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Thorin kicked out of ESL casting crew (408 comments)
Posted by Naghokez @ 16:11 CDT, 13 March 2014 - iMsg
...for EMS One Katowice 2014 (and perhaps beyond that event). From

"British caster Duncan "Thorin" Shields has been removed by the ESL from the casting crew for EMS One Katowice following some inappropriate comments made about Poland.

Shields had been hired by the ESL to work as an analyst throughout EMS One Katowice, but as the first matches were played, the spectators were left wondering where the British caster was.

It turned out that Shields had been fired by the ESL over some inappropriate comments he made about Poland during a recent podcast of the 'Unfiltered' show.

Among other things, Shields labelled Poland "one of the worst countries in Europe" and compared the ESL staging the event in Katowice to the Olympics being held in Africa, esportsheaven reports.

Over at reddit, ESL's Head of Commentary, Paul "ReDeYe" Chaloner, commented on this issue, saying:"

Some of the comments Thorin made on the show:

"Well it’s in Poland and I think the tickets are pretty cheap so I assume it will be sold out.. Because what the fuck else is going on in Poland? And they’ve got that existential hole of being Polish to try and fill with some esports.”

“Maybe, it’s like when you have the Olympics somewhere in Africa and they can all pretend they’re part of the developed world for two weeks, and then everyone just leaves and they’re still in the dirt.”

“Poland is one of the worst countries in Europe, bro. It’s one of those countries where when they opened up that Schengen Agreement for European countries, where if you’re in the EU you can move freely between countries.. Like, the second they opened that up everyone in Poland was just like “Cool, let’s get the fuck out of Poland” and they just went to the next countries.”

“Put it this way, it’s another place also where there’s constantly news stories where at their football games they have straight up racism aimed at all black players, with the whole crowd like chanting stuff or throwing banana peels. That happened like 50 years ago in the developed European countries - that shit happens, like, now in Poland.”

“If you hold the event somewhere shitty, then it’s going to seem awesome and loads more people will come.”


UPDATE: from Thorin's twitter:
"I'm sorry that people were upset by my comments on Unfiltered. I don't want there to be a negative atmosphere around the event. I hope the CS:GO tourney is a success and the casting team doesn't suffer any negative feedback due to me not pulling my weight."
Edited by Naghokez at 19:23 CDT, 13 March 2014 - 119107 Hits
[MOVIE] The Avengers (23 comments)
Posted by Naghokez @ 13:42 CDT, 26 April 2012 - iMsg
Has anyone seen it yet? It's not coming out until the 4th of May in the United States, but it's already out in some parts of the world (including a large part of Europe).

[SMALL REVIEW, don't read if you want to avoid reading feedback even devoid of plot spoilers]

I went to see it yesterday, and I must say I was quite blown away. I was expecting a better-than-usual-but-not-too-amazing-either superhero movie, and it far exceeded my expectations (as a superhero movie obviously...), in particular when it came to the action scenes. It starts rather slow, but I thought the second and third acts were really impressive. All of the characters get their time to shine, the cast is great, there's plenty of humor, the plot is rather standard but still fine since it makes the coming together of the various heroes believable. And again, the action scenes are out of this world. The trailer really doesn't do the movie justice.


Right now it's sitting at 95% on rottentomatoes and 8.8 on imdb (it'll probably still go down, but imo it's easily the best movie of the genre).

If you go see it, I suggest you stay until the end of the mid-credits since there's a bonus scene :p
edit: for US viewers, there's also another scene at the end of the credits.
Edited by Naghokez at 08:32 CDT, 30 June 2012 - 5547 Hits
HD Movie Stills (13 comments)
Posted by Naghokez @ 05:56 CDT, 30 May 2011 - iMsg

I was wondering if anyone here knew of a good website to find high quality movie stills. Right now the only one I'm familiar with is, which is fantastic for old movies ('30s-'40s-'50s), but I can't seem to find anything for more recent movies. Any help would be greatly appreciated :p
Edited by Naghokez at 05:56 CDT, 30 May 2011 - 3865 Hits
Double rainbow (6 comments)
Posted by Naghokez @ 19:46 CDT, 5 July 2010 - iMsg

(listen to it entirely :p)
Edited by Naghokez at 19:59 CDT, 5 July 2010 - 5739 Hits
Describe your sex life... (152 comments)
Posted by Naghokez @ 06:48 CDT, 13 July 2009 - iMsg
...with a movie title. I saw this thread on gotfrag and thought it was pretty funny :p

Some examples:

Big Trouble in Little China
There Will Be Blood
Failure to Launch
Rear Window
Edited by Naghokez at 10:06 CDT, 14 July 2009 - 51589 Hits
Mousesports 2008 - CS movie out (118 comments)
Posted by Naghokez @ 13:00 CST, 9 February 2009 - iMsg

0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
Rating: 4.1 (66 votes)
Yes I know, this is a CS movie. Not any CS movie though, since Michael Weicker, a.k.a. kaLa, is behind this new project. Even though the name might not sound familiar to those of you who aren't into CS videos, he's produced some very popular ones such as the first mousesports movie, NEO - The One, The Art to Frag and the restOck series.

Mousesports 2008 - Ready Willing & Able

Size: 311 Mb
Length: 08:15

With a nice intro followed by a track from Justice (mixed by Soulwax), I'm sure you'll get into the movie very fast, whether you like CS or not. It's definitely worth watching :) Enjoy!
Edited by Nukm at 14:05 CST, 9 February 2009 - 27369 Hits
The Assassination of Jesse James (8 comments)
Posted by Naghokez @ 09:15 CDT, 22 October 2007 - iMsg the Coward Robert Ford is an amazing movie. Very long and slow, but absolutely beautiful.

Brad Pitt is perfect as Jesse James and Casey Affleck gives an outstanding performance as Robert Ford. I really advise everyone to go see this movie (unless you have ADD), because it's simply a masterpiece.

Teaser: Link 1 - Link 2
Trailer: Link 1 - Link 2

Has anyone already seen it? Your thoughts? :)
Edited by Naghokez at 09:16 CDT, 22 October 2007 - 4302 Hits
Hitler... (17 comments)
Posted by Naghokez @ 12:00 CDT, 1 July 2007 - iMsg
...gets banned :(

sorry if it has already been posted but I found it hilarious :D
3747 Hits
Death Proof (18 comments)
Posted by Naghokez @ 17:53 CDT, 11 June 2007 - iMsg the new movie by Tarantino, it's REALLY great, a must-see. Try not reading any reviews and avoid the trailers so you'll be surprised when you see it :) it's definitely a classic.

edit: oh and it's part of "Grindhouse" (with another movie by Rodriguez) but in some countries the two movies get separated and Death Proof is the only one out here in Belgium.
Edited by Naghokez at 11:38 CDT, 12 June 2007 - 3457 Hits
ZIMMERMAN + PotC 3 (24 comments)
Posted by Naghokez @ 06:49 CDT, 24 May 2007 - iMsg'll love Keith Richards in Pirates of the Caribbean 3 if you go see it :D

(entertaining movie thx to johnny depp again, and luckily orlando bloom has a bit less screen time. way better than spider-man 3 but you'll still forget about it pretty fast and the beginning is a bit long)
(btw I found it slightly better than the 2nd one!)
Edited by Naghokez at 17:06 CDT, 24 May 2007 - 6644 Hits
Spider-Man 3 sucked (127 comments)
Posted by Naghokez @ 17:51 CDT, 4 May 2007 - iMsg
anyone else agrees? The scenario was just terrible.
31276 Hits
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