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Google Chrome: The new browser! (55 comments)
Posted by zrC @ 18:51 CDT, 2 September 2008 - iMsg
I just got my hands on the new project from Google.

Chrome is a web-browser. And I had it now for 5 minutes and I can already say it looks very good. Its simple and clean.

And it feels fast. I cant really say if its better and faster then FF but it sure feels like it. As soon as the public get there hands on this there will be tests to prove me right/wrong.

So if anyone else has tested it. What is your opinions?
Edited by Nicky at 04:54 CDT, 6 September 2008 - 23165 Hits
125hz mess up AA? (5 comments)
Posted by zrC @ 04:39 CDT, 12 July 2008 - iMsg
When my monitor is running 100hz with 100 fps everything runs smooth and fine.

When I turn it up to 125 my q3 looks like it dont have any AA at all.
My english is not the best but when I look at egdes on the map they are like this

100hz my egdes looks = ________
125hz my egdes looks = _-_-_-_-_

I got my AA up to 4 and AF to 4 with cnq3.

Any ideas?
2339 Hits
zrC - French Fucking fries! (5 comments)
Posted by zrC @ 16:20 CDT, 25 June 2008 - iMsg
Recently made an song wich im very satisfied with.

So C&C are welcome and enjoy this fine tune of electro :)

MIRROR 2 n01/zrC%20-%20French%20Fucking %20Fries.rar
Edited by zrC at 16:49 CDT, 25 June 2008 - 2900 Hits
Chuck... (47 comments)
Posted by zrC @ 13:20 CDT, 4 June 2008 - iMsg
Chuck Norris once killed his wife. Becouse nobody fucks with Chuck Norris.

I lol'ed. So you lol.
Edited by zrC at 14:46 CDT, 4 June 2008 - 7208 Hits
Posted by zrC @ 14:35 CST, 29 October 2006 - iMsg
Edited by zrC at 16:13 CDT, 9 June 2009 - 2549 Hits
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