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About my accident. (Randlock) (225 comments)
Posted by All*randlock @ 18:18 CST, 10 December 2003 - iMsg
This post has been removed.
Edited by All*randlock at 15:33 CST, 24 December 2008 - 94515 Hits
Married To Quake. (59 comments)
Posted by All*randlock @ 07:17 CDT, 30 August 2003 - iMsg

0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
Rating: 8.7 (20 votes)
A new Quake 3 frag movie, featuring Sweden All*randlock, has been released. This time joka has been making the movie, so it features some cool effects and synchronized music (which was not a feature in previous randlock movies :p). The movie is 6:48 in length and weights in at about 155 megabytes (zipped).


Note: Yes, that is a real tattoo.
Edited by CarMac at 14:57 GMT, 30th Aug 2003 - 49295 Hits
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