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As requested by Drex (18 comments)
Posted by Fyrespray @ 07:55 CDT, 29 September 2005 - iMsg
osp < cpma

There you go :)
Edited by Sujoy at 15:18 GMT, 29th Sep 2005 - 9415 Hits
ARGGG Full Screen Installers..... (8 comments)
Posted by Fyrespray @ 03:58 CDT, 28 September 2005 - iMsg
Why do so many games/application manufacturers insist on using a full screen installer???

After rebuilding a couple of boxes it has really got to me that half of the stuff I install tries to suck away your whole screen and a couple even try to stop you tabbing away!!!!

Can everybody please please please just use a nice small installshield type thingy that does the install in a little window and lets me carry on surfing, reading IRC, whatever while still being able to watch the installer so that I know when to swap disks.

Edited by Sujoy at 13:00 GMT, 28th Sep 2005 - 4850 Hits
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