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Hunter (9 comments)
Posted by duumed @ 14:49 CDT, 7 July 2015 - iMsg

0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
Rating: 6 (14 votes)
Hunter - a Quake Live movie by duumed. Watch in 720p/60fps

zircon & C-GPO - Solitude
Edited by duumed at 14:49 CDT, 7 July 2015 - 9137 Hits
EMS VIII announced (9 comments)
Posted by duumed @ 06:58 CST, 17 January 2011 - iMsg

Quake Live (2on2 TDM): €1,000

2617 Hits
Bad fps after yesterdays update (4 comments)
Posted by duumed @ 13:11 CDT, 12 March 2009 - iMsg
So before yesterdays update I had stable 125 fps and now I can't get even 40. Solutions?
1873 Hits
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