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why so little love for the g100s?? (151 comments)
Posted by .poL @ 10:51 CST, 26 November 2014 - iMsg
why so little love for the g100s???
i´ve been using logitech since the white pilot
then switched to the mx300
then a lot of awful mouses including kinzu and abyssus
OMG the abyssus shape simple DESTROYS my hand, i get my fingers almost cut using claw grip, i dont understand mouses using a shape that gets wider in the front, in the case of the abyssus is extreme, the 1.1a is also bad but not so much
for me i think the perfect shape is the old pilot shape->mx300->g100s
no need to reinvent the wheel
but, now the g100s is out
its like the mx300 but with proper 500hz
its perfect
shape, skatez, weight, buttons
still, lots of people talking about this crappy mouses, full of bugs
i dont get it, and besides that the g100s is the cheapest of all
i only understand the 1.1a users, cause it also looks like a great mouse, but i think g100s its a little more comfortable
45684 Hits
is cl_timenudge a cheat?? (175 comments)
Posted by .poL @ 20:26 CDT, 28 April 2014 - iMsg
hi, im a player from argentina (latin america)
i have 35-50 ping (42 mostly) to my country servers
i use timenudge -20
right there one people accusing me of cheating
he will not play me because of timenudge
for what i readed, timenudge only affects my pov
he has no way to notice if im using it or not

i wonder what does eu and usa players think about this command

for me, using timenudge its a little more like lan (rails and lg)
rockets suck anyway
42934 Hits
70 ping better than 15? (163 comments)
Posted by .poL @ 16:00 CST, 6 February 2012 - iMsg
i used to play with 30-40 ping till september
then i quited
i moved to another city and here the best ping i get is 70ms
the thing is
im almost sure i was easier to hit with 30-40 ping
but, a friend of mine (bich1to)
keeps saying thats easier to hit with my 70 ping than with his 15 ping
other low pingers i talked about this say his wrong, but he insists, he even plays on 40 ping servers cause he says its easier to hit
he told me that here in esr a lot of people think the same, but i searched a little in the forum and didnt found about it
so, what do u think, is he crazy or have a point?
Edited by .poL at 16:00 CST, 6 February 2012 - 36335 Hits
9725 Hits
PROs do something for more slots @ qcon (146 comments)
Posted by .poL @ 09:48 CDT, 19 July 2011 - iMsg
first of all excuse if my english sucks
im from argentina
i think this post should be a column but i have no idea how to create one
situation its CRITICAL
the quakecon duel tournament is limited to 16 slots
and there are a lot more dueleres willing to play it
im not gonna hide it
im mainly interested that my friend bich1to gets a slot
everyone should get a slot, specially if they are from other countrys and never got a chance to play a pro tourney
im thinking also in the australian comunnity here!!!
some said, we should do our own tourneys here to get noticed
well, guess what? WE DID
in 2001 we sent players to cpl rio, there fatal1ty played, and guess what? he lost to brazilian players, and ALMOST lost to agentinian players to, he won by ONE frag to one of argentinas best at that time YES ONE FRAG
he also played TWO friendly matches to another argentina player (x-pipi) and lost one
x-pipi also went to quakecon 2002 and lost to daler BUT
daler said it was the most unnexpected opponent, and one of the hardest matches
in 2002 we also had the wcg here, i lost the final to xpipi, but unfortunetly he broke his arm after defeating me, so he went arm broked to wcg 2002 finals im korea and didnt play (yes, i should have gonne in place of him but well that doesnt matters...)
after wcg 2002 we have never had any other international qualifier for a quake tournament
we neither had any big duel tournament, except from a duel one i organized in 2003
thats because here the country has lots less resources and doing quake duel tournaments wasnt good bussines
so all we had where some shitty ctf tournaments
SINCE 2003 we dont have a real duel lan tournament
lots of passionated players play a lot
and in the lasts times
bichito grew a lot as a player
hes aim is amazing
and hes strats are getting better everyday
so he started dreaming about playing quakecon
so started training hard, started saving money, FOR MONTHS AND MONTHS
and beleive me, in argentina earning dollars to travel its 4x more difficult because of the shitty economy
and yes i know ITS CRAZY, he should do better thing, but hey WE ARE QUAKERS; WE LOVE IT
why im writting this?
i think the PRO players should solidarize with the players that are going to be OUT of the tournament
i think rapha, cypher, strenx, killsen, cooller, spartie, zero4, czm and every other pro player that could be getting a spot should do something
im not crazy
do something for the community
say something like
im very serious about this
im not crazy
i think its the only way quakecon organization opens they eyes
thanks for listening
18225 Hits
cant hit shaft with abyssus (39 comments)
Posted by .poL @ 11:06 CDT, 8 April 2011 - iMsg
I'm a happy owner of an abyssus with no bugs, i use it with an QCK+ and it works great
I used to have and mx300 wich broke, so i changed to the abyssus
i LOVE the abyssus, specially the sensitive buttons, dunno why nobody talks about it, but with 40 ping the rail feel like 10 ping, damn this buttons sure click fast
sadly, i have one compliant with this mouse, im going crazy, because, for some reason i dont hit shaft the way i used to hit with the mx300
is like is harder to LOCK the enemy
i recently buyed a logitech m100 mouse (very similar to the mx300)
and i hit A LOT more shaft
but buttons are shit so rail is slower
so im beetwen, hit a lot of rail and kinda smoother feel of the abyssus or hit lots of shaft with the m100
the thing is I DONT GET WHY i hit more with the logitech, i tryed adding weight to the mouse, changing the skates, chaning the dpi, the hz and i never get as good shaft as witht he m100
also when playing with the m100 against a friend i know he has an abyssus, in a long shaft battle i can notice that the m100 hits better shaft
anyone has any idea of what could be the reason of this?
11335 Hits
ReaLpAp -vs- MarcoS (No comments)
Posted by .poL @ 23:11 CDT, 31 August 2005 - iMsg
its from the last argentina q3 tourney hold in 2003, the pov is myself, input welcome
759 Hits
ReaLpAp -vs- Marcos (No comments)
Posted by .poL @ 22:55 CDT, 31 August 2005 - iMsg
This is from 2003 q3 argentina invintational tourney, im realpap, after that q3 kinda death in argentina, input welcome
668 Hits
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