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to quake or not to quake (9 comments)
Posted by langley @ 18:18 CST, 31 January 2015 - iMsg
So I have been out of the loop for a while, meaning last time I played was sometime before qlranks got introduced, valiantly, for our displeasure. One might say.

In any case the last few years I have not played any games at all, probably becasue of none being as flawless as quake. And I never could seem to shake the feeling that something's been amiss, and that would be quake!

Playing as close to a perfect duel as you can, with splitsecond item-timing, well thought out ambushes, hearing the hitbeeps go crazy when you catch someone off-guard or in the air with a close to 100% lg. (xerp or not) Rocket to rail combo on a freshly spawned opponent. 3-4x 100dmg rail kills. 15min games. Hearing the announcer say "sudden death, while you know its infinite... Fuck that feels so amazing!

That's what I want, and my question is if it's possible to find any games, I mean is it populated, at all, anymore?

I guess ql will have to work, recent changes or not. Even though I could never seem to adapt from cpma aggro style to conservative ql styles...
6194 Hits
Snowsurfers where are you?? (12 comments)
Posted by langley @ 08:48 CDT, 22 March 2014 - iMsg
About 30mins ago I had the run of the season here in Sweden! We've got about 2m of nice snow in the terrain, which is great for being .se!

Dunno how high this mountain is, slightly over 1000m I believe. Doesn't really matter since the highlight of the run was the cliffs! 1,30h hike, totally worth it. Feeling stoked :)

Anyway, L4adoption by Canadian ql/snowsurfers
2626 Hits
lmao@canada (27 comments)
Posted by langley @ 16:21 CDT, 16 May 2013 - iMsg
do you blame Edler for the accidental knee-on-knee hit on Staal?
6361 Hits
wtb mx300 or G3 (21 comments)
Posted by langley @ 12:36 CDT, 24 March 2011 - iMsg
If you have either of these and want to make some money don't be afraid to let me know!
5896 Hits
cpm style clock (38 comments)
Posted by langley @ 17:19 CDT, 22 March 2011 - iMsg
Wouldn't this be a good idea for QL? I'm under the impression that this would create more action, itemwise.

It would be something fun to try out at least. Perhaps as a devpick? Either way, feel free to voice your opinion!
9011 Hits
Re: IEM5 Finals - Day2 - LIVE (No comments)
Posted by langley @ 10:20 CST, 2 March 2011 - iMsg
never seen fazz in this kind of form before, hope he keeps on playing!
1001 Hits
Boring ppl... (21 comments)
Posted by langley @ 16:40 CST, 2 December 2010 - iMsg
So as my avatar tells you my main race is Toss. Also I read alot on
Anyway, why in the fuck does every bronze league player feel the need to to this voidray build in pvp?

As soon as this thread got going in close to every game I get voidray'ed...

Yes, i'm in bronze league and this my first rts that i'm playing kind of serious. Love it so far, watched alot of BW vods and followed tournaments earlier but never played it myself.

I've even encountered platinum players doing this build, and it gets trashed by regular 2gate followed by switching to blink stalkers when tech is done...

Also, all I seem to get via quickmatch ladder games is PVP games...

Any diamond players here that has ecountered this build in particular? Does it work on higher levels?

PS: love this game, and I cannot believe how lazy I was on the matter of trying it out. Quake gets boring pretty fast when you´ve played it for a couple of years, and sc2 is just what I needed!

/end of rant
Edited by langley at 16:41 CST, 2 December 2010 - 6650 Hits
Wheat getting trolled on LO3 (8 comments)
Posted by langley @ 12:34 CST, 29 November 2010 - iMsg
Title says it all:

4773 Hits
raging in SC2 (10 comments)
Posted by langley @ 16:22 CST, 20 November 2010 - iMsg
Don't we all love abit of drama? In any case Idra is know to be bad mannered and if you enjoy some end game crying watch game1 and game2!

If you happen to dislike starcraft but like some of that drama I suggest you fastforward to end of game1 and watch game2 :-)

10917 Hits
In the meantime... (7 comments)
Posted by langley @ 07:17 CDT, 11 October 2010 - iMsg
I don't know how I found this video but it made me laugh :)

don't miss out on epic lines like:

"Look at this, boundaries... NO BOUNDARIES YOU CAN GO EVERYWHERE!"
"All those years of being a pole dancer paid off because now we get to climb up vines!"

also I didn't know the story behind this crap game, but much to my surprise I also found the original:

good times...
Edited by langley at 07:36 CDT, 11 October 2010 - 3563 Hits
I guess it is settled then! (15 comments)
Posted by langley @ 07:22 CDT, 17 September 2010 - iMsg


fps games > everything else

topic: do you feel improved after a quake session? Discuss!
Edited by langley at 07:31 CDT, 17 September 2010 - 2869 Hits
trolling (16 comments)
Posted by langley @ 16:27 CDT, 18 June 2010 - iMsg
Regarding trolling, how can you continue to troll a person even though it's clear "you got him"?
Don't you ppl have a heart?? We need to keep eachothers backs and not troll ppl as soon as we get a chance to...

Everyone new who stumbles upon ESR is a player to keep regardless of skill!!

// am drunk
Edited by langley at 16:28 CDT, 18 June 2010 - 4257 Hits
Warmup? (83 comments)
Posted by langley @ 13:49 CDT, 8 April 2010 - iMsg
I've noticed that some ppl wants you to rup as soon as you connect to a game, also they seem to get angry if you want a couple of minutes to fire away some rockets or rails... If you don't comply they will instantaneously resort to name calling and what not.

Why are some ppl so afraid of letting his or her opponent sharpen up the aim abit before the duel starts?
Obviously these ppl are sore losers and can't stand to lose, and sure if you're opponent wont rup in the first 10minutes you could always tell him to find another server or do so yourself.

It's a class act to at least be giving your opponent the option of warming up... Though I guess it's got alot to do with age, young ppl are fucking stupid. Yeah, that's right, if you're young you're probably fucking stupid!

Are you for or against letting your potential opponent warm up for a couple of minutes?

edit: sry for getting carried away.
Edited by langley at 14:06 CDT, 8 April 2010 - 16730 Hits
eswc talk (2 comments)
Posted by langley @ 05:58 CDT, 31 August 2008 - iMsg
Uh, so why can't I find that eswc thrastalk thread anymore?

Did it get deleted or something?!
1770 Hits
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