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.999~ = 1, Agree? (85 comments)
Posted by sharakin @ 04:56 CDT, 15 August 2006 - iMsg
Proof 1:
1/3 = .333333...
2/3 = .666666...
1/3 + 2/3 = .999999... = 1.

Proof 2:

x = 0.9999...
10x = 9.9999...
10x - x = 9.9999... - 0.9999...
9x = 9
x = 1.

34324 Hits
Top 15 metal songs (191 comments)
Posted by sharakin @ 03:15 CDT, 5 August 2006 - iMsg
I'm burning this on a cd for my eight hour drive back up to my university today. This is metal for the music lovers and not the posers ;)

Stay tuned for top 15 metal ballads.

In no particular order.

Helloween - I want out
Jørn Lande - Sunset Station
Pink Cream 69 - The Wiseman
Threshold - Phenomenon
Nocturnal Rites - Awakening
Sonata Arctica - Die With Your Boots on
Soilwork - The Bringer
Place Vendome - Place Vendome
Masterplan - Heroes
Edguy - King of Fools
Wicked Sensation - Shining Light
Rage - Enough is Enough
Gamma Ray - Send me a Sign
Stratovarius - Paradise
Twilightning - Painting the Blue Eyes

Edited by sharakin at 03:31 CDT, 5 August 2006 - 61125 Hits
FORZA ITALIA (42 comments)
Posted by sharakin @ 02:27 CDT, 10 July 2006 - iMsg
Let me summarize all the arguments for all you haters out there:
Heargel? Corruption? Bribery? Mafia? Diving? Cheating? Boring? Cynical? Defensive?

Not this time, the best team through the whole cup and deserved winners. The world's best football team and world champions, that is what they are. Congratulations italy, you can be proud today.

12503 Hits
I just got to say (15 comments)
Posted by sharakin @ 06:58 CST, 1 March 2006 - iMsg
use ' not `

that is all, thanks.
3347 Hits
CPL attendees! (17 comments)
Posted by sharakin @ 13:24 CST, 14 December 2005 - iMsg
pos computer rental gave me a computer with cd rom and I only have a dvd of Q4. irc isnt working either so im posting here.

if anyone has a cd install of q4 let me know. i have my own key etc so no worries.
5280 Hits
tek9|XatrIX -vs- Begrip|Jibo (No comments)
Posted by sharakin @ 22:46 CST, 30 November 2005 - iMsg

0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
Rating: 5 (1 vote)
Gametype: Duel
Map: The Lost Fleet
Mod: N/A
Viewpoint: XatrIX
How to play back Q4 demos

Opening match of ECXII.

Map 2 of Norway XatrIX vs Russia Jibo in ECXII group F on The Lost Fleet [tmp].
Edited by Sujoy at 14:51 GMT, 5th Dec 2005 - 1223 Hits
tek9|XatrIX -vs- Begrip|Jibo (9 comments)
Posted by sharakin @ 22:44 CST, 30 November 2005 - iMsg

0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
Rating: 5 (1 vote)
Gametype: Duel
Map: Over the Edge
Mod: N/A
Viewpoint: tek9|XatrIX
How to play back Q4 demos

Opening match of ECXII.

Map 1 of Norway XatrIX vs Russia Jibo in ECXII group F on Over the Edge [tmp].
Edited by Sujoy at 14:54 GMT, 5th Dec 2005 - 4920 Hits
CPL Winter (24 comments)
Posted by sharakin @ 05:41 CST, 18 November 2005 - iMsg
I've never really been to one of these events before, so here's a couple of Q's.

Since there are no other Norwegians going I'm looking for a roomie or six to make hotel rooms somewhat cheaper, so if anyone is interested send me an imsg here or at irc (Pdist`sharakin).

Do people haul their huge desktop pc's across the Atlantic Ocean or is it possible to rent computers for BYOC use at the event?

What games do Dallas casinos spread? :D

What airlines have wireless internet?

I'll edit this with questions as I come up with them.
Edited by nikarahs at 13:17 GMT, 18th Nov 2005 - 10943 Hits
Q4 Duel msg me (18 comments)
Posted by sharakin @ 20:36 CST, 6 November 2005 - iMsg
Any of you CPL wannabes pop me a query on irc, I wanna see where I'm at before I order my plane ticket. I have a pretty hard time finding decent opponents, except XatrIX.

sharakin, and I'm at pretty much every channel on the qnet.

PS. sponsor me.
Edited by nikarahs at 02:56 GMT, 7th Nov 2005 - 5259 Hits
Here's the deal (14 comments)
Posted by sharakin @ 22:13 CDT, 18 October 2005 - iMsg
Just got back from playing a couple of hours of Q4 and I have a couple of things to say.

First of all, the vids you download off the main page here doesn't do the game justice at all, no offense to the players but it was like watching africans iceskate.

Secondly, from what I can tell the game doesn't NEED anything except brightskins, but on the other hand it needs brightskins pretty badly.

Haven't really tried all the maps yet, but from what I can tell, the maps are pretty much shite. So you mappers better get ready :)

Rocket launcher speed is fine, Rail reload time is about the same, movement is fast. Quake 4 will be great folks.

that is all.
Edited by nikarahs at 03:26 GMT, 19th Oct 2005 - 7992 Hits
Tom Cruise, downswings and 20 questions (18 comments)
Posted by sharakin @ 05:11 CDT, 24 June 2005 - iMsg
This week started with Tom Cruise completely owning this dumbass reporter. I've always liked Cruise and I think he is a good actor and this just made my day. Even I felt bad after watching that, I can't imagine how that "reporter" felt.

What he SHOULD have done though, if he wasn't so much of a pansy, was to just stand there smiling and then squirt at Tom again, after he was finished ranting.

In other news I've completely lost confidence in my poker game. I'm down almost a grand playing 3/6 this month, and if it wasn't for a nice net yesterday at 5/10 I'd probably drop down to playing 2/4 again. You other poker players out there, give me strength! :D

Also, Naruto friggin kicks ass. I bough the 3 first DVD's for like $100 each, and I don't regret it one bit. Just watched Naruto's fight with Neji in episode ~60ish, and goddammit Neji's style owns.

Neji > all.

Finally 20 Questions owns. Pretty impressive that he gets it almost everytime.
Only time I stumped it was with "a syringe".

PS: I don't care that you don't care. I need a blog.
Edited by ravballz at 10:22 GMT, 24th Jun 2005 - 4964 Hits
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