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cK -vs- KFC (No comments)
Posted by Eric @ 22:42 CST, 13 December 2002 - iMsg

0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
Rating: - (0 votes)
Gametype: Team Game
Map: pro-q3dm6 - Campgrounds
Mod: N/A
Viewpoint: GTV
Version info: 1.32
How to play back Q3 demos

Game 4 of Q3CIL cK vs FKC.

Update: Unfortunately this file is no longer available on ESR.
2496 Hits
Who is your quake hero all time? (285 comments)
Posted by Eric @ 03:40 CDT, 2 August 2002 - iMsg

What's yours?
Edited by Eric at 04:18, 4th Aug 2002 - 126798 Hits
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