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Dahang -vs- Fox (100 comments)
Posted by guts @ 23:10 CDT, 14 August 2009 - iMsg

0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
Rating: 8.3 (27 votes)
Gametype: Duel
Map: Various Maps
Mod: N/A
Viewpoint: Dahang
How to play back QL demos

>> 70878-DaHanG.rar <<
(1952KB, 1721 DLs)

Intel QUAKE LIVE Masters Championship lower bracket match DaHanG vs Fox. Enjoy :)

Maps: qztourney7 and qzdm13
Edited by xou at 23:54 CDT, 14 August 2009 - 37790 Hits
qzdm13 layout (13 comments)
Posted by guts @ 13:37 CDT, 29 June 2009 - iMsg
The current qzdm13 item layout is playable, but I believe it should have the pro-nodm9 item layout. Maybe keep the plasma. Also, the teleporter exit should be moved back to the original spot. The last time I brought this up it was said that some one decided that there should not be a ya right next to the mega. Even though pro-nodm9 is a proven map for competition. I think that there has been enough testing on qzdm13 with the layout, and the pro-nodm9 design is a lot better.

What do you think?
3235 Hits
rapha -vs- various (90 comments)
Posted by guts @ 13:29 CDT, 11 June 2009 - iMsg

0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
Rating: 7.4 (9 votes)
Gametype: Duel
Map: Various Maps
Mod: N/A
Viewpoint: rapha
Version info: quakelive
How to play back QL demos

QLTV KOTH games - ztntourney1 only

Demos are featuring SK|rapha against various opponents such as bLt, sparks, dkt and [EG]Chance.
Edited by xou at 10:30 CDT, 12 June 2009 - 20836 Hits
rapha/griffin -vs- stid/bigwig (16 comments)
Posted by guts @ 02:28 CDT, 11 May 2008 - iMsg

0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
Rating: 4 (2 votes)
Gametype: Team Game
Map: N/A
Mod: Challenge ProMode Arena
Viewpoint: mvd
Version info: cpma 1.46
How to play back Q3 demos

>> <<
(8240KB, 208 DLs)

This is the upper bracket final from the #q3tdm 2v2 cup.

Order of maps is ospdm11, then pro-q3dm6.

Enjoy :)
Edited by guts at 03:20 CDT, 11 May 2008 - 5035 Hits
Quake 3 for cpl petition. *update (277 comments)
Posted by guts @ 04:57 CDT, 26 April 2006 - iMsg

There is a alot of comments in this thread saying it is IMPOSSIBLE!!!

Edited by GUTS at 12:37 CDT, 20 July 2006 - 126519 Hits
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