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BUY SELL BUY SELL! comp (41 comments)
Posted by way2ez4gtv @ 19:28 CST, 21 February 2007 - iMsg
Since everyone on this site is very rich and has never been unempolyed and talks about their vast riches in everypost they have a chance to bring them up in, well i thought it was time we played the market a little.

this is the site:

its free sign up i made a ESR league.


well sign up and iM me your using name I'll give you a pass. we'll start trading in a day or so. I'll give you a heads up. they'll prolly be a prize for the best, it will prolly be shit. (no not literally)

am bored. JOIN!
23821 Hits
conjoined twin etiquette (121 comments)
Posted by way2ez4gtv @ 14:43 CST, 19 February 2007 - iMsg
So i thought after this being deleted yesterday by moon face, i'd repost but this time try and get a little deeper on the subject.

i think we can all agree that if you had 2 heads and an infinite amount of time together to plan, then you/s should always be matching and looking fabulous.

now the red hat. its shocking. a total fashion faux pas. if she didnt want to dress like her twin then why not go for another colour that doesnt ruin the outfit? pastle yellow? white?

well i think this must have been on purpose... and shes acting out!

but lets look again.

this time accessories. shes wearing a nice tiffany'esque chain, now that's good BUT when you have 2 necks to think about its leaving the other head out to dry as it were. and steeling her thunder!

a much better way of accessorizing, a neckless that goes all the way around.

now i was thinking, why is she acting out? tbh its got to be jealously. am no Psychiatrist but if you had a next head to yours that was slightly more central it would piss you off to.

imagine the other side had a slightly bigger breast, no grrl has perfectly even breasts, but if one wasnt yours and it was bigger, well thats gota cause some strife.

p.s. both girls seem really cool and brave and are a symbol of social maturity to all <9
Edited by way2ez4gtv at 14:51 CST, 19 February 2007 - 47560 Hits
stupid american skinhead crazy bitch (33 comments)
Posted by way2ez4gtv @ 09:12 CST, 17 February 2007 - iMsg
yep britney has shaved her head and gone nuts. probably not in that order.

17408 Hits
uk = communists (163 comments)
Posted by way2ez4gtv @ 18:37 CST, 15 February 2007 - iMsg
To meet job targets Labour over a number of years has increased jobs in govourment massively, which at the time seemed like haxd. BUT now it seems more sinister with 50% of the people in the uk working for OR getting hand-outs/benefits from the goverment, it looks like the Labour has engineered a kind of social black mail to keep them in power.
52926 Hits
americans are all stupid. (111 comments)
Posted by way2ez4gtv @ 16:55 CST, 12 February 2007 - iMsg

watch this fatties! (while you eat your 'french' fries)
Edited by manic at 18:11 CST, 12 February 2007 - 33723 Hits
"eye babies" (jamerio sized) (102 comments)
Posted by way2ez4gtv @ 13:54 CST, 9 February 2007 - iMsg
k Pennsacola Christian College < *

this is going round the net.

Making "eye babies" is the act of staring into someone's eyes for too long. It is grounds for expulsion at a college in the US.


A College That's Strictly Different
Secretive Pensacola Christian controls student life with tough regulations and unwritten rules


Pensacola, Fla.

The campus looks just like the glossy brochure: clean, green, and beautiful. The students are well dressed and well groomed, not a pair of jeans or scrappy goatee in sight. Inside the Commons building, two students engage in a spirited game of Ping-Pong. When one of them misses an easy shot, he cries, "Praise the Lord!"

Pensacola Christian College prides itself on being different, not just from secular colleges, but from fellow Christian ones, too. Some of those differences, like the way students dress, are obvious to any visitor. Others are not. Since its founding, more than 30 years ago, Pensacola has blossomed from a tiny Bible college into a thriving institution of nearly 5,000 students. Along the way it has become known as among the most conservative — and most secretive — colleges in the country.

Not to mention one of the strictest. The rules at Pensacola govern every aspect of students' lives, including the books they read, the shoes they wear, the churches they attend, and the people they date. Many of those regulations are spelled out in a handbook sent to students after they enroll, but there are plenty of unwritten rules as well. Demerits are common and discipline swift.

It's all in the name of preserving Pensacola's "distinctives" — the word the college uses for what sets it apart. But many former students say the enforcement of the rules is often cruel and capricious. Dissent is never tolerated, they say, and expulsions for seemingly minor infractions are routine.

They also complain that Pensacola plays down (or never mentions) an important fact: It is not accredited. For many students, that lack of accreditation has not been a problem; for some, however, it has meant starting college over elsewhere or being rejected by employers.

In keeping with its distrust of outsiders, Pensacola's administration declined repeatedly to comment for this article. A spokesman says college officials "don't want to stir up a hornet's nest." But as interviews with dozens of current and former students make clear, the buzzing has already begun.

The Rule Book

Lisa Morris was walking to class with her boyfriend last October when something happened. At first Ms. Morris, a sophomore music major, is reluctant to divulge the details. Eventually, however, the truth comes out: He patted her behind.

Someone who witnessed the incident reported Ms. Morris and her boyfriend. At Pensacola any physical contact between members of the opposite sex is forbidden. (Members of the same sex may touch, although the college condemns homosexuality.) The forbidden contact includes shaking hands and definitely includes patting behinds. Both students were expelled.

Of Pensacola's many rules, those dealing with male-female relationships are the most talked about. There are restrictions on when and where men and women may speak to each other. Some elevators and stairwells may be used only by women; others may be used only by men. Socializing on particular benches is forbidden. If a man and a woman are walking to class, they may chat; if they stop en route, though, they may be in trouble. Generally men and women caught interacting in any "unchaperoned area" — which is most of the campus — could be subject to severe penalties.

Those rules extend beyond the campus. A man and a woman cannot go to an off-campus restaurant together without a chaperon (usually a faculty member). Even running into members of the opposite sex off campus can lead to punishment. One student told of how a group of men and a group of women from the college happened to meet at a McDonald's last spring. Both groups were returning from the beach (they had gone to separate beaches; men and women are not allowed to be at the beach together). The administration found out, and all 15 students were expelled.

Even couples who are not talking or touching can be reprimanded. Sabrina Poirier, a student at Pensacola who withdrew in 1997, was disciplined for what is known on the campus as "optical intercourse" — staring too intently into the eyes of a member of the opposite sex. This is also referred to as "making eye babies." While the rule does not appear in written form, most students interviewed for this article were familiar with the concept.

As she tells it, Ms. Poirier was not gazing lovingly at her boyfriend; he had something in his eye. But officials didn't buy her explanation, and she and her boyfriend were both "socialed," she says.

There are three levels of official punishment at Pensacola (four, if you count expulsion). Students can be "socialed," "campused," or "shadowed." Students who are socialed are not allowed to talk to members of the opposite sex for two weeks. Those who are campused may not leave the college grounds for two weeks or speak to other campused students.

Being shadowed is the worst of the three. Shadowed students are assigned to a "floor leader" for several days. A floor leader is a student who is paid by the college and has the power to issue demerits. Shadowed students must attend the floor leader's classes and sleep in the floor leader's room. During this time, the shadowed student is not allowed to talk to anyone but the floor leader. Shadowing is usually a prelude to expulsion.

Ms. Poirier was later told she would be shadowed after being spotted riding in a car in mixed company. She tried to explain that it was an innocent outing, but to no avail. When told she would be shadowed, Ms. Poirier decided to withdraw. "I said 'screw it' and I left," she says.

There are plenty of other ways to run afoul of the rules. Last spring Timothy Dow was caught playing the video game Halo 2. Such games are banned by the college. Movies are also forbidden, including those rated G. Music is restricted to classical or approved Christian ("contemporary Christian" artists are deemed too worldly). Students are allowed to watch television news at 6 o'clock, but that's it. The TVs are controlled by college employees, who flip a switch to black out the commercials, lest students see anything inappropriate.

In the library, books and magazines are censored. One student says she saw a pair of black-marker boxer shorts on a photograph of Michelangelo's David. Any books that students wish to read that are not in the library must first be approved by administrators. Those containing references to "magic," for instance, are normally rejected. The rule book specifically prohibits "fleshly magazines and books."

For playing the video game, Mr. Dow was campused. Later, in the cafeteria, he ran into a friend who had just been expelled. Mr. Dow had been told not to talk to his friend, who had previously been campused. But he figured it would be OK now that his friend was leaving. "I gave him a hug and said, 'See you later, man,'" he says.

Someone witnessed the exchange and turned Mr. Dow in. Students routinely turn each other in for violating rules and are rewarded by the administration for doing so. According to several former students, those who report classmates are more likely to become floor leaders.

Mr. Dow was called to the office of the dean of men, where, he says, he waited for about four hours. Then he was expelled.

In The Beginning

Pensacola Christian College is "an idea that came from God," according to its Web site. The college was founded in 1974 by Arlin Horton, who remains its president. It is Baptist but is not affiliated with the Southern Baptist Convention or any similar organization. Both Mr. Horton and his wife, Rebekah, are graduates of Bob Jones University. While it appears that he copied his alma mater's demerit system and some of its rules, there is a longstanding rift between the two institutions.

Several years ago, Pensacola publicly criticized Bob Jones University for using translations of the Bible other than the King James Version. (Pensacola's policy is that the King James is the only divinely inspired English translation.) A group of Bob Jones faculty members fired off a lengthy letter responding to the attack.

It is true that students at Bob Jones are permitted to consult other English translations of the Bible. In the letter, however, Bob Jones professors objected to the implication that the university was not faithful to the word of God. "PCC appears to be bent on claiming exclusive right to the higher ground of Fundamentalism — in lofty isolation, not only from BJU, but from virtually every other Fundamental Bible college and seminary," they wrote.

A representative of Bob Jones University declined to talk about the bad blood between the colleges.

When Pensacola opened its doors, it had one building and 100 students. Its mission was to offer an education "based on the Christian traditional approach in contrast to the humanistic, progressive systems of education." Since then, as it has grown to nearly 5,000 students, it has built a large, gated campus featuring an art-and-music center with a 140-seat recital hall and recording studio; a 137,000-square-foot sports center with a basketball court, ice-skating rink, 12-lane bowling alley, four-lane jogging track, miniature golf course, and racquetball courts. There is a cafeteria, an on-campus restaurant, and a 300,000-volume library.

The campus also has several computer labs and wireless Internet access, although there is a catch. In the mid-1990s, Pensacola had e-mail and limited Internet access, but it shut the services down after several students started an online newsletter criticizing the college. (Needless to say, the students who created the newsletter were expelled.) Internet access was not restored until last year, and it comes with significant restrictions. There are a few hundred approved Web sites; students must ask permission to visit any other site. Amazon and eBay, for instance, are reportedly not on the approved list. Several students say they leave the campus to surf the Web.

Pensacola's success can be chalked up in part to its reputation. It is known as perhaps the strictest Christian college in the country, one that has criticized Bob Jones, of all places, for being too liberal. For those searching for a college that is more-Christian-than-thou, Pensacola is it. It has found a marketing niche.

But that is not the only reason for its growth. Along with the college, Mr. Horton founded A Beka Books, acknowledged as the largest Christian-textbook company in the world. A Beka sells textbooks to more than 10,000 Christian schools across the country, offering a complete curriculum for kindergarten through 12th grade. It has also won a big share of the lucrative home-school market.

The company brings in about $70-million in annual revenue and is valued at $280-million, according to Dun & Bradstreet. A sizable chunk of that revenue goes to support the college, which does not come close to breaking even on its own. According to its 2003 tax filing, the university collected $20-million in tuition and fees and $3-million from contributions. The filing attributes $15-million in income to "royalties," presumably from A Beka.

In the mid-90s, A Beka paid nearly $50-million in back taxes after the Internal Revenue Service ruled that it should have been classified as a for-profit entity. The college itself remains nonprofit.

Revenue from A Beka helps keep costs extremely low. Students pay $6,000 a year for tuition, room, and board. That's about a third or a quarter of what most other Christian colleges cost. When asked what other colleges they considered, Pensacola students often mention Bob Jones, Cedarville University, Northland Baptist Bible College, and Abilene Christian University. Cost is usually cited as the deciding factor.

Just as the textbook company helps support the college, the college helps support the textbook company. Many of Pensacola's students work for A Beka, operating binding equipment, packing books into boxes, loading those boxes onto forklifts. Some students complain about the working conditions; others say it's a good deal. For women, A Beka is usually the only employment option because they are not allowed to hold off-campus jobs. Or leave the campus alone, for that matter.

In the world of Christian colleges, Pensacola is an oddity. It is not a member of the Council for Christian Colleges and Universities. It has little to do with other institutions. Several administrators at other Christian colleges declined to discuss Pensacola on the record for fear of seeming critical. One said he did not know enough to speak knowledgeably because Pensacola keeps mostly to itself.

While not wanting to criticize Pensacola, Carl A. Ruby, vice president for student life at Cedarville, in Ohio, emphasizes that his university doesn't take the "bad-kid approach" to discipline. "On major issues of Christian doctrine, we are probably always on the same page," he writes in an e-mail message. "In terms of living out our faith on a daily basis, significant differences emerge."

Too Much? Or Just Right?

So Pensacola is strict. Sometimes very strict.

Is that necessarily a bad thing?

Not really, according to Isaac Blakely. "You get tired of some of the rules, but all in all the rules are not that hard to deal with if you have the right attitude about it," he says.

Mr. Blakely, a senior commercial-art major, had a friend who was socialed for "sitting too close to a girl." One semester Mr. Blakely himself came perilously close to getting kicked out by racking up 118 demerits. (A total of 150 means automatic expulsion.) The demerits were for small offenses, like forgetting to empty his dorm-room trash can or failing to properly clean the sink. Rooms are inspected regularly, and students who do not meet cleanliness standards are given demerits.

Even so, Mr. Blakely is loath to complain. "If PCC didn't put restrictions on us, I would wonder about their standards," he says. "I'm glad they're doing it."

Mena Ghobrial doesn't mind the rules, either. "At first I thought it was too strict, but it helps me concentrate on my studies," says the senior pre-med major. Mr. Ghobrial, who is from Egypt, thinks that some of the restrictions, such as making students sign out when they leave the campus and write down where they are going, help keep them safe.

Others are less enthusiastic about Pensacola's approach. Lisa Daxer transferred to Cedarville from Pensacola. Like other conservative Christian colleges, Cedarville has its share of rules. For instance, students may not drink alcohol on or off the campus, even if they are over 21. They are also forbidden to listen to music that comes with a parental-advisory sticker. Most forms of dancing are banned (ballet is OK).

That's fine with Ms. Daxer, who has no desire to attend a more permissive secular college.

Her problems with Pensacola go beyond the rules. Administrators there equate loyalty to the college with obedience to God in a way she finds objectionable. "They used to say that being at PCC is God's will for our lives," she says. "So walking out of PCC would be breaking God's will for our lives. Then I've heard them say that you might end up dying because God can't use you anymore."

Darrell Dow has heard much the same thing. "There is this idea that if you go against us, you're going against God," he says. Mr. Dow graduated from Pensacola in 2003 with a degree in computer science, but by then he already felt disillusioned. (Timothy Dow, who was kicked out for hugging a recently expelled friend, is Darrell Dow's cousin.) He says because rules can be "made up on the spot," it seems impossible to abide by all of them. "There's a feeling of helplessness and a spirit of fear," he says. "Not to put too fine a point on it, but there's a very 1984 feel to the place."

Matthew Arnold agrees. He graduated from Pensacola in 1998 with a degree in commercial art and graphic design; his younger sister attends the college "going against all the advice I ever gave," he says. Mr. Arnold is active in an online forum for former students, where many complain about the college and trade their best, or worst, stories. Some even call themselves "survivors" of the institution. Others, though, temper their criticism with fond regard.

Mr. Arnold argues that because the college claims that its authority comes directly from God, students who feel mistreated are put in an extremely awkward position. There is another, more practical fear as well, he says: Getting kicked out might mean starting over because other colleges might not accept unaccredited Pensacola's credits. "You live in terror of losing all the money you've put into the college," he says.

When Adam Peters enrolled at Pensacola, he believed that "the Lord wanted me to go there." But last fall he accumulated 111 demerits and was asked to sit out for a semester. Mr. Peters, a junior majoring in Bible studies, says he has started "to see a lot of the weaknesses" in Pensacola's system. "I can't shut my eyes to those, even though there are strengths," he says.

From his perspective, there are indeed strengths. Christianity is woven throughout the curriculum. Creationism is taught in science courses. Classes begin with a prayer. Along with mandatory chapel services, students must attend the campus church three times every week; they are not allowed to go to another church unless they are from the Pensacola area, and even then they need special permission. Mandatory small-group prayer meetings are held in the evenings.

A strong Christian emphasis is part of what Mr. Peters wanted in a college. But he has become disturbed by how Pensacola exerts its considerable power over students' lives. He is also bothered by how many of his friends have left the college. "One day they're there, and the next it's like, 'Where's Samantha? Oh, she got kicked out,'" he says. "They won't spell things out, and then they'll yank you. There's not always a lot of mercy there."

Insurmountable Problems
Several previously unaccredited Christian colleges, like Bob Jones, have recently become candidates for accreditation. Pensacola, however, has shown no interest in outside approval of any kind. Nor does it advertise its unaccredited status. A search of the Web site turns up no mention of accreditation. It is not mentioned in the college's viewbook either, which dedicates four pages to sports activities and two to campus facilities.

It is mentioned, in small print, on the inside flap of the course catalog: "Pensacola Christian College has never made application for regional accreditation as the College believes it would jeopardize the College's philosophical distinctives." The catalog goes on to say that getting other colleges to accept Pensacola's credits "has seldom been an insurmountable problem."

It was an insurmountable problem for Abel Harding. Near the end of his junior year, Mr. Harding placed a sign on his dorm-room door that said, "Welcome to the Party Room." He glued cutouts from a magazine, including a beer bottle, to the poster. It was meant as a joke, he says, because the very idea that he would have beer in his room was laughable.

The administration didn't see it that way. Mr. Harding was shadowed for three days.

That was one of several run-ins he had with the administration. All students join a "collegian," Pensacola's version of the Greek system. Mr. Harding's collegian was nicknamed "the Scorpions" and one member got a tattoo of a scorpion to demonstrate his loyalty. Tattoos are not allowed, and the student was campused. In protest Mr. Harding and his fellow collegians wore all black to chapel one day. They were forced to leave the service and told they would be expelled if they wore black to chapel again.

The shadowing, however, was the tipping point. Even though the administration told Mr. Harding that he could return for his senior year, he decided to withdraw.

"I just couldn't deal with it anymore," he says.

He applied to the University of Florida and was told that none of his credits would transfer. "I had to start over," he says. So, after three years at Pensacola, he enrolled as a freshman at nearby Santa Fe Community College and later transferred to Southern Illinois University at Carbondale, from which he eventually graduated.

He says he called Pensacola for help, and offi-cials there provided none: "There's no label that says, 'We're not accredited.' How many 18-year-olds know enough to ask that?"

When he was a student, Mr. Harding traveled with a singing group that promoted Pensacola. When prospective students asked about accreditation, Mr. Harding says the singers were instructed to tell them that Harvard and Yale are not accredited, either, and so accreditation doesn't matter. (Harvard and Yale, for the record, are accredited.)

Lack of accreditation has been a problem for Amy Brown, too. She graduated from Pensacola in 2003 with a degree in early-childhood education. But because the college is not accredited, she cannot teach in public schools, she says. She had no idea what accreditation was before enrolling at Pensacola. "I never tried to transfer," she writes in an e-mail message, "because I had friends that did and ended up with all of their credits as electives," meaning that they had to retake required courses.

Mr. Ghobrial, the student from Egypt who doesn't mind the rules, wants to attend dental school. His first choice, West Virginia University, has already said it would not consider his application, because Pensacola is not accredited. "I'm hoping they change their minds," he says.

Many Christian colleges do accept Pensacola's credits, as do some secular institutions. Several former students say they have had no difficulty transferring credits or applying for jobs. But others have. And as more states crack down on degrees from unaccredited colleges, it may get even tougher for Pensacola graduates.

Donald Barber asked about accreditation before he enrolled. The first time he asked, he says, a college representative evaded the question. Then the representative said it wasn't important. "I had to ask three more times before he said no."

Mr. Barber left the college in 2004 after "butting heads" with administrators over an event he was planning. He wanted to invite a speaker from Bob Jones to an off-campus Christian-revival meeting. Pensacola officials told him he could not. "I was appalled by that," Mr. Barber says.

He did not object to the college's many rules. But he did mind that Pensacola's leaders would not tolerate dissent of any kind. "I felt like it stifled my personality," he says.

Students interviewed for this article were asked whether they would recommend the college. Some, even a few who had strong criticisms of the college, said they would. Others said absolutely not. Matthew Arnold, whose sister enrolled in Pensacola against his advice, argues that it depends a lot on the student. "If God told them to go, then there's not a lot you can do about it," he says.

But, he adds, they should know what they're getting into.
Section: Students
Volume 52, Issue 29, Page A40
29334 Hits
am jack bauer of the pooh world! (81 comments)
Posted by way2ez4gtv @ 07:33 CST, 2 February 2007 - iMsg
ok so went out and stuff was good night, got totally stupid drunk as usual. my mates me and acouple of girls were gettin a lift home from some brazilian kids.

THEN we stopped at the petrol station, now this is bad, cause, i like to piss on the Ferrero Rochers. but then i get dared to take a shit on them. ofc i think this is a wonderful idea.

so i go to the toilet get some paper, come out buy some food and while they heat it up i pissed on the Ferreros, then i curl a crap out on the floor and wipe my ass and stick the paper to a box of quality street (which rock btw).

then i button up. walk out from behind. the women behind the counter is like O...M...F...G

everyones like?????

am like, 'hey my food ready?'

she says 'he just took a shit back there.'

'hahah yeah'.. i say

i saw you on the camera, she replys, no one believes her, but she fones the cops and i have to run.

so then am like jack bauer, after my mates fone to laugh hardcore, I GO DARK! no idea why, then i walk 3 hours across the city only using random farm land that i had no idea was in our concrete city. i find a massive white thingy, was next to the sheep, duno wtf it was, but it ran after me for abit. but jack bauer always gets away!

i make it to where my m8 lives, but i cant find his house, its 6 in the morning so i just get a taxi home and pass out.

18432 Hits
cancer (16 comments)
Posted by way2ez4gtv @ 05:34 CST, 31 January 2007 - iMsg
i know from time to time i wish cancer on some of the people here. like tom, yeltsin, mindz, jamerio, link ect ect. (link will kill himself soon anyway so np).

well anyway, it might be pointless now that to some uni north of fat land has learnt some things in their lessons:

guess il wish ebola on you or sumin :/ oh well
7722 Hits
Sujoy cant resist it! (20 comments)
Posted by way2ez4gtv @ 01:35 CST, 29 January 2007 - iMsg
just got a new fone, bothered, youre gettin one!
6602 Hits
miss videogame (44 comments)
Posted by way2ez4gtv @ 22:25 CST, 27 January 2007 - iMsg

How I would change the perception of girl gamers:
I would like to change the way males look at female gamers, a role model that says "chicks aren't here for a sex chat just to fulfill the needs of an immature oversexed jerk"....I want women to be seen as being just as good at game playing than men, if not better! "

with a close up shot of her tits.

guessing its irony..
10882 Hits
fizzy tablet (67 comments)
Posted by way2ez4gtv @ 05:42 CST, 12 January 2007 - iMsg
am sure most of you can remember that boring germans post about fizzy tablets, its leg-end, well for the people that hated that, try this site out.
9885 Hits
wtf is this? (44 comments)
Posted by way2ez4gtv @ 08:45 CST, 2 January 2007 - iMsg
can anyone tell me wtf this is, its starting to freak people out.

on new years after humping a fat french women with a beard i was walkin out of her flat saw this on next doors door and took it.

and ye i think its blood.

11387 Hits
Posted by way2ez4gtv @ 18:46 CST, 15 December 2006 - iMsg

if they dont pic this game up then il do a jamerio and say il leave.. but stay.

2638 Hits
musix of ze house (15 comments)
Posted by way2ez4gtv @ 08:20 CST, 7 December 2006 - iMsg
HUGE night out tonight. gona make some CDs for before and after.

am thinking house, funky house and trance. stuff with singing in it is good :P

DJs set, fav DJs and fav songs is what i want listed :P

il be uploading the stuff i like before i make a CD will post links here i guess.

thx@help good stuff will get multi-pluses :x
4786 Hits
Making art INIT! (17 comments)
Posted by way2ez4gtv @ 09:58 CST, 5 December 2006 - iMsg
this is a TOTALLY FICTIONAL conversation between me and my ex gf and my art work i showed her today.

3785 Hits
am complerx you know (17 comments)
Posted by way2ez4gtv @ 16:55 CDT, 19 October 2006 - iMsg
looking for a ego boost

wana go shopping wit me on wednesday? maybe some drinks, well shots, then handjob?

Public Image Limited - Rise BEST SONG DL IT
3187 Hits (No comments)
Posted by way2ez4gtv @ 21:36 CDT, 11 September 2006 - iMsg
anyone got an invite for me?
1337 Hits
jumppppp (7 comments)
Posted by way2ez4gtv @ 22:20 CDT, 15 July 2006 - iMsg

off to txt back all the fat sluts iv ignored
4087 Hits
Camus, Beckett and Cancer. oh spain. (44 comments)
Posted by way2ez4gtv @ 18:49 CDT, 22 May 2006 - iMsg
Ok shit brick. Book time AGAIN!

need 3-4 books for holiday in afew weeks. think il go for:

Complete works of Beckket.

The Outsider, Albert Camus.

Poems and Exiles, James Joyce.

Tropic of cancer Henry miller, but do i get Capricorn as well or all three or just the first. HELP.

then like maybe:

The Castle of Otranto: A Gothic Story , Horace Walpole.

The Unbearable Lightness of Being, Milan Kundera.

Really duno, all i know is no dan brown or steven king.

anyone got any favs, any genre, am stuck. :<

Thorin gimme a good answer ya bastard!
9676 Hits
BEST Sci-Fi book of recent years. (81 comments)
Posted by way2ez4gtv @ 21:06 CDT, 27 April 2006 - iMsg
Was gona say EVER! but I dont want 50/50 Asimov and K Dick answers, since hollywood has a boner for them atm.

So like in the last 8-10 years or less i guess :)

not very good with Sci-Fi, havent read any, just starting The Algebraist by Iain m. Banks.

(you can gimme an all time as well as recent if ya want;))
26997 Hits
buckethead lesssonss (17 comments)
Posted by way2ez4gtv @ 08:33 CST, 26 March 2006 - iMsg

ok there not, infact its shat. BUT i know theres alot of fans here and stuff, so maybe u havent seen it or sumin.

if not just skip to 7min mark, he plays like 40 secs there. a lil.

bah :/
4202 Hits
Round 2! Fight! (50 comments)
Posted by way2ez4gtv @ 16:45 CST, 21 March 2006 - iMsg
If you could be/ have the body of any street fighter character who would you be? you dont have to have the face :P

id pick sagat :x

p.s. jaffy = chun-li

8923 Hits
this is crap! (38 comments)
Posted by way2ez4gtv @ 10:32 CST, 18 March 2006 - iMsg
6980 Hits
tv screens, unstuff (No comments)
Posted by way2ez4gtv @ 22:43 CST, 11 March 2006 - iMsg
1843 Hits
God Farts in Your SKULL. weeeee. gg. (90 comments)
Posted by way2ez4gtv @ 20:41 CST, 2 February 2006 - iMsg
Ok so while your asseelp, god sticks his hairy ass against your ear and farts a special fart into your skull.

WHEN YOU WAKE UP, you can speak one new language...

WHAT language would you pick.? And why?

Am thinking id go for Japanese. duno.

35970 Hits
wanking (58 comments)
Posted by way2ez4gtv @ 19:59 CST, 25 January 2006 - iMsg
anyone think about their girl friend when they wank?

p.s. the Pentagon is watching...... :|
13923 Hits
hm (7 comments)
Posted by way2ez4gtv @ 13:29 CST, 23 January 2006 - iMsg
—› now talking in: (#spontanq4ctf)

—› topic: || forum is back -> !)
5056 Hits
prima deposit bonus (6 comments)
Posted by way2ez4gtv @ 18:34 CST, 14 January 2006 - iMsg
hey am going prima, prolly tomoro coz they have theses new rounders sit and goes. i wont play cash there tho.

wondering who has the best bonus deposit in my case.

thx :x
3004 Hits
hell sand game, zombies (21 comments)
Posted by way2ez4gtv @ 20:32 CST, 7 January 2006 - iMsg
12730 Hits
first post (28 comments)
Posted by way2ez4gtv @ 19:37 CST, 17 December 2005 - iMsg
MY first post with my new comp :)

its hot am loving it. but as usal my nemesis has owned me propa!!1

amazon!! i ordered all my parts on the same day all from ebuyer BUT the sound card from amazon.

iv managed to build the comp b4 amazon has sent the card. lol.

AND to make it lol even more, i also ordered q4 BEFORE the comp order, its due for the 19th..... thought it had arrived already, was gona play then am like WTF x2 owned.

amazon sux! altho there record is, 3 months for a next day delivery on a book i ordered once. that was 1-0
14690 Hits
shoutcasts (14 comments)
Posted by way2ez4gtv @ 17:11 CST, 16 December 2005 - iMsg
who started saying conversions?

"he can win if he gets a good conversion run"

like was it american gaming community or what?
4247 Hits
steelpad (20 comments)
Posted by way2ez4gtv @ 13:20 CST, 14 December 2005 - iMsg
ok so am buyiing more stuff and i thought mouse pad. never used one before as i have a nice wooden table suface. BUTTT what if i want to LAN (i never have before) coz morticus lives 2 mins from me so id be a fool not to pracy with such a player!!!!!!!!!111111

so if i go somewhere, where they dont have the exact same table as me am fooked! and this could happen!!!1

so i like hard fastish pads, that dont need mouse skates and they have to be BIG!!!!1

steelpad s+s looks n1 BUT its small. i need BIG!

thanks for the helppp.

p.s. offo dont post u bastard!
6892 Hits
WINOWS XP SUPER EDITION! unlock bill (51 comments)
Posted by way2ez4gtv @ 11:16 CST, 10 December 2005 - iMsg
k so i ordereded my new comp today all ze parts even a £4 sonyfloppy disk drive. its cute!

but i need a os. windows will have to be on one partitiion OFC GMAES ECTTT

so do i do what iv always done, like most peeps or do i buy it?

on sites the best deal is like £66 to my front door, for winxp home


ebay like £44 ish. thats PRO! MEGA LEVEL EDITION! with office, of some random fag that hasnt sold much, but unlike most he says it comes with serials for all and working ect. and i wouldnt have to worry if it all worked and the hassel of dling ect. fucking hell am long winded :/

10028 Hits
ON ZE CASE! (9 comments)
Posted by way2ez4gtv @ 17:01 CST, 9 December 2005 - iMsg
ok so ordering my new pc parts NOW!! only thing i have decide on is the case :<

i want a plain case black or white with 2/3 fans with it. simple.

link me plz, am in uk btw if it helps :)

been looking for AGES and havent found anyting perfect. oh and i got a psu so dont want one with it.

5532 Hits
gg cu life. (11 comments)
Posted by way2ez4gtv @ 03:35 CST, 5 December 2005 - iMsg
ok well am still up and now i have to w8 for a delivery, but i found

so weeeeee. i been up for days but this is the shit, zombies ate my Neighbors is like my fav game ever, music is sex.!
4213 Hits
paper (54 comments)
Posted by way2ez4gtv @ 16:21 CST, 4 December 2005 - iMsg
ok topic is books.

what u reading now?

who do u think is the best writer ever and whos ur fav?

last book i read was choke. its not gona be in the canon but its fun

"For sure, even the worst blow job is better than say, sniffing the best rose...watching the greatest sunset. Hearing children laugh."

ok gimme a great book and a quote from it maybe. i havent slept in awhile.
10482 Hits
Celebrity paradox! (37 comments)
Posted by way2ez4gtv @ 10:19 CST, 27 November 2005 - iMsg
kinda ill atm, got flu ect :< so bored, so anyway.

In the UK theres a new law that celebrities cant advertise alcohol.
For example Vinny Joneys doing Bacardiadverts stuff like that.
Now i just saw the new Bacardiadvert and theres afew young people in it running around drinking or something.
well the point is, there in an advert for one of the biggest alocholic drinks in the world, arnt they now celebrities as well? if they use the same guy in few, isnt he gona get very famous? if so do they have to stop using him? when does he get famous in the first place? has soon as hes on TV? maybe he gets spotted and put in a movie or tv show, hes famous then. who judges theses things?

16206 Hits
going spain in afew hours (26 comments)
Posted by way2ez4gtv @ 21:07 CDT, 7 October 2005 - iMsg
which is near south korea for you americans.

7656 Hits
ok ganning out. (4 comments)
Posted by way2ez4gtv @ 15:41 CDT, 22 September 2005 - iMsg
so its drunk time again, but am writin this sober for a change.

sitting here loving. fatboy : talkin bout my baby.

GREAT tune, but too slow tempo for going out.

so what u listening to b4 ur out.

normaly am bit chav with dizzee rascal : stand up tall and i luv u. :X embrassment i know :X

so i want big beat or hip hop. post em ASAP!!!

anyone else out?

p.s. will it be more empty coz uni has mostly gone back?
3291 Hits
MUDs faq (10 comments)
Posted by way2ez4gtv @ 19:52 CDT, 20 September 2005 - iMsg

does anyone here play them? text based or graphical. (wow doesnt count)

if so tell me about the one you play or used to play.

never played em myself but they look intresting.

someone FAQ me. (noooo links)

thx :X
8792 Hits
`ganin uut` (22 comments)
Posted by way2ez4gtv @ 15:14 CDT, 9 September 2005 - iMsg
k am going out wolfman just foned. got the sambuca going here and some passion friut archers :<

where u bitches of to tnight?

what ya drinkin and listening to?

i got: T.I. the greatest. dl it its lol :X
7946 Hits
no think (33 comments)
Posted by way2ez4gtv @ 05:26 CDT, 9 September 2005 - iMsg
just wondering if i could use the super smart posting power of esr to never think again.
well yesterday got a txt asking what does the monkey in the song "me and my monkey" by robbie williams mean, they said "stand for".
iv never heard the song and i dont care. can someone help me out :D

no think!
6996 Hits (16 comments)
Posted by way2ez4gtv @ 15:57 CDT, 8 September 2005 - iMsg
just saw the add on tv.
well iv been looking for a GF since ever. i play sport so i meet and hump quite alot of grrls, only reason iv ever done it, is for the funny stories u can tell in the changing room before the next match. but it would be cool to have someone i get on with and be only with them. it would be nice/intresting.
well theres been afew girls recently that iv been close to making the relationship jump with.
one is stupidly hot, way out of my league and shes 27 sunday. but only been with one guy and me, shes amazing but such hard work, and can be abit of a hermit, after being dumped by her ex, after 8 years before they were to get married and have kids. she feels like she should be on her 2nd one by now. so mega bagage, it wont work out.
then there was the grrl who just went to america, little bigger then i would normaly go for, but amazing face and super high IQ, rich, intresting, she turned really mental and went to america, we still msn.
there one more but am drunk and have wrote way to much i mean wtf, maybe i wont post :) lemme think. kk
3rd would be a grrl iv been with for 2+ years on and off, just sex really should have treated her much better. half korean half italian, really funny and sweet. but after the worst start, doesnt feel perfect and shes off to london soon.

i just searched on that site for 18-30 my area, alot of hits very suprising.

id be worried but NONE of my friends own a computer, little own be able to work one, so they wont find out, still feel like a cunt tho.

whats the highest age ud search for?

rolf i feel so vulnerable but drunk atm so np.

someone else sign up too FFS!
7542 Hits
lmao @ slut (40 comments)
Posted by way2ez4gtv @ 01:16 CDT, 7 September 2005 - iMsg
6059 Hits
u know its A GOOD night whennnnn... (14 comments)
Posted by way2ez4gtv @ 03:12 CDT, 19 August 2005 - iMsg
you know its a good night when.. (finish it off)

i just got back to mine wearing pink rubber gloves. thats when u know its a good night.
4200 Hits
quake 4 weapons (2 comments)
Posted by way2ez4gtv @ 12:08 CDT, 11 August 2005 - iMsg

this site seems really good for q4 info. 2nd link iv spammed
2096 Hits
2064 (3 comments)
Posted by way2ez4gtv @ 16:26 CDT, 8 August 2005 - iMsg
if the people who have seen it could give me there views on the story line, meanings and if you liked it, ect. would be sweet, grrl am been on of seeing for like 5 months just got out of a 8 year relationship, movie reminds me of her.

kk anyway


Chow Mo Wan: Take care. Maybe one day you'll escape your past. If you do, look for me.
2298 Hits
Online Tournament poker tips (17 comments)
Posted by way2ez4gtv @ 15:20 CDT, 6 August 2005 - iMsg
I know theres alot of skilled poker players here, SO. Give us some online Tournament tactics, general stuff, or advanced. can be for anything, a 5000 person freeroll, or a 50 person $500 buy in. unless you think the tactics are the same. anyway GIVE US TIPS!"!!!!
5465 Hits
u kniw what tinme it is :< (10 comments)
Posted by way2ez4gtv @ 16:16 CDT, 30 July 2005 - iMsg
k lil drunk m8s birthday.

3398 Hits
k drunk (11 comments)
Posted by way2ez4gtv @ 14:03 CDT, 29 July 2005 - iMsg
todays COCKtail isssss *drum roll* (doin it in %)

35% Vodka
65% WKD Blue
10mg PropranoLOL

calm as hindo cows ;)

what COCKtails r u on tonight? or tomoro, coz we know fridays suck
3523 Hits
Fly porn! (11 comments)
Posted by way2ez4gtv @ 20:20 CDT, 28 July 2005 - iMsg
well i know i cant post porn but it was taken low res on my fone, so u cant see any tits or cock soooo maybe its ok for the young uns`!

2 flys, do it....dogy? :| weird (or maybe spider monkey, bad pic)

(maybe il keep a theme of fone pics.. high res tho i was low on mem in spain)

ye there spanish flies.. u dont think british flies would do it in public!!
3862 Hits
THE THING! (13 comments)
Posted by way2ez4gtv @ 20:16 CDT, 24 July 2005 - iMsg

Sorry the dogs can't help but growl. They are just reacting to the smell of blood.
This is a very serious matter. I contracted parasites from the near by inter-coastal water ways here in Osprey Florida. At first the doctors didn't know what I had. Then they found something out and acted very strange and asked me to leave the office immediately. Whatever I have they are trying to cover up. I have been quarantined in my house for two months. What ever I have they don't want the public to know about. That is why I put up this medicinefilm.

If any one knows about this or has any answers please message me.

Matter of life and death! The government is doing nothing about it. If you would like to learn more please watch my other video's I posted here on medicine films or read my Blogs. A few others in the area contracted this and have died. I don't know how much time I have left.
Now I know how the early AIDS victims were treated. I'm just making it through each day and praying for a cure or at least medical attention.

I thank for answering my cry for help. God bless you all.
5379 Hits
what song is this? (15 comments)
Posted by way2ez4gtv @ 10:34 CDT, 16 July 2005 - iMsg
6267 Hits
clothes ect. (24 comments)
Posted by way2ez4gtv @ 18:54 CDT, 23 June 2005 - iMsg
ok am going spain on the 30th. went shopping today got some hot shorts from zara, there pretty small so il have to wear em low, but there so hot. and a superdry, yellow/brown polo. it was <£40 tho. xlarge and still tight. saw the same polo online sale for <£19(but sold out)

ok so i need some online shops. want vests for <£20.
and polo shirts for <£30.

need 2/3 day delivery.

colorful, nice stuff. kk gimme links plz.

are my favs so far.
Edited by manwithnoname at 06:04 GMT, 24th Jun 2005 - 16788 Hits
/whois me #gay_**** (22 comments)
Posted by way2ez4gtv @ 16:00 CDT, 21 June 2005 - iMsg
well i sit in a chan #gay_cock, so when people whois me they, erm, well you know. so a guy joined this chan today, well here:


20:19| (meren24) hi
20:19| (pg-) hey
20:20| (meren24) Howsit going?
20:20| (meren24) Can I ask you a favour?
20:20| (pg-) sure
20:20| : meren24 is now known as cuteboy_24cyp
20:20| (cuteboy_24cyp) What other gay channels are there?
20:21| (pg-) i havent seen any
20:21| (pg-) :<
20:21| (pg-) #edk
20:21| (cuteboy_24cyp) no prob
20:21| (pg-) its gay tho
20:21| (cuteboy_24cyp) You gay?
20:21| (pg-) am so gay
0:21| : cuteboy_24cyp ( has joined #edk
20:22| (cuteboy_24cyp) I'm bi
20:22| (pg-) nice
20:22| (cuteboy_24cyp) Looking for some fun but it is so difficult to find some
20:22| (pg-) yeah i bet
20:23| (cuteboy_24cyp) it's true
20:23| (cuteboy_24cyp) sorry to sound perverted
20:23| (cuteboy_24cyp) ;-)
20:23| (pg-) ;p
20:27| (cuteboy_24cyp) where u from?
20:27| : cuteboy_24cyp ( has left #gay_cock
20:27| (pg-) uk
20:27| (cuteboy_24cyp) cool
20:27| (pg-) u?
20:28| (cuteboy_24cyp) I'm moving there soon
20:28| (cuteboy_24cyp) Where in UK?
20:28| (pg-) coventry
20:28| (cuteboy_24cyp) Where is that?
20:29| (pg-) in the middle :)
20:29| (cuteboy_24cyp) I'm going to London (central)... Waterloo
20:29| (cuteboy_24cyp) How old are you?
20:29| (pg-) 20
20:29| (pg-) u?
20:29| (cuteboy_24cyp) 24
20:30| (pg-) ;)
20:30| (cuteboy_24cyp) u wanna carry on chatting?
20:30| (pg-) sure
20:30| (cuteboy_24cyp) cool
20:30| (cuteboy_24cyp) Is it just me or am I the only horny one around here?
20:31| (cuteboy_24cyp) ;-)
20:31| (pg-) no its not just u :)
20:31| (cuteboy_24cyp) u?
20:31| (pg-) i have a cat
20:31| (pg-) hes very horny
20:31| (cuteboy_24cyp) ;-)
20:31| (cuteboy_24cyp) u got any cool gay pics?
20:32| (pg-) yeah
20:32| (pg-) il get one
20:32| (cuteboy_24cyp) thanks man
20:33| (pg-) ******************************** <--link
20:33| (pg-) i duno if that turns u on
20:34| (cuteboy_24cyp) Got anything just with guys?
20:36| (cuteboy_24cyp) So you out of the closet?
20:36| (pg-) il look somemore
20:37| (cuteboy_24cyp) thanks man ;-)
20:37| (cuteboy_24cyp) Tell me something about yourself?
20:37| (pg-) *************************** <--link
20:37| (pg-) yeah am out now
20:38| (pg-) had afew experiences, but no bf
20:38| (cuteboy_24cyp) good for you
20:38| (pg-) had like 3 gf's
20:38| (pg-) b4
20:38| (cuteboy_24cyp) why not?
20:38| (pg-) i realised
20:38| (cuteboy_24cyp) oh ok
20:38| (pg-) well
20:38| (pg-) its only sex
20:38| (pg-) with most off them
20:39| (cuteboy_24cyp) yup
20:39| (cuteboy_24cyp) still chicks in the website
0:39| (cuteboy_24cyp) don't worry buddy ;-)
20:40| (pg-) hehe
20:40| (pg-) thought u were bi tho
20:40| (pg-) maybe the links dont work
20:40| (pg-) :<
20:40| (pg-) coz they were men
20:40| (cuteboy_24cyp) i'm bi but looking for guys now
20:41| (pg-) oh ok :)
20:41| (pg-) yeah am over the whole girl thing
20:43| (cuteboy_24cyp) really?
20:43| (pg-) yeah
20:43| (pg-) just guys for me now
20:43| (cuteboy_24cyp) cool
20:43| (cuteboy_24cyp) What do you look like?
20:44| (pg-) tall very slim, light green eyes, longish brown hair
20:44| (pg-) u?
20:46| (cuteboy_24cyp) 171cm / brown eyes . shave brown hair / ear-ring / GREAT smile
20:46| (cuteboy_24cyp) u sound nice
20:46| (pg-) hehe thx
20:46| (pg-) u 2
20:47| (cuteboy_24cyp) no prob
20:47| (cuteboy_24cyp) thanks man!
20:47| (cuteboy_24cyp) ;-)
20:47| (pg-) well nice chatting but i better go
20:47| (pg-) i have
20:47| (pg-) erm
20:47| (pg-) need to do something
20:47| (pg-) if u know what i mean
20:48| (cuteboy_24cyp) jerk off?
20:48| (cuteboy_24cyp) Send me ur pic
20:49| (pg-) ha
20:49| (pg-) erm
20:49| (pg-) lemme see
20:49| (cuteboy_24cyp) what?
20:49| (pg-) if i hav any about
20:49| (pg-) reformated last week
20:49| (pg-) i might have tho
20:49| (cuteboy_24cyp) ok
20:49| (cuteboy_24cyp) please check
20:51| (pg-)**** link to more gay porn.
20:52| (pg-) am uk ballpumper
20:52| (pg-) no face pics
20:52| (pg-) tho sorry
20:52| (cuteboy_24cyp) no prob
20:52| (cuteboy_24cyp) whats with the jar?
20:53| (pg-) its a fetish thing :<
20:53| (pg-) the first guy i got with
20:53| (pg-) got me into it
20:53| (cuteboy_24cyp) and it makes your sac big?
20:54| (pg-) yes
20:54| (cuteboy_24cyp) not bad for you?
20:54| (pg-) doesnt happen at first
20:54| (pg-) u got to practice
20:54| (pg-) noooo
20:54| (pg-) it feels great
20:55| (cuteboy_24cyp) really?
20:55| (cuteboy_24cyp) how?
20:55| (pg-) like everyone is doin it now
20:55| (pg-) its amazing
20:55| (pg-) well coz of the size and the fact
20:55| (pg-) its so tender
20:55| (cuteboy_24cyp) ok
20:55| (pg-) its wow
20:56| (cuteboy_24cyp) does it stay like that forever?
20:56| (pg-) ha
20:56| (pg-) no
20:56| (pg-) it goes down after afew
20:56| (pg-) hours
20:57| (pg-) but everytime u do it
20:57| (cuteboy_24cyp) oh ok
20:57| (pg-) it gets biiger
20:57| (cuteboy_24cyp) cool
20:57| (cuteboy_24cyp) was good chatting to you
20:57| (pg-) yeah
20:57| (cuteboy_24cyp) ;-)
20:57| (pg-) i better go
20:57| (cuteboy_24cyp) You gonna spank the monkey now?
20:57| (cuteboy_24cyp) ;-)
20:57| (cuteboy_24cyp) Enjoy
20:58| (cuteboy_24cyp) cheers
20:58| (pg-) i have a jar, a cat and some jam waiting for me
20:58| (cuteboy_24cyp) ;-)
20:58| (cuteboy_24cyp) enjoy

if anyone wants the links i sent him. message me LOLZ
my first gay experience online, i hope to have more
5700 Hits
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