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WoW Journal lolz (115 comments)
Posted by jaffeh @ 03:16 CST, 3 March 2006 - iMsg
You know, I can see like 10 WoW threads on ESR in like, the last however long...

that's a bit weird, innit? it seems loads of clans in every game are gettin destroyed because of wow, even now. BUT the interest on this site is so low, its just weird, coz that pissing game is everywhere.

obviously q4 players, the majority of ppl on this site right now don't wow so much as, say, cs players do.

wonder why that is. prolly coz q4 is new and shiny, still, whereas other games are tired and dull coz theyve been out a while.

at the same time tho, i dont mean to offend but most q4 players are like, hardcore. most of the ppl playin q4 now are trying to get good at it, not playing purely for enjoyment (as shown by the amount of people saying theyre forcing themselves to get used to it). I guess you're all too busy to give wow a try huh.


So just out of interest, many people atcually play wow here? or rather, still play, coz im gettin bored of it.

hey, no apologies for length or girth (of this ramble) ive been up or night and still got a long day ahead. whatever
20759 Hits
Allnighters, pink shirts, bingo, Q4, i26 (19 comments)
Posted by jaffeh @ 02:33 CST, 7 November 2005 - iMsg
Just done my first proper allnighter since i started work this summer, and its crazy, I remember now why the night hours are fun.

Now its totally random and unrelated to everything but I want to write something and so I shall, and if these pictures mess up.. oops.

So yeah, heres whats in my head and my life
Seeing the dawn is beautiful. It doesn't matter whether youre above a city, or in scummy terraces, as long as you can see the sky. I would never see them if I didn't stay up all night - theres just always something to put me in a good mood, even if its dismal.

It gives you peace and quiet to think, too.

I've lived in many places the last few years, and I came to realise that I will never feel comfortable in one place, because no matter where I live I always wish I was somewhere else, even if I really love that place.

In the city, I was longing for the country where I grew up. Now in the north, I long for cities down south.. just can't keep me happy.

Where I miss views like the one below, from my previous bedroom window, I can still feel comfortable looking out over smoking terrace tops in the mornings.

So anyway, I was up all night and was lead to ponder pink shirts. The whats, whys, and wherefores, and sorry guys, they ARE gay. I just had to mention that. Blokes seem to think that wearing a pink shirt brings them a badge of maturity because its a certificate saying "hey i'm so manly I can wear a pink shirt and get away with it". WELL youre wrong, the only way you could look more queer is with a used condom pokin half out your ass.

So I work in bingo. Its antisocial hours but hey, gaming is antisocial hours so you'll all be used to that. Its going from strength to strength in the UK, and a suprising amount of young lads play these days. No more two fat ladies 88, they try to promote bingo as a funky young persons night out, with like £200,000 national prizes n stuff.
...which means you get some characters alright.
One lady pulled her membership card out of her bra the other day!
Another lady kept trying to palm us off with fake money.
Another old lady died in her chair.
An old man tried to give me a tip.
Someone jumped off the multistorey carpark above the club.
I found a fiver on the floor.
The same person won 3 One thousand pound games in a row.
Someone got stabbed outside.
In the north they have unusual terms of endearment. Aside from the "thanks girl" and the "cheers duck" I today had "thanks queen". QUEEN? was I in drag? I think not. Dunno what that was about.

Its all fun and games down the bingo !

I call the numbers now. Its terrifying. You got anything from ten to 700 people listening to everything you say, hungry for the next number so that they can win a toaster, a singing lighting up giant santa (no joke) or eighty quid.

For you foreigners, do u even have bingo there? Here its like a totally old persons hobby but theyre tryin to change that.
Its good fun.. if youre greedy. I must be greedy coz I quite enjoy it, but I'm unlucky with that stuff so I don't play much.

Over the last few years I think luck is more of a personal attribute than just chance. My sister always won all the raffles and stuff when we were little, and still wins loads on the bingo. I don't. Or you get the same people winning our lan raffles time and time again. Or the same people winning in the bingo consistently (see above).

I'm not that sort of person, but fate and stuff is becoming more of a real thing for me, as it were. when i started workin at the bingo, my nan stopped winning. When i left that branch, she started winning again, religiously, just like before. I worked there for 10 weeks.
That can't just be coincidence, I swear. She went to that bingo more than I did, 6 days a week compared to my five.


Just like this quake 4 business. Now i know most of you prolly clicked this journal coz it said q4 in it. Don't worry, thats Ok, well done for making it this far. My apologies, however, coz its nothing new, but hopefully its also none of the whine that seems to be in every q4 post ever. Or any of the whine that seems to be in every q4 post that whines about the whine (ever)/

Everyones been mental for q4 the last few weeks. Its slowing down, slowly but surely, but I spose it was to be expected. We've only been waiting collectively for something new and decent for like, YEARS.

I do wonder how it will go, but people seem to be adjusting don't they?

You see the thing is, people don't like change, when theyre good at something. They work hard to get where they are and it all changes. It makes sense to just jump on the new boat as soon as it comes to port, get ahead of the game or so and get used to it - after all, everyones on that same boat, they just get on at different stops.

But I can't bring myself to do it, q4 gives me headaches and I don't even know why, I would like to say it sucks big donkey wang but I haven't even given it a fair go !
It's nice to see the comments from people who have adjusted, and nice to see map makers and demo watchers going about as normal - we can learn more from these first q4 demos than we could ever learn from ESWC 2005 q3 final demos
After I've been to bed I might well have another bash at it, but I really suck at q4. dunno why, jus doesn't feel right - yet.

Goin to i26 this weekend, hopefully a weekend of forcing people to play with me might sort it out. theres a tourney too but fuck that I'm playin cs. lol.

so yeah, whatever
Edited by jaffeh at 08:33 GMT, 7th Nov 2005 - 4223 Hits
The Group Photo (5 comments)
Posted by jaffeh @ 13:34 CDT, 21 July 2004 - iMsg
My view from within the mass of gamers that were herded to the stairs for the photo
3902 Hits
Girly PINK skin for Steam (12 comments)
Posted by jaffeh @ 01:33 CDT, 22 September 2003 - iMsg
I was bored and made a really lovely pale pink skin for Steam.

It is SIMPLY a colour change, I didn't want to move the layout because i simply believe that the current one is the best. And I'm lazy..... :)

Anyway, try it out. To install, you just unzip it to the skins folder at Program files > steam.

If anyone has any ideas for future skins, I'd love to hear them as this was kinda fun and I'd like to try new stuff ¬_¬

I want to put up a screenshot but I'm kinda new to this :|
If anyone knows the best way to do it then let me know; for now I'll just link to one if that's allowed :|

It's a full screenshot; 137kb.

Thank you!
Edited by jaffeh at 06:39 GMT, 22nd Sep 2003 - 21523 Hits
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