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Brand spanking new PC! (23 comments)
Posted by A_Fat_Dyslexic_Teacher @ 07:07 CDT, 15 August 2005 - iMsg
Hiya. What with the hype of quake 4 being about, i got abit moist and decided to buy my self a new system!

AMD Athlon 64 3700+ processor
1024 dual channel DDR RAM (PC3200) 400MHz
250GB Serial ATA hard drive with 8MB buffer
256MB ATI Radeon X800 PCI-E graphics
19" Viewsonic 8ms TFT...lthough im i the process of getting one of them 19inch sony x-black monitors. Look kinda kewl.

erm thats about it really apart from the boring bits like the 5.1 speakers etc etc

So, yey to new pc...bring on quake 4!

(ps got i all cheap from where i work :D)
10146 Hits
Icky scar im proud off ¬_¬ (26 comments)
Posted by A_Fat_Dyslexic_Teacher @ 15:44 CDT, 20 July 2005 - iMsg
That was afew days after, its obviously not as red now!
6410 Hits
Cancer Scare (36 comments)
Posted by A_Fat_Dyslexic_Teacher @ 08:40 CDT, 20 July 2005 - iMsg
Hey, thought id start of my journal on the depressing side lol.

I've recently came out of hospital to get removed a 'lump' that i found one day just below my ear in my parotid gland. Went drs, got it looked at and was told it was nothing and to come back next month if still there. Anywho, a month passed and ofcourse, the lump was still there and had no hints to be going down anytime soon!
I'm abit of a worrier sometimes, so obviously i was abit uptight about it all. So off i went again to the drs, he had a good feel of it and refered me to the ENT department at the hospital where they would do tests on me, prod and poke me, that type of work.
In the waiting room of my first appointment at the hospital, i didnt know what to think, my name was called and i just didnt want to go in! Once in, it wassnt so bad, the dr had a feel, and straight away he says it would be a tumour, malignent or benign, they didnt know so they would have to take an FNA (fine needle somthing or other). So after the nice long needle was inserted into the lump (my god the pain!) i was to report back in 2 weeks for results...These 2 weeks were the scariest of my life! I didnt tell anyone what was going on with me, my girlfriend and family were in the dark, i didnt want to put any pressure on them. They had a clue somthing was up, it was blaitent, but i was tight lipped about it all.

2 weeks passed and the results came back as inconclusive! so more samples were taken (god i hate needles) and again, 2 weeks passed, and AGAIN came back as inconclusive.
So i went for a scan and although it was obviouse somthing was there, they told me it was best they operated.

I had to wait a month for the operation, my god the longest month of my life! By this time id told my gf and family and they were supportive and very positive.
When the month had passed, i arrived in hospital, was given my bed, when the surgeon came to me, explained what they were going to do, and drew a nice big long line above my ear, near my temple, running down under my ear towards my adams apple, i was told this was to be the inscision to the op! eek! I waited a good few hours in my bed, reading FHM, PC Gamer and general mags like that to take my mind ofit, when the surgeon came upto me, gave me my gown and funny shoes! I was taken to the anesthetic room where they inserted the needle into my hand and asked me to count to 10. got to about 5 by what i can remember before i was out for the count...

Anywho i woke up with a nice bandage around my head and unable to talk, nice drain comming from my neck, yuck....

i was later discharged from hsopital, 2 days later and was told i would get the results in a weeks time....

a week passed and it turned out to be a benign tumour, so got the all clear, im just left with a dirty scar!!

One thing i learnt from this experiance was never to take things for granted, like good health and such, and ofcourse the sloppy stuff like love of life and what have ya!!

anywho best dash im in work

cheerio folks

(ps ill post a pic of the nice scar soon hehe)
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