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CPMA VQ3 uses id's predictable furthest (6 comments)
Posted by bud @ 10:21 CDT, 28 July 2006 - iMsg
Notes for version 1.32 (22 May 05)
chg: VQ3 uses id's "predictable furthest" spawn system
Edited by bud at 10:30 CDT, 28 July 2006 - 4543 Hits
wtf (2 comments)
Posted by bud @ 20:31 CDT, 3 July 2006 - iMsg
y ruin u r noshaft at mallorca
3033 Hits
QW - Xmas Song :> (9 comments)
Posted by bud @ 15:06 CST, 20 March 2006 - iMsg
Artist: Druiden
Title: Quake Jul (Quake Xmas)


Discuss xD
4490 Hits
Nätspelet quake.... (11 comments)
Posted by bud @ 16:58 CST, 6 December 2005 - iMsg
The netgame quake have grown very fast the last years, and is now considered a sport with many competitiors. The teams are called clans, and one of the best is from stockholm, named clan9. clan9 got superstars on the internet when they kicked one of usa:s best clans, deathrow, ass some years ago. so far millions of people have followed the match on the internet. we met clan9 when they trained quake3, WARNING for violence in the game!

Original text:

Nätspelet quake har växt lavinartat dom senaste åren och är nu en sport med otroligt många utövare, lagen kallas för klaner och en av världens bästa kommer från stockholm, dom heter CLAN9. CLAN9 blev superkändisar på nätet när dom spöade USA:s bästa quake-klan deathrow för några år sedan, hittils har milliontals människor följt mathcen på nätet. Vi träffade CLAN9 när dom satt och tränade quake3, VARNING för våldet i spelet!
Edited by MaJunior at 12:07 GMT, 7th Dec 2005 - 4036 Hits
Kids (14 comments)
Posted by bud @ 14:13 CST, 1 December 2005 - iMsg
<pastorn> hahaha, så nice, asså
<pastorn> jag bor inte långt ifrån ett dagis
<pastorn> så ibland brukar jag skämta med småglinen
<pastorn> nowadays skriker jag "roflcopter" rakt på dem
<pastorn> dom brukar bli jätteförskräckta och fly
<pastorn> men idag!
<Hammar> ?
<pastorn> idag så var det en unge som skrek tillbaka, och gissa va han skrek! xD
<pastorn> "lollerblades!!!!"

Translation (sux)

<pastorn> hahaha, damn nice
<pastorn> I live close to a day nursery
<pastorn> sometimes I poke fun at the kiddies
<pastorn> nowadays I scream "roflcopter" right at them
<pastorn> they usually get terrified and flee
<pastorn> but today!
<Hammar> ?
<pastorn> Today a kid cried back, and guess what he shouted?! xD
<pastorn> "lollerblades!!!!"

6512 Hits
rofl (9 comments)
Posted by bud @ 13:45 CDT, 18 October 2005 - iMsg
hey i was looking at some pictures of heffa and i found my brother in the pictures and it said hi im normal XD saw that the pictures was from your site and if you dont take that picture away IM GONNA BE SO FUCKING ANGRY THAT I CANT BELIVE NOW TAKE THAT SHIT AWAY NOW YOU!!!!! OR I´LL FUCKING SUE YOR ASS!!!!!


3666 Hits
Fake (6 comments)
Posted by bud @ 06:29 CDT, 20 August 2005 - iMsg
2615 Hits
ffs tom (24 comments)
Posted by bud @ 12:37 CDT, 29 June 2005 - iMsg
18:31| * tom``` ( has joined #sympozium
18:31| <bud^> xD
18:31| <bud^> tom``` WTF
18:31| <bud^> :D
18:31| <tom```> ?
18:31| <tom```> what
18:31| <bud^> u should be out traveling m8
18:31| <tom```> whats 1.32 pm2?
18:31| <bud^> (lol its not him)
18:31| <tom```> im not tom``
18:31| <tom```> im not tom``
18:31| <tom```> im not tom`
18:31| <tom```> or him
18:31| <bud^> :D i see
18:31| <tom```> im canadian tom :D
18:31| <bud^> hehe
18:31| <gatr> or tim
12307 Hits
beer (12 comments)
Posted by bud @ 11:30 CST, 15 March 2005 - iMsg
i need beer, brb
5720 Hits
Haste, a CPMA fragmovie by pez (33 comments)
Posted by bud @ 08:16 CST, 20 January 2004 - iMsg

0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
Rating: 7.5 (14 votes)
First vo0 now pez?
Yes it is for real! Just a couple of days after vo0´s cpma movie pez is releasing his collection of frags gathered from CPMA players around the globe.

Quote from
A CPMA frag movie featuring fake_id, gellehsak, minky, 2bad_, loosec, pez, fac, snapcase and sai. The frags were done in clan-arena, 1vs1 and tdm, and ctf pickup games. The movie includes the following maps: pro-q3dm6, ra3map1, cpm3a, ninemilctf2, q3wcp9, cpm21 and others. The movie conatins many mid-air rockets and lots of nice rail shots.
Edited by netrex at 17:28 GMT, 20th Jan 2004 - 36818 Hits
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