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Extracting stuff from Painkiller (14 comments)
Posted by krabban @ 16:45 CST, 23 December 2010 - iMsg
I want to access some sounds and stuff from PK, how? I want to use them in my QW and Q2 paks.
4397 Hits
I want... (12 comments)
Posted by krabban @ 15:48 CDT, 27 October 2005 - iMsg
# Add: Brightskins or the abilty to change color the way you please. (See CPM)
# Add: Move your weapon as you please in MP (See CPM)
# Add: Forcemodel, ForceEnemymodel
# Add: Red/Blue instead of Green/Orange
# Add: Stairjumps
# Add: Vertexlightning
# Add: Simpleitems
# Add: Loc's
# Add: Lockteams, Readyteam, Paus, Timeout etc
# Add: Different hurt/movements-sounds on Marines/Stroggs
# Change: servervariables made Clientvars, ie. bobbing
# Change: videotweaks made avaible in MP
# Change: ImageDownSize not affecting icons in HUD.
# Add: New playermodels (D3 model is kewl)
# Add: New sounds, some are too high and some sound awful,.
# Add: New additions to HUD, change it the way you please (See CPM)
# Add: New maps, 1v1 and TDM
# Change: Improved perfomance, higher FPS.
# Change: Improved menu, more options.
# Change: Improved ingamebrowser.
# Change: Improved friendssytem, messagesytem ingame.
# Change: Improved hitboxes

# Change: MG replaced by Blaster as startupweapon
# Change: NG replaced by MG as pickupweapon
# Add: Throwing grenades

There's probobly a bunch of stuff I forgot and many of these things that have been said before but... I wanted to gather my thoughts ;)

Will add more when I figure it out.
Edited by cribba at 05:00 CST, 8 January 2013 - 6526 Hits
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