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Mid game Kareoke (No comments)
Posted by Cursive @ 13:58 CDT, 25 July 2006 - iMsg
This is FB.Ghrog, next to him is FB.Kashll from the Furious Brothers CTF team that took 2nd at the LAN in CTF. They probably could have had a 1st place finish, but in the middle of the tiebreaker map Ghrog cracked under the pressure and grabbed his Kasey Kasem mic and started screeching WELCOME TO THE JUNGLE at the top of his lungs across the LAN center. I'm pretty sure the heat got to him.
Edited by Cursive at 10:45 CDT, 25 July 2006 - 3883 Hits
An interesting creature (No comments)
Posted by Cursive @ 13:58 CDT, 25 July 2006 - iMsg
As you can see here our photographers were able to catch of a picture of the rare "Gamerous Nocturnous" outside of his normal habitat that is usually the basement of his parents and or other crypt-like inclosure. We snuck up on the poor little fellow and startled him. We were worried about the lighting in this one, but fortunately his pastey white coat reflected enough light as to not need a flash.

This particular species goes by the name Eli Somera, and was surprised not only by the photography sniping, but also with Dawgpound's difficulties in getting his headphones on correctly.
Edited by Cursive at 10:45 CDT, 25 July 2006 - 4059 Hits
Rhythm is a Dancer (No comments)
Posted by Cursive @ 13:58 CDT, 25 July 2006 - iMsg
Apparently things went very wrong for Rhythm while setting up his pc. His WOLFCLAW keyboard apparently turned on him and mauled him shortly after connecting it to the USB socket on his pc. This is an after picture showing that he barely escaped alive, rather buffudled and ajar, but without the loss of his precious WASD fingers. Luckily [MTX]Milkman was able to subdue the beast with his hypnotic eye-beams from behind. Icosis who is sitting to Rhythm's right didn't even notice the commotion, as he is currently trying to kick the field goal on ESR's website to win a playstation 3.
Edited by Cursive at 10:45 CDT, 25 July 2006 - 3824 Hits
On loan from NASA (No comments)
Posted by Cursive @ 13:58 CDT, 25 July 2006 - iMsg
I'm pretty sure this computer is currently being used to calculate the amount of chinese food, in pounds x6.GiMiX can eat without losing consciousness.
Edited by Cursive at 10:45 CDT, 25 July 2006 - 3496 Hits
Here, have another space case picture (No comments)
Posted by Cursive @ 13:58 CDT, 25 July 2006 - iMsg
Here's the same retarded looking ultra case 5 million. It cost 47 thousand dollars to make, and is a prototype developed by NASA, Ferrari, Colonel Sanders, Oprah, and 3 kids who play Paladins in World of Warcraft. It also does not impress women. Ever.
Edited by Cursive at 10:45 CDT, 25 July 2006 - 3403 Hits
Rubbin it raw (No comments)
Posted by Cursive @ 13:58 CDT, 25 July 2006 - iMsg
pure.zyphen is definately getting his 20 bucks out of this mouse pad. Apparently he was scraping his mouse across the worn surface in pain due to the fact that he suddenly sneezed three fingers. He needs to get some lotion on that pad, stat, it's lookin ashier than Elix in the desert.

(Those of which actually belong to pure.alias)
Edited by Cursive at 10:45 CDT, 25 July 2006 - 3896 Hits
This is my pimp slouch. (No comments)
Posted by Cursive @ 13:58 CDT, 25 July 2006 - iMsg
FB.Ender, the head organizer for the LAN shows us that hats can make your scholiosis seem much less severe. Who needs a relatively straight spine when you can have an orange hat? Icosis in the back left corner is reacting to a recent announcement by Ender that they are indeed out of pudding, while FB.Doors gives us the red headed step child death stare, and Moyer hides in the picture, hoping that no one will notice his Where's Waldo shirt and pick on him.
Edited by Cursive at 10:45 CDT, 25 July 2006 - 4044 Hits
Where's Moyer (2 comments)
Posted by Cursive @ 13:58 CDT, 25 July 2006 - iMsg
FOUND HIM. Glad he wore that shirt. Seriously though Moyer is the single most entertaining player to listen on voice to when he's yelling at his teammates. He's the driving force behind MTX and was quoted with such poetic direction mid game as "Eli if you want this god damn shield you better get your ass over here right now. I'm standing 3 feet from the shield looking up towards the 50 armor and i have 75 health and an assault rifle, the link gun, a rocket launcher, and my pants are sticking to me in this heat. I would greatly appreciate it if you would promptly come down to this shield area and take this armor that has spawned, as I do not require it at this time." By the time Moyer had finished this sentence, he had of course, died 7 times. I think it's clan policy that only he gets to talk on voice.
Edited by Cursive at 10:45 CDT, 25 July 2006 - 4463 Hits
Pimpin in Purple (1 comment)
Posted by Cursive @ 13:58 CDT, 25 July 2006 - iMsg
Lavak3 browses his favorite midget porn site while flexing his bling bling watch, as he gets his mind ready for his 1v1 Kareoke fight with FB.Ghrog later, which he brought his mic for. Lavak3 knew coming in to the event that Ghrog's strength was Guns N Roses, to which he had been working to develop a counter punch, consisting of a Bon Jovi "Livin on a Prayer" and Chamillionaire's "Ridin Dirty" combination. Apparently when you mix the two you get Celine Dion. Who knew?
Edited by Cursive at 10:45 CDT, 25 July 2006 - 5476 Hits
MORTAL KOMBAT!!!! (No comments)
Posted by Cursive @ 13:58 CDT, 25 July 2006 - iMsg
Oh sweet sweet arcade bliss. After a day or so of hassling the organizers, they put the Ultimate Mortal Kombat 3 machine on freeplay, to which many of us spent quite a bit of time smashing buttons in frustration as we took a break from smashing our mice in frustration playing on the struggling center-provided PCs. FB.Expunge was the hero as he finally beat Shao Khan after fighting him for about 2 hours straight. He promptly got whooped by my Sub Zero style immediately afterwards.
Edited by Cursive at 10:45 CDT, 25 July 2006 - 3699 Hits
The Wolf at Bay (No comments)
Posted by Cursive @ 13:58 CDT, 25 July 2006 - iMsg
pure.Rhythm was finally able calm down his WOLFCLAW keyboard with a dried country ham, salted peanuts, and burbon whiskey; which I later made in to a tastey patee. Rhythm is from New Mexico, where apparently they don't allow socks or shoes to be worn at any time.
Edited by Cursive at 10:45 CDT, 25 July 2006 - 3918 Hits
No scientology here! (No comments)
Posted by Cursive @ 13:58 CDT, 25 July 2006 - iMsg
Do you know the history of psychology? Well Tom Cruise does, but thankfully MTX.Milkman does not, as he only resembles the absofuckinglutely insane couch jumping actor. Milk was one of the coolest guys at the lan, and really made the best of the event, although somehow he managed to take an entire posse of people to the wrong damn hotel at like 1am. Somehow, after walking with me to my hotel to deliver some "cough" party goods, he was unable to remember the name of the Hotel, it's location, or the general direction in which one was to travel in order to arrive at it, as he proceeded to take the party of travelers destined for it to Sheriton instead. Hopefully the next LAN event he's at they'll have a GPS as a doorprize.
Edited by Cursive at 10:45 CDT, 25 July 2006 - 3936 Hits
I don't need no stinking chair. (No comments)
Posted by Cursive @ 13:58 CDT, 25 July 2006 - iMsg
Zyphen isn't japanese. Hell, he's not even eating asian food, but that doesn't mean he can't enjoy a nice meal indian style on the floor. Something about the hard wood and the lingering odor of Rhythm's feet in the background that really helps the digestive system.
Edited by Cursive at 10:45 CDT, 25 July 2006 - 3818 Hits
Shocked (No comments)
Posted by Cursive @ 13:58 CDT, 25 July 2006 - iMsg
Jimmy (who plays online for the decepticons and played at the lan for FB in CTF) is apparently in shock and awe as he has defeated Eli Somera in a contest to see which of them could place their own ankle directly in to their anus. As you can see Jimmy's has long since disappeared, while Eli is checking his sock for the proper lubrication before returning to the competition.
Edited by Cursive at 10:45 CDT, 25 July 2006 - 4231 Hits
How do I shot web? (No comments)
Posted by Cursive @ 13:58 CDT, 25 July 2006 - iMsg
FB.Ghrog stares in befuddlement as he does not understand why mashing the RUN button over and over as hard as he can hit it will not shoot Smoke's spear.
Edited by Cursive at 10:45 CDT, 25 July 2006 - 3626 Hits
Hanson Hair (No comments)
Posted by Cursive @ 13:58 CDT, 25 July 2006 - iMsg
This is FB.Maddeh, or rather, it's the back of his head and his perfectly conditioned flowing mane of verility. He uses 7 different conditioners made from flower extract, exotic oils, moisturizing agents, and the blood of albino Rhinos in order to get this level of shine and body. It's worth it to look this lovely. Ender is also pictured, staring dreamily at our young photographer, obviously smitten.
Edited by Cursive at 10:45 CDT, 25 July 2006 - 3571 Hits
Why does my neck hurt? (No comments)
Posted by Cursive @ 13:58 CDT, 25 July 2006 - iMsg
I know we've seen some pretty funnny playing styles from our Russian friends at Quake, but check out ArC from the CTF champions Horizon, who plays with his keyboard almost completely verticle and his mousepad sideways, facing the monitor from an angle. My current diagnosys attributes this to an inner ear problem, as ArC is constantly leaning to the left, and the only prescription is more cowbell.
Edited by Cursive at 10:45 CDT, 25 July 2006 - 3539 Hits
I can't seem to stop twitching (No comments)
Posted by Cursive @ 13:58 CDT, 25 July 2006 - iMsg
No one knows why Milman was constantly jittering and twitching like a rat on methanphetamines, but I bet it has nothing to do with the array of empty containers on his desk. Nothing whatsoever.
Edited by Cursive at 10:45 CDT, 25 July 2006 - 3575 Hits
Polska! (No comments)
Posted by Cursive @ 13:58 CDT, 25 July 2006 - iMsg
I took this picture to show of Milkman's Polish soccer jersey, which I liked. This was the last picture I was allowed, as the sugar and guarana content from all the sodas and redbull put Milkman in a diabetic coma for the rest of the LAN almost immediately.
Edited by Cursive at 10:45 CDT, 25 July 2006 - 3596 Hits
Thinking Man (No comments)
Posted by Cursive @ 13:58 CDT, 25 July 2006 - iMsg
Moyer ponders the greater meanings of the universe, such as: "Do I really need this mega huge mousepad in order to download the latest episode of Gilmore Girls? Does watching a femanine dramedy series make me less of a man? Why do I like crossing my legs so much?"
Edited by Cursive at 10:45 CDT, 25 July 2006 - 3705 Hits
This Fan's for You (No comments)
Posted by Cursive @ 13:58 CDT, 25 July 2006 - iMsg
This fan was brought in like the 2nd day of the LAN or so, and was able to, in all it's glory, drop the temperature about 5 degrees... as long as you were in 3 inches of this god damn worthless PIECE OF SHIT, FUCKING GOD IT WAS SO FUCKING HOTTTTTT; HULK ANGRYYYYYYYYYYYYYYY.

Seriously let's have the next one in winter. =|
Edited by Cursive at 10:45 CDT, 25 July 2006 - 3417 Hits
Coke Machine? (No comments)
Posted by Cursive @ 13:58 CDT, 25 July 2006 - iMsg
More like BROKE MACHINE. We hacked our way in to it and used it for cold storage however, which made it at least marginally useful, more so than your average broken coke machine on the SURFACE OF THE FUCKING SUN.
Edited by Cursive at 10:45 CDT, 25 July 2006 - 3477 Hits
The Center (No comments)
Posted by Cursive @ 13:58 CDT, 25 July 2006 - iMsg
This is where the magic happened and the babies were made. Lots of fun, and random ass flags and shit all around.
Edited by Cursive at 10:45 CDT, 25 July 2006 - 3543 Hits
Interesting Position (No comments)
Posted by Cursive @ 13:58 CDT, 25 July 2006 - iMsg
This is how Zyphen plays UT, folded up nicely in to his chair, child molest mustache flaring, mousepad rubbing, smiling gleefully as he learns how the translocator works. Zyphen had some huge games down the line in the battle for the losers bracket finals, and was a big part of pure's success in getting 2nd at the LAN in TDM.
Edited by Cursive at 10:45 CDT, 25 July 2006 - 3863 Hits
My Shirt Don't Fit DAAAAWG (2 comments)
Posted by Cursive @ 13:58 CDT, 25 July 2006 - iMsg
Lavak3 shows us that it is perfectly acceptable for a young man to wear a shirt that doubles as a dress, as long as his Gangsta Glare is strong enough to ward off any concerns of cross dressing tendencies.
Edited by Cursive at 10:45 CDT, 25 July 2006 - 5171 Hits
Amp and Lavak (No comments)
Posted by Cursive @ 13:58 CDT, 25 July 2006 - iMsg
Amp and Lavak from Horizon are pictured here in what is certainly one of the worst pictures i've ever taken. Lavak is very tired or blinded by the reflection of the light off his chain. One or the other. You decide.
Edited by Cursive at 10:45 CDT, 25 July 2006 - 4303 Hits
Watching FB.Too (No comments)
Posted by Cursive @ 13:58 CDT, 25 July 2006 - iMsg
Dawgound and Milkman watch as FB.Too (FB's 2nd team) plays their CTF match vs Pure. The FB flag is currently out of the base, and Maddeh thinks that it may indeed be in his crotch, so he's going to check that as a first priority.
Edited by Cursive at 10:45 CDT, 25 July 2006 - 3618 Hits
How this camera thing work? (No comments)
Posted by Cursive @ 13:58 CDT, 25 July 2006 - iMsg
Eli Somera, Ghrog, and Jimmy from FB's primary team would have probably looked rather cute in this picture if the photographer didn't have an obvious case of Red Bull induced tremors.
Edited by Cursive at 10:45 CDT, 25 July 2006 - 3750 Hits
Milk is Bored (No comments)
Posted by Cursive @ 13:58 CDT, 25 July 2006 - iMsg
With the caffiene wearing off, Milkman is a sweepy panda who is ready to take a wittle forest nap, or die of pancreatic shock.
Edited by Cursive at 10:45 CDT, 25 July 2006 - 3889 Hits
Hey Ender, take off your hat. (2 comments)
Posted by Cursive @ 13:58 CDT, 25 July 2006 - iMsg
Put it back on! Put it back on! Jesus it's like someone rubbed a lion with a balloon. Apparently his brother Maddeh took all the hair genes in the family, and is also not sharing his $300 a bottle conditioner.
Edited by Cursive at 10:45 CDT, 25 July 2006 - 4633 Hits
Yo Yo Yo Ladies Dis is Ender on Da Radio (No comments)
Posted by Cursive @ 13:58 CDT, 25 July 2006 - iMsg
Left to right: Ender shoutcasting, and by shoutcasting I believe I mean he was reciting 50 cent's "In Da Club" as ArC sits on the ground wondering when he'll shut up about partying like it's his birthday. Moyer is asleep standing up, Milkman is trying desperately to produce more insulin and the side of that head belongs to Enderz, not to be confused with Ender, or MTX.Ender, or the 3 other people named Ender at the LAN who apparently thought they were coming to Enderfest 2006. GET AN ORIGINAL NAME FFS.
Edited by Cursive at 10:45 CDT, 25 July 2006 - 3769 Hits
Interview with a Vampire (No comments)
Posted by Cursive @ 13:58 CDT, 25 July 2006 - iMsg
Kashll is seen here interviewing with Ender after losing to Horizon in the CTF Finals. Ender is posing the question of if it's possible that Horizon cheated by using natural sunlight reflected in to the LAN center to incapacitate him.
Edited by Cursive at 10:45 CDT, 25 July 2006 - 3569 Hits
Me and My Camera (No comments)
Posted by Cursive @ 13:58 CDT, 25 July 2006 - iMsg
Are not good at this picture game. This one is all goofed up and blurry. I needz dem lessons.
Edited by Cursive at 10:45 CDT, 25 July 2006 - 3679 Hits
Horizon post game (2 comments)
Posted by Cursive @ 13:58 CDT, 25 July 2006 - iMsg
Amp, Havoc, Lavak3, and ArC hang out outside the LAN center after having just won the 5v5 CTF tourney, and apparently stealing more of those god damn street crossing flags.
Edited by Cursive at 10:45 CDT, 25 July 2006 - 5414 Hits
Amp has the flag! (No comments)
Posted by Cursive @ 13:58 CDT, 25 July 2006 - iMsg
A fitting picture, as Amp was one of the driving forces behind the offense that gave Horizon the victory in CTF. The hole in the middle has some sort of function, which I think we figured out, keep going to find out!
Edited by Cursive at 10:45 CDT, 25 July 2006 - 3742 Hits
Glory Hole! (No comments)
Posted by Cursive @ 13:58 CDT, 25 July 2006 - iMsg
Lavak3's research in to the origin and purpose of the hole in the flag has been completed, and he has concluded that it's actually a glory hole, for a little man action. He invites Amp to try it out.
Edited by Cursive at 10:45 CDT, 25 July 2006 - 3814 Hits
Lavak3 Experiments (No comments)
Posted by Cursive @ 13:58 CDT, 25 July 2006 - iMsg
Lavak3 it hot on the trail of the purpose of the street crossing flags and their possible uses, I think he's close to figuring it out!
Edited by Cursive at 10:45 CDT, 25 July 2006 - 7408 Hits
Proper Usage (No comments)
Posted by Cursive @ 13:58 CDT, 25 July 2006 - iMsg
After a test run, Amp feels necessary to give instructions on how to operate said glory hole flag. Insert phallus in to here, as he notes, then approach other people hopeful of receiving man pleasure. I did not stick around for further testing.
Edited by Cursive at 10:45 CDT, 25 July 2006 - 3572 Hits
Where the hell is my Shampoo? (No comments)
Posted by Cursive @ 13:58 CDT, 25 July 2006 - iMsg
Maddeh is livid and desperate to find who could have snagged his toiletries as it is time for his 2pm "Leave in conditioner" spritz.
Edited by Cursive at 10:45 CDT, 25 July 2006 - 3939 Hits
Wrapping up (No comments)
Posted by Cursive @ 13:58 CDT, 25 July 2006 - iMsg
Ghrog, Moyer, Milkman, MTX.Ender, and Zyphen chill outside for team pictures after competion is over. I didn't get many team pics because we were busy packing for the airport at the same time
Edited by Cursive at 10:45 CDT, 25 July 2006 - 3799 Hits
Get the hell out! (No comments)
Posted by Cursive @ 13:58 CDT, 25 July 2006 - iMsg
Maddeh, probably provoked by the loss of his hair products, tells Expunge that they simply don't tolerate fashion crimes such as white shoes with white socks and a white long sleeve shirt with khaki shorts. Next time come with color or don't come at all, BITCH.

Also pictured; FB.Deezee, FB.Doors, and Ender at the end.
Edited by Cursive at 10:45 CDT, 25 July 2006 - 3682 Hits
Oooh me so horny (2 comments)
Posted by Cursive @ 13:58 CDT, 25 July 2006 - iMsg
A nice nipple tweak from Maddeh gets Ender's blood going as Moyer watches in Voyeuristic bliss. This picture is so fucked up on so many levels, i'm just going to stop talking about it and pretend it didn't happen, starting now.
Edited by Cursive at 10:45 CDT, 25 July 2006 - 4732 Hits
Nice footwear! (No comments)
Posted by Cursive @ 13:58 CDT, 25 July 2006 - iMsg
A camera going off by accident provides us with a look at FB.Too's footwear choices.
Edited by Cursive at 10:45 CDT, 25 July 2006 - 3667 Hits
Kaching! (No comments)
Posted by Cursive @ 13:58 CDT, 25 July 2006 - iMsg
Wow, imagine that, an event, a LAN no less, that actually writes you a fucking check after you win a tournament. CAN YOU BELIEVE THAT? I certainly can't. This must be some kind of crazy dreamworld where companies PAY GAMERS WHEN THEY WIN A TOURNAMENT WITH PRIZE MONEY.

Edited by Cursive at 10:45 CDT, 25 July 2006 - 3676 Hits
Sorry about your steering wheel (No comments)
Posted by Cursive @ 13:58 CDT, 25 July 2006 - iMsg
So there's a great story with this picture.

It's 2pm, time for us to go the the airport, since our flight leaves in an hour or so, so my brother and I pile in to Maddeh's truck, pack up all our stuff, and we're ready to go when suddenly the truck won't crank, for no reason whatsoever. Apparently the starter is fucked, but either way, we can't get the truck started. So like any brother, Maddeh takes little brother's car instead, which of course, has exactly .00000001 Gallons of gas in it, so we have to stop for gas. We stop for gas at some random Exxon in Utah, which is currently being run by what i'm sure is a weekend tranny named Magnolia who is actually a dude with a leopard print collar on top his Exxon uniform. We get our gas, get freaked out by Rupaul or whatever, and get in the car to head to the airport, when suddenly every time Maddeh touches the steering wheel, the damn horn starts honking. No matter where or how hard he touches the wheel, the horn will honk. So, in a fit of rage, he just hulk smashes the steering wheel face and rips it off. This simply angered the horn gods, as the horn then just blasted without stopping. He ultimately had to get under the dash and pull the fuse connected to the horn, upon which he exclaimed "OWNED BITCH", and we drove off to the airport. The car then insisted on stalling out twice, apparently upset about having its steering wheel man-hammered, but we made it none the less. What a trip.
Edited by Cursive at 10:45 CDT, 25 July 2006 - 4415 Hits
I stole this from the State of Utah (No comments)
Posted by Cursive @ 13:57 CDT, 25 July 2006 - iMsg
Behold, the products of thievery which were necessary for a successful LAN setup. Take 1 part stolen pillow from the Hampton Inn, 1 part stolen phone book to make a great LAN chair!

But what's that you say? There's some sort of flag like device in this picture! Unkie Cursive tell us the story of the magic flag!

Alright, alright, calm down kids. Apparently in the state of Utah, only people who are legally blind actually drive cars. That being said, when crossing the street at night, rather than have functional walk signs, traffic lights, street lights, headlights, or other modern transportation emenities that help you not get facialed by an Oldsmobile, you get the Mormon solution: A fucking neon orange flag to wave while you run across the street like someone's chasing you through high mid on CTF-Grendelkeep. The flag did however have an unexplainable hole in it, which looked an awful lot like Horizon's eclipse tag, so I figured hey, Utah probably wants me to be safe from irresponsible drivers both in and out of the LAN, so I borrowed it, permanently.
Edited by Cursive at 10:45 CDT, 25 July 2006 - 3991 Hits
Cursive's UTLAN Gallery of Fiery Wrath (9 comments)
Posted by Cursive @ 08:56 CDT, 25 July 2006 - iMsg
Over here in the USA we managed to have one of the few UT-only LAN events that competitive gaming has seen in the last few years, aside from the bass-ackwards monstrousity that is UltraUnreal (More like UT99 and no real cash prizes amirite?).

Well Nathan "Ender" Day and Paul "Maddeh" Day set out to give us an event that we'd remember, and we most certainly will.

Now, behold ye who hath stumbled upon my collezione of masterful photography and sheer artistic innovation. Within this gallery lies secrets that will forever shape mankind, and possibly give you indegestion. Abandon all hope, ye who enter here.
Edited by Cursive at 10:46 CDT, 25 July 2006 - 13580 Hits
THE END. (22 comments)
Posted by Cursive @ 23:18 CDT, 15 August 2005 - iMsg
And this sums it all up. g0dm0de completely passed out. Exausted, partied out, and completely over stimulated, the journey ends here. Back to the real world of jobs, school, and all the bullshit that we don't have to worry about at these events. Thank you to everyone who was in this gallery, because you made my trip amazing and gave my great memories. And to you dear reader, who have made it through this amazingly lengthy gallery, I hope enjoyed my partial retelling and obfuscation of the truth and its completely maliable and flexible reality. We will most undoubtedly meet again. Good evening to you all.
13432 Hits
A last picture with my lovelies (13 comments)
Posted by Cursive @ 23:14 CDT, 15 August 2005 - iMsg
I went to this event to check out QuakeCon and Q4, and somewhere along the way I became involved with the GGL and writing a story about girl gamers and the event at QuakeCon, which lead me down the very fortunate path of meeting all the wonderful girls in g0d. I would like to say a special thank you to them for being indescribably gracious, sweet, and hospitable as they basically let me hang out with them for the largest portion of the entire event, and even let me stay with them when my flight was cancelled due to weather. I'm very grateful for all the memories I'll share with them, and cannot begin to describe how thankful I am that I met all these sweet, beautiful, generous ladies.
11791 Hits
RedEye and g0pher (1 comment)
Posted by Cursive @ 23:12 CDT, 15 August 2005 - iMsg
Chillin on the couch as we all prepare to go our seperate ways on the last day. RedEye did an incredible job with his broadcast and was a really interesting guy to talk to. Hopefully on the way back home he doesn't get stopped by imigration like he did on the way in. Poor guy.
5238 Hits
Rec0verm0de (2 comments)
Posted by Cursive @ 23:10 CDT, 15 August 2005 - iMsg
g0dm0de keeping it chill and trying to get himself together for the trip home after a rawkus night.
6773 Hits
Uh oh! How did you get that? (15 comments)
Posted by Cursive @ 23:09 CDT, 15 August 2005 - iMsg
That's DEFINATELY not a real Logitech G5 series mouse with ejectable weight system on the bottom. No sirree. Not at all. No idea how that picture got in here or where it came from.
12757 Hits
Trito is hot. (84 comments)
Posted by Cursive @ 23:06 CDT, 15 August 2005 - iMsg
Confirm or deny? I personally think she's just as geniune and kind as she is beautiful. Who wouldn't fall for this girl?
33096 Hits
This guy again (2 comments)
Posted by Cursive @ 23:05 CDT, 15 August 2005 - iMsg
What event with g0d present would be complete with random people putting on their crazy space glasses? Jared seems to enjoy the fashion statement, as he takes a moment out from chasing girl gamer tail.
5566 Hits
Forever eats Trito's cherry (4 comments)
Posted by Cursive @ 23:03 CDT, 15 August 2005 - iMsg
FROM HER PASSION FRUIT DAQUIRI, YOU SICK FUCK. Nothing to see her, move along. Note Purri's amusement with the dramatic effort regarding fruit consumption on the part of Forever.
6857 Hits
Hey what's this waterwall for? (2 comments)
Posted by Cursive @ 23:02 CDT, 15 August 2005 - iMsg
Looks like Maddog has found out and demonstrates what he has decided this particular tourist attraction is used for.
5386 Hits
Purri and Doze (12 comments)
Posted by Cursive @ 23:00 CDT, 15 August 2005 - iMsg
The two Q2 champs pose for one last pic before getting ready to head off after lunch. Purri spent a good deal of time at Doze's house in Phili, and had some interesting stories to tell about his first impressions of the US, which rivaled Trito's adventure in Englewood in hilarity.
10866 Hits
BYOC emptying out on Sunday (No comments)
Posted by Cursive @ 22:59 CDT, 15 August 2005 - iMsg
Behold, the wastland of bits of poster, boxes and wrappers, and more BAWLS bottles than i've ever seen in my entire life combined.
4696 Hits
Purri's practice machine (6 comments)
Posted by Cursive @ 22:56 CDT, 15 August 2005 - iMsg
This magic space box actually contains the entire internet. Which explains Purri's magical powers and how he able to bend space and time while playing Quake 2. Rumored to be partially loaned from Doze and partially consisting of parts Purri recovered from a meteor crash site, this machine is a scientific marvel that fuses modern technology with mystical alien phenomena.
7897 Hits
The morning after... (19 comments)
Posted by Cursive @ 22:55 CDT, 15 August 2005 - iMsg
Trito looking mildly satisfied, Forever looking confused, scared, and stripped of all innosense.
12822 Hits
FPS game IRL? (2 comments)
Posted by Cursive @ 22:52 CDT, 15 August 2005 - iMsg
I don't even know whose hands those are but it looks like Player 1 is about to get the jump on g0dm0de! Watch out g0dm0de! He's after you!
5996 Hits
The trademark glasses! (3 comments)
Posted by Cursive @ 22:51 CDT, 15 August 2005 - iMsg
Trito demands immediately to know where all the beer went!
6031 Hits
What not to do with glowsticks part duex (6 comments)
Posted by Cursive @ 22:50 CDT, 15 August 2005 - iMsg
2: This.

(One has to wonder if Carnage is aspiring to possibly in the future thread larger extended cylindric objects through his earlobes. NOT A DICK JOKE I SWEAR. )
6669 Hits
What not to do with glowsticks... (2 comments)
Posted by Cursive @ 22:48 CDT, 15 August 2005 - iMsg
1: This.

5700 Hits
Team Sweden! (22 comments)
Posted by Cursive @ 22:46 CDT, 15 August 2005 - iMsg
The swedes had a rather productive QuakeCon with g0pher and Purri both taking home 1st place prizes and Trito capturing 3rd. This is also a picture of 3 of the kindest people I have ever met, and I really enjoyed every moment spent with them.
13969 Hits
Trito's shoes (9 comments)
Posted by Cursive @ 22:45 CDT, 15 August 2005 - iMsg
She actually stole these from Alana for the evening, and it was rather impressive how tall it made her adding an extra 3 inches or so. There's bonus footage of my flipflops! True gamer shoes.
9284 Hits
Carnage (4 comments)
Posted by Cursive @ 22:43 CDT, 15 August 2005 - iMsg
Carnage floated around here and there and we saw him quite a few times throughout QuakeCon, another good guy who came with the Fatal1ty encampment.
6052 Hits
x6\\tempest (5 comments)
Posted by Cursive @ 22:41 CDT, 15 August 2005 - iMsg
I believe this fine gentlemen was under the influence of what we'll simply refer to, in the name of anonimity and innoncense, as "Christmas Cheer", and may or may not remember this photo, but he was very keen on making a dramatic face. I had the pleasure of talking to him some before the grand finals and he was a really cool guy. Congratulations to him and check6 who had an awesome showing in the ET tourney.
6793 Hits
Fredrick and the fountain! (1 comment)
Posted by Cursive @ 22:36 CDT, 15 August 2005 - iMsg
Unfortunately, the boy was gifted with the amazing ability of increased balance due to the consumption of alcohol, so there isn't going to be a great SPLASH picture next. Sorry =((
5755 Hits
Jared and Missy (4 comments)
Posted by Cursive @ 22:34 CDT, 15 August 2005 - iMsg
I can't remember this guy's gaming nick, but he's like Fatal1ty's roommate, and kinda bears a strange resemblance to Herman Munster, if you remember that show. (HEY WHAT'S GOOGLE IMAGE SEARCH?). He was a nice guy and had an interesting wit, and here we see him hanging out with Missy.
6335 Hits
Drunkm0de (3 comments)
Posted by Cursive @ 22:32 CDT, 15 August 2005 - iMsg
g0dm0de is a cross between a one hitter quitter, and a 75 lbs anorexic 11 year old girl with only half a liver. I think he was perpetually drunk from the point in this photo up until and possibly including his drive home. We'll have more of him shortly.
6100 Hits
Introducing Teapot! (4 comments)
Posted by Cursive @ 22:30 CDT, 15 August 2005 - iMsg
This guy some how arrived at the room we were hanging out... but he was transporting a great deal of alcohol, so after some very hush-hush talks behind closed doors, the ruling bodies allowed him safe passage onto our lands, and so began some of the worse decisions any of us have ever made!

More like AlcoLOL amirite?
7106 Hits
Sexy g0pher! (8 comments)
Posted by Cursive @ 22:28 CDT, 15 August 2005 - iMsg
With all his cares left to the wind, and a new $25,000 check, g0pher entertains us with his evening ensemblem, consisting of nothing more than a single yellow rose, not-so-strategically placed if I might add. Look at his naughty stare!
8563 Hits
Freddy's "Candy" from Purri (58 comments)
Posted by Cursive @ 22:25 CDT, 15 August 2005 - iMsg
Apparently the shit he's showing us in his mouth is this insanely concentrated tobacco product from Sweden that can't be sold outside of Sweden. Purri brought a shitload of it to the LAN and usually has it in his mouth when he plays. g0pher as well. I made the mistake of trying one of these things, and since I never smoke at all, in about 5 minutes I was completely disoriented and started asking "Why does it BURN?!?" which was met with a "Because you're a newb!". I agree. This crazy mouth pouch shit owned me, but at least I could take it longer than Maddog, who spit it out after 2 minutes siting the fact that his face was on fire.
15737 Hits
A bunch of drunk idiots. (7 comments)
Posted by Cursive @ 22:23 CDT, 15 August 2005 - iMsg
Maddog, Forever, and yours truly have a good time and start drinking lots and lots and lots of other people's beer. You know how we do. <3 my dutchies.
8123 Hits
g0pher's STREET INK (10 comments)
Posted by Cursive @ 22:20 CDT, 15 August 2005 - iMsg
Check out g0pher's awesome Q3 tattoo. He's got one leg up on fitting in with other prisoners if he's not able to smuggle his newly won video card out of the country without paying taxes!
9660 Hits
I can't believe that wasn't a chick... (4 comments)
Posted by Cursive @ 22:17 CDT, 15 August 2005 - iMsg
g0pher is in awe after an unfortunate run in with a Thai "lady" he met at the neighboring convention given out by Este Lauder cosmetics. Jared also shares his feelings, as he too has been the unfortunate victim of pre-op transvestite discoveries.

OK that's completely fabricated. I have no idea what's going on here but Freddy loves bein nekkid!
6451 Hits
Milez the ladies man (18 comments)
Posted by Cursive @ 22:15 CDT, 15 August 2005 - iMsg
....must....fight....the urge...... urkel joke.... can't..... contain it.....

Oh god I just passed out from a deep inner struggle with fish in a barrel comedy and the idea of making fun of someone who is actually an awesome person. Milez rocks. Got any cheeeese?
11923 Hits
Trito flying in for the pic! (18 comments)
Posted by Cursive @ 22:13 CDT, 15 August 2005 - iMsg
Her momentum from her strafe jump slightly decreased because she hit a wall, but you can still see that she made the rather difficult bed jump on DM-Partyroom, successfully providing us with what Milez calls "The reverse Oreo Cookie". I can't believe this is the ETG admin that use to reg my channels. He was a really cool guy to party with.
11440 Hits
Let the party begin! (2 comments)
Posted by Cursive @ 22:10 CDT, 15 August 2005 - iMsg
Ooooh dear reader. Do we have a treat in store for you. Probably some of the funniest and most retarded, random, and generally entertaining photodom awaits you. Let Maddog and his magical bottle of Champagne that makes men both invensible and irrestistable begin us on what is sure to be an adventure to remember!
5582 Hits
The cash money couple! (10 comments)
Posted by Cursive @ 22:08 CDT, 15 August 2005 - iMsg
A good night for g0pher and Ms. X, wracking up a combined 35K between the two of them. That should pay the bills for a bit. At one point during the trip we had all the g0d girls, g0pher, Doze, and Purri in the same room, we called it the $72,000 suite! (Ok so it was a double bed room, but who fucking cares! 72K!!)
7628 Hits
Posted by Cursive @ 22:06 CDT, 15 August 2005 - iMsg
WTF? Missy doesn't even seem to move and Forever magically appears, like some sort of horny teenaged vampire that can sense a photo op!
9831 Hits
Missy with her Prize! (2 comments)
Posted by Cursive @ 22:05 CDT, 15 August 2005 - iMsg
Little does she know.... SHE'S ABOUT TO GET POSE-SNYPED BY ZE DUTCH! Click next picture immediately before I come to your house and do it for you.
6897 Hits
It's only 5K... (15 comments)
Posted by Cursive @ 22:02 CDT, 15 August 2005 - iMsg
Ohhhh, my name is triiiiiiitoooooo and i'm so bored now, no more games to play and all i have is this huge check for lots of money. What a cruel life!
13651 Hits
The girls show off their checks (27 comments)
Posted by Cursive @ 21:59 CDT, 15 August 2005 - iMsg
Trito, Missy, and Ms. X pose for various photo takers outside so I figured I might as well take another one of my own. Some pencil-necked dweeb from some newb site "QConpics.whatever" was whining because Maddog and I were standing in his lightsource. I told him to shove it, and he did, and went back home to his mama and his footy pajamas.
16418 Hits
Forever is an Angel (23 comments)
Posted by Cursive @ 21:58 CDT, 15 August 2005 - iMsg
Or at least a wannabe tweaker! He's two glowsticks and a dj away from having a rave outside after the award ceremony.
11326 Hits
QCon Girls and Todd Hollenshead (11 comments)
Posted by Cursive @ 21:55 CDT, 15 August 2005 - iMsg
I probably spelled his name wrong, and if I did i blame it 100% on being distracted by his ultra ponytail 5000 that shortly after this picture, actually attacked Big Red on his left, because she got too close to it and scared it in to thinking she was going to ruin the first layer of conditioner.
12745 Hits
Show me the money! (2 comments)
Posted by Cursive @ 21:54 CDT, 15 August 2005 - iMsg
The girls go up on stage to recieve their big checks! Girlz of Destruction played 1 - 3 and took all this year's QuakeCon money home, with Missy in first, Ms. X second, and Trito 3rd.

Amazingly well played ladies.
6901 Hits
Fat and RocketBoy (12 comments)
Posted by Cursive @ 21:50 CDT, 15 August 2005 - iMsg
Wendel shares his thoughts on the match with the freshly beaten RocketBoy who played well and was a great sport. He was out of practice when he came to the tournament but improved steadily throughout the tournament, with very solid strategical play and nerves of steal.
9085 Hits
The Romantic Ending! (20 comments)
Posted by Cursive @ 21:47 CDT, 15 August 2005 - iMsg
To the tournament! Not the gallery! Ms. X and g0pher celebrate his win with a sweet kiss that had everyone else blushing and aweing. They were such a cute couple and very supportive of one another, and I couldn't have asked for a nicer pair to hang out with during this tournament. With my quick camera reflexes maybe there is a future in getting shot with a BB gun like the rest of the parazzi here for me. Only time will tell!
12585 Hits
RocketBoy does his best (4 comments)
Posted by Cursive @ 21:46 CDT, 15 August 2005 - iMsg
RocketBoy was a really nice guy. His english is steadily improving, not quite yet to the point where he was able to get my joke about the large redheaded QCon-girl, but he's working on it. It's ok, g0pher laughed enough for them both. Cheers to RocketBoy for putting up some great games and taking home 2nd place.
7113 Hits
Fredrick goes to work (17 comments)
Posted by Cursive @ 21:44 CDT, 15 August 2005 - iMsg
In two of the most amazing games i've ever seen g0pher came roaring back on the big stage to beat RocketBoy, the 2nd losers champion to come from the losers bracket of the event. (Missy being the first)
9122 Hits
Forever Congratulates Missy (12 comments)
Posted by Cursive @ 21:42 CDT, 15 August 2005 - iMsg
Forever is very excited for Missy and her new $15,000 prize. I believe he's actually asking in this picture if his white pants happened to blind her from the stage, and perhaps if he should stay out of direct light during the RocketBoy/g0pher final still to come.
11858 Hits
Man, she has amazingly huge... (17 comments)
Posted by Cursive @ 21:40 CDT, 15 August 2005 - iMsg
eyes. What?

One of the better looking QCon girls, who was very willing to pose, and give me a T-Shirt. <3
13479 Hits
Missy chills (6 comments)
Posted by Cursive @ 21:36 CDT, 15 August 2005 - iMsg
What nerves? Missy seemed to enjoy being on the big stage for the final with very few signs of jitters. I hope she has unlimited nights and weekends because she seemd to be on the phone before, after, and even during the final. "Hang on i'll call you right back, Mega is spawning in 10."
7859 Hits
Alana's persistent smile (11 comments)
Posted by Cursive @ 21:34 CDT, 15 August 2005 - iMsg
Ms. X grins for the camera even when she's completely stressed out over another slew of config issues in the grandfinal. g0pher even came on stage to help her set up some things and try to get it worked out, and she seemed really upset about things, but like a true champ, she toughed it out and still managed to enjoy the experience. Cheers for 'lana.
11250 Hits
RocketBoy is freezing! (34 comments)
Posted by Cursive @ 21:32 CDT, 15 August 2005 - iMsg
And therefore he is hiding in Trito's sweatshirt. Why does the movie ET come to mind when I see this? Either way, he totally got a 5 finger discount on Trito's hoodie and it was never returned, but the girls figured they needed some more international exposure anyways.
16803 Hits
Purri vs [dz]Doze (14 comments)
Posted by Cursive @ 21:29 CDT, 15 August 2005 - iMsg
When I took this picture I was not fully aware of how fucking cool Doze and Purri were, and therefore did not bother getting closer. My apologies gentlemen, you deserve a better picture. None the less Purri put on an AMAZING show, and Doze did well to rip is way through the losers bracket to make it to the finals.
19112 Hits
The New School Gets Ready for QCon2006 (14 comments)
Posted by Cursive @ 21:27 CDT, 15 August 2005 - iMsg
Future g0d member begins to train in Quake 3 for next year's Ms. QuakeCon event.

In other news, Micheal Jackson plans to attend next year's QuakeCon.
10897 Hits
Hey what time is it in Sweden? (39 comments)
Posted by Cursive @ 21:25 CDT, 15 August 2005 - iMsg
Oh why I believe it's a quarter past BEER O'Clock! Trito celebrates a day of tourney play that went well with a peach daquiri and corona. If only alcohol was a Doom 3 player repelant.
15836 Hits
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