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Chuckie Egg (7 comments)
Posted by DR.HEXAGON @ 17:39 CDT, 8 September 2005 - iMsg
In my more youthful days, I was completely addicted to Chuckie Egg. The original author ported it to the PC. His site has disappeared off the web at the moment, but there's a mirror here (~200k).

My current best: 269040
5604 Hits
Grow (6 comments)
Posted by DR.HEXAGON @ 13:32 CST, 20 March 2004 - iMsg

Just spent far too long playing this game. Maxing out all levels gets you 20,000 points and a sensual feeling of satisfaction. Maybe.
Edited by DR.HEXAGON at 03:29 GMT, 7th Sep 2005 - 2400 Hits
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