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Edited by fuzz at 12:26 CST, 17 January 2014 - 1479 Hits
Shootmania activity (50 comments)
Posted by fuzz @ 13:58 CDT, 14 August 2012 - iMsg
So how many here are still playing Shootmania? :)

Just noticed this post:

By fazz - Reply to #57
Started shootmania once after cybsum, they patched it in the complete opposite direction of what would have been good. Was offered sponsorship, said no. Will not touch game again.

And seeing how another Shootmania star strenx is back to Quake

Is it over? Hypetrain reached it's destination?


17478 Hits
Painkiller is coming back!. (33 comments)
Posted by fuzz @ 16:43 CDT, 13 June 2012 - iMsg
QuakeLive? Shootmania? Call of Duty?

Forget it.

Painkiller is making comeback into competitive scene!

Now all numerous Painkiller fans can rejoice.
11937 Hits
fuzz's mouse adventures #2 (11 comments)
Posted by fuzz @ 07:47 CST, 25 January 2011 - iMsg
So after 2 broken WMO's from ebay I decided to get one mouse that I know will work for sure( yeaaaah).

As I own dying G1 and like it very much, I did order newer korean G1, that for some (hmm) reason come in chinese box.

So I received it today from ebay. And guess what, it's counterfeit.

Skips like MOTHERFUCKER and has sensitivity issues in windows when moving it slowly.

I guess my mistake was ordering from UK seller for lower price. I originally wanted to get Korean one, but since new year, new awesome taxes were introduced that basically fucks my ability to buy anything thats outside of EU.

Link for curious -

4316 Hits
If you are planning to buy WMO... (42 comments)
Posted by fuzz @ 17:28 CDT, 31 October 2010 - iMsg
from chinese sellers on ebay at price of 13~ american dollar, don't

i bought one, after week of play it's cable broke at base of mice, i asked for replacement, which i got, so after one more week of play, it's same problem, cable dies.

Edited by fuzz at 18:14 CDT, 31 October 2010 - 8155 Hits
My own ET fragmovie! (5 comments)
Posted by fuzz @ 08:16 CDT, 20 October 2010 - iMsg
I had completely forgot about ESR love for ET, and recent This is ET newspost reminded me about it.

So I made my own fragmovie(s) and I hope some of you might enjoy them. Or not.

Here is newspost for latest one Fuzzfrags 2 B and here for previous one Fuzzfrags 2 A !

Both movies have dl links and owned stream's
Edited by fuzz at 08:16 CDT, 20 October 2010 - 2401 Hits
CA 12 Players (6 comments)
Posted by fuzz @ 15:44 CDT, 9 August 2010 - iMsg
I am 12 and what is this?

Where did go all 8 and 10 people servers?

I am duel noob but I enjoy playing CA from time to time, but this 12 (and 16lol) player limit is too much spam for my taste.
2177 Hits
Best non-120hz LCD monitor? (9 comments)
Posted by fuzz @ 12:11 CST, 15 February 2010 - iMsg
My friend needs new monitor (doesnt need to be quake-friendliest one), 120hz are unavailable and too expensive where we live.

What 22" inchers would be good pick right now? Is something better than 226bw out (since I last checked and bought it myself)?
2381 Hits
Wolfenstein discussion (1 comment)
Posted by fuzz @ 18:37 CDT, 3 April 2009 - iMsg
Video discussing features of new Wolfenstein game thats gonna be released this summer.

Dedicated to you, hardcore wolfenstein fans on this site!
Edited by fuzz at 18:37 CDT, 3 April 2009 - 2250 Hits
FarCry 2, Fallout 3, Dead Space (120 comments)
Posted by fuzz @ 02:46 CDT, 29 October 2008 - iMsg
New games, seriously.

It's not that I expected much, but still...

Uninstalled FC2 in 30mins.
Uninstalled F3 in 30mins.

Both these games have scores of 94%, 10/10, etc in magazines and intrawebs.


My god I would be pissed if I would pay money for pos like that.

Now only DS left, which I hope will be ok.

/cry :(
28575 Hits
Book recommendations (254 comments)
Posted by fuzz @ 10:42 CDT, 25 August 2008 - iMsg
Dear All,

As I soon will order some random stuff from amazon, I want YOU to recommend me some good books to read. I have already searched older threads, but tl;dr.

I don't read much (reading@internets lOL) but I want to read some quality stuff from any genre.

Books I have read recently:

Roadside Picnic by Strugatsky brothers
1984 by George Orwell
Lullaby by Chuck Palahniuk
Kafka on the Shore by Haruki Murakami
The Wind-Up Bird Chronicle by Haruki Murakami

Will probably buy:

Flowers for Algernon by Daniel Keyes

halp esreality :(
136551 Hits
Free QL Invites (22 comments)
Posted by fuzz @ 16:03 CDT, 11 August 2008 - iMsg

, I wouldn't mind one.
11700 Hits
HI (20 comments)
Posted by fuzz @ 12:46 CST, 22 November 2006 - iMsg
Just felt like saying Hi to everyone !
5514 Hits
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