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All Posts (QuakeNet) UT1 Duel Cup (No comments)
Posted by bleh- @ 15:15 CDT, 25 April 2014 - iMsg
A blast from the past..

For the past decade there has not been a competition within UT1 with any prizepool. That is set to change as of this weekend.

A duel cup is being hosted by United Kingdomsas^bleh- over on GlobalUnreal and the prize fund currently stands at €250. The prizepool will be split as follows:

1st Place 70%
2nd Place 20%
3rd Place 10%

This post is not to attract any more signups as they close as of 12PM (Midday) Sunday 27/4/2014 (the more the merrier though!) it is to let people know the event will be happening and hopefully to attract some of the old folks who used to share our love for this game to tune in to some of the coverage over the next few weeks.

We have a great coverage team with United States of Americam3ss and Portugalhypno set to cover as much of the final stages of this competition on Twitch (

That is not to say anyone who sees this can't still signup. There is a very wide skill set across the current signup list, and the bracket will take a double elimination format. There are some new public servers for Duel and TDM gametypes too hosted at on QuakeNet.

Hope to see some of you over the coming weeks!



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Edited by bleh- at 16:02 CDT, 25 April 2014 - 1965 Hits
GlobalUnreal is growing by the minute.. (25 comments)
Posted by bleh- @ 19:40 CDT, 20 July 2013 - iMsg
This is really an attempt to reach out to the gaming community, many who have played any FPS online over the last 15 years will have heard of Unreal Tournament. Of the whole series, the original is still the best, and surprisingly still boasts the most active community. A lot of this goes on in the shadows though. The quality of coverage is next to none, the quality of players by now is of the highest I've seen across most games I've played. PACO and the rest of the GlobalUnreal crew have worked relentlessly to build what is now a stable and active competitive scene. With the game now openly downloadable, and being as close to pickup-and-play as is possible, this game is crying out for more exposure, and as always new players.

Anybody interested head over to #iPug or #uPug on or alternatively

Any other info can be found on

Hope to see some of you around.
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