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Halo 2! EEK! (21 comments)
Posted by eekabeep @ 15:15 CST, 27 January 2005 - iMsg
Ever switched from PC to console and tried to compete? I'm going to do that this weekend in Washington for Halo 2 at that Lanparty Northwest lan. Yeah. Wish me luck. :) hehe
Anyone else going to this lan?
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new profile pic! (79 comments)
Posted by eekabeep @ 01:28 CST, 1 December 2003 - iMsg
I have a new profile pic! I cry for people who don't know what MetalSlug is.

The bank doesn't think I'm a terrorist anymore (they used the Patriot Act and didnt tell me why they were holding all my money for a month, but only saying that I'd have problems with banks FOREVER... long story); I'm so glad thats all over with. They actually extended the Patriot Act a bit ago.

I hate that stupid act!! Banks are now thinking they're Homeland Security (only they have the right to enforce it) and pretending they're fancy now.

Well at least there are good games to look forward to. I think Kingdom Hearts II is going to be awesome! I'm not exactly sure on the release date, but I hope it doesn't have multiple ending stuff like FFX-2 did. :( That was so terrible! I got the worst happy ending ever. Ooooh and Epileptic Gaming has a simple forum site that us epileptic console/pc gamers are using. MMM ITS SO STERILE AND NEW. haha

Also something I'm looking forward to: EG's return!
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