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Death Metal in your face! (1 comment)
Posted by pinball_ @ 12:47 CST, 20 January 2006 - iMsg
1592 Hits
The Practice (5 comments)
Posted by pinball_ @ 15:08 CST, 7 January 2006 - iMsg
Anyone know where i can find this wonderful show on DvD? I have looked everywhere :\

4328 Hits
Only in Sweden. (29 comments)
Posted by pinball_ @ 16:02 CST, 2 January 2006 - iMsg

They are candidating in the election here in Sweden this coming winter :o~ they want to remove the copyrights of everything and take away the "crime" shadow that lurks over piracy. Pretty interesting imo, in 1 day they got 3500 sign ups on their webbpage. The estimated ammount of "leechers" here in Sweden are close to a million, people who download movies, games, music etc from the web.
9794 Hits
Christmas Lights =) (3 comments)
Posted by pinball_ @ 13:27 CST, 20 December 2005 - iMsg
Might be old but its still awesome :D
3025 Hits
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