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Demo Archives (No comments)
Posted by Terbo @ 12:28 CDT, 26 April 2020 - iMsg
I know ESR has a decent archive but since the loss of Challenge-TV does anyone know of any other archives online that you might be able to find some classic matches?

I'm mainly looking for CPMA duel matches from the early 2000s.

I'd love to watch the CPM15 match here:
1938 Hits
Quake Champions: Doom Edition Trailer and Release Date (13 comments)
Posted by Terbo @ 15:18 CST, 26 January 2018 - iMsg

"Quake Champions: Doom Edition" is a mod developed by DBThanatos and Michaelis, bringing Quake-Champions weapons sounds and functionality into Doom (along with QC inspired weapon sprites), along with over 10 playable classes, some from Quake Champions, some from other games, and some completely new: all with their own active and passive abilities."


Release Date: 02.10.2018
Edited by Terbo at 15:19 CST, 26 January 2018 - 9129 Hits
What Multiplayer Games Are You Playing in 2018? (107 comments)
Posted by Terbo @ 00:46 CST, 22 January 2018 - iMsg
What multiplayer games now and later are you playing this year?
Edited by Terbo at 00:47 CST, 22 January 2018 - 68404 Hits
The Story of Quakecon 2017 is pretty good (5 comments)
Posted by Terbo @ 22:19 CDT, 31 August 2017 - iMsg
I expected, like many, Rapha to take the crown but having the young blood win over the old makes the next tournament more interesting than if the expected players won and it also gives hope to new players.

It's also interesting from a game balance point of view. Aggressive style play currently seems to be better than a methodical map control Quake Live approach.

That raises interesting thoughts on how do you balance across the various play styles. How do you make it so each play style has an even chance?

Opinion: One test that comes to mind, based on these results, is increasing the respawn times on the health bubbles so that it's as easy for weak enemies to restore health before the next encounter.

Next cypher wasn't able to make it so he's a wild card at this point. It puts a lot of pressure on him in the next tournament but it will make for great spectator entertainment.

Can't wait to see what happens over the next year.

Troll away, but I'm much more interested in hearing other opinions on what they liked about this tournament.
Edited by Terbo at 22:39 CDT, 31 August 2017 - 8911 Hits
Quake Champions First Trick Movie? (1 comment)
Posted by Terbo @ 00:27 CDT, 21 June 2017 - iMsg

0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
Rating: - (0 votes)
4652 Hits
Obviously This is the Song for the TV Spot (3 comments)
Posted by Terbo @ 00:07 CDT, 18 May 2017 - iMsg
Quake has paid its dues...

Queen - We Are The Champions

I've paid my dues
Time after time.
I've done my sentence
But committed no crime.
And bad mistakes
I've made a few.
I've had my share of sand kicked in my face
But I've come through.

(And I need just go on and on, and on, and on)

We are the champions, my friends,
And we'll keep on fighting 'til the end.
We are the champions.
We are the champions.
No time for losers
'Cause we are the champions of the world.

I've taken my bows
And my curtain calls.
You brought me fame and fortune, and everything that goes with it.
I thank you all.
But it's been no bed of roses,
No pleasure cruise.
I consider it a challenge before the whole human race,
And I ain't gonna lose.

(And I need just go on and on, and on, and on)

We are the champions, my friends,
And we'll keep on fighting 'til the end.
We are the champions.
We are the champions.
No time for losers
'Cause we are the champions of the world.

We are the champions, my friends,
And we'll keep on fighting 'til the end.
We are the champions.
We are the champions.
No time for losers
'Cause we are the champions.
Of the world
Edited by Terbo at 00:08 CDT, 18 May 2017 - 4114 Hits
Note to the Second Generation of Multiplayer Shooters (24 comments)
Posted by Terbo @ 22:02 CDT, 3 May 2017 - iMsg
I gotta get this off my chest...

Note: I'm defining second generation as the generation that mainly joined in during/after Halo/COD came to be. The first generation would be Doom to Quake 3.

It's because of this second generation that it's so hard to introduce a game like Quake or even Unreal Tournament. It doesn't fit the mold they expect and so the game is broken. The movement system is too complex, the starting "loadouts" are too weak, I get dominated... they must be cheating.

Not every game should be designed so every player wins 50% of the time so they don't feel too bad about themselves.

It's this concept of trying to match people up so they win 50% of the time has kinda killed games for me. I'm from a time when if you wanted to get better you'd play against the players that dominated you. You'd play them again and again and you'd get better.

Now if I play a competitive mode of a game I can't play against players much better than me... so learning takes longer. It's an exhausting grind of very meaningless rewards.

So here it is... Second Generation you need to learn to tough it out. I'm sorry games of the past decade have held the hands of players and even worse designed their games to give everyone a "fair chance"... so much of a "fair chance" that it dilutes the challenge of the game
Edited by Terbo at 11:48 CDT, 6 May 2017 - 10414 Hits
The perfect game. (41 comments)
Posted by Terbo @ 00:38 CDT, 25 April 2017 - iMsg
To me this is the perfect game(match) played between two players.

Quake 2 was my first love and purri was untouchable at this time. Doze was also a good player and was trying but Purri was just on another level during this match.

What do you think was the perfect game?

*Note when I say perfect game I mean two players playing game X in a match. Not which quake or other "game" is the best.
Edited by Terbo at 11:09 CDT, 25 April 2017 - 16631 Hits
Can't Wait for QC Open Beta So... (36 comments)
Posted by Terbo @ 15:26 CDT, 21 April 2017 - iMsg
...we can have actual constructive conversations around the game rather than people complaining about something they haven't even experienced.
Edited by Terbo at 22:38 CDT, 24 April 2017 - 12822 Hits
How TTK have ruined shooters. (16 comments)
Posted by Terbo @ 01:34 CDT, 19 April 2017 - iMsg
If you want to make your multiplayer shooter more accessible no matter how complicated the movement and weapon system becomes there's one metric that makes the most newb of the newbs feel productive... simply lower the TTK. As long as player A can see player B sooner once and a while they'll win the shoot out.

Then there's an alternative to this concept. High TTKs with tons of rewards, medals, skins and micro strategic decisions made over a long period.

These are two approaches to making a high skill ceiling SPORT accessible to people sitting on their couches.

Imagine if Tennis went from a group of highly skilled players to something millions of people played from their couch...
Edited by Terbo at 10:34 CDT, 19 April 2017 - 8650 Hits
Classic Maps You'd Like for Quake Champions (125 comments)
Posted by Terbo @ 21:52 CDT, 13 April 2017 - iMsg
Campgrounds is already guaranteed. What other classic maps would you like to see remade?

q2dm1 - The Edge is my vote.
Edited by Terbo at 21:54 CDT, 13 April 2017 - 41023 Hits
CPMA Already Did Quake Champions a Decade Ago (32 comments)
Posted by Terbo @ 00:19 CDT, 8 April 2017 - iMsg
Was reading this article on IGN Why Quake Champions Is the Evolution of the Arena Shooter but the truth is most of the concepts you see in these new cutting edge games, that are breaking the mold, where done over a decade ago. It's just now the mainstream are ready for them. All these Steam games where called mods when I was a kid.

Lets not forget CPMA had a mode called Not Team Fortress which is the predecessor to Quake Champions. I actually suggested on the QuakeLive forms years ago that they add NTF since it'd probably appeal to more casual gamers. So I'm excited to see QC is essentially it's spiritual successor.

Not hating against any modern games I just wish journalist knew their gaming history, but then again it's not easy to know of every mod ever made.

If you never played CPMA NTF I suggest you check it out with some friends.
Edited by Terbo at 00:22 CDT, 8 April 2017 - 9598 Hits
Why ESRs Should Play Titanfall 2 (44 comments)
Posted by Terbo @ 02:35 CST, 7 November 2016 - iMsg
1. Bunny Hopping - It works very much like the QuakeWorld bunny hopping. You just need to use the slide mechanic + QW bunny hopping.
2. Hand Grenades - One mechanic that was really great about Quake 2, but was left out of Quake 3, was hand grenades.... Titanfall 2 has them working in all their glory.
3. Double Jumps - Very much in the vain of Unreal Tournament.
4. Rocket Launchers - It actually has rocket and grenade launchers + Star Wars sound effects.
5. Duel - There is a duel mode very similar to that found in CPMA duel arena. Two players with basically a rocket launcher, rail gun and hand grenades match up in a circular arena.
6. Grapple Hook - I remember playing (on Rocket Arena 2 with just Railgun, Hand Grenades and Grapple Hook... it was a blast.
7. Titans - well and there's titans...

P.S. I don't care if you play it or not. Just appreciating the old school aspects of the game.
Edited by Terbo at 02:43 CST, 12 November 2016 - 15348 Hits
Wolfenstein: the New Order (11 comments)
Posted by Terbo @ 23:10 CDT, 6 April 2016 - iMsg
I just got around to playing Wolfenstein: the New Order and wow this game is awesome. Of course we'd love to see a revival of the great multiplayer RTCW had but I much rather have them exclude it rather than half ass it like they did in the 2009 game.

The gameplay feels great, you actually want to watch the cut scenes and it's the best Nazi killing experience yet.

P.S. I just got done playing so yeah this is very fanboyish.
6733 Hits
Games I Wish I Played More Of (25 comments)
Posted by Terbo @ 02:49 CDT, 16 March 2016 - iMsg
There's those multiplayer games I didn't play as much because I was a fanboy of something else, my computer was too slow, it didn't have the trick jumps I liked....

- Return to Castle Wolfenstein
- Soldier of Fortune 1&2
- Medal of Honor
- Quake Wars: Enemy Territory
- Battlefield 2
Edited by Terbo at 02:49 CDT, 16 March 2016 - 10357 Hits
New EA Competitive Gaming Division (10 comments)
Posted by Terbo @ 13:17 CST, 11 December 2015 - iMsg
EA announces a competitive gaming division for esports based around EA titles such as FIFA, Madden NFL, and Battlefield.
"Competition runs deep in the DNA of Electronic Arts, and our games are already at the center of competitive gaming events at different levels today. FIFA fans around the world continue to compete in the FIFA Interactive World Cup, ESL One is hosting worldwide championships with Battlefield 4, we recently announced the return of the Madden NFL Live Challenge, and our games will be played in dozens of other regional competitions around the world in the next year. EA’s CGD will seek to build a best-in-class program to centralize our efforts with new events, as well as the infrastructure to bring you the world’s preeminent EA competitive experiences."
Full Story:
Edited by Badb0y at 14:44 CST, 13 December 2015 - 3896 Hits
Doom 4 Multiplayer Gameplay Trailer (291 comments)
Posted by Terbo @ 23:33 CDT, 14 June 2015 - iMsg
Blabla blabla bla E3. Blabla bla bla blabla Bethesda bla id Software. Bla blabla bla blabla bla bla DOOM 4.

Source: blabla bla bla, The entire showcase VOD
Edited by xou at 05:14 CDT, 15 June 2015 - 116392 Hits
Gaming like it's 2002 (10 comments)
Posted by Terbo @ 23:20 CDT, 7 June 2015 - iMsg
Lately I've been mostly playing Reflex and Insurgency and just today I realized that I'm gaming like I was in 2002.

Reflex == CPMA
Isurgency == MoH:AA

No wonder I love these games...
3899 Hits
Was RTCW the template for the modern FPS (30 comments)
Posted by Terbo @ 12:35 CST, 1 March 2015 - iMsg
At the time the game came out I was such a Quake fanboy that I despised any games that tried to make FPS games more "real"... I ended up not really giving the game much love until Enemy Territory was realeased 2 years later. I've just recently been going back through the singleplayer again and that's what sparked this journal entry.

I have to say the game still holds up and I think you could argue that it set the template for the modern shooter much like how Wolfenstein 3d set the template for 90s shooters. It packaged a great story driven singleplayer, fantastic multiplayer modes and it even included co-op with ZOMBIES... and this was nearly 15 years ago.

Next year will be it's 15th anniversary. An HD release would be amazing! I'd love to Return to Return to Castle Wolfenstein and I don't think I'm alone.
Edited by Terbo at 18:06 CST, 1 March 2015 - 12113 Hits
WANsanity Memorabilia (18 comments)
Posted by Terbo @ 20:18 CST, 5 December 2014 - iMsg
WANsanity will always be remember as the greatest online tournament I ever participated in and CPM had the best team deathmatch.

I decided to take a look back at the website with the way back machine... old memories came flooding back to me.

ESR didn't look much different. (ESR Archive)
Don't forget


Abuse vs. AOP CPM21
DS vs. Nobles : Wansanity Week 4. Game 3 (CPM4) Part 1
DS vs. Nobles : Wansanity Week 4. Game 3 (CPM4) Part 2

Any other memorabielia has of WANsanity is welcomed :)
Edited by Terbo at 11:38 CST, 7 December 2014 - 13617 Hits
Playing Q2 on PSX for it's 20th (12 comments)
Posted by Terbo @ 09:55 CST, 4 December 2014 - iMsg
I celebration of Playstation's 20th Birthday I played some Quake 2 on the old machine. At first I thought it was going to be a complete mess as I couldn't figure out how to get the controls anywhere near today's standard format. Tip: If you're going to play this game... use an analog controller and choose "right stick". It's still not perfect but close enough. Also turn off auto center... it's like auto aim, except it just always aims straight ahead, which will usually just mess you up.

I had this game back in the day but I really didn't give the multiplayer the time-of-day since at the time I was busying playing the real deal on PC. I would love to play this multiplayer now... id release this on modern consoles ok?

Q2DM on PSX:
Edited by Terbo at 12:10 CST, 4 December 2014 - 5361 Hits
Let's Play: Urban Terror (Dec 2014) (14 comments)
Posted by Terbo @ 14:17 CST, 3 December 2014 - iMsg
I've been wanting to try this for a while. An ESR community "lets play". Each month we'll select a classic/retro FPS to play. You can share your experience, servers, videos, screenshots, etc.

This month I'm highlighting Urban Terror. I haven't played this game since back in the day... so lets give it a shot. There was a new update just last month.

Game: Urban Terror




Let people know you're from ESR. Use the clan tag ESR.
Edited by Terbo at 10:55 CST, 5 December 2014 - 7196 Hits
You know what I find funny... (11 comments)
Posted by Terbo @ 09:03 CST, 25 November 2014 - iMsg
Edited by Terbo at 11:04 CST, 2 December 2014 - 5621 Hits
The History of Unreal (13 comments)
Posted by Terbo @ 22:18 CST, 23 November 2014 - iMsg
7250 Hits
Remembering Engine Demos (49 comments)
Posted by Terbo @ 00:42 CDT, 20 March 2014 - iMsg
I was just watching a documentary on unreal which sparked a memory of when I saw the rag doll effects in UT2k3 for the first time. It was pretty asonashing at the time. What engine demos do you remember the most?

Which ones I really remember and what stood out...

UT2K3 - Ragdoll.
Doom 3 - Lighting.
Half Life 2 - Characters body/mouth movement.
Serious Sam - Water.
BF 1942 - Map size.
54799 Hits
Facebook vs. ESR (20 comments)
Posted by Terbo @ 23:27 CST, 3 February 2014 - iMsg
In your lifetime have you spent more time on Facebook or ESR?

I can't be sure but one thing I can be sure of is I've been on ESR longer.
18186 Hits
Merry Christmas and a Happy 2014 ESR! (1 comment)
Posted by Terbo @ 12:12 CST, 25 December 2013 - iMsg
How's your christmas going?
Edited by Terbo at 12:15 CST, 25 December 2013 - 2393 Hits
QuakeLIVE NTF (No comments)
Posted by Terbo @ 21:26 CST, 9 December 2013 - iMsg
I thought of the CPMA NTF (Not Team Fortress) mode today. Which I forgot all about. It'd be cool if they could make it a Quake LIVE mode... use it to promote QL again. Do something to promote QL id :) kthx
1448 Hits
An Old Enemy Becomes a Friend (62 comments)
Posted by Terbo @ 13:40 CST, 3 December 2013 - iMsg
10-15 years ago (sheesh) I despised Counter Strike. Quake was king of multiplayer FPS gaming in my mind and you couldn't convince me otherwise. Even other id titles like RTCW were blasphemy.

Since then things have changed quiet a bit, with consoles taking over as the dominate force in online gaming.

I recently got CS:GO for $3.75 during a black Friday steam special... can't really pass up that deal. After playing it for a few days, I find myself as a veteran Quake junkie who despised the CS franchise now having respect for the game.

Both Quake and CS are, to my knowledge, the longest running competitive shooters. Who never really stopped having respectable titles (of course CS more so than Quake... DAMN you CS!) and I think that say something. When many games that these days have a very short life cycle, these titles still live on and have had an impact on virtually every multiplayer FPS since.

I can now look at Counter Strike as more of a old friend and counterpart rather than the enemy. Playing CS:GO is a nice mix of a classic shooter experience put in a more modern package. I find it way more enjoyable than playing another CoD title (I got sick of those after MW2... CoD4 was the best imo).

Long live the grandfathers of deathmatch (Quake) and tactical shooters(CS)!

Now if only Quake could get 100,000 daily players.
12559 Hits
Favorite Duel DM Games of All Time (23 comments)
Posted by Terbo @ 12:54 CST, 24 November 2013 - iMsg
My personal list in order of most favorite to least.

1. CPM
2. Quake 2
3. Quake 3/Live
4. Warsow
5. QuakeWorld
6. Doom 3
7. Quake 4
8. Painkiller
9. UT2K4
10. UT99

What's yours?
Edited by Terbo at 17:12 CST, 24 November 2013 - 10053 Hits
You know what question I hate? (47 comments)
Posted by Terbo @ 21:16 CST, 19 November 2013 - iMsg
I hate when I meet someone new and you're having small talk and they ask if your into video games. Sometimes I just answer this question with a no because I know their going to go on about the newest Call of Duty. Don't ge tme wrong I've spent some serious time playing CoD games but I stopped about 4 titles ago. Then they want to talk about GTA or some other tripple A title I could care less about.

11318 Hits
John Romero Doom Postmortem GDC 2011 (121 comments)
Posted by Terbo @ 00:34 CDT, 28 March 2011 - iMsg
If your a fan of Doom, and the chances are good if you're reading ESR, then this video will be a nice trip down memory lane. John Romero and Tom Hall both talk about their time developing the now classic Doom. In this video you'll hear from their personal experiences and see Alpha versions of the game throughout its development.

Edited by Terbo at 18:07 CDT, 28 March 2011 - 48647 Hits
Quake Live Demos? (6 comments)
Posted by Terbo @ 14:29 CDT, 12 September 2010 - iMsg
I don't see a lot of demos being uploaded here, ch-tv or ql-tv. Is it just because people are using streaming games more, or is there a site I'm unaware of?
2428 Hits
QuakeLIVE on Metacritic (12 comments)
Posted by Terbo @ 13:14 CDT, 10 September 2010 - iMsg
I saw that QL is on Metacritic but didn't have any recorded reviews.

head over and give your own review;
5322 Hits
Duke Nuken Forever Should Stay a Myth (27 comments)
Posted by Terbo @ 20:22 CDT, 7 September 2010 - iMsg
So there has been some talk lately about Duke Nukem Forever being released next year. I don't mind them working on a new Duke Nukem game, but they shouldn't use the Duke Nukem Forever name. I think it will serve us all better as a myth/joke. There's no way it will ever live up to the name.

Duke Nukem Forever Forgotten?

Gearbox talks Duke Nukem, Aliens, Brothers In Arms and more

Duke Nukem Madness at PAX 2010

Best for last; A Decade of Duke: The Brief Long History of DNF
Edited by Terbo at 20:52 CDT, 7 September 2010 - 6891 Hits
ESR and Digg 4 (23 comments)
Posted by Terbo @ 15:22 CDT, 7 September 2010 - iMsg
Import RSS feed to Digg 4 kthx;
Edited by Terbo at 15:22 CDT, 7 September 2010 - 6945 Hits
Negative Nancy Says Quake is Dead (145 comments)
Posted by Terbo @ 13:08 CDT, 3 September 2010 - iMsg
I've been involved in the Quake scene since 1998 and since then there's was always talk about how Quake is dead/dieing. I played a lot of Quake 2 from 2000-2003 and we thought the scene was dead then, there's still a scene 7-10 years later and it's smaller than what it was when I was playing so it really makes me look back and wish I just enjoyed it more instead of worrying about how it was dead.

Quake is as dead as you want it to be. Right now QuakeLIVE is far from dead considering the number of tournaments just this summer alone. If you want a scene to do better, run a tournament. If you're not playing or taking the game serious because you think it's dead, you'll only be sorry years later when you realize it wasn't dead at all.

Stop complaining and do something. The scene lives on because of people who run tournaments, write stories, make videos, design maps, do podcasts(special thanks to Ready Up Radio). Get off your ass and do something!

Remember: Doom 2 still has players, QuakeWorld has players, Quake 2...
Edited by Terbo at 13:48 CDT, 3 September 2010 - 33676 Hits
id Software Office Tour (13 comments)
Posted by Terbo @ 15:12 CDT, 2 September 2010 - iMsg
While in Dallas, we drop by id Software where Tim Willits takes us on a tour of the historic company, and shows off the plethora of memorabilia and awards (including a real Emmy) from one of gaming's most successful developers. -

Edited by Badb0y at 16:05 CDT, 2 September 2010 - 10007 Hits
Posted by Terbo @ 09:00 CDT, 31 August 2010 - iMsg
Here's this weeks finalists for the dumbest post of the week.

1. QuakeLive Duel = Chess
"Duel is literally almost all straight spam. A 200/200 can be completely neutralized by a moron hopping away spamming rockets."

2. Wipe out LG from CA, and grenade color
"It really ruins the game when you stumble upon 3 noobs and all of them fire at you with LG. No skill needed. Yo could introduce chaingun or nailgun instead."

3. Tweak the rail gun
"The rail gun now is 20% less powerful, so logically it should reload 20% faster, and it should be 20% less audible (radius). If anything like this was already implemented, then my bad, but I don't think it was."

4. cheating rampant in high tier ca
"I see on a daily basis people that make rapha look like a noob, and I'm just basing it on the countless tournament videos I've watched"

5. What are clans for?
"Wondering why there is no sticky thread explaining what people get by joining a clan?"

What Qualifies?

Posts that complain instead of providing constructive criticism.
Posts that ask for features that completely change the entire game (request mod please).
Posts that waste everyones time.
Rage Posts.
Edited by Terbo at 16:22 CDT, 31 August 2010 - 12621 Hits
Guess Who's Back, Back Again (CPL) (8 comments)
Posted by Terbo @ 16:00 CDT, 30 August 2010 - iMsg
We want to honor the dream that was CPL, not the entity, and build something on the foundation fifteen years of electronic sporting has left for us. Something that will endure thanks to the quality of its fans, not the pockets of some sponsor. Something that will entertain and inspire, and have meaning to its members and fans and spectators. Something worthy of those nostalgic memories of stuffy Hilton basements, something that will make stand up and shout, "Man, this is what got me excited about esports!"

We'll see how this goes...
3562 Hits
Your Ideal QuakeLIVE Map Pool? (26 comments)
Posted by Terbo @ 15:47 CDT, 30 August 2010 - iMsg
If you where to pick 5 duel maps for a tournament which would it be?


Furious heights - lots of great angles and medium range fights.
The House of Decay - fast pace. (CPMish)
Almost Lost - slow pace - this map doesn't get much love but it's offers a playstyle that's not on many other maps(Q2ish) and the balance isn't bad.
Aerowalk - fast pace - not my favorite but people seem to love it.
Bloodrun - great test of a players ability to control a map.

It was a toss up for bloodrun vs campgrounds for the last map. I think the final map should be one of those two since it's almost guaranteed to be a close final map.

When choosing the maps I think it's best to offer a selection of different playstyles so that the map pool doesn't favor a single style. I also think it's a good idea to start it off on a well played map so the first game is intense then end it on a even more known map so the last battle is a close one.
5040 Hits
Quake Live: 1 week out of beta! (4 comments)
Posted by Terbo @ 20:09 CDT, 29 August 2010 - iMsg
I had no problem buying a pro acount day 1 when id took ql out of beta. Some people did.... has a nice post, including videos on the differences of each account type;
Edited by Terbo at 20:10 CDT, 29 August 2010 - 2684 Hits
Interview with DonKing of Challenge-TV (33 comments)
Posted by Terbo @ 00:04 CDT, 29 August 2010 - iMsg has been a big part of the Quake scene for a long time and has been the go-to place for Quake demos. Check out this three part interview with DonKing presented by

Part 1: DonKing on the Past of CHTV
Part 2: dK: CHTV may be a waste of time
Part 3: DonKing wants a CHTV for everyone

Lets talk vision, dreams and wishes. Whats your vision for CHTV right now and where do you see it in 5-10 years?

My vision is for CHTV to continue hosting Quakeworld and CPMa demos but also many other game demos, even consoles. To convert a lot of the classic demos into videos so that these great games and players are never forgotten. To have a site that navigates well, where everything you want is right there at the push of a button and to get all of my ideas coded into the site.

Other References:
CHTV saying Goodbye?
CHTV DVD and Donations
Edited by Terbo at 00:07 CDT, 29 August 2010 - 13512 Hits
Edited by Terbo at 12:57 CDT, 26 August 2010 - 9537 Hits
eSports Aggregator In My Spare Time (17 comments)
Posted by Terbo @ 14:26 CDT, 24 August 2010 - iMsg
So I made a eSports news aggregator in my spare time month ago, I never released it to the public, but I use it for myself all the time.

I thought it was time I got some feedback. Let me know what you think, I know it could be prettier, but I just wanted something clean and simple where I could get a snapshot of what's going on.

FragAbuse - eSports Buzz
5581 Hits
Google engineers port Quake 2 to HTML5 (2 comments)
Posted by Terbo @ 10:04 CDT, 5 April 2010 - iMsg
[i]"A trio of Google engineers have ported id Software's gib-filled first-person shooter Quake II to browsers— you know, for kicks—as a way to show just what HTML5 compatible web browsers are capable of."

Read full article on
2061 Hits
Top 10 FPS Multiplayer Maps, Really? (257 comments)
Posted by Terbo @ 00:29 CST, 15 February 2010 - iMsg
In the latest addition of gameinformer there is an article, written by Nick Ahrens, on the top 10 first person shooter multiplayer maps. I can live with some of his choices but obviously this writer didn't do his homework. My first issue with this list has to be his 10th choice; Tokay's Tower of Quake 2. If you're going to choose any map from Quake 2 it would obviously be The Edge. The second thing that bothered me about this list is that was the only true deathmatch map chosen, not a single Unreal Tournament map. Third, this writer obviously favored the Battlefield series seeing as there were 3 different maps from the BF series.

Have a look for yourself (picture).
Edited by Terbo at 17:58 CST, 15 February 2010 - 68130 Hits gone? (13 comments)
Posted by Terbo @ 09:46 CST, 4 December 2009 - iMsg
Does anyone know what happened to CPMA? Is arqon now working fulltime for id software or what?
7252 Hits
How do you prepare for a duel? (52 comments)
Posted by Terbo @ 18:39 CST, 25 November 2009 - iMsg
What do you do when preparing for a duel? Do your just crack your knuckles, listen to music, watch a demo, meditate?

I usually just close my eyes, clear any thoughts, breath and just try to focus on my game after that point.

"The highest technique is to have no technique. My technique is a result of your technique; my movement is a result of your movement." - Bruce Lee
11697 Hits
OGL still aroud... should have quakelive (2 comments)
Posted by Terbo @ 13:10 CST, 15 November 2009 - iMsg
I made a request here

lets get the ogl to put up quakelive ladders... they where the original quake ladders.
lets bring them back to their roots!
1610 Hits
Modern Warfare 2 for PC? (93 comments)
Posted by Terbo @ 13:24 CST, 10 November 2009 - iMsg
So has anyone picked this up yet? If so what's the deal, is the PC version completely ruined due to the lack of dedicated servers or what?

Are we better off buying the console version? If so that sucks.

If anyone needs to be brought up to speed:
17809 Hits
Duel / 1v1 Strategy Guides (15 comments)
Posted by Terbo @ 09:34 CST, 4 November 2009 - iMsg
I made a post over on the quakelive forum about different deathmatch duel guides that have been writen over the years. I was wondering if anyone at ESR had any other ones they can think of.

For example Thresh' quake bible:

Forum post:
5850 Hits
Best video card for under $200 - June 09 (1 comment)
Posted by Terbo @ 18:35 CDT, 10 June 2009 - iMsg
What's the best video card for under $200 right now?

Tomshardware has some options:

But I rather ask the gamers themselves.
Edited by Terbo at 18:36 CDT, 10 June 2009 - 1986 Hits
What Makes a Competitive Game? (260 comments)
Posted by Terbo @ 21:45 CDT, 26 May 2009 - iMsg
All games can be described as involving the manipulation of game pieces in a game space. The pieces are defined as all of those things which the players have direct control over; the player’s avatar and weapons in an FPS, the pieces on one side in chess, or the player’s own body and any extensions of it, such as a racket or stick, in a physical game. The game space consists of the place in which the pieces exist and are allowed to move, and all those things within it which are not under the sole, direct control of any player, such as armour and health pickups in an FPS or the ball in any number of physical games.

I'm in no way affiliated with this website but I thought this was an ESReality worthy article.

Edited by Badb0y at 09:22 CDT, 27 May 2009 - 64395 Hits
ESReality Social Media Pages (2 comments)
Posted by Terbo @ 00:15 CDT, 27 April 2009 - iMsg
2224 Hits
Your Top 5 Online PC Games (57 comments)
Posted by Terbo @ 13:46 CDT, 27 March 2009 - iMsg
What are your top 5 online PC games of all time?


1. Quake 2
3. CoD4
4. Battlefield 2
5. UT 2004

I would of put Quake 3 and more specifically CPMA but I felt since I already listed Quake I couldn't mention another quake game.
12774 Hits
The Impact of Street Fighter 4 (117 comments)
Posted by Terbo @ 13:56 CST, 23 February 2009 - iMsg
So I got my copy of Street Fighter 4 the day it came out and haven't taken it out of my xbox yet. I will always be a Quake player at heart but I think SF4 came out a good time and has potential to be a big esports game.

Do you think Street Fighter 4 will be picked up by tournaments as a big esports title and/or do you think professional gaming teams will add it to their roster as well?
29155 Hits
15 Reasons PC Gaming Beats All (13 comments)
Posted by Terbo @ 09:22 CST, 31 December 2008 - iMsg
When I saw this post I thought ESR was the perfect place to share it.

5. Keyboard and mouse beats all. We've yet to see an interface as intuitive and broadly commanding (and that's including Nintendo's vaunted Wiimote and nunchuk).

Read Full Article
Edited by Aaron at 10:05 CST, 31 December 2008 - 3791 Hits
Pro Gaming - What Happens Next? (21 comments)
Posted by Terbo @ 23:00 CDT, 13 August 2008 - iMsg
With a ton of Pro Gaming leagues in existence now all fighting to be the one. On the other hand you have gamers not being respected (or paid) the way they should be. You have the big companies making their profit. What needs to happen?

A) The leagues unite and work together for a better good.

B) A non-profit forms and attempts to organize it all.

C) The teams who are on top work together to take control of it all and lead the way.

D) Gamers all around work together on a single website to speak their minds and inspire others to make the next steps.

5930 Hits
Quake Live Beta Key Please (No comments)
Posted by Terbo @ 09:09 CDT, 13 August 2008 - iMsg
I'm looking for a quakelive beta key... willing to spend some paypal money for it! IM me if you have one.

2865 Hits
Interest in Quake Live is Growing... (No comments)
Posted by Terbo @ 19:43 CDT, 7 August 2008 - iMsg
I wrote up a blog post that shows how interest in Quake Live is growing based on google searches.
Edited by Terbo at 19:44 CDT, 7 August 2008 - 1420 Hits
Revise Quake 3 Content (11 comments)
Posted by Terbo @ 11:41 CDT, 24 July 2008 - iMsg
Hey I just wanted to take a moment to pass on an idea. There is already a ton of content on the web about Quake 3; trick jump videos, demos, cfg tweaks, interviews, etc. I think with the release of quake live coming soon it's a good oportunity for people to relaunch or create new websites that showcase some of that great content... recycle it for quakelive. Why reinvent the wheel.

5104 Hits
quakelive betuhhh (10 comments)
Posted by Terbo @ 12:25 CDT, 21 July 2008 - iMsg
I signed up for the beta test on the first day it went live... I didn't get a beta invite so if someone would help a brother out!
2837 Hits
I miss ESR (No comments)
Posted by Terbo @ 16:02 CDT, 2 June 2008 - iMsg
I could do without the giant ads and ads about new emoticons with sound or compare auto insurance quotes. I don't mind ads but these are terrible, they don't even relate to this site at all.

That's all I have to say.
1480 Hits
Web based/Free online games? (7 comments)
Posted by Terbo @ 14:36 CST, 6 March 2008 - iMsg
I've recently been seeing a lot of news about web based/free online games like Quake Live, Battlefield Heroes and Do you think this trend will continue? Is this the future of online gaming?

Check out my post about Instant Action.
Edited by Terbo at 14:43 CST, 6 March 2008 - 3499 Hits
Our Friends/Family & their pc issues... (8 comments)
Posted by Terbo @ 12:09 CST, 6 February 2008 - iMsg
Being known as a computer guru is something I try to keep a secret when I meet someone new, but it always comes up at some point. I'm sure many of you have the same problem. You are known by your friends and family as the "computer guy" and are always being asked about PC problems and spending your time removing toolbars from their browser (IE usually).

What techniques do you use to remedy these issues?

For viruses I now use AVG, was recently using avast.

For Spyware It's a toss up between the free edition of spyware doctor(from google) or Spybot Search and Destroy. If neither of those work then I pull out the Ad-Aware.

For the Headaches... Ibprofen.
Edited by Terbo at 13:23 CST, 6 February 2008 - 2944 Hits
A Fun Singleplayer game... no way. (9 comments)
Posted by Terbo @ 21:42 CDT, 7 October 2007 - iMsg
The other day I downloaded and burnt (yeah so what!) "Shadow of the Colossus" because I was watching the movie "Reign on Me" and Adam Sandler's character plays this game throughout the movie.

I pulled out my dusty PS2 and put the game in... WOW I haven't had this much fun playing a single player game since Tony Hawk's Pro Skater 2.

I'm officially addicted.
4343 Hits
I ordered a laptop! (33 comments)
Posted by Terbo @ 16:59 CST, 7 December 2006 - iMsg
-Intel® Core™ Duo T2050 (1.60GHz, 2MB L2 Cache, 533MHz FSB), Genuine Windows® XP Home
-Inspiron 6400 Intel® Core™ Duo T2050 (1.60GHz, 2MB L2 Cache, 533MHz FSB)

-LCD Panel 15.4 inch Wide Screen XGA Display with TrueLife™

-Memory 1GB Shared Dual Channel DDR2 SDRAM at 533MHz, 2 Dimm

-Video Card 256MB ATI MOBILITY™ RADEON® X1400 HyperMemory™

-Hard Drive 120GB 5400rpm SATA Hard Drive

-Operating System (Office software not included) Genuine Windows® XP Home

-Network Card and Modem Integrated 10/100 Network Card and Modem

-Optical Drive 8X CD/DVD Burner (DVD+/-RW) with double-layer DVD+R write capability

-Sound Options Integrated Audio

-Wireless Networking Cards Dell Wireless 1390 802.11b/g Mini Card (54Mbps)

-Primary Battery 53 WHr 6-cell Lithium Ion Primary Battery

-Miscellaneous Inspiron 6400 Dual core

-Media Direct Media Direct 3.0

-Future Operating Systems Windows Vista™ Capable

-Express Upgrade to Windows Vista Upgrade to Windows Vista Home Basic from XP Home, $55 payable at redemption

-Processor Branding Intel Core Duo Processor
9390 Hits
Trying something new (8 comments)
Posted by Terbo @ 20:57 CDT, 24 October 2006 - iMsg
I'm my last journal entry I spoke about how I haven't had that same feeling, I had back in the day, with gaming anymore. I do feel a need for a little escape from reality lately (and I know drugs aren't the answer) so I picked up Battlefield 2 today because of the $10 price drop. I did find the demo pretty enjoyable when it came out but I couldn't justify spending $50 on it when it came out. When I get home from work tonight (2:30am) I'll pop it in and try it out.

I don't expect to get very serious with it but that's why I chose bf2 because I know it seems like a good pickup game. A game where you don't need to think about making a name for yourself. Just play for 20mins, get some frags and call it a night.

can any experienced BF2 players give me any heads up on what I'm getting myself into?
3529 Hits
You just grow up (20 comments)
Posted by Terbo @ 17:47 CDT, 18 October 2006 - iMsg
I use to be one of those guys who was so passionate about online gaming. I'd spend as much freetime as I could playing. I started a clan, I ran tournaments, I played in tournaments, I wrote articles, I watched gaming movies, helped make movies, I made a lot of friends from it... but it all has to come to an end sometime.

Now I can't even bring myself to play a game. It just doesnt fulfill me like it use to. I still chat with guys from my old clan but we don't talk about gaming very much anymore. I'm 23 I work fulltime and take classes. There was a time when I thought I'd be online gaming for ever but times change... the games change... and it's just not the same anymore. My goldenage of gaming is over, for a long time I thought a new game could come out to bring back that feeling, but it never happend. Doom 3, Quake 4, Half Life 2, Painkiller, Unreal Tournament 2004... and more all came out and never brought that feeling back.

ESR 4life =]
3907 Hits
Missing It (gaming) (1 comment)
Posted by Terbo @ 18:03 CDT, 7 May 2006 - iMsg
It's hard to beleive it will be a year, in july, since I've played an online game. I don't even have the internet at my place. Lately I've been under a lot of stress and I been dieing to play a game of quake. It really is a great stress releaver and it's a great way to get away from your everyday thoughts. I'm moving next week and when I do I'm definitly getting the internet hooked up right away.
1756 Hits
The Anticipation (6 comments)
Posted by Terbo @ 15:29 CST, 22 November 2005 - iMsg
I started online gaming with Quake 2 right before Quake 3 was released. I was such into Quake 2 that I really didn't enjoy the gameplay in Quake 3. It seemed like an upgrade in graphics but a downgrade in gameplay. I'm not here to debate which game is better because since then I have gained respect for Quake 3.

Since then I was anticipating the arival of Quake 4, never really sure when it would come out. Years passed and there was still no Quake 4, Between my time of my Quake 2 addiction and the Quake 4 release I gave dozens of games a try and had my share of fun with those games, but at heart I've always been a quake player.

Quake 4 has finally been released and it couldn't of been a much worse time. I graduated from a 2 year college in 2003. I decided to go back to college this year. Now I'm starting my first year at WVU and I'm super poor and I haven't played an online game since july. My priories now are; school work, parties and girls.

It's so weird how you can quickly change... one minute I would do anything to play Quake 4 and now I just don't have the motivation to even save up $60 and buy it and even if I did buy it would it even be able to fulfill my expectations?
3455 Hits
Last day of work (4 comments)
Posted by Terbo @ 15:31 CDT, 12 August 2005 - iMsg
It's been a while since I updated this journal.

Right now I have 1 hour of work left then I'm done working here. I have been the IT Manager at this small company for two years (in september). But today is my last day and tomorrow I'm moving off to attend college for another degree.

I can't wait!
2948 Hits
Little art for you osplovers (12 comments)
Posted by Terbo @ 10:07 CDT, 10 June 2005 - iMsg
yesterady I submited a drawing for cpm lovers today it's for osp.

for the cpm drawing see:
7227 Hits
Little art for you cpm lovers (19 comments)
Posted by Terbo @ 16:46 CDT, 9 June 2005 - iMsg
9636 Hits
VSPORTS ALL-STARS 2cents (4 comments)
Posted by Terbo @ 11:08 CDT, 19 May 2005 - iMsg
Lastnight some of us got to watch the First Annual VSports All Stars
Games via a live video stream hosted by the popular shoutcasters at
Radio iTG.

In Painkiller we got to see...
vo0 vs. Gellehsak
Daler vs. zyz

In Quake 3 it was...
Zero4 vs. czm
Zero4 vs. Fox

The games were very impressive to watch and full of tactical and heated battles.

The video stream was very clear and the shoutcasting was superb as
usual. The great thing about the use of streaming video is that
players who do not have the games can get to see matches they usually
are not exposed to. I find it that a lot of the time gamers are only
aware of the game they play. This really opens up competitive gaming
to a much broader audience. It may also get people who don't play
competitively to check out what it's all about and possible persuade
them to purchase the game.

I really have to say I am impressed with the VSports All-Stars Setup
so far and I really hope that GGL and Radio iTG continue to push
competitive gaming in the direction they are taking it.

For those of you who missed the action last night make sure to check it
out today. For more information head over to the Radio iTG page:
3605 Hits
Most Memorable Online Games (47 comments)
Posted by Terbo @ 12:16 CDT, 4 May 2005 - iMsg
Quake 2 - This was my first time playing a FPS online or with a mouse and it will always hold a special place.

Jedi Knight II - I have always been a star wars fan and this game provided the best star wars experience I ever had. The Lightsaber duels were the bomb.

BF1942 - When I heard the scale of this game I had to check it out for myself. I downloaded the multiplayer demo and boy that demo sucked up many hours of my life. The freedom of your role was so great.

CPM - I was messing with this mod for a while but then I heard a big tdm tournament (WANsanity) was coming up. So I got my q2 clan and switched it to CPM and began to have the most fun (competitivly) I ever had.

ET - I heard there was a FREE stand alone multiplayer RTCW expansion and I got it right away. This game was the most solid "out of the box?" multiplayer game to date.

Those are the ones that come to my mind right now.

How about you?
Edited by Terbo at 13:48 GMT, 6th May 2005 - 10113 Hits
Games you wish you played. (37 comments)
Posted by Terbo @ 13:30 CDT, 22 April 2005 - iMsg
Games I wish I played when they first came out or that I wish I played competitivly.


Those are the ones that come to mind.
Edited by Terbo at 19:41 GMT, 22nd Apr 2005 - 12808 Hits
Game Development at a Halt? (12 comments)
Posted by Terbo @ 09:55 CDT, 6 April 2005 - iMsg

Is it just me or have we been at a halt in gameplay development the past 5 years?

Game developers are so focused on the look of the games that they haven't spent much time on the actual gameplay. I guess the publishers are partly to blame. Because the pressure they put on the developers; meet xx/xx/xxxx deadline, game must look better than any other game, game must be super hyped...

But what ends up happening?...
Due to all the pressure we end up with games that aren't finished, have more looks than gameplay and we end up going back and just playing our old favorites (games that actually have gameplay > graphics) or just quit gaming all together.

Since we aren't buying or playing these newer Shooter games then game publishers are going to look at what is selling (counter strike, rts) and make more of those instead of backing Deathmatch games.

I have nothing against the push of graphic accomplishments. But when things like this hold back on the most important part of games (the gameplay!) it's disapointing.

Graphics sell copies of a game the first few months it is out... but gameplay sells games for years and years (Tetris for example).

SUM IT UP: Gameplay should always come first... everything else is second.

Did some more thinking...

I'm sure the doom 3 engine looks great but we won't really appreciate that for another year or two when most gamers can play it at 100fps and higher quality.

Sure Quake 3 didn't run that great on many pcs at first but no one cared about that because it had gameplay. Eventually most gamers were able to run it at a nice quality and high frame rates... but the gameplay always overshadowed that.
Edited by Terbo at 02:14 GMT, 7th Apr 2005 - 4588 Hits
Looking for a Graphic Design Artist (9 comments)
Posted by Terbo @ 01:29 CDT, 5 April 2005 - iMsg
This may be a silly place to ask this but I dont think so...

I am looking for a Web Graphic Design Artist who is interested in working on a gaming related project. If anyone is intersted please email me examples of your work to .

I will provide more information to you as needed.

Thanks ;)
Edited by Terbo at 06:33 GMT, 5th Apr 2005 - 8111 Hits
Mortal Combat! (3 comments)
Posted by Terbo @ 13:23 CST, 23 March 2005 - iMsg
So I got the urge to play mortal combat this week (mainly 1 and/or 2). This game was probably the first video game that I can remember playing competitivly. Before I played mortal combat it was just like Mario Brothers and stuff. Where it was just for entertainment.

When Mortal Combat came out and I got a sega it became more about me vs my friends. I didn't have an arcade near by so consoles were it.

I wish video games still gave me that same feeling but I think I'm to mature now.

PS: Updated my profile with a little timeline of my gaming experience.
Edited by Terbo at 19:41 GMT, 23rd Mar 2005 - 2905 Hits
Joining the MP3 playa era (59 comments)
Posted by Terbo @ 10:21 CST, 31 January 2005 - iMsg
I got my Dell DJ over the weekend. I have a few friends that own ipods and I decided to try something different and it being about $100 cheaper doesn't hurt. So far the differences between the two players are very minuscule. Transferring my 10gigs of mp3s to the player took a few hours since I only have USB 1.1 (I'm thinking about picking up a USB 2.0 card soon).

Overall I'm very satisfied with my choice to go with the Dell DJ and the addition of a fm transmitter makes it really nice when listening to it in my car or through my living room stereo system.
Edited by Terbo at 16:23 GMT, 31st Jan 2005 - 6751 Hits
Hunting down tunes (54 comments)
Posted by Terbo @ 08:25 CST, 27 January 2005 - iMsg
Lately I have been spending a lot of time finding new bands to listen to. I'll have a dell dj this weekend and I'm working on filling up all 20 gigs. If you have any sugestions on bands I should check out please don't hesitate.

Few of the bands I like (randomly off the top of my head)
The Pixies
Foo Fighers
David Bowie
Rolling Stones
Iggy and the stooges
Rise Against
The Ramones
The White Stripes
Screeching Weasel
Green Day

resources I use when finding artists:
11235 Hits
The Long Search for a Web Host (28 comments)
Posted by Terbo @ 07:50 CST, 25 January 2005 - iMsg
Lastnight I spent about two hours researching (shared) web hosts trying to find the pefect one. It has to be one of the most flooded markets. If anyone has any good suggestions for good cheap hosting please give me a shout.
10013 Hits
Lazy@Work (3 comments)
Posted by Terbo @ 13:24 CST, 21 January 2005 - iMsg
So it's friday... about 2:25 here at work and I haven't done anything for a few hours... I just want to leave and enjoy the weekend. I have 2 hours left and the weekend starts yeehaw! Just got to find something to do so that it seems like I have been working hard ;P.
2083 Hits
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