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Warxon Duel Cup #1 (2 comments)
Posted by extone @ 05:29 CST, 6 November 2014 - iMsg
Scheduled: 12:00 CST, 16 November 2014 to 16:00 CST, 16 November 2014
Schedule: Passed

I’m presenting first Warxon Duel Cup in the Duel Series. It is planned to be held every second Saturday or Sunday with prize of 75 euros and intended for players of all skills. As currently no one has much experience in warxon duel, first cup in the series is a perfect chance to win for everybody.

Update: moved date of cup to November 16 Sunday
Edited by xou at 14:32 CST, 6 November 2014 - 8123 Hits
Warxon Alpha 2 & Support for NetRadiant (41 comments)
Posted by extone @ 02:28 CDT, 20 October 2014 - iMsg
Alpha 2 version of Warxon and NetRadiant with Warxon support are released.

Alpha 2 comes with small gameplay fixes and adjustments such as improved weapon balance, more consistent knockback calculation, new grenades behavior, added missing sounds and so on.

The community favorite map editor NetRadiant now available with Warxon support. The maps building for Warxon now is as simple and familiar as for Quake3.

Links: Warxon, Twitter
Edited by Teen Queen at 15:15 CST, 5 November 2014 - 20374 Hits
Warxon Alpha Released (71 comments)
Posted by extone @ 06:35 CDT, 24 September 2014 - iMsg
Alpha version of Warxon game is released.

This is the first public release of Warxon and its purpose is to provide playable and complete version of game suitable for gameplay testing. Content of the game is temporary and mostly borrowed from such free games as Nexuiz classic, Open Arena and Xonotic.

Warxon Alpha is using latest version of Qfusion 3D GPL engine and has many features needed for competitive playing. Even though final release aims to replace most of the content with modern hi-quality assets, Alpha version is packed with highest quality free content available and should provide enjoyable experience while testing such an early version of game. Alpha release aims to be stable enough to be reliably used for online cups.

Links: Warxon, Twitter
Edited by Badb0y at 20:07 CDT, 24 September 2014 - 40057 Hits
Warxon 50€ FFA Saturday Contest (84 comments)
Posted by extone @ 16:42 CDT, 31 August 2014 - iMsg
Scheduled: 12:00 CDT, 6 September 2014 to 15:00 CDT, 6 September 2014
Schedule: Passed

Contest details:
Game: Warxon pre-alpha
Gamemode: FFA
Date and time: 06.09.2014 19:00 CEST (21:00 MSK)
Server: "Warxon xtn Server FFA#1 (, all games are gonna be played on one server, if there will be several locations available server might be selected by pre-contest voting among participants
Prize: 50 EUROS for 1st place
Mappool: Afterslime, Atelier, Skyward, Strength, Oilrig (, Xtn, Opium)
Players: 12-16

Rules: Contest consisted of 2 rounds. In first round players are separated into 2 groups of 6-8 players. In each group first 5 maps are played and 3-4 players with best scores are going to the next final round where 7 maps are played. For first place in any map players gets 4 points, for 2nd – 3 points, for 3rd – 2 points, for 4th – 1 point. Score is calculated as sum of points on all maps. If scores are the same overall scores are taken into account. The winner is defined by best score in final round. Timelimit 15 min, fraglimit 50 frags. There might be rules changes prior to contest. Any possible unexpected/ambiguous situations are gonna be resolved by admin.

IRC: #Warxon @ QuakeNet

If you want to participate leave here a comment. I will select players based on their experience and give link for game download.
I’m looking for additional servers for contest in EU. If you want to provide one please leave here comment too. Server owner will participate in contest automatically =)

EDIT: description of all trick elements for those who dont want to dig into website =)
most of game cvars are the same as here

Final Standings:

1. Zeroql
2. Memento_Mori
3. Machine
Edited by extone at 16:59 CDT, 6 September 2014 - 29989 Hits
Warxon: New FPS Game (117 comments)
Posted by extone @ 05:13 CDT, 29 June 2014 - iMsg
After all the attempts to make gameplay modes for games like quake3, quake4, warsow I have decided to put all of my efforts into standalone game. It is based on warsow’s engine qfusion and currently uses mostly GPL content from xonotic (most lacked assets made by me), what defined the name of the game – Warxon. It is on early stage of development, I plan to make alpha release quite soon.
I plan to release it on steam when its done, probably not as completely free game, at least there will be definitely some ways to support game. All kind of community features are planned too but its implementation strongly depends on amount of finding I’m gonna be able to find. I strongly rely on community. The Gameplay is somewhat finalized but it is gonna be significantly tweaked based on feedback from community after alpha version will be available.

Please visit web site: – here you can find quite a lot of info
All feedback is welcome

Feel free to donate if you think that it is what you want to play or watch on streams in the future =)
31107 Hits
[mod] iwsw (3 comments)
Posted by extone @ 11:48 CDT, 9 September 2012 - iMsg
my wsw mode iwsw, 'i' standes for improved =)
kinda tried to make wsw more competetive and less random
All dashes, walljumps, doublejumps are controled by single DASHTIME which capped to 3.5 sec
It means that you can perform one of those one time in 3.5 sec.
Doublejumps are changed to be more UT-style: you will have dj if you pressed dash button in less then 100 ms after jump and being in the air
Added CrouchSliding also controled by DASHTIME and dash button
Changed behavior of dash button on slow (less then 300 ups) speed on ground - it works then like crouch button.
Increased crouch movement speed.
New aircontrol physics, made it "explicit" without any use of old mostly nonsense functions.
Removed nonsense 2 style movements. Now there is no difference in "forward" and "strafe" aircontrol, you can use only one button all the time. Aircontrol now is much more adjustable.
New cvar cg_autoAirControl (off by default) working only with "strafe" buttons and allowing weak bunny hopping without moving mouse at all.
It works like extra mouse sensitivity specific for aircontrol, it's harder to use but after some practice low-sens players can benefit from it.
(note: it seems to be bugged but only on linux =), if you have problems be sure that cg_autoAirControl is 0)
Updated huds to show DASHTIME, new cvar cg_showDashTime to disable it.
Capped minimum "teleported" speed to 500 ups and added shot knockbacked behavior.
Changed "knockbacked" behaviour, it's now not only removing ground friction but also decreasing ground accel and so works more like q3 "cripple" effect, to somehow compensate smaller new hitboxes)
can be adjusted, dont know how strong it's now
Changed MG spread to cylindrical.
Increased air wish speed to 450 ups, so you can reach this speed just by jumping. Aircontrol can give you max 750 ups. Still there is no cap with strafejumping and crouchsliding.

you welcome to test it and describe your filings about new physics.


to install it you should extract into your warsow folder so you will have both basewsw and iwsw folders in it and then start warsow with '+set fs_game iwsw' parameter
(if you installed wsw with installer copy your wsw shotcut and add '+set fs_game iwsw' in properties) or start wsw with 'iwsw.bat' or ''
it hopefully should work on win x32 and x64 and linux x64.
6560 Hits
Quakelive 50$ contest FINISHED (104 comments)
Posted by extone @ 16:51 CDT, 13 July 2011 - iMsg

If you like playing QL with bots that's for you! )

The aim of contest is to get as much frags as possible in one ffa match with 5 bots on particular map

Winner will get 50$

To participate you need to download archieve with 2 files (xtn.pk3 and z-cooller.pk3), place it in your quakelive/baseq3 folder and make it read only.

'C:\Users\[User_name]\AppData\LocalLow\id Software\quakelive\baseq3' folder on win7 systems

Next start offline match and type in console following commands:
/kick allbots
/g_gametype 0
/map xtn
/timelimit 10
/fraglimit 0
/addbot cooller 5 - five times
start match with demo recording and just finish it

So if you did everything right you will have ffa match on xtn map with 5 cooller bots with skill 5 and timelimit 10 min and fraglimit 0


Contest is over!

The Winner is Twist3r with 83 frags result.

If you liked playing bot cooller I made updated version of bot with its own weapon and items choise scripts what makes him a little bit smarter then standart bots. You can find necessary files in the following arcieve
Edited by extone at 05:03 CDT, 22 September 2011 - 23691 Hits
selfdamage in duel (19 comments)
Posted by extone @ 14:27 CDT, 21 March 2011 - iMsg
I think it must be increased to 65-75%. The reason is simple - to make RJing more expensive coz now it's not only too easy to perform, it’s kinda breaking maps, making height differences meaningless and giving unreasonable advantage to player in control.
So share your thoughts =)
4319 Hits
Stepheight change (8 comments)
Posted by extone @ 12:26 CDT, 27 October 2010 - iMsg
I just wanna propose another way to accelerate game in similar to current ql way but without "breaking" maps. I did it a while ago in my mod
In my mod Stepheight dynamicly vary from 18 to 23 depending on your vertical velocity (Vz).
lets explain. If you have vertical velocity Vz than you can reach following height
Vz^2 / 2g + 18

in my mod

if ( Vz^2 / 2g + 18 ) > 23 then Stepheight = 23

if 18 < ( Vz^2 / 2g + 18 ) < 23 then Stepheight = 18 + Vz^2 / 2g

if Vz < 0 then Stepheight = 18

so maximum height still Vz^2 / 2g + 18 and every old trick remain the same but climbing is faster and double jumps are easier and more reproducible
2733 Hits
xtn3dm6 map (31 comments)
Posted by extone @ 16:43 CDT, 7 July 2010 - iMsg
I miss maverick contest but nevertheless started new map. the layout is almost done and I'd like to hear some feedback about gameply, and items placement wich is temporary now.
Overall I feel satisfied with current archiecture and Ithink it can be worth texturing =)
note that you spawn already with GL, I think it fit map.

Edited by extone at 16:46 CDT, 7 July 2010 - 4929 Hits
23922 Hits
another new dm6 test (58 comments)
Posted by extone @ 14:39 CST, 6 November 2009 - iMsg
decided to make another dm6 ctf map

alpha is here

screen is here

before i will start to fix all the numerous bugs and finalize map it could be good to have some feadback about new mid area and items placement if somebody interested in map
new version

dm6test5 and mirrored version - dm6test5a
Edited by extone at 05:55 CDT, 12 April 2010 - 23909 Hits
Quake3 with TA weapons and crouchsliding (72 comments)
Posted by extone @ 06:32 CDT, 15 July 2009 - iMsg
after making many suggestion for ql which never will be included i decided to make my own mod for q3 with my view of gameplay

mod is here

to install extract archive to q3 folder and double click xtn_start.bat or ioxtn_start.bat
after it test map will be loaded with almost all new items. next you can load any map you want. in mod included q3dm6x map - changed variant of q3dm6 with new items suitabale for testing with bots.

main changes:
chrouchsliding with sound of PU flight
smaller weapon switch time (300 ms)
new spread for SG, NG, CG, BFG
holdabale invulnaravility transformed to aerocontrol
holdable teleporter uses its own dests
holdable medkit gives 65 hp up to 125
new PU flight
new armor system : GA - 40 up 100, YA 70 up to 150, RA 120 up to 200,
armor 0-50 protection 0.4, decay 0,
armor 50-100 protection 0.525, decay 0.5,
armor 100-150 protection 0.65, decay 1,
armor 150-200 protection 0.775, decay 2,
ramp jump and small doublejumps

edit: little update - made more control for cs
replace cgamex86.dll and qagamex86.dll in xtn folder with files from archive

edit:another small update
cs a little longer
new stairs (but without animation) - under speed 330 ups - q4 like and above 330 - q3 like. now u can rjumping on stairs for example to ra on hub3aeroq3

one more update:
- finished staires
- fps-independent physics
- unlagged net code
- improved double jumps
- new railgun - one shot consist of 4 shots. first takes 70 dg, next 3 folowing by 20 ms one after each other takes 10 dg. so you can make 70-100 dg to your enemy depending on his movement and your accuracy.
listening to hit sounds you can understand what dg you made.
- early version of new portals included in ptest map
- swithced on TA code for TA specific gametypes. you can place pak0.pk3 from your mission folder to xtn folder and play it on TA maps.
i'm planing to make new gametype combining normal CTF and Harvester

next i will make normal release probably with some competitive features. but it will be not so soon basically because i'm busy now.
Edited by extone at 07:47 CDT, 2 August 2009 - 16141 Hits
cpma1.47beta (69 comments)
Posted by extone @ 10:45 CDT, 12 March 2009 - iMsg
17962 Hits
rota3dm1 tourney version (22 comments)
Posted by extone @ 05:05 CST, 22 February 2009 - iMsg
as rota3dm1 was chosen to be part of revoluzzers cup #2 and atracting players attention as posible map for new map pool i decided to make some adjustment to make it fitting better duel.
so, here is my first try

this test version is based on decompiled map and so textures are not aligned and there are some bugs. i hope that rota will give me permission for this and .map file or mb rework map by him self based on feadback here.

so i propose to discuss about what changes rota3dm1 needs.
Edited by extone at 16:17 CST, 26 February 2009 - 10440 Hits
xtn3dm3 alphatest (16 comments)
Posted by extone @ 11:38 CST, 14 December 2008 - iMsg
last version only for ql is here

screenshots are there
Edited by extone at 16:25 CST, 15 February 2011 - 9720 Hits
Edited by extone at 04:53 CDT, 29 September 2008 - 2294 Hits
xtn3dm1 alphatest (4 comments)
Posted by extone @ 16:19 CDT, 24 July 2008 - iMsg
xtn3dm1_a2 my first original map
Edited by extone at 04:45 CDT, 27 July 2008 - 2227 Hits
monsoon beta updated (51 comments)
Posted by extone @ 09:11 CDT, 21 July 2008 - iMsg
final version
Edited by extone at 06:19 CDT, 3 October 2008 - 19167 Hits
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