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DKT QuakeCon donation thread (101 comments)
Posted by destrukt @ 14:40 CDT, 24 June 2014 - iMsg
Hey guys.... please donate to UNICEF. I already have a job to get to QuakeCon.

Also for steffo:
Edited by destrukt at 10:16 CDT, 26 June 2014 - 36557 Hits
Next Unreal Tournament announced (271 comments)
Posted by destrukt @ 13:51 CDT, 8 May 2014 - iMsg
The next Unreal Tournament title, called Unreal Tournament, will be free and with a marketplace, for PC, Mac and Linux. Epic announced today in a Twitch Livestream (long, short).

Steve Polge from Epic on unrealengine/blog:

"Work on the future of Unreal Tournament begins today, and we’re happy to announce that we’re going to do this together, with you. We know that fans of the game are as passionate about Unreal Tournament as we are. We know that you have great ideas and strong opinions about where the game should go and what it should be. So let’s do something radical and make this game together, in the open, and for all of us."
Edited by Badb0y at 15:20 CDT, 8 May 2014 - 96382 Hits
Map list needs to be updated, now (157 comments)
Posted by destrukt @ 11:33 CDT, 6 August 2013 - iMsg

We had a player discussion at QuakeCon and for the most part we pretty much all agree 100% we need to go to a newer map rotation.

While I agree with this, I think we still need to be careful and not just take "NEW" instead of "NEW AND GOOD"

I haven't played enough of the new maps to really be able to give a valid opinion on whether they are "good" or not, but I have heard from a few people that they are playable.

Which of the new maps would you consider actually good? What do you think would be a solid 5 map rotation? Tournaments could either cut cold turkey to a new 5 maps, or we could have a transition phase.

I think the QCON map list was a mix of old/new/and current maps. In my opinion, I think you could make an argument that T7, TOX and Cure should stay in the map list for now and we could bring in a Fuse, Delirium, Silence, or Sinister (remember I havent played them yet so I don't know if they're good) to complete the 5 map rotation.

Edited by destrukt at 11:34 CDT, 6 August 2013 - 34477 Hits
BenQ XL2420T - Settings? (24 comments)
Posted by destrukt @ 16:53 CDT, 6 August 2012 - iMsg
Just got mine...

Curious, what color settings do you use?

Right now I'm using:
Bright: 50
Contratst: 50
Sharpness: 5
Gamma: 4
Color: 97 97 100
42343 Hits
Buying a 120hz monitor, your thoughts? (53 comments)
Posted by destrukt @ 10:59 CDT, 29 July 2012 - iMsg
I had a Samsung 2233rz. i loved it, but it died on me. The screen went dim and now it wont stay on at all. Either a bad capacitor or back light, either way I won't be wasting my time repairing it. I also have a Samsung LCD flat screen TV that is going bad, so fuck Samsung.

After all my research, I think I'm going to go with the BenQ xl2420t.

Any other suggestions?
15938 Hits
UT99 default xhair in qlive (9 comments)
Posted by destrukt @ 11:47 CDT, 23 June 2012 - iMsg
anyone have it or can make it?
3241 Hits
HoN amature cup announced (No comments)
Posted by destrukt @ 13:30 CDT, 6 May 2012 - iMsg
Raptor-Gaming and Digital Duels announces HoN amature cup:
766 Hits
DKT M3 mouse now available... (70 comments)
Posted by destrukt @ 16:08 CDT, 21 March 2012 - iMsg
Edited by destrukt at 23:07 CDT, 21 March 2012 - 27111 Hits
DKT Mouse - test model sneak peak (55 comments)
Posted by destrukt @ 10:13 CDT, 1 July 2011 - iMsg
*Update 7-4-11, added 3 more pics*

more info soon....... (and yes it pwns, i've tested it)
Edited by destrukt at 15:56 CDT, 4 July 2011 - 14916 Hits
Who wants a new DKT P9 mouse pad? (38 comments)
Posted by destrukt @ 09:26 CDT, 26 June 2011 - iMsg
I'm looking to give way a couple mouse pads to ESR members for reviews. If you can recommend anyone, or if you yourself will give an honest and accurate review.. and you're from the USA... I'll send you one.

8667 Hits
DKT P9 pre-sale available (85 comments)
Posted by destrukt @ 06:57 CDT, 9 June 2011 - iMsg

My newly designed mousepad by Raptor-Gaming, the DKT P9 is available for pre-sale on the raptor gaming site.

I've been using this pad for a few months now, and I can assure you it is a high quality hard mouse pad that is consistent and large enough for most sensitivities.

Also, the DKT mouse test model is soon to be in my hands :)

Raptor-Gaming P9 DKT (USA sales available soon..)

Also, stay tuned for more sponsorship related tournament news coming soon.
9534 Hits
New DKT mouse pad from Raptor-Gaming (122 comments)
Posted by destrukt @ 12:30 CDT, 29 March 2011 - iMsg
Hey dudes... my first co-developed gaming product with Raptor-Gaming is on the way: the Raptor-Gaming P9 DKT E

It is a hard mouse pad, I know many people use cloth, but I was really impressed with the feel of this pad and its a pretty decent size. I still use 3.5 sens with accel on this mouse pad no problem and its really smooth =)

More products will be announced soon :)
30040 Hits
Edited by destrukt at 08:18 CST, 11 February 2011 - 12102 Hits
Logi WMO, anyone still use it? (33 comments)
Posted by destrukt @ 16:15 CST, 8 November 2010 - iMsg
Does anyone still use the old school optical, Logitech Wheelmouse, the original, not the new crappy one.

Does it get 500hz? I always loved this shape, I have the G1, but its slightly different.
9244 Hits
accelstyle 1, anyone use it? (9 comments)
Posted by destrukt @ 08:56 CDT, 28 October 2010 - iMsg
Anyone using cl_mouseaccelstyle 1 ? It uses cl_Mouseacceloffset to know when to "start" the accel from what I understand. I've noticed it also uses larger numbers more so than decimal values to actually notice the difference in accel. (ie, accel 2.5 rather than .25)

If you use it, what are your settings?
10811 Hits
Am I retiring? (117 comments)
Posted by destrukt @ 15:25 CDT, 16 July 2010 - iMsg
This journal is for all the people I see making comments about how I will be retiring.

"Isn't he retired?"
"Retire and keep playing...lOL!"

For the people that apparently are incapable of reading comprehension, i said the following:

"QuakeCon will be my last professional event."

But then later in the blog, I also said:

"Over the last year I've been hesitant to do exactly that [retire], hoping and waiting for something else to come up in gaming."
"Does this mean I'm done with gaming in general? No. I will always be involved, some how, some way, but I will not be able to dedicate DAYS of playtime preparing for events anymore, I will no longer consider myself "pro." Any results, will be simply off natural raw skill rather than dedicated time."

When I wrote that blog, there was literally no events on the horizon. It was a question mark if QL would have another season with IEM. I had just come off two of the worst performances of my life at an event and I was taking way too much time off of work. Also, I've been married for four years now and we're planning on having kids soon to be completely honest with you, so that is also a factor.

Well... no kids yet, job is going smooth, and it just so happens that ESL announced new events, one of which is in New York. All of this taking place a long enough time since the IEM finals, that I might just be able to swing it.

So yes, it is definitely nearing "the end." I just assumed QuakeCon would probably be one of the last, if not the last event I attend, that i can dedicate some serious practice time to, considering most events are being held outside of the United States. I had no idea someone would Major that blog on ESR, but I appreciate the sentiment.

With this NYC tourney, and a pretty clear schedule coming up until the end of the year... yea I might stick around a bit longer. Not sure why some people are so insistent on holding me to it =) I'm having fun and I've done this most of my life, its hard to just walk away, I'm sure many people can understand that. I'm going to hold on for as long as I can....unfortunately I know it isn't much longer, I just do not know how much longer =p
Edited by destrukt at 15:31 CDT, 16 July 2010 - 20483 Hits
How to change the QL map list (29 comments)
Posted by destrukt @ 22:30 CDT, 12 July 2010 - iMsg
How NOT to change the map list:

1. Release maps a month before an event and then put them in the map list.
2. Randomly change the map list with one old map (dm6) to a different old map (t4) a week before a tournament that was announced less than two weeks ago.
3. Ask 3-4 various people what good ideas are for map rotations.

How to change the map list:

1. Release new maps, or announce old maps being discussed.
2. Practice, for at least two weeks with a significant amount of matches that give a person a large enough sample size to form a valid opinion.
3. Ask the top 32-64 players, who practiced these maps, in the world to vote on the map list.
4. The top 5-7 maps of the results are the map rotation.

There. Now you have a guideline. Quake has "died" and come back like three different times, and yet every time it comes back the staples of the map list are ztn/dm6/and dm13. And as the current poll will tell you on ESR, ztn/dm6 are the maps people like to watch.

Do I want new maps? Yes, I do.
Do I want to change out old maps for new maps just for the sake of doing it? No. (e.g.,ca2 circa qcon 2009)
Do I want to replace an old map (dm6) with another old map (t4) that hasn't been played for over a year in tournament play. That depends.. how much time before the event? And who else wants it? Can we vote on it?

Do you care what I think? Probably not... but I'm trying to spark an intelligent discussion about the state of competitive Quake Live.
7167 Hits
dkt -vs- tox1c (5 comments)
Posted by destrukt @ 10:06 CST, 10 December 2009 - iMsg

0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
Rating: 7.4 (4 votes)
Gametype: Duel
Map: Various Maps
Mod: N/A
Viewpoint: dkt
How to play back QL demos

My matches vs tox1c at DH. The only demos I managed to save. My fazz demos didn't autorecord on the machines @ DH, so enjoy this if you may!
5158 Hits
Re: IEM4 QL AC Finals Coverage (No comments)
Posted by destrukt @ 09:58 CST, 10 December 2009 - iMsg
684 Hits
DKT's POST QCON09 Journal (182 comments)
Posted by destrukt @ 10:36 CDT, 17 August 2009 - iMsg
Two weeks ago it seemed like it would take forever for QuakeCon to get here.Now the event has come and gone and it went by so fast. I have this weird post-tournament depression that I always get after an event. Especially lately, with the lack of other events, QuakeCon was like this random tropical oasis in an expansive open desert. I do hope other organizations take notice at the buzz QuakeCon had and put up some significant prize money for events, both in North America and Europe. Obviously, none of us can expect the glory days of having WCG,ESWC,CPL,WSVG all in the same year, but we can definitely hope for some tournaments where the prize pool makes it worth a trip. QuakeCon and their casting partners have not released any official numbers yet, but I'm positive when we find out the numbers from the cast, it is going to be amazing.

If you were at QuakeCon, sitting in the event center during the finals, you were a part of something special. The atmosphere in that room was uncanny and unlike anything I've ever been a part of at any event. There were thousands of people cheering on the CTF, Open and Masters matches. We had all been sitting in that room for hours longer than planned because of an unexpected power outage, and yet the energy level instantly picked back up and the enthusiasm was through the roof for the matches the second they started. I think djWHEAT said it best in his post performance speech, we need to keep the dream alive and with events like QuakeCon, you can't help but be inspired.

One could argue this tournament had some of the most talent at a Quake event in recent memory. While we were missing some big names like Zero4, CZM, cooller, and jibo, we definitely had some new talent that has elevated the game of Quake to a different level. This game is constantly evolving and never ceases to amaze and that is why we all love Quake and why events like QuakeCon always have such a huge turn out.

This year the tournament directors and organizers really stepped up big time. I want to personally give a huge thank you to Alienware. You guys really came through for the gamers and I will definitely keep that in mind the next time I am to make a major PC/monitor purchase. The same goes for Intel, thank you. The Alienware monitors at QuakeCon this year were awesome and so were the PCs. Obviously, in a perfect hardcore gamer world , we would all want 120hz CRT monitors, but as we are all aware this isn't 2002 anymore, and technology is finally beginning to catch up. The new 120hz monitors will be mainstream soon enough and no more will we have this problem of monitors at an event. So once again, I say thank you to the sponsors and organizers that apparently listened to the gamers and came through for us.

With all this said, I do have some initial post-event suggestions for not only the event, but QuakeLive in general. Remember, this is my personal opinion.

For one, the tournament area needs to get moved to the back of the BYOC instead of the vendor area. If you didn't have noise canceling headphones, it was virtually impossible to play in the tournament area. I had to borrow Chance's helicopter head phones for almost every single match. I mean, it was LITERALLY impossible to hear in game without noise cancelling head phones. I won't blame the vendor, but I will blame QuakeCon for this HORRIBLE mistake. How many times are we going to make this same mistake at events before someone finally goes, "Wait a minute... this vendor is going to have extremely loud music, events, and people ranting stuff at the top of their lungs almost all day long...... maybe it isn't a good idea to have it DIRECTLY NEXT TO THE TOURNAMENT AREA." Its like come on... really? Get a God damn clue, FOR ONCE.

Ok, sorry I lost my composure, but I really hate that.

Second, the 10 minute time limit experiment needs to be over. Let me say this: I'm glad it was 10 minutes at this event. Why? Because on the practice servers it was 10 minutes for the last year, so... We tried it, it was ok, but 15 minutes is definitely what the 1v1 time limit needs to be for the masters event. I won't go into any in depth elaboration, but if you understand the game of Quake, you understand it takes minutes to regain a position of a counter-attack to attempt to regain control. The ten minute time limit forces situations that don't make sense to some hardcore quakers and in result, I think we saw some blow outs on certain maps that we shouldn't have had to see, simply because as a person who doesn't have control, you're FORCED to attack when it isn't appropriate.

(**EDIT: People in the comments section have brought up some good points about 10 minute matches. I'm already starting to question my position on this. From an outside POV, 10 minutes does make more sense over all. Hmm...)

Third, maps. We need more NEW maps like T7 and T9. CA2 is decent, but we can do better. I think CA2 can be OK with some tweaks with the spawns and perhaps some other game play style tweaks. I'd like to see a Q4 map port, like a Monsoon, with some tweaks for non-crouch sliding style Quake. Just some food for thought. I think id software so far has the right idea and has amazingly put out two maps (t7,t9) which have managed to be accepted by virtually everyone in the main stream. The last time that happened? Hub3Aeroq3? Either way, the process of phasing out old maps, needs to begin immediately.

Fourth, more competitive features need to be implemented. Real time stats, other hud options, voting features, spec modes, the list goes on. I know Syncerror & Company have a lot of shit planned to be released soon, so I'm interested to see whats coming, and I have faith they will do a good job just like they have been doing.

Fifth, leagues and ladders. I hope id software is planning on being active in the competitive scene of QuakeLive and providing us all with a platform for this. How awesome would it be for an online league with LAN finals for decent prize $, twice a year. You could have an event at id's offices, and one event at QuakeCon. NA, Euro, and Asia divisions. Make it so!

All in all, QuakeCon kicked ass and if it was any indication for what is yet-to-come with QuakeLive, I'm going to throw on my sunglasses, because the future is bright.
Edited by destrukt at 12:58 CDT, 17 August 2009 - 54712 Hits
Post ESWC 08 Masters Reaction (47 comments)
Posted by destrukt @ 17:57 CDT, 8 July 2008 - iMsg
Unfortunately, I had prior obligations to CGS, otherwise I may have applied and perhaps attended the Masters. I honestly wasn't sure what to expect from this tournament. It had been so long since a large international event that the only real glimpse of play I had was from Russia. They obviously have their Asus Cup's quite a bit and because of that I've seen many demos from Nike, Cooller, Makaveli, etc.

I also managed to see some cup demos from Cypher, k1llsen, and a few other players online. It is extremely hard to judge a player from an online match, besides perhaps some tactical elements. Cypher however, definitely lived up to the hype.

I managed to hang out with av3k during QuakeCon and he is a very cool kid, I am happy for him that he did so well at this event, and at the same time partly surprised. I realize he is a highly skilled gamer, but I didn't expect him to be this good in Q3. Props to him for picking up his game to this point, however I think if he wants to improve he definitely needs to work on his brain game a little bit. A few silly mistakes here and there cost him, and COULD have cost him some very important frags.

I have mixed emotions about this tournament, because while the super aggressive fast paced game is extremely polished from Cypher and av3k, I also see players like Fox and Jibo, who play slower and smarter, and slightly more strategic. This is the beauty of Q3.... so many styles, none necessarily "correct."

I'm proud of my fellow American John "Zero4" Hill. He hadn't played much Q3 in years and over the last couple months he's managed to elevate his game and I can promise all of you that the finals in San Jose, he will be a legitimate contender to win the whole event, hopefully along with me :) Did I mention he uses an DKT Keyboard??? Holla!

I feel bad for Chance, because he actually is very good and I know on a different day he may have won a couple of those sets. Chance is like trapped in between Cypher and Jibo where he can't decide if he wants to play out of his mind, or tactical. I hope a few more Q3 tournaments pop up that Chance can play in, because he is actually very good.

I'm not sure what to say about Rapha, he is an amazing Q3 player. I wasn't there, but from the demos I watched.... seemed lost. So many times av3k caught him with his back turned, in what I thought, were some pretty obvious situations. I don't know if it was nerves, or just that big of a clash of styles, but Rapha is another player I think will be extremely good at the finals. I realize I predicted him to maybe win the Masters and I was wrong, but I assure you rapha will bring a different, more polished game to the finals in San Jose.

With all that, I'm off to watch some demos. The beauty of not attending ESWC Masters, and the upcoming GameGune, is that I get a library of demos to study... :)

Check out my keyboard, it pwnz...
Edited by destrukt at 17:57 CDT, 8 July 2008 - 6789 Hits
Hello, ESR, I'm dkt! (68 comments)
Posted by destrukt @ 15:32 CDT, 26 June 2008 - iMsg
This is my first ever journal entry on ESR. I've have been an avid reader of ESR, since it was XSR. I've always read many of the forums, many of the comments, but I've usually been a silent reader. Needless to say, it's always amusing :) Because I've never really been active on forums, or comments, many of the people that surf ESR, don't really know me, and only really know what they've heard, or read, so I'm hoping to perhaps, earn some new friends and perhaps maybe even fans... :)

I've been pro gaming since the year 2000. I started off fast with some pretty major success winning BattleTop AZ, taking second at NY BattelTop, and finishing 1st in the WCGC 2000 playing UT99. UT99, to this day, was the funnest game I've ever played, not only because of my early success, but because of the players in the community. I dabbled in Q3, but never took it seriously. I went along with 519 to Babbages one year, and Qcon another year, but honestly I wasn't very good and I was just there for fun

After UT99, I left about the time UT2K3 came out and started playing CS1.3. I stayed in the CS community for quite some time and after a few years, and many tournaments, I retired from CS to focus on my EverGlide DKT Brand, and to take another shot at 1v1 duel in Painkiller. I placed 13-16 at both Turkey events. I lost to Stelam in a double OT match, Stelam later went on to win the next event. I ended up losing early the next tournament in Spain, and I realized that I would always be a bad seed for most of the stops and due to the fact I was going to uni at the time, I said f*ck it and told myself I'd wait for the next game.

Q4 came out and I took it up full time, while still going to school. I managed to take 9-12th at CPL winter, and 7th at Lanwar, and 5th in Qcon 2v2 but then I got married and went on my honeymoon, and once again due to lack of practice and time, I faded into hiatus.

Then CPL made an announcement that Q3 would be an event for their 2006 tour. I took 2nd to Jibo at CPL Singapore, missed CPL Italy because it was "cancelled" and then took 7th at the CPL World Finals. That was my last event I ever played in until the ESWC 2008 online tournament.

I took up managing with the CGS in 2007. My team was extremely good and we went on to not only win the Regional championships, but the World Championships. I hand picked my team, so it felt good to know that I still had an eye for talent in gaming.

I started practicing Q3 once again on the side while managing my team, at first I was just playing for fun when I had free time, because I honestly didn't think I would be able to qualify for ESWC, let alone go to the event even if I did. I started to play more and more and practice with chance, rapha, zero4, and a few other gamers, and here I am, qualified for ESWC Finals.

I still have major inconsistency issues in Q3. Some days I think I am unbeatable, while other days I swear I forget how to play this game. I vow to my fans and friends, that once I return home from the CGS season, I am going to dedicate myself to preparing for ESWC 2008 and my goal is to win the entire event. Many of you may find that comical, but I promise you that the dkt you will see at the event, will be like none you've ever seen before. I am experienced, matured, and I feel like I'm better then I've ever been at any game.

After ESWC 2008... I honestly don't know what the future holds for me as a gamer.... such has been my life :).....
8794 Hits
dkt -vs- rapha (190 comments)
Posted by destrukt @ 01:06 CDT, 23 May 2008 - iMsg

0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
Rating: 7 (10 votes)
Gametype: Duel
Map: Various Maps
Mod: Challenge ProMode Arena
Viewpoint: dkt
Version info: CPMA 1.46
How to play back Q3 demos

Both maps from USA ESWC Winner Bracket Final. ZTN, then HUB. GGz
Edited by xou at 03:20 CDT, 23 May 2008 - 49759 Hits
dkt -vs- pyro (60 comments)
Posted by destrukt @ 18:14 CDT, 5 May 2008 - iMsg

0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
Rating: 8.3 (3 votes)
Gametype: Duel
Map: Various Maps
Mod: Challenge ProMode Arena
Viewpoint: dkt
Version info: CPMA 1.46
How to play back Q3 demos

DKT vs Pyro for ESWC USA Online Qualifier, Round 2.

Map 1: pro-nodm9
Map 2: hub3aeroq3
Edited by destrukt at 20:40 CDT, 5 May 2008 - 12393 Hits
destrukt -vs- immortal (24 comments)
Posted by destrukt @ 12:46 CST, 29 December 2005 - iMsg

0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
Rating: - (0 votes)
Gametype: Duel
Map: Galang
Mod: N/A
Viewpoint: destrukt
Version info: q4max .71
How to play back Q4 demos

Game two of the AmeriCup q4 1v1 match between destrukt and immortal. First map score 3-2 on TMP Edge.
Edited by son! at 19:14 GMT, 29th Dec 2005 - 13722 Hits
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