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[Beta] ninemil-dm2, Terebinthina (31 comments)
Posted by @ 13:03 CDT, 28 June 2017 - iMsg
Update - b4 here. Available to play on (US East) (No password, CPM 1.48.)

Current loadouts:


2 x RL
1 x RG
1 x LG
1 x SS, GL, PG.

1 x RA
2 x YA
7 x SHARDS in two groups, one of 4 and one 3, (sound cues.)

1 x MEGA
4 x 25 HEALTH in two groups of two.
6 x 5 HEALTH in two groups of three.


As above, plus Invis.

- - -

So way-back-when, during the early days of Reflex development, newborn gave me a preview build of their client and let me loose on the map editor for a bit. Some of you may remember there being screenshots of the by-product of that:

So while the stress test was all well and good, the Reflex thing really didn't happen for me, and I figured the map itself was lost to compatibility limitations.

Until I realised you can port from Reflex to Quake 3 .map this afternoon...


It's early days, as in, zero caulk, r_speeds through the roof, unfinished - but functional - geometry.

At this point I'm looking for feedback on general flow, the preliminary item placement, and traversal. Stuff like the finishing the geometry, setting the detail brushes, adding playerclip, etc, I'll be dealing with later. Lemme know how you find bot play too, if you're testing solo.

Thanks in advance.
Edited by at 20:15 CDT, 20 July 2017 - 29086 Hits
Func 1030 surface replacement? (16 comments)
Posted by @ 22:32 CDT, 31 October 2016 - iMsg
So my 2006 Func 1030 surface is worn to the point where I'm losing tracking now. I know Fnatic bought them out a while back, and their quality were going down the shitter beforehand anyway.

Any recommendations on a replacement? I use the Control/30.r side. Anything similar out there?

(for use with a 1800 DPI '13 DeathAdder.)
7382 Hits
Endgame competative Destiny... (19 comments)
Posted by @ 15:05 CST, 14 November 2015 - iMsg surprisingly good, for a console shooter. Great range of playstyles available, without being too broad to balance, and without too much of the usual OHK aim-assist bullshit that comes with the platform.

Something worth checking out, if you're picking up one of the Sony/Microsoft machines this Christmas.

Came for the story, stayed for the PvP. Wasn't expecting that at all.
7076 Hits
cg_noHitBeep (14 comments)
Posted by @ 01:25 CST, 17 November 2014 - iMsg
Thinking specifically for duel, rather than team modes. After a decade or so of playing with the default setting, I tried turning off the hit beep a couple of days ago, hoping I'd be able to hear the sub50 and sub25 damage sounds more clearly. It felt really disjointed at first, especially losing the ability to spam round corners and know if the opponent is there or not, but there's a marked improvement in my nets, and I feel like I'm finishing a lot more efficiently now.

What's the general thought on this? Does anyone else play with the hitbeep off? I didn't realise how distracting it can be before.
8708 Hits
Reflex's editor: serious game-changer. (67 comments)
Posted by @ 15:55 CDT, 16 August 2014 - iMsg
If I'd had tools like these from id during my cpm mapping days, there'd have been a new map every week.

Seriously sexy piece of kit.

Heavy Armour Atrium

Top Floor walkway

Lot of work to go yet, but loving how easy it is to create complex geometry. Truly enjoyable creative environment.
Edited by at 03:08 CDT, 19 August 2014 - 7661 Hits
Mirror's Edge... (100 comments)
Posted by @ 17:57 CDT, 13 April 2009 - iMsg
...needs client -> server and a multiplayer mode already. The idea of defraging around the Pure DLC with friends online is ssssooooo appealing.

Finally got my ps3 last thursday and since then I just haven't been able to put time trial down; why can't cpm have movement this good? o_0
20055 Hits
On Quake Live (79 comments)
Posted by @ 11:51 CST, 3 March 2009 - iMsg
[ninemil] I just look back at what
[ninemil] 13 years of quake?
[ninemil] 4 generations?
[ninemil] and wonder
[ninemil] is quakelive really the best we can offer the world as a freebie?
[ninemil] is it really representative of what we've spent the past decade of our lives enraptured by?
[ninemil] and the more I think about it
[ninemil] the more it makes me feel really
[ninemil] really
[ninemil] embarrassed
11283 Hits
Clanbase set to fuck another game up? (48 comments)
Posted by @ 15:02 CDT, 6 July 2007 - iMsg
Relative to this announcement regarding Clanbase's forthcoming ET:QW beta cup, I thought I'd add the following;

a) Which dickhead at clanbase thinks they know how to balance the game better than the game's design team? ESpecially considering the game is not yet released.

b) Are clanbase leagues/cups so piss poor that the only way they can get people to play in them is to change core rules and give bullshit reasons to justify their artifical point of difference?

c) Are clanbase not content in having screwed up Quake 4 good and proper? Why the fuck do they have to start on the only game this year that has a vague chance of uniting the fractured PC gaming community?

Boycott this cup in the hope they'll actually listen.
Edited by at 15:02 CDT, 6 July 2007 - 14973 Hits
Quake Wars beta thoughts (72 comments)
Posted by @ 14:25 CDT, 22 June 2007 - iMsg
The next big thing? I know some of you are stuck waiting on non-subs keys till tomorrow, so I figured I'd get off my arse and pen a few thoughts on the beta release to help with the wait. Let's face it, there's a lot riding on this not being the next big flop, and hopefully I've answered some of the most common concerns.

Article is here. Enjoy :)
16601 Hits
New Zealand (14 comments)
Posted by @ 01:54 CST, 4 January 2007 - iMsg
Followed tom's footsteps and toured some of North Island for Christmas last year. Didn't manage to find any RealMccoy orange juice but ran into plenty of scary Maori, became a human sardine in the open ocean and certainly had an amazing time - looking out the window at the UK 'grey' now certainly makes me wish I hadn't come home ;)

Anyway, photos for anyone interested.
4328 Hits
NWN meets RTCW & CPM NTF? (9 comments)
Posted by @ 17:52 CST, 9 December 2006 - iMsg
Kinda wierd but most enjoyable I stumbled across this gem by complete accident whilst looking for Dungeon Siege and NWN mods. It plays very similar to RTCW or Quake 2 CTF, with spawn areas to conquer and Relics (read flags) to capture to win the map.

There are 5 classes to choose from currently, with a sixth on it's way. Each plays similar to the classic D&D character types with the usual Wizard and Paladin, plus some wierder but extremely functional stuff.

Character play on ranked servers is logged, with a full list of players on the website for competative ladders and Guild games. Despite the game being in it's infancy, there seems to be a reasonably strong community, although little EU presence so far.

Still, huge fun to play. Deffo worth the look if you fancy something different. Expect a proper review some time soon after some more play time.
Edited by at 18:27 CST, 9 December 2006 - 5135 Hits
CPM config with SuperHud support (8 comments)
Posted by @ 14:49 CDT, 3 August 2006 - iMsg
Old skool CTF style hud with a full cfg. Feel free to leech :P

Edited by at 14:50 CDT, 3 August 2006 - 4910 Hits
DDO Wallpapers (5 comments)
Posted by @ 10:11 CDT, 8 July 2006 - iMsg
Few bits and pieces from my current MMO addiction, DDO. Enjoy.

Edited by at 15:01 CDT, 14 July 2006 - 2746 Hits
Dungeons and Dragons Online (4 comments)
Posted by @ 22:11 CDT, 12 April 2006 - iMsg

Been messing around wih this since it went to public beta, despite my usual distain for MMO's in any form. Surprisingly enjoyable given it's D&D roots: everything is teamplay focused, with not much being achievable without a good group that works together and communicates well.

I've maxed one character already and went back for a different, (and when I say different, I mean different - each character class has a completely unique play style and functionality within the game, rather than being multiple paths to the same destination like in WoW) view point. Thought I'd post my character builds here as well as my play journal. I've also got 3 spare buddy keys that allow for 10 days free play presuming you can get a copy of the european client from some where. pm me if you're interested.
Edited by at 03:11 GMT, 13th Apr 2006 - 2342 Hits
More classic gaming... (4 comments)
Posted by @ 13:21 CST, 25 February 2006 - iMsg

This time a game for any fans of the beloved DragonLance series written by Weis and Hickman from the late 80's. The first Dragon based aerial combat simulator with FFA and campaign modes... This game was released on multiple platforms, but ran, played and sounded the best on the Amiga. Unfortunately I can't find a working install for the A500 anywhere. I did however manage to find a PC copy that runs reasonably well, although you'll need some help from DosBox or a similar program if you want all the Adlib based sound effects.

Leech available here. Enjoy! ;)
Edited by at 19:23 GMT, 25th Feb 2006 - 3593 Hits
CGA -vs- MB (5 comments)
Posted by @ 14:22 CST, 5 February 2006 - iMsg

0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
Rating: - (0 votes)
Gametype: Team Game
Map: Various Maps
Mod: Capture The Flag
Version info: Quake 4 1.04 X-Battle 0.12a
How to play back Q4 demos

Download map 1 here, map 2 here, and map 3 here.

Clanbase Quake 4 CTF OpenCup Final, between Grievous Angels and MasterBlaster, played across Dr4ch's versions of Heartless, Death Before Dishonour and Speed Trap.

Thanks to LazeryAttack for the server, and Vitez for adminning.

Edited by Sujoy at 21:39 GMT, 5th Feb 2006 - 5050 Hits
First and best FPS ever? (20 comments)
Posted by @ 05:52 CST, 9 January 2006 - iMsg
Took some work since WinUAE isn't the best documented emulator out there, but it didn't take a huge amount of time before I had myself an Amiga 1200 with 4mb of RAM, 4 floppy's and a hard disk to boot...

First and best first person shooter ever? I think so :P

10 minutes of browsing got me just about every decent game you can think of - Eye of the Beholder I and II, Obitus, the Shadow of the Beast trilogy, Speedball 2, Xenon 2 MegaBlast.... Who needs Quake 4? :P
Edited by at 11:54 GMT, 9th Jan 2006 - 7956 Hits
CGA -vs- AcK (5 comments)
Posted by @ 16:19 CST, 21 December 2005 - iMsg

0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
Rating: - (0 votes)
Gametype: Team Game
Map: Various Maps
Mod: Capture The Flag
Version info: Quake 4 1.04 Q4MAX 0.5
How to play back Q4 demos

Download here while ESR is f00ked.

Savage ACTF Week 4 between CGA and AcK on the UC-Dr4ch version of Relativity.

Edited by at 12:18 GMT, 22nd Dec 2005 - 4308 Hits
CGA -vs- MB (3 comments)
Posted by @ 11:45 CST, 21 December 2005 - iMsg

0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
Rating: - (0 votes)
Gametype: N/A
Map: Various Maps
Mod: Capture The Flag
Version info: Quake 4 1.04 X-Battle 0.10
How to play back Q4 demos

Download here and here while ESR is f00ked.

Clanbase Q4 OpenCup 2005 Group match between Grievous Angels and MasterBlasters on Dr4ch's versions of SpeedTrap and Death Before Dishonour.

1735 Hits
CGA -vs- Jobbos (2) (14 comments)
Posted by @ 16:35 CST, 19 December 2005 - iMsg

0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
Rating: - (0 votes)
Gametype: Team Game
Map: N/A
Mod: Capture The Flag
Version info: Quake 4 1.04 X-Battle 0.10
How to play back Q4 demos

Download here while ESR is f00ked.

Jolt CTFL opening Cup, Semi-Finals, match 2.

CGA vs Jobbos on on Dr4ch's version of Death Before Dishonour.

This follows a 5-3(?) win to Jobbos on Dr4ch's version of Heartless. I crashed 7-8 minutes in which stopped us attempting a come back from going down 3-4 (nice one X-Battle, test it before releasing eh? Plus cheers to Jolt for switching to a build with no play history the afternoon of the game.)

After this match, Jobbos then take the series on Dr4ch's Speed Trap with a convincing 2-0 win, which I was too petrified to demo in case it crashed again. wp to Jobbos who took the Final later that evening due to AcK not turning up o_0

4993 Hits
CGA -vs- MKC (2) (2 comments)
Posted by @ 14:43 CST, 18 December 2005 - iMsg

0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
Rating: - (0 votes)
Gametype: Team Game
Map: Various Maps
Mod: Capture The Flag
Version info: Quake 4 1.04 X-Battle 0.05
How to play back Q4 demos

Download here while ESR is f00ked.

Jolt CTFL opening Cup, Quarter-Finals, match 2.

CGA vs MKC on on Dr4ch's version of Death Before Dishonour.

3058 Hits
CGA -vs- MKC (1) (3 comments)
Posted by @ 14:40 CST, 18 December 2005 - iMsg

0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
Rating: - (0 votes)
Gametype: Team Game
Map: N/A
Mod: Capture The Flag
Version info: Quake 4 1.04 X-Battle 0.05
How to play back Q4 demos

Download here while ESR is f00ked.

Jolt CTFL opening Cup, Quarter-Finals, match 1.

CGA vs MKC on on Dr4ch's version of Speed Trap.

Edited by son! at 00:39 GMT, 19th Dec 2005 - 2795 Hits
CGA -vs- sTa map2 (1 comment)
Posted by @ 15:32 CST, 12 December 2005 - iMsg

0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
Rating: - (0 votes)
Gametype: Team Game
Map: Various Maps
Mod: Capture The Flag
Version info: Quake 4 1.04 X-Battle 0.05
How to play back Q4 demos

Download here while ESR is f00ked.

Jolt CTFL opening Cup, Round 1, match 2.

CGA vs sTa on on Dr4ch's version of Heartless. Easily the more interesting ;)

Edited by yeltsin_ at 00:30 GMT, 17th Dec 2005 - 2910 Hits
CGA -vs- aTa map1 (5 comments)
Posted by @ 15:25 CST, 12 December 2005 - iMsg

0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
Rating: - (0 votes)
Gametype: Team Game
Map: Various Maps
Mod: Capture The Flag
Version info: Quake 4 1.04 X-Battle 0.05
How to play back Q4 demos

Download here while ESR is f00ked.

Jolt CTFL opening Cup, Round 1, match 1.

CGA vs sTa on on Dr4ch's version of Speed Trap.

Edited by yeltsin_ at 00:30 GMT, 17th Dec 2005 - 6209 Hits
Doom 2005 (13 comments)
Posted by @ 08:07 CST, 2 December 2005 - iMsg
Doom movie in not utterly sucking shocker... Most impressed
5238 Hits
Spooks -vs- Suicide Squad (16 comments)
Posted by @ 06:55 CST, 22 November 2005 - iMsg

0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
Rating: 9 (4 votes)
Gametype: N/A
Map: q3wcp9 - Spider Crossings
Mod: Capture The Flag
Viewpoint: Admin
Version info: Threewave CCTF 1.7
How to play back Q3 demos

Spooks face Suicide Squad in the penaultimate week of the CCTF Cup, with both sides needing two wins to take the title.

This the first of two maps, and features leto cpm-star Naz showing us what the grapple's for :P

Brilliant showmanship, with a turn around in the second leg on q3w2.

Final CCTF Cup fixtures here.
Edited by at 12:55 GMT, 22nd Nov 2005 - 9410 Hits
Quake 4 16:10 widescreen CFG & cx-timer (30 comments)
Posted by @ 16:11 CDT, 21 October 2005 - iMsg
Similar idea to my Doom 3 CFG's, only with a few detail changes given Quake 4 seems to behave a bit better with my Nvidia 6800U rig than Doom 3 did. You may want to rip out r_multisample, although it appears I get that for free o_0 The cx-timer has some redundant echo commands, although I've left them incase an echo equivalent appears.

Press s to activate to the timer, then / on the keypad for help using it.
' switches between playing and spectating graphics modes

Weapon binds as follows;
Pummel on SHIFT
Machine gun on DELETE
Hyperblaster on END
Grenade launcher on PAGE DOWN
Rocket Launcher on ENTER
Railgun on KEYPAD 0
Lightning gun on MOUSE WHEEL DOWN

Pictures of the config - click through for full size shots.

Single player mode

l33t multiplayer mode

CFG can be found here.
Edited by at 19:22 GMT, 29th Oct 2005 - 17795 Hits
United Kingdom -vs- France (10 comments)
Posted by @ 17:36 CDT, 16 October 2005 - iMsg

0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
Rating: - (0 votes)
Gametype: Team Game
Map: N/A
Mod: N/A
Viewpoint: MVD
Version info: Promode 1.3
How to play back Q3 demos

United Kingdom vs France in the International TDM Cup, played as two 20 minutes games on cpm18r and cpm21.

UK Team

- no'Drex
- no'Empy
- ix-ir
- Minky.Jizz
- ninemil.Jizz

French Team

- scam
- xou
- Mesta
- asHram
- JF

Demos here.
Edited by at 22:36 GMT, 16th Oct 2005 - 3280 Hits
yuri -vs- wtf police (16 comments)
Posted by @ 07:50 CDT, 11 October 2005 - iMsg

0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
Rating: 5 (3 votes)
Gametype: Team Game
Map: q3wcp1 - Japanese Castles
Mod: N/A
Viewpoint: MVD
Version info: CPMA NTF
How to play back Q3 demos

Berserk NTF Showcase night, 3rd map.

NTF is a class based mode featured in Q3 CPMA. More information about it can be found here. The threewave map pack containing q3wcp1 can be found here.

Team yuri : snapcase, pez,, zeki, minky

Team wtf police : aggnog, gellehsak, marC, chas, reb
Edited by at 13:35 GMT, 11th Oct 2005 - 5174 Hits
Threewave CFG including cx-timer (2 comments)
Posted by @ 08:50 CDT, 16 September 2005 - iMsg
Ahead of the CCTF mini Cup I've rewritten a Threewave cfg with most of the bits and pieces I've gained during my time in CPMA - most importantly a working cx-timer. Currently it can track one 35 second mega, one 25 second ra and one 25 second ya, tho I'll probably include buttons for the opposite teams equipment as well.

File available here, any questions, you can catch me in #cga on Quakenet.
Edited by at 13:51 GMT, 16th Sep 2005 - 2462 Hits
16:10 widescreen cfg's (No comments)
Posted by @ 17:59 CDT, 11 April 2005 - iMsg
Doom 3 1.3 and Doom 3 RoE 16:10 widescreen cfg's with fps tweaks button.

Usual place. Enjoy.
Edited by at 10:39 GMT, 10th Oct 2005 - 1626 Hits
More cfg work... (1 comment)
Posted by @ 09:22 CST, 12 February 2005 - iMsg
Mostly work on a CPM cfg with an inbuilt version of Cel.Jizz's revamped cx-timer, with spangles. Also a Doom3 tweaked cfg and a few bits and pieces on an old ET cfg.

Files are all available here.
Edited by at 15:27 GMT, 12th Feb 2005 - 2183 Hits
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