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#cpmpickup statistics (28 comments)
Posted by Minky @ 09:32 CST, 28 November 2010 - iMsg

things were a little slow here so i chose to finish off the stats site i had started several months ago.. still a couple of little bits to do (+ whatever bugs crop up) but mostly done now

all these stats come from the #cpmpickup (on quakenet irc) servers from March 2009 to now (last update was 23rd Nov)
12333 Hits
64 player xmas server (16 comments)
Posted by Minky @ 16:04 CST, 14 December 2009 - iMsg
chritmas again and i figured id ask about a 64player server (like last 2 years) and mark (from agreed again

are there enough people out there to fill it say during the week mon 21th - thu 24th dec? the "main event" as it were would probably be on the 23rd (altho it depends on responses here if any)

i ask because there are known issues with 33+ people and (callvoting especially) servers in general so if there arent enough people wanting to play then i can lower the player slots and avoid many bugs

last year there were a few issues

- ghost players (filling slots)
- callvoting was incredibly buggy (caused crashes/discon etc)
- several others but ive got a mind like a sieve recently

this year id plan on disabling callvoting (and pretty much everything and anything) to limit the effect of any bugs as much as possible

anyone care to add their 2c?
5813 Hits
QL invites (8 comments)
Posted by Minky @ 09:57 CDT, 11 August 2008 - iMsg
i gots 2

imsg your name, email, skill level and ill send em out
5140 Hits
64player xmas server =O (35 comments)
Posted by Minky @ 18:48 CST, 15 December 2007 - iMsg

fyrespray of has setup a test server (with 64slots) and hopefully tonight (Wed 19th Dec 20:00CET) we can get a good few people to help us test it out

details will be in this IRC Qnet channel

*UPDATE* (shameless plug) are gonna host a 64man CPMA server for a few days

22nd/23rd dec

prolly mostly ctf and hopefully some ffa/dm

i guess someone will post something more official later on xD

suggested maps:

ctf - kineterra1 - kieri

ffa/dm - ?? =[

with that said im on the lookout for some huge ffa/dm maps - if you know any post a linky poo =O
Edited by Minky at 01:12 CST, 19 December 2007 - 8464 Hits
GGL (10 comments)
Posted by Minky @ 18:42 CST, 14 February 2005 - iMsg
what a joke.. not allowing for a reschedule when the server is playing up, who cares about where they have to play (in euro vs na games) but thats just bullshit.
3955 Hits
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