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Looking for: Zombie hunters! (5 comments)
Posted by fag with no name @ 11:57 CDT, 4 October 2006 - iMsg
First of all, this is no joke. The swedish employment services has put up a job application on their site ( where CANAL+ Television AB/C More Entertainment has announced that they're looking for zombie hunters for an expedition in the northern parts of sweden.

The requirements are as follows:

- Hunting license
- Deep and documented knowledge about zombies and other viral undeads
- Experiences of expedition work
- Experiences of epidemical researching
- Medical education

Sounds like something for you? Mail Mona Holmquist @

URL (in swedish):,0900...0597.shtml
5149 Hits
ROFL @ SWEDEN (21 comments)
Posted by fag with no name @ 13:14 CDT, 10 June 2006 - iMsg
0-0 vs Trinidad & Tobago. WTF?!

That's it - Fuck the worldcup!
4243 Hits
Gimme some of that jungle! (4 comments)
Posted by fag with no name @ 19:15 CST, 14 November 2005 - iMsg
Ok junglists (is that a word?), got some tips of nice jungle/dnb music for a psy/goa-freak like me?

So far I've been listening to Dieselboy, Bad Company and Panacea. Some tight shit.

Bring'em on!
2847 Hits
A Request (4 comments)
Posted by fag with no name @ 19:52 CDT, 19 September 2005 - iMsg
My friend Snodden asked me to spread his movies to "EVERY FUCKIN ONE YOU CAN!" in a somewhat intoxicated state of mind. I guess I'll just let the movies speak for themselves. First one is in swedish though.
1987 Hits
I'M SO FUCKIN' BORED, WHAT SHALL I DO!?! (38 comments)
Posted by fag with no name @ 13:44 CDT, 14 October 2003 - iMsg
Yeah that's right, I'm so fuckin' bored tonight and I don't have a clue what do to. Then my dear friend manwithnonamebutsomegoodideas told me to spam ESR with this shit.

So... any suggestions? 8)

"\(̣Ó)/" © phibbe
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