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Greece and debt non-sense (128 comments)
Posted by Goth4m @ 13:37 CDT, 16 May 2012 - iMsg
I just read the most astonishing/last Greece step about its debt: the government decided to repay in full a 450mUSD-loan maturing yesterday.

So basically, euro-zone countries and banks had to sit their ass on more than 150billion EUR of greek-debt while in the meantime, Greeks partly used this money to repay... Hedge Funds which bought this 450mUSD loan, speculating Greece would finally pay more than what the level at which they bought it... and they were right!!

Smthing goes seriously wrong in europe

Edit: Greece is out of the Euro... at least in football ;-) gg wp both
Edited by Goth4m at 15:47 CDT, 22 June 2012 - 49098 Hits
Hollande next president (69 comments)
Posted by Goth4m @ 12:57 CDT, 6 May 2012 - iMsg
Seems there's gonna be no surprise today: Hollande being the next french president with around 52.5%

Good news or not time will tell...
20254 Hits
Back from business trip to Hong Kong (11 comments)
Posted by Goth4m @ 12:57 CDT, 10 July 2010 - iMsg
too much pollution and work, but damn this city rocks after sunset!

Special thanks to the german guys during Germany/Argentina soccer match!!
3107 Hits
Which PC to purchase ? (148 comments)
Posted by Goth4m @ 05:47 CST, 3 January 2010 - iMsg
I'm currently beginning my search for a new computer.
1/ I'd like to spend max 1000€ in it (i spent 1300€ 5 years ago for my current laptop, and i think that 1000€ should be enough today to have some decent quality?)
2/ I don't care between PC or laptop
3/ the computer is aimed at a) playing video games (especially quakelive) b) multimedia stuff (music, movies, internet, etc etc)

Any thoughts?

Edit: didn't think I would get so many answers so quickly... thanks guys! keep going, i'm interested in having as many opinions as possible.
and no way i can buy a console, computer ftw
Edited by Goth4m at 14:11 CST, 7 January 2010 - 21184 Hits
Mariage and playing Quake (65 comments)
Posted by Goth4m @ 03:03 CDT, 3 October 2008 - iMsg
Today, I'm getting maried. I guess it means the end of me playing old good Quake 3?

Edit1: civil mariage is done (meaning regarding the law, I'm married).
Step 2 tomorrow, with religious one and (I hope ) a big party!!

Edit2: I'm back from honeymoon... And it was almost perfect, can't honestly say anyhing else.
We started with one week in "La Réunion". It's an island in the indian ocean (near Madagascar) not known for its beaches but for its tropical and virgin nature, and ofc its active volcano.
And we spent a following week there. It cost me 3/4 the price of the entire journey, but that was so damn good!

And for those who asked, say hello to my wife ;-)
Edited by Goth4m at 02:55 CDT, 19 October 2008 - 17635 Hits
ESWC France (3 comments)
Posted by Goth4m @ 04:51 CDT, 4 July 2008 - iMsg
Hi all!

Fortunately i live in paris, and as eswc france is @ Bercy today, it's showtime, and i'm gonna be there!

i think i'll be able to get there for 5 pm
Anyone going (except players :-p)?

I'd loved to be there for eswc master too (skill will be one or two steps higher), but holidays ==> let's go and see the sun in the south
1870 Hits
Math enigma (2) (41 comments)
Posted by Goth4m @ 10:16 CDT, 3 May 2008 - iMsg
A little bit harder than the 1st one i posted.

You have 5 pirates an a desert island, and 1000 fucking gold pieces.
They want to share these pieces, and as they're modern capitalist ones, they use the following democratic algorithm:
the oldest one (we suppose they all have a different age) proposes a share (let's say 1000,0,0,0,0 for instance) to the others. They vote, and if there is an absolute majority in favour, they do proceed with the share. Otherwise, the older is killed, and they proceed to another vote.

You have to note that:
Each pirate is only interesting in maximizing the number of pieces he'll get (he's a pirate after all).

Now the question is:
What share can propose the oldest pirate, which would allow him to maximize the pieces he'll get?

have fun
ps: sry for the poor english...

(NB: i was asked this enigma during an interview for a job, so it can be useful after all :-p )
5538 Hits
Semi-Final France vs England (13 comments)
Posted by Goth4m @ 09:21 CDT, 14 October 2007 - iMsg
un drop de Wilkinson, comment en aurait-il pu être autrement ?
(a drop from Wilkinson, what else)?

sad but true :-/
3802 Hits
Maths enigma (15 comments)
Posted by Goth4m @ 14:03 CDT, 15 May 2007 - iMsg
I was asked this question, and i just figured that some of those who like enigmas would try to solve this one too.

So, here it is:
you've got 100 lights related to 100 switches, numbered from 1 to 100, each light being switched off at the beginning. Then are coming, one after the other, 100 men. The first one switches all the lights.
The second one (after the 1st) switches all the lights which are a multiple of two. As a result, after him, 50 lights are on, 50s are off.
The third one (after the first two men) does the same with all the lights whose number is a multiple of 3.
And so on until the 100th man, who only switches the last light, as expected.

The question is: After the coming of the last man, how many lights are on?
5313 Hits
q4 players average behavior sucks (65 comments)
Posted by Goth4m @ 06:44 CST, 29 January 2007 - iMsg
i've been playing numerous 1v1 games (and none in tourneys, just "fun" ones) vs many opponents for the past 3 months now, and how can i turn it nicely: people's fairplay... doesn't exist
i'm sick of
- people who owns me and keep saying "noob" etc etc for the whole game, as if raping their opponent is not enough.
- people i beat of 1-5 frags and keep saying "i didn't play", "i was smoking", "i was fucking", "i only had one hand" and wtf else
- people i own (it happens sometimes) and who bitch "you hacker, you cheat blabla bla"
- people who disconnect for no reason
and i could go on...

Do all players have a 13-year-old brain, or is it internet ==> you can feel safe doing some shit from home, knowing that a false nick is a perfect alibi?

And the worse: i realized i began to do the same (refused to play phrantic because of the spam and spankills) which really sucks...

So i asked to myself: is it still fun playing this game?
Hopefully, i played CTF and i realy had fun. Think i'm gonna stick to it for a while(thx people for the games yesterday, was really fun: Gribouts, Batwagon, lowie, ecl, nohon, Mr MaxMacFly, ron, guy3606, tijery, lorent, tetsuo, jap and those i forget).
15553 Hits
Cooller -vs- Cl0ck (12 comments)
Posted by Goth4m @ 03:22 CDT, 24 July 2006 - iMsg

0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
Rating: - (0 votes)
Gametype: Duel
Map: hub3aeroq3 - Aerowalk
Mod: N/A
Viewpoint: Cooller
Version info: dm68
How to play back Q3 demos

It's the Cooller/Cl0ck game at ESWC 2005 previously posted, but from Cooller's POV this time.

Edited by Levi240 at 15:39 CDT, 31 July 2006 - 5546 Hits
For those who really support q4... (14 comments)
Posted by Goth4m @ 15:58 CDT, 22 July 2006 - iMsg
apparently there's a new channel only dedicated: #ichooseq4

And that's not because i don't like q4 that i must not admit you guys there are motivated...
5808 Hits
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