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Tim Willits Grilled by The Metro (223 comments)
Posted by ini @ 01:21 CDT, 22 June 2016 - iMsg
Nine days ago Tim Willits walked out onto the Bethesda E3 show stage to formerly announce Quake Champions. However, details were light and questions remained unanswered.

Enter free British tabloid newspaper the Metro's GameCentral. In this interview Tim Willits is caught off guard when the interviewer begins with a complaint and starts to spills the beans on the beginnings of project "Lovecraft" and the design of Quake Champions.

Read the interview here for more hard hitting questions such as:

GC: You’re bringing back such memories for me now. I knew this guy that always got his girlfriend to time when they respawned. And they all used to… I can’t remember exactly what they were doing but they turned all the textures off or something, to make sure it was always 60fps?

TW: [laughs] It was called flat-shaded. It normalised the textures to a single colour.
72245 Hits
Why do you subscribe to QuakeLive? (37 comments)
Posted by ini @ 21:08 CDT, 7 April 2012 - iMsg
To Access Premium Content: 30% (79)

To Support Quake: 29% (77)

To Spawn Servers: 16% (44)

I Never Subscribed: 10% (28)

To Remove Adverts: 9.3% (25)

I'm Unsubscribing: 5.6% (15)

Following on from this thread by Memento_Mori, please try to stick to the main reason you subscribe (So if you'd subscribe to support Quake even without server spawning and premium content just choose 'to support Quake').

Elaboration is much appreciated.
31275 Hits
Would you pay a subscription for QL? (241 comments)
Posted by ini @ 12:52 CDT, 10 July 2010 - iMsg
No: 57% (181)

Yes: 43% (139)

Would you pay a subscription for QL?
95749 Hits
LMAO@ARGENTINA (100 comments)
Posted by ini @ 10:59 CDT, 3 July 2010 - iMsg
15659 Hits
UK Elections (268 comments)
Posted by ini @ 18:37 CDT, 29 March 2010 - iMsg

Neat little site.
59667 Hits
Posted by ini @ 16:38 CDT, 16 March 2010 - iMsg
5320 Hits
Which would you Spectate? (141 comments)
Posted by ini @ 18:07 CST, 27 January 2010 - iMsg
Duel: 44% (212)

Team Deathmatch: 28% (136)

Capture the Flag: 24% (114)

Clan Arena: 3.8% (18)

Which of the these game modes would you spectate!?
76485 Hits
Bioshock 2 (68 comments)
Posted by ini @ 14:47 CST, 20 January 2010 - iMsg
Initial installation requires one-time internet connection; Ability to save game, earn achievements, receive title updates and online play requires log-in to Games for Windows LIVE; software installations required including Microsoft Visual C++2008 Runtime Libraries, Games for Windows LIVE client, Games for Windows LIVE Client Patch, Sony DADC SecuROM, Microsoft DirectX.

Steam buyers will have to be logged in to Valve's service, wait for BioShock 2 to unlock, undergo SecuRom activation (and install limits too, most likely), then log in to Games For Windows Live once the game has loaded, and then use it exclusively for multiplayer. With all multiplayer GFWL setups being less than great to date, I have to say that my pessimism for BioShock 2's multiplayer mode has just gone up a notch.
Why even bother making a PC version if they hate PC so much?

2K’s robolady Elizabeth:

Over the past two days, I’ve fielded a lot of questions and concerns about the DRM for both the retail and digital versions of BioShock 2. Because of this feedback, we are scaling back BioShock 2’s DRM.

There will be no SecuROM install limits for either the retail or digital editions of BioShock 2, and SecuROM will be used only to verify the game’s executable and check the date. Beyond that, we are only using standard Games for Windows Live non-SSA guidelines, which, per Microsoft, comes with 15 activations (after that, you can reset them with a call to Microsoft.)

What does that mean for your gameplay experience? This means that BioShock 2’s new DRM is now similar to many popular games you advised had better DRM through both digital and retail channels. Many of you have used Batman: Arkham Asylum as an example to me, which uses the exact same Games for Windows Live guidelines as us as well as SecuROM on retail discs, and now our SecuROM is less restrictive on Steam.

I know that the variables of PC gaming can be frustrating and confusing, and when you say there is a problem, we listen, and use your suggestions to make things better. Feedback like this does not go unheard, and while this might not be the ideal protection for everyone, we will continue to listen and work with you in the future when formulating our DRM plans.
Edited by iNkind at 07:18 CST, 26 January 2010 - 9103 Hits
Spawns & Timelimit (168 comments)
Posted by ini @ 11:16 CST, 21 December 2009 - iMsg
15 minutes: 48% (123)

10 minutes: 39% (100)

Hoony Mode: 13% (32)

Edited by iNkind at 11:18 CST, 21 December 2009 - 65067 Hits
BF Heroes (9 comments)
Posted by ini @ 05:28 CST, 2 December 2009 - iMsg

Interesting how the guy spent $20 on the game, seems EA put more thought into Heroes than id did with QL
2378 Hits
Nations Cup Choices...! (30 comments)
Posted by ini @ 18:00 CST, 29 November 2009 - iMsg
TDM: 61% (131)

CTF: 32% (69)

CA: 7.4% (16)

What Nations Cup would you like to take part in?

Requested by PerpetualWar (icb)
Edited by iNkind at 18:06 CST, 29 November 2009 - 32469 Hits
Looking for "Frag Off" Frag Movie (2 comments)
Posted by ini @ 12:20 CDT, 4 July 2009 - iMsg
Back in the day I had a frag movie called Frag Off (I think), I believe it was made by a Russian and had loads of top players in it.

Terrible config (vertex light in some places) and the credits had White Rabbit playing.

I can't seem to find it now though...
4394 Hits
Arsenal vs Manchester United (5 comments)
Posted by ini @ 08:08 CDT, 3 May 2009 - iMsg
Loser:Arsenal, Odds: 29% (3.3:1)
Bets placed: E$27711, betting open: 09:06 CDT 3 May 2009 to 13:45 CDT 5 May 2009

Winner:Manchester United, Odds: 70% (1.4:1)
Bets placed: E$65917, betting open: 09:06 CDT 3 May 2009 to 13:45 CDT 5 May 2009

Second leg, 0-1 to Manchester United on aggregate.
Edited by iniiiiiiii at 13:39 CDT, 3 May 2009 - 5570 Hits
Manchester United vs Arsenal (9 comments)
Posted by ini @ 16:15 CDT, 28 April 2009 - iMsg
Winner:Manchester United, Odds: 67% (1.4:1)
Bets placed: E$57972, betting open: 17:13 CDT 28 Apr 2009 to 16:00 CDT 29 Apr 2009

Loser:Arsenal, Odds: 32% (3.1:1)
Bets placed: E$24659, betting open: 17:13 CDT 28 Apr 2009 to 16:00 CDT 29 Apr 2009

The big one.
12392 Hits
50p tax rate on earnings over £150,000 (111 comments)
Posted by ini @ 07:40 CDT, 24 April 2009 - iMsg
I found this BBC Article rather interesting and was wondering what other people thought about the opinions expressed by these people.

Currently 1% (I read earlier, doubt it would be much higher if it is wrong) of the UKs population earn over £150,000.

Only David from Burntwood has a potentially valid point but I'm sure there is a way around that if it truely is to be invested into his company (If not, it's a bit of an oversight from the government as surely investment into business is good for the economy?).

The other three are just in it for themselves, the Swede has already skipped Sweden so I say, good luck in Jordan Jonny.

Fretting over £300 a month when you earn over £150,000 is simply ridiculous, even when you take into account the fact his wife doesn't work he's still earning way more than the majority of people.
I used to believe that if I worked hard then I would reap rewards but after the Budget, I just think why bother? It seems to me that the harder you work, the higher you earn and the higher you get taxed.
You know what, he's right? Why bother, it's not like he's in the 1% of top earners in the country and earns way more in one year than some people can manage in ten years. Is the sole reason he works hard really just for more money?

He goes on to say he doesn't mind being taxed just he doesn't think it's being spent wisely. Yeah, great reason to skip the country to a lower taxed country (Oh, wait).
17261 Hits
Powerups (6 comments)
Posted by ini @ 16:21 CDT, 14 April 2009 - iMsg
Was just thinking of some ways to spice team modes up a bit and thought about powerups affecting the whole team instead of just one person (You could still have individual ones too of course).

Your team:
- Double Damage/Speed/Protection
- Regeneration of ammo/armour/health
- Team Invisibility

Opposing team:
- Half Damage/Speed/Protection
- Degenerating ammo/armour/health
- Team Visibility (Aura based glow, like quad or maybe even wallhack style)

Nothing special so far but there's scope for more I guess.
Ideas for other powerups (non-team based too!)?
2134 Hits
Open Source Wolf3D for iPhone/iPod Touch (11 comments)
Posted by ini @ 09:12 CDT, 24 March 2009 - iMsg
John Carmack has released an Open Source port of Wolfenstein 3D for the iPhone and iPod Touch.

What started off as looking at various iPone projects and then proof of concept ideas eventually led Carmack to take a look at the Wolfenstein 3D Redux project which inspired him to take it further.

The game was still fun to play after all these years, and I began to think that it might be worthwhile to actually make a product out of Wolfenstein on the iPhone, rather than just using it as a testbed, assuming the controls worked out as fun to play. The simple episodic nature of the game would make it easy to split up into a $0.99 version with just the first episode, a more expensive version with all sixty levels, and we could release Spear of Destiny if there was additional demand. I was getting a little ahead of myself without a fun-to-play demonstration of feasibility on the iPhone, but the idea of moving the entire line of classic Id titles over -- Wolf, Doom, Quake, Quake 2, and Quake Arena, was starting to sound like a real good idea.

Wolf3D is now available on the AppStore for a small fee and you can download the sourcecode for free here!.

Source: id Software
Edited by svalur at 10:39 CDT, 26 March 2009 - 4990 Hits
Custom PC eSports Article (82 comments)
Posted by ini @ 07:51 CDT, 23 March 2009 - iMsg
In Issue 068 (May 2009) of British Magazine Custom PC Stuart Andrews has written an article on the present situation in eSports and looks into what the future might hold.
Still, at least eSports holds sufficient number of competitions to satisfy gamers. But is there enough money? Some evidence would suggest that there isn't. Between 2000 and 2002, the likes of the Fatal1ty might have scooped $65,000 or more in winnings. In 2005, he won $150,000 for the CPL World Tour Championship. By contrast, last year's most successful player, Alexey "Cyph3r" Yushanevsky, is estimated to have won between $20,000 and $30,000. Is professional gaming still a route to riches, or is it on a steady downhill slope?
The article covers several topics including eSports organisations, management, PC versus consoles and what it takes to go pro. Organisations such as the ESL, ESWC, UKeSA, and WCG are discussed along with the demise of the CGS, CPL, WSVG and

The article also includes interviews with:
- United KingdomQuadV Paul "RedEye" Chaloner - QuadV Owner & Commentator
- United KingdomFourKings Ian "Javax" Leckey - 4kings General Manager
- United KingdomFourKings Jack "Callisto" Mason - 4kings CS:S Player
- United Kingdomdignitas v1 by Xeon Michael "ODEE" O'Dell - Dignitas Managing Director
- United Kingdomdignitas v1 by Xeon David "Zaccubus" Treacy - Dignitas Death Match Player
- United Kingdom Ray Mia - UKeSA Chairman

The magazine costs £4.50 in the United Kingdom. For thouse of you outside of the UK you'll have to rely on other means to read the article.

Source: Custom PC Magazine
Edited by svalur at 11:26 CDT, 23 March 2009 - 16137 Hits
Blizzard Reveal New (1 comment)
Posted by ini @ 05:16 CDT, 20 March 2009 - iMsg
Upon visiting Blizzards today visitors will be greeted with the news of the all new Centralised Account.

The new Centralised Account System allows you to unify all your existing and future Blizzard game accounts, including multiple World of Warcraft accounts.
What are the benefits of creating and using a Account?
The new Account allows you to log in to World of Warcraft, manage purchases at the online Blizzard Store, keep track of CD keys for your Blizzard Entertainment games, access our websites (such as the World of Warcraft Armory), opt in to upcoming beta tests, and more using a single login -- just your email address and a password. In the future, we plan to add more features, including tools to make it easier for friends to communicate between games and to help bring our community of players closer together.
Blizzard plan on making the system mandatory for WoW and all future Blizzard releases but for now the system is entirely optional. As Blizzard builds additional functionality to the system however all WoW players will need to migrate in order to continue playing.

Being built from the ground up as a new system for WoW and future Blizzard releases means that it is incompatible with Diablo II, Starcraft and Warcraft III. In order to play these games you must login with your original account which has been renamed Classic.

Edited by svalur at 05:16 CDT, 20 March 2009 - 1625 Hits
British Based Q3 CTF League Finished? (40 comments)
Posted by ini @ 09:55 CDT, 17 September 2008 - iMsg
After 27 seasons of flag capturing fun, we may have heard the last buzzer and seen the last flag capture of the Barrysworld/Jolt Q3CTFL.

On June 18th 2008 OMAC Industries acquired Jolt Online Gaming. The Dublin based company plan to turn Jolt into the hub of their browser based games service. Sadly this will see the servers that were so vital to the long running success of the league re-allocated to other areas.

This wouldn't be the first time the league has been left without a home, as when Barrysworld finally closed down the league was left without a home too. However, with Bigfoot at the helm he was able to secure servers with Jolt but this time the league is to receive another blow as Head Admin, and League/Match Reviewer Bigfoot is moving on and abroad to take up new challenges.

This leaves the admin team to find a new home for the league as well as the time and resources to continue running the league.

Source: Jolt
Edited by Badb0y at 23:15 CDT, 18 September 2008 - 12000 Hits
ASUS Summer Open 2008 - Team Spirit (24 comments)
Posted by ini @ 10:46 CDT, 5 August 2008 - iMsg
Scheduled: 03:00 CDT, 23 August 2008 to 11:00 CDT, 31 August 2008
Schedule: Passed

The information for this years ASUS Summer has been released (A couple of weeks ago!) and for all you team game fans it's good news.

On the 23-24 and 30-31 August in Moscow, Russia the best CIS teams will battle it out for 1,000,000 Roubles (~US$43,000).

Qualifiers for the Masters tournament will be held around 20-22 August in CIS nations and in the biggest Russian cities.

Gaming Disciplines:

Source: /
Edited by Nicky at 11:20 CDT, 5 August 2008 - 12140 Hits
Blue (111 comments)
Posted by ini @ 22:07 CST, 10 February 2007 - iMsg
Is obviously the best colour.

35398 Hits
CPL chooses CPMA VQ3! (508 comments)
Posted by ini @ 14:10 CDT, 26 July 2006 - iMsg
The CPL announced today that it will feature the Challenge ProMode Arena (CPMA) with VQ3 gameplay, during the Quake 3 tournaments of the 2006 World Season. CPMA includes such features as MultiView demos, improved netcode and improved gameplay physics.

The CPL has established an ongoing relationship with the CPMA developers, to maintain constant support and add additional enhancements deemed necessary by the league and its competitors.
"We are happy that CPL is providing the best possible environment for Quake 3 competitions. Aside from the immediate benefits to the players thanks to CPMA's advanced featureset, we'll be improving the spectator experience by adding VQ3 support to our MultiView GTV and demo technology," said Kevin Blenkinsopp ("arQon") project lead for CPMA.

The CPL World Season will culminate at the 2006 Championship Finals, which will take place Wednesday, December 13 to Sunday, December 17, 2006 at the landmark Hyatt Regency hotel in downtown Dallas.

Online registration for the finals will launch August 1st and will offer only 128 spots for the Quake 3 tournament. The $30 registration fee will also include a BYOC spot. The top 32 finalists will share a total purse of $50,000.

Edited by Levi240 at 14:41 CDT, 26 July 2006 - 341315 Hits
England (32 comments)
Posted by ini @ 10:24 CDT, 3 June 2006 - iMsg
Post your England squad or whatever!


1. P. Robinson
2. G. Neville
3. J. Terry
4. S. Campbell
5. A. Cole
6. A. Lennon
7. S. Gerrard (c)
8. F. Lampard
9. J. Cole
10. T. Walcott/W. Rooney
11. P. Crouch

If Owen/Beckham play crap then they get in the way of everyone else. Lennon can run at people and deliver it to the strikers feet in the box. Owen doesn't have the pace/striking ability he had back in 98 and every team knows how to stop his game anyway. Campbell and Terry over Ferdinand as they are great from set pieces and in the air.

This setup has two players who can run and cause problems for the defence from both sides of the pitch, a central midfield which is effective from outside the box and can play a tight defensive game if need be.
Edited by ini at 11:31 CDT, 3 June 2006 - 5822 Hits
Devastating News! (28 comments)
Posted by ini @ 06:02 CST, 24 February 2006 - iMsg
Potential hose pipe ban in South East UK!
6338 Hits
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