I remembered the General Motors vs Microsoft joke, and thought of jokes about what would cars be if they've had the same evolution as video games...
Here's a few I found, don't hesitate to [+] this is the main purpose.
If cars had the same evolution as video games :
- Cars would be meant to be driven earlier and earlier, and 4WD would only be sold with baby seats.
- The more time you drive in a short period of time, the cooler you look.
- Every year new cars come out but you can't drive them until they rebuild the road.
- You'd buy your car but you'd have to pay money to the manufacturer to be able to use it.
- You would unlock the reverse gear after driving at 30 km/h for 100 km.
- They'd have replaced the steering wheel with fitness equipments. It wouldn't be easier to drive but you'd look as if it was useful.
- You can't be 2 in the car unless both of you have the same car.
- Once you drove with other people on the highway you can't sell your car, or you have to pay the manufacturer some money because he's supposed to sell less.
- Cars would be sold with an unique code that enables you to drive at 130 km/h, and once you sold your car the code is invalid.