2007 - 4410 Hits
Man from Tron! (1 comment)
Posted by Sureshot @ 17:12 CDT, 5 July 2007 - iMsg
This guy must have wanted to flee the event by the end of the day. Dubbed 'The man from Tron', he basically walked around with the TV on his shoulders, playing some mobile phone game all day, which was then displayed on the aforementioned TV. He got a lot of attention due to this contraption.
Edited by Sureshot at 18:33 CDT, 8 July 2007 - 4750 Hits
Man from Tron pt.II - The Revenge (2 comments)
Posted by Sureshot @ 17:12 CDT, 5 July 2007 - iMsg
Man from Tron returns. The guy on the left has just finished sniggering, as many people did when he passed.
Edited by Sureshot at 18:33 CDT, 8 July 2007 - 4303 Hits
CS1.6 area again (No comments)
Posted by Sureshot @ 17:12 CDT, 5 July 2007 - iMsg
Portuguese CS1.6 team. The table back-to-back with theirs was Virtus Pro's I think, who were possibly out for a spot of Cossak-dancing.
Edited by Sureshot at 18:33 CDT, 8 July 2007 - 4422 Hits
PS2 Booth (No comments)
Posted by Sureshot @ 17:12 CDT, 5 July 2007 - iMsg
The PS2 booth, including Sing Star pods to the right. Oh dear.
Edited by Sureshot at 18:33 CDT, 8 July 2007 - 5684 Hits
TM:N Area (1 comment)
Posted by Sureshot @ 17:12 CDT, 5 July 2007 - iMsg
The Trackmania: Nations area. Big fan of this game.
Edited by Sureshot at 18:33 CDT, 8 July 2007 - 4860 Hits
TM:N Area again (No comments)
Posted by Sureshot @ 17:12 CDT, 5 July 2007 - iMsg
More of the TM:N area, with its huge marquee hanging from above.
Edited by Sureshot at 18:33 CDT, 8 July 2007 - 4527 Hits
Speedball 2 shot (2 comments)
Posted by Sureshot @ 17:12 CDT, 5 July 2007 - iMsg
In-game action from the new Speedball 2 title, in an intermediate stage of development. It seemed pretty good fun to play when we tried it, and also faithful to the original, although there are some serious animation issues to iron out and polish to apply before it's finished.
Edited by Sureshot at 18:33 CDT, 8 July 2007 - 4320 Hits
More Speedball 2 (No comments)
Posted by Sureshot @ 17:12 CDT, 5 July 2007 - iMsg
In-game again, 'kicking' off from the centre.
Edited by Sureshot at 18:33 CDT, 8 July 2007 - 3451 Hits
CS1.6 Spectator area (3 comments)
Posted by Sureshot @ 17:12 CDT, 5 July 2007 - iMsg
One of the smaller spectator areas for watching CS1.6 matches.
Edited by Sureshot at 18:33 CDT, 8 July 2007 - 4826 Hits
WC3:TFT Stage event (No comments)
Posted by Sureshot @ 17:12 CDT, 5 July 2007 - iMsg
The WC3:TFT morning stage event, and Wakelin's head.
Edited by Sureshot at 18:33 CDT, 8 July 2007 - 4797 Hits
WC3:TFT Stage event pt.2 (No comments)
Posted by Sureshot @ 17:12 CDT, 5 July 2007 - iMsg
The stage again. Quality stuff!
Edited by Sureshot at 18:33 CDT, 8 July 2007 - 3672 Hits
WC3 Stage event - MYM]Lucifer (No comments)
Posted by Sureshot @ 17:12 CDT, 5 July 2007 - iMsg
More stage, and MYM]Lucifer with the Korean flag over his display.
Edited by Sureshot at 18:33 CDT, 8 July 2007 - 3897 Hits
More WC3 (No comments)
Posted by Sureshot @ 17:12 CDT, 5 July 2007 - iMsg
Stage close-up from the left side. Setting-up still going on.
Edited by Sureshot at 18:33 CDT, 8 July 2007 - 4231 Hits
WC3 Stage event - MYM]Ciara (1 comment)
Posted by Sureshot @ 17:12 CDT, 5 July 2007 - iMsg
Showing the right side and MYM]Ciara from Denmark. By the way, we hope they fire whoever does the lights at this tournament. You were death-ray blinded most of the time due to beams pointing directly in your face. Oh yeah and someone sucks at VLC!
Edited by Sureshot at 18:33 CDT, 8 July 2007 - 3631 Hits
Squeak (No comments)
Posted by Sureshot @ 17:12 CDT, 5 July 2007 - iMsg
Some call him 'Mouse'. I don't see any cheese?
Edited by Sureshot at 18:33 CDT, 8 July 2007 - 4479 Hits
WC3 Stage (No comments)
Posted by Sureshot @ 17:12 CDT, 5 July 2007 - iMsg
More setting up on Lucifer's side.
Edited by Sureshot at 18:33 CDT, 8 July 2007 - 3697 Hits
Hosts & WC3 Stage (No comments)
Posted by Sureshot @ 17:12 CDT, 5 July 2007 - iMsg
The hosts again.
Edited by Sureshot at 18:33 CDT, 8 July 2007 - 4572 Hits
WC3 Stage event begins (No comments)
Posted by Sureshot @ 17:12 CDT, 5 July 2007 - iMsg
The game is on! Both guys get down to business.
Edited by Sureshot at 18:33 CDT, 8 July 2007 - 4410 Hits
Ciara's PC crashes (No comments)
Posted by Sureshot @ 17:12 CDT, 5 July 2007 - iMsg
Uh oh, technical problems. Ciara's PC crashed out of the game so it was aborted, then restarted once some poking around in the BIOS had been done.
Edited by Sureshot at 18:33 CDT, 8 July 2007 - 4163 Hits
Retro - Atari 520 STe (No comments)
Posted by Sureshot @ 17:12 CDT, 5 July 2007 - iMsg
In the retro area, which was a nice surprise! Here someone plays on an Atari 520 STe.
Edited by Sureshot at 18:33 CDT, 8 July 2007 - 4239 Hits
Retro - Philips MSX8020 (No comments)
Posted by Sureshot @ 17:12 CDT, 5 July 2007 - iMsg
A Philips MSX8020 playing Penguin Adventure. I royally sucked at this game when I had a go.
Edited by Sureshot at 18:33 CDT, 8 July 2007 - 4308 Hits
Retro - Apple IIe (No comments)
Posted by Sureshot @ 17:12 CDT, 5 July 2007 - iMsg
Apple IIe playing Pac Man.
Edited by Sureshot at 18:33 CDT, 8 July 2007 - 4513 Hits
Retro - Apple IIe again (1 comment)
Posted by Sureshot @ 17:12 CDT, 5 July 2007 - iMsg
Trying to get a regular camera screenshot on old CRTs is such a chore ;)
Edited by Sureshot at 18:33 CDT, 8 July 2007 - 4577 Hits
Retro - Amstrad CPC 6128 (No comments)
Posted by Sureshot @ 17:12 CDT, 5 July 2007 - iMsg
Amstrad CPC 6128. This was playing Arkanoid.
Edited by Sureshot at 18:33 CDT, 8 July 2007 - 4867 Hits
Retro - ST again (No comments)
Posted by Sureshot @ 17:12 CDT, 5 July 2007 - iMsg
Another shot of the ST. People were beginning to give us funny looks as we peered over their shoulders with cameras.
Edited by Sureshot at 18:33 CDT, 8 July 2007 - 4498 Hits
Retro - Pentium & Doom (No comments)
Posted by Sureshot @ 17:12 CDT, 5 July 2007 - iMsg
An original Pentium playing Doom. Classic.
Edited by Sureshot at 18:33 CDT, 8 July 2007 - 4794 Hits
Retro - Amiga 600 (No comments)
Posted by Sureshot @ 17:12 CDT, 5 July 2007 - iMsg
An Amiga 600, running Turrican II. Honest.
Edited by Sureshot at 18:33 CDT, 8 July 2007 - 4516 Hits
Retro - Amiga 600 again (No comments)
Posted by Sureshot @ 17:12 CDT, 5 July 2007 - iMsg
See earlier comment about trying to do camera-shots on old screens.
Edited by Sureshot at 18:33 CDT, 8 July 2007 - 4775 Hits
Retro - Intel's History (No comments)
Posted by Sureshot @ 17:12 CDT, 5 July 2007 - iMsg
Intel's computer & video game history.
Edited by Sureshot at 18:33 CDT, 8 July 2007 - 4262 Hits
Intel Invasion Cases (No comments)
Posted by Sureshot @ 17:12 CDT, 5 July 2007 - iMsg
Some really mean looking Intel Invasion cases.
Edited by Sureshot at 18:33 CDT, 8 July 2007 - 4550 Hits
Intel Invasion Cases pt. 2 (No comments)
Posted by Sureshot @ 17:12 CDT, 5 July 2007 - iMsg
And again.
Edited by Sureshot at 18:33 CDT, 8 July 2007 - 3597 Hits
Intel Gear (No comments)
Posted by Sureshot @ 17:12 CDT, 5 July 2007 - iMsg
More intel stuff.
Edited by Sureshot at 18:33 CDT, 8 July 2007 - 3861 Hits
Forza 2 (No comments)
Posted by Sureshot @ 17:12 CDT, 5 July 2007 - iMsg
Forza 2 on XBox 360, with players using 'playseats'. Pretty awesome looking pieces of kit.
Edited by Sureshot at 18:33 CDT, 8 July 2007 - 4490 Hits
Forza 2 again (No comments)
Posted by Sureshot @ 17:12 CDT, 5 July 2007 - iMsg
More of F2 and the playseats. There were 5 of these in total, although the end one was out of action.
Edited by Sureshot at 18:33 CDT, 8 July 2007 - 3928 Hits
Scoreboard (No comments)
Posted by Sureshot @ 17:12 CDT, 5 July 2007 - iMsg
Ahhh earthquake!
Edited by Sureshot at 18:33 CDT, 8 July 2007 - 4318 Hits
CS1.6 area again (No comments)
Posted by Sureshot @ 17:12 CDT, 5 July 2007 - iMsg
More of the CS1.6 area. In front of me are some of the Polish squad PGS Gaming.
Edited by Sureshot at 18:33 CDT, 8 July 2007 - 4607 Hits
CS1.6 spectator area (No comments)
Posted by Sureshot @ 17:12 CDT, 5 July 2007 - iMsg
One of the 1.6 spectator areas again.
Edited by Sureshot at 18:33 CDT, 8 July 2007 - 4477 Hits
Close-up of 1.6 action (No comments)
Posted by Sureshot @ 17:12 CDT, 5 July 2007 - iMsg
A close-up of the action!
Edited by Sureshot at 18:33 CDT, 8 July 2007 - 3523 Hits
GIGA TV booth (1 comment)
Posted by Sureshot @ 17:12 CDT, 5 July 2007 - iMsg
An interview hosted by Giga TV with a team whom I don't recognise (comment if you know).
Edited by Sureshot at 18:33 CDT, 8 July 2007 - 5042 Hits
Duck! (No comments)
Posted by Sureshot @ 17:12 CDT, 5 July 2007 - iMsg
Wakelin really fails at this ducking thing.
Edited by Sureshot at 18:33 CDT, 8 July 2007 - 4478 Hits
CS1.6 stage event (No comments)
Posted by Sureshot @ 17:12 CDT, 5 July 2007 - iMsg
The stage is set for the French team GoodGame (who had an insane amount of support, as you might imagine), and Made in Brazil from well... Brazil. MIBR won the CS1.6 tournament last year.
Edited by Sureshot at 18:33 CDT, 8 July 2007 - 4791 Hits
CS1.6 stage event again (No comments)
Posted by Sureshot @ 17:12 CDT, 5 July 2007 - iMsg
A shot of the main screen, showing the crowd.
Edited by Sureshot at 18:33 CDT, 8 July 2007 - 3460 Hits
CS1.6 stage warmup (No comments)
Posted by Sureshot @ 17:12 CDT, 5 July 2007 - iMsg
More of the stage, with preparations and warm-ups taking place.
Edited by Sureshot at 18:33 CDT, 8 July 2007 - 4396 Hits
GoodGame on-stage (No comments)
Posted by Sureshot @ 17:12 CDT, 5 July 2007 - iMsg
GG are on the right-hand side. Their manager 'Willy' looks on from the back.
Edited by Sureshot at 18:33 CDT, 8 July 2007 - 4522 Hits
MIBR on-stage (No comments)
Posted by Sureshot @ 17:12 CDT, 5 July 2007 - iMsg
MIBR are on the left. Their manager made a funny anouncement regarding a previous member 'KIKOOOO...(etc.)' who left the side recently, and apparently this 'was no great loss at all'. Ouch.
Edited by Sureshot at 18:33 CDT, 8 July 2007 - 4364 Hits
GG on de_train (1 comment)
Posted by Sureshot @ 17:12 CDT, 5 July 2007 - iMsg
Match action from the GG side, with the map being de_train. GG went Counter-Terrorists first, looked on-form, and took the half comfortably.
Edited by Sureshot at 18:33 CDT, 8 July 2007 - 4713 Hits
CS1.6 stage event - main screen (No comments)
Posted by Sureshot @ 17:12 CDT, 5 July 2007 - iMsg
The main screen, which flicked from in-game shots, to map overviews and some focus on the teams themselves.
Edited by Sureshot at 18:33 CDT, 8 July 2007 - 3796 Hits
Oops... (No comments)
Posted by Sureshot @ 17:12 CDT, 5 July 2007 - iMsg
I blame the equipment.
Edited by Sureshot at 18:33 CDT, 8 July 2007 - 4306 Hits
Main screen on train (No comments)
Posted by Sureshot @ 17:12 CDT, 5 July 2007 - iMsg
More action on the main screen, with GG OLIGAN covering the B-site as CT.
Edited by Sureshot at 18:33 CDT, 8 July 2007 - 4490 Hits
Map overview (No comments)
Posted by Sureshot @ 17:12 CDT, 5 July 2007 - iMsg
A map overview. Not looking good for MIBR here, 1v4 with the bomb covered in the alley.
Edited by Sureshot at 18:33 CDT, 8 July 2007 - 3472 Hits
GG manager devastated (No comments)
Posted by Sureshot @ 17:12 CDT, 5 July 2007 - iMsg
This is actually a shot from much later on in the game. MIBR totally outclassed GG in the second half as Terrorists, and their despair is reflected by the hands-on-head pose by their manager.
Edited by Sureshot at 18:33 CDT, 8 July 2007 - 4231 Hits
MIBR are interviewed (No comments)
Posted by Sureshot @ 17:12 CDT, 5 July 2007 - iMsg
Post-game interviews with MIBR. Most of the French supporters had got up and walked out by this point.
Edited by Sureshot at 18:33 CDT, 8 July 2007 - 4347 Hits
MIBR's manager (No comments)
Posted by Sureshot @ 17:12 CDT, 5 July 2007 - iMsg
A pleased chefe indeed!
Edited by Sureshot at 18:33 CDT, 8 July 2007 - 4510 Hits
ESWC main door (No comments)
Posted by Sureshot @ 17:12 CDT, 5 July 2007 - iMsg
THIS is the front door. Y'know, the one we took 30 minutes finding? Yeah.
Edited by Sureshot at 18:33 CDT, 8 July 2007 - 4075 Hits
Q4 stage event (No comments)
Posted by Sureshot @ 17:12 CDT, 5 July 2007 - iMsg
The Quake 4 afternoon stage event. The matchup is between Av3k of Poland and Sorax of Sweden. I went ahead and told Wakelin that the Pole was obviously going to kick some ass in this game, to which he scoffed quite considerably.
Edited by Sureshot at 18:33 CDT, 8 July 2007 - 4636 Hits
Av3k (No comments)
Posted by Sureshot @ 17:12 CDT, 5 July 2007 - iMsg
Av3k somewhere behind his monitor.
Edited by Sureshot at 18:33 CDT, 8 July 2007 - 4133 Hits
ESWC Banner (No comments)
Posted by Sureshot @ 17:12 CDT, 5 July 2007 - iMsg
In case you forgot what event we were at.
Edited by Sureshot at 18:33 CDT, 8 July 2007 - 3818 Hits
Av3k pre-match (No comments)
Posted by Sureshot @ 17:12 CDT, 5 July 2007 - iMsg
Av3k's pre-match interview with the hosts. Cold, concise and confident.
Edited by Sureshot at 18:33 CDT, 8 July 2007 - 4112 Hits
Warmup on big-screen (No comments)
Posted by Sureshot @ 17:12 CDT, 5 July 2007 - iMsg
The main screen during the warmup.
Edited by Sureshot at 18:33 CDT, 8 July 2007 - 4144 Hits
Av3k preparation (No comments)
Posted by Sureshot @ 17:12 CDT, 5 July 2007 - iMsg
Av3k setting up.
Edited by Sureshot at 18:33 CDT, 8 July 2007 - 4191 Hits
Q4 event begins (No comments)
Posted by Sureshot @ 17:12 CDT, 5 July 2007 - iMsg
The match begins! Unfortunately for Martin and Sorax, 0-0 after 11 seconds was about as close as the game would get.
Edited by Sureshot at 18:33 CDT, 8 July 2007 - 3426 Hits
Sorax profile (1 comment)
Posted by Sureshot @ 17:12 CDT, 5 July 2007 - iMsg
A profile of the Swede.
Edited by Sureshot at 18:33 CDT, 8 July 2007 - 3699 Hits
Av3k dominates early (No comments)
Posted by Sureshot @ 17:12 CDT, 5 July 2007 - iMsg
Oh dear.
Edited by Sureshot at 18:33 CDT, 8 July 2007 - 4125 Hits
And continues. (No comments)
Posted by Sureshot @ 17:12 CDT, 5 July 2007 - iMsg
Oh dear, oh dear. I don't exaggerate when I say that Av3k absolutely obliterated Sorax on the first map.
Edited by Sureshot at 18:33 CDT, 8 July 2007 - 3505 Hits
Competitor shot (No comments)
Posted by Sureshot @ 17:12 CDT, 5 July 2007 - iMsg
Av3k looks chilled after his slaughtering of the Scandinavian. Even the Polish fans were happy that Sorax got at least a frag.
Edited by Sureshot at 18:33 CDT, 8 July 2007 - 3597 Hits
Av3k's progress (No comments)
Posted by Sureshot @ 17:12 CDT, 5 July 2007 - iMsg
Av3k had already been powering through the competition earlier in the day, and would eventually go on to win the second map too, although to Sorax's credit, it wasn't as much of a walkover as the first.
Edited by Sureshot at 18:33 CDT, 8 July 2007 - 3751 Hits
CS1.6 female area (No comments)
Posted by Sureshot @ 17:12 CDT, 5 July 2007 - iMsg
Some of the Female CS1.6 competitors.
Edited by Sureshot at 18:33 CDT, 8 July 2007 - 4869 Hits
British 1.6 ladies (No comments)
Posted by Sureshot @ 17:12 CDT, 5 July 2007 - iMsg
And more! This time, the British team G-Stars.
Edited by Sureshot at 18:33 CDT, 8 July 2007 - 4296 Hits
Brazilian 1.6 ladies (1 comment)
Posted by Sureshot @ 17:12 CDT, 5 July 2007 - iMsg
No points for guessing what country they're from.
Edited by Sureshot at 18:33 CDT, 8 July 2007 - 4382 Hits
TM:N stage event (No comments)
Posted by Sureshot @ 17:12 CDT, 5 July 2007 - iMsg
The last event we went to watch today was the Trackmania: Nations stage match, Carl, who's the current reigning world champion, won every single race during the event and looked in absolutely stunning shape to hold on to his title in the overall final on Saturday.
Edited by Sureshot at 18:33 CDT, 8 July 2007 - 4083 Hits
Sureshot's ESWC 2007 - Complete Event (3 comments)
Posted by Sureshot @ 16:40 CDT, 5 July 2007 - iMsg
My pictures from Days 1 to 4 of ESWC 2007.

We also took a change of scenery at the end of Day 3 and visited the Japan Expo in Parc des Expositions (northern Paris). I've thrown some pics I took there on here too, with JE beforehand (in case anyone is interested, or wants to avoid them). There are a lot of game-related pics there though.

Day 4 is finally up so I hope you all enjoy the pictures... it took long enough to tag them all ;)

The ESWC was awesome this year, and they saved the best for the final day. I got to see a dominating Warcraft 3 performance, a tense PES6 game, an insane show of skills in the Quake 4 final and lived through the marathon 3-hour 1.6 final which was packed with thrills all the way.

The organisation and professionalism has been outstanding throughout the entire event and the level of talent being shown simply amazing. It was also heartening to hear that ESWC will be back next year!

Thanks to everyone for viewing this gallery, hopefully I'll attend another event soon!
Edited by Sureshot at 18:35 CDT, 8 July 2007 - 8730 Hits
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