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New GFX Card (25 comments)
Posted by smari @ 05:38 CDT, 11 March 2012 - iMsg
I'm looking for a new GFX card.
I have an Intel Quad Core Q8200 and 8 gb ram.
My current card is a Geforce 9600 GT, which is as far as I can tell the weakest part of the system.
Anyone can recommend a fitting card for the rest of the system? I'll probably buy it used and want to spend less than 100$ if possible.
3397 Hits
QL HUD help (5 comments)
Posted by smari @ 14:06 CST, 3 December 2011 - iMsg
I mixed two HUDs from and something went wrong.
Here's a screenshot:

As you can see one number of the score is at the wrong place.
This only happens in duel and FFA, in other modes the scores are at the right place.

Anyone can find the mistake?
3986 Hits
changing TDM (92 comments)
Posted by smari @ 13:31 CDT, 5 August 2011 - iMsg
Here's a few ideas to make TDM more teamplay-heavy:

- change quad damage back to factor 4 instead of 3
- spawn with 100hp instead of 125
- spawn with 75 mg bullets instead of 100
- make armors stronger, 150/100/50 instead of 100/50/25
- no health / armor tick-down to 100

the idea is to make it more like QW TDM, which I've never played but everyone is saying it's awesome.

yes / no?
Edited by smari at 11:52 CDT, 6 August 2011 - 15261 Hits
Novels (47 comments)
Posted by smari @ 15:43 CDT, 26 March 2011 - iMsg
I'm looking for some intersting books.
I've never been much of a bookworm, only read what i had to for school. but recently i picked up some interesting novels and now i want more.
My favourites so far are "The Royal Game" by Stefan Zweig and "All Quiet on the Western Front" (Erich Maria Remarque).
Genres I'm mostly intersted in: political, historical, science fiction.
I'm looking for the famous ones, the ones you have to read before you die...
Original language being german would be a plus.

Any suggestions?
25842 Hits
Funny movies (51 comments)
Posted by smari @ 15:15 CST, 20 December 2010 - iMsg
I'm looking for a funny movie to watch with the family over the holidays. Nothing sophisticated, just needs good laughs.

Something like:
- Hangover
- Meet the Parents
- Something about Mary
- 40 year old Virgin

Parodies like Hot Shots or Naked Gund are ok too, but I think I've seen all the funny ones already.

Only thing I found so far is "I love you, man" (, but Trailer looks unfunny.

Any ideas`?
20958 Hits
QW Movie: Full Metal Armor (5 comments)
Posted by smari @ 04:09 CST, 16 March 2006 - iMsg

0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
Rating: 8 (6 votes)
Found this movie today at


- Runtime: 8:08
- 77 frags
- Compression: xvid / lame mp3 codec 320Khz
- Cast: phrenic,drugsbunny,bps and others
Edited by netrex at 10:28 GMT, 16th Mar 2006 - 15768 Hits
fooki -vs- socrates (6 comments)
Posted by smari @ 13:14 CST, 18 December 2005 - iMsg

0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
Rating: 7.7 (2 votes)
Gametype: Duel
Map: Phrantic
Mod: N/A
Viewpoint: fooki
Version info: Q4Max .7
How to play back Q4 demos

another very close game between fooki and socrates, this time on phrantic.
Edited by son! at 10:04 GMT, 23rd Dec 2005 - 5070 Hits
fooki -vs- socrates (41 comments)
Posted by smari @ 08:13 CST, 18 December 2005 - iMsg

0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
Rating: 9.3 (11 votes)
Gametype: Duel
Map: Galang
Mod: N/A
Viewpoint: fooki
How to play back Q4 demos

Edited by son! at 18:06 GMT, 18th Dec 2005 - 12416 Hits
Amazing NASA program (26 comments)
Posted by smari @ 12:19 CST, 7 February 2005 - iMsg
i found an interesting program today:

if you start the program it looks like this:

if you zoom in a bit (mousewheel), it looks like this:

you can do this whereever you want, but only in the USA you have such a high resolution.
here is an example for the highest resolution oustide of the USA.

Downloadlink (168mb)

dont know if its new ...
Edited by Lapenioe at 18:21 GMT, 7th Feb 2005 - 10593 Hits
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