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G Data QL Cup #29 is over! (27 comments)
Posted by shorrty @ 11:12 CDT, 5 June 2010 - iMsg
Scheduled: 07:00 CDT, 12 June 2010 to 11:00 CDT, 12 June 2010
Schedule: Passed

With a *broken hand* France strenx again made it to the top. We are very excited announce the next episode of the G Data Quakelive Duel tournament. The cup format will once again consist of SE brackets using bo1 matches until the quarter finals. Then the games will be played as bo3 with the grand final being played bo5. The prize is 100€ for the first place.

Final standings:
1. France strenx - 100€
2. Italy stermy
3./4. Poland bodzo / Russia evil

Links: Tournament page, Hall of Fame, mIRC #gdata.qlive
Edited by xou at 18:31 CDT, 19 June 2010 - 9175 Hits
ZOTAC QL Duel Cup #30 is over! (47 comments)
Posted by shorrty @ 18:23 CDT, 1 May 2010 - iMsg
Scheduled: 07:00 CDT, 2 May 2010 to 12:00 CDT, 2 May 2010
Schedule: Passed

Maybe next weekend there will be someone to beat France strenx, the cup format will once again consist of SE brackets using bo1 matches until the quarter finals. Then the games will be played as bo3 with the grand final being played bo5. The prize is 100€ for 1st place!

Update: ZOTAC #30 started with France strenx, Sweden spart1e, Sweden madix, Ukraine Drz|uaReaper, Poland prox_pl and many more.

Final standings:
1. France fnatic\strenx - 100€
2. Sweden fnatic\spart1e
3./4. Sweden DRz|madix / Russia agentJkezooR

Streams: Holysh1t, AdivinesTV
Links: Tournament page, Brackets, Hall of Fame, mIRC #zotac.qlive
Edited by vash_ at 03:02 CDT, 3 May 2010 - 21220 Hits
G Data QL Cup #23 finished! (51 comments)
Posted by shorrty @ 08:36 CDT, 1 May 2010 - iMsg
Scheduled: 07:00 CDT, 1 May 2010 to 12:00 CDT, 1 May 2010
Schedule: Passed

French powerhouse Kιvin "strenx" Baeza dominated the last three cups following Sweden Sebastian "Spart1e" Siira who once won four in a row. The cup format will once again consist of SE brackets using bo1 matches until the quarter finals. Then the games will be played as bo3 with the grand final being played bo5. The prize is 100€ for the first place.

Update: G Data #23 is running with Poland av3k, Belarus cypher, Sweden spart1e, Belgium burnedd and many more.

Final standings:
1. France fnatic\strenx - 100€
2. Belarus srs\Cypher
3./4. Poland BVG|tox1c / Sweden fnatic\spart1e

Streams: Germany GameSports, France adivinestv, Europe Holysh1t
Links: Tournament page, Brackets, Hall of Fame, mIRC #gdata.qlive
Edited by vash_ at 03:01 CDT, 3 May 2010 - 18787 Hits
ZOTAC QL Duel Cup #29 is over! (15 comments)
Posted by shorrty @ 10:34 CDT, 25 April 2010 - iMsg
Scheduled: 07:00 CDT, 25 April 2010 to 11:28 CDT, 25 April 2010
Schedule: Passed

Once again the cup format will consist of SE brackets using bo1 matches until the quarter finals. Then the games will be played as bo3 with the grand final being played bo5. The prize is 100€ for 1st place!

Update: ZOTAC #29 started with Russia Cooller, France strenx, Belgium dem0n, Russia evil, Poland Pawelek85, Belgium burnedd, Lithuania GUArd and many more.

Final standings:
1. France fnatic\strenx - 100€
2. Lithuania GUard
3./4. Poland bodzo / Belgium srs\burnedd

Stream: holysh1t
Links: Tournament page, Hall of Fame, mIRC #zotac.qlive
Edited by vash_ at 14:02 CDT, 1 May 2010 - 10608 Hits
G Data QL Cup #22 is over! (48 comments)
Posted by shorrty @ 05:08 CDT, 24 April 2010 - iMsg
Scheduled: 07:00 CDT, 24 April 2010 to 12:00 CDT, 24 April 2010
Schedule: Passed

Once again the cup format will consist of SE brackets using bo1 matches until the quarter finals. Then the games will be played as bo3 with the grand final being played bo5. The prize is 100€ for the first place.

Update: G Data #22 started with France strenx, Germany k1llsen, Sweden madix, Russia evil, Belgium dem0n, Lithuania guard and many more, check out the Brackets.

Final standings:
1. France fnatic\strenx - 100€
2. Germany k1llsen
3-4. Poland Pawelek85, Russia evil

Streams: qlchannel, Holysh1t TV by FLY-CORE
Links: Tournament page, Hall of Fame, Brackets, mIRC #gdata.qlive
Edited by shorrty at 11:16 CDT, 25 April 2010 - 16052 Hits
ZOTAC QL Duel Cup #28 is over! (35 comments)
Posted by shorrty @ 07:20 CDT, 18 April 2010 - iMsg
Scheduled: 07:00 CDT, 18 April 2010 to 12:00 CDT, 18 April 2010
Schedule: Passed

Once again the cup format will consist of SE brackets using bo1 matches until the quarter finals. Then the games will be played as bo3 with the grand final being played bo5. The prize is 100€ for 1st place!

Update: ZOTAC #28 started with Belarus Cypher, France strenx, Germany reload, Germany smoke, Russia evil, Poland sting_PL, Belgium burnedd, Lithuania GUArd and many more.

Final standings:
1. France fnatic\strenx - 100€
2. Belgium srs\burnedd
3./4. Lithuania GUArd / Italy spartaz0rd
Stream: Holysh1t TV & qlchannel
Links: Tournament page, Brackets, Hall of Fame, mIRC #zotac.qlive
Edited by Nukm at 14:34 CDT, 18 April 2010 - 15007 Hits
G Data QL Cup #21 is over! (56 comments)
Posted by shorrty @ 04:00 CDT, 17 April 2010 - iMsg
Scheduled: 07:00 CDT, 17 April 2010 to 11:00 CDT, 17 April 2010
Schedule: Passed

Once again the cup format will consist of SE brackets using bo1 matches until the quarter finals. Then the games will be played as bo3 with the grand final being played bo5. The prize is 100€ for the first place.

Update: G Data #21 started with players like France strenx, Sweden Spart1e, Belarus Cypher, Sweden madix, Belgium burnedd, Germany k1llsen, Russia evil, Lithuania GUard and many more.

Final standings:
1. France fnatic\strenx - 100€
2. Belgium srs\burnedd
3-4. Sweden xlo^madix, Sweden fnatic\Spart1e

Stream(s): adivinestv, holysh1t
Links: Brackets, Tournament page, Hall of Fame, mIRC #gdata.qlive
Edited by shorrty at 12:27 CDT, 17 April 2010 - 17242 Hits
ZOTAC QL Duel Cup #27 is over! (22 comments)
Posted by shorrty @ 20:44 CDT, 10 April 2010 - iMsg
Scheduled: 07:00 CDT, 11 April 2010 to 12:00 CDT, 11 April 2010
Schedule: Passed

Once again the cup format will consist of SE brackets using bo1 matches until the quarter finals. Then the games will be played as bo3 with the grand final being played bo5. The prize is 100€ for 1st place!

Update: ZOTAC #27 is running with Sweden spart1e, Sweden madix, Germany k1llsen, Belgium burnedd, Belgium dem0n, Russia evil, Russia kook and others.

Final standings:
1. Germany k1llsen - 100€
2. Belgium LLL*dem0n
3./4. Sweden xlo^madix / Russia kook
Stream: AdivinesTV, failtelevision
Links: Tournament page, Brackets, Hall of Fame, mIRC #zotac.qlive
Edited by shorrty at 14:12 CDT, 11 April 2010 - 13213 Hits
G Data QL Cup #20 is over! (41 comments)
Posted by shorrty @ 04:52 CDT, 10 April 2010 - iMsg
Scheduled: 07:00 CDT, 10 April 2010 to 11:00 CDT, 10 April 2010
Schedule: Passed

Once again the cup format will consist of SE brackets using bo1 matches until the quarter finals. Then the games will be played as bo3 with the grand final being played bo5. The prize is 100€ for the first place.

Update: G Data #20 started with France strenx, Sweden Spart1e, Sweden madix, Belgium burnedd, Germany k1llsen, Russia Cny, Russia evil and many more.

Final standings:
1. France fnatic\strenx - 100€
2. Belgium srs\burnedd
3-4. Germany k1llsen, Sweden fnatic\Spart1e

Links: Tournament page, Brackets, Hall of Fame, mIRC #gdata.qlive
Streams: Holysh1t, adivinestv
Edited by shorrty at 11:27 CDT, 10 April 2010 - 19768 Hits
ZOTAC QL Duel Cup #26 is over! (43 comments)
Posted by shorrty @ 17:49 CDT, 3 April 2010 - iMsg
Scheduled: 07:00 CDT, 4 April 2010 to 12:45 CDT, 4 April 2010
Schedule: Passed

Once again the cup format will consist of SE brackets using bo1 matches until the quarter finals. Then the games will be played as bo3 with the grand final being played bo5. The prize is 100€ for 1st place!

Update: ZOTAC #26 is running now with players like Sweden fnatic\spart1e, Belarus srs\Cypher, Ukraine Drz. uaReaper, Belgium srs\burnedd, Italy spartaz0rd and many more!

Final standings:
1. Sweden fnatic\spart1e - 100€
2. Belarus srs\Cypher
3./4. Belgium srs\burnedd / Poland Sting
Links: Tournament page, Hall of Fame, mIRC #zotac.qlive
Edited by shorrty at 12:48 CDT, 4 April 2010 - 22945 Hits
G Data QL Cup #19 is over! (54 comments)
Posted by shorrty @ 04:59 CDT, 3 April 2010 - iMsg
Scheduled: 07:00 CDT, 3 April 2010 to 11:15 CDT, 3 April 2010
Schedule: Passed

Once again the cup format will consist of SE brackets using bo1 matches until the quarter finals. Then the games will be played as bo3 with the grand final being played bo5. The prize is 100€ for the first place.

Update: G Data #19 started with Sweden Spart1e, Belgium burnedd, Belarus Cypher, Germany Tornado, Poland boXer_pl, Poland stingpl and many more.

Final standings:
1. Belarus srs\Cypher - 100€
2. Belgium srs\burnedd
3-4. Russia kook, Russia Cny

Streams: Holysh1t TV
Links: Tournament page, Brackets, Hall of Fame, mIRC #gdata.qlive
Edited by shorrty at 11:16 CDT, 3 April 2010 - 24045 Hits
ZOTAC QL Duel Cup #25 is over! (68 comments)
Posted by shorrty @ 05:34 CDT, 28 March 2010 - iMsg
Scheduled: 07:00 CDT, 28 March 2010 to 13:00 CDT, 28 March 2010
Schedule: Passed

Once again the cup format will consist of SE brackets using bo1 matches until the quarter finals. Then the games will be played as bo3 with the grand final being played bo5. The prize is 100€ for 1st place!

Update: ZOTAC #25 is running now with players like France fnatic\strenx, Sweden fnatic\spart1e, Lithuania BVG|Guard, Germany k1llsen, Belarus srs\Cypher and many more!

Final standings:
1. France fnatic\strenx - 100€
2. Germany k1llsen
3./4. Sweden fnatic\Spart1e Lithuania BVG|GUard

Links: Brackets, Tourney page, Hall of Fame, mIRC #zotac.qlive
Streams: Holysh1t, adivinestv
Edited by shorrty at 12:31 CDT, 4 April 2010 - 25078 Hits
ZOTAC QL Duel Cup #23 is over! (52 comments)
Posted by shorrty @ 04:56 CDT, 14 March 2010 - iMsg
Scheduled: 08:00 CDT, 14 March 2010 to 13:00 CDT, 14 March 2010
Schedule: Passed

Once again the cup format will consist of SE brackets using bo1 matches until the quarter finals. Then the games will be played as bo3 with the grand final being played bo5. The prize is 100€ for 1st place!

Update: ZOTAC #23 started with France strenx, Belarus cypher, Belgium burnedd, United Kingdom GaRpY, Sweden madix and many more.

Final standings:
1. Belarus srs\cypher - 100€
2. France fnatic\strenx
3./4. Germany k1llsen / Russia godch1ld

Links: Brackets, Tourney page, Hall of Fame, mIRC #zotac.qlive
Edited by shorrty at 13:20 CDT, 21 March 2010 - 23434 Hits
G Data QL Cup #16 is over! (76 comments)
Posted by shorrty @ 05:52 CST, 13 March 2010 - iMsg
Scheduled: 07:00 CST, 13 March 2010 to 11:30 CST, 13 March 2010
Schedule: Passed

Once again the cup format will consist of SE brackets using bo1 matches until the quarter finals. Then the games will be played as bo3 with the grand final being played bo5. The prize consists of 100€ for the first place as well as AGP ranking points for the top8 players.

Final standings:
1. France fnatic\strenx - 100€
2. Belgium srs\burnedd
3-4. Ukraine x1t, Lithuania BVG|guard

VODS: VODs from derQuaker Stream with Mick05 on!

Links: Brackets, Tournament page, Hall of Fame, mIRC #gdata.qlive
Edited by vash_ at 03:51 CDT, 28 March 2010 - 28947 Hits
ZOTAC QL Duel Cup #22 is over! (37 comments)
Posted by shorrty @ 03:35 CST, 7 March 2010 - iMsg
Scheduled: 07:00 CST, 7 March 2010 to 11:00 CST, 7 March 2010
Schedule: Passed

Here we go, once again the cup format will consist of SE brackets using bo1 matches until the quarter finals. Then the games will be played as bo3 with the grand final being played bo5. The prize consists of 100€ for the first place as well as AGP ranking points for the top8 players.

Update: ZOTAC #22 is running now with players like Germany k1llsen, United Kingdom dignitas|GaRpY, Sweden fnatic\Spart1e, Sweden xlo^madix and many more!

Final standings:
1. United Kingdom dignitas|GaRpY - 100€
2. Lithuania BVG|guard
3./4. Russia evil / Ukraine Drz. uaReaper

Streams: own3D TV
Brackets: here
Links: Tourney page - mIRC #zotac.qlive - Hall of Fame
Edited by shorrty at 11:53 CST, 7 March 2010 - 12538 Hits
ZOTAC QL Duel Cup #21 is over! (116 comments)
Posted by shorrty @ 09:15 CST, 28 February 2010 - iMsg
Scheduled: 07:00 CST, 28 February 2010 to 12:00 CST, 28 February 2010
Schedule: Passed

Twenty done, plenty to go - once again the cup format will consist of SE brackets using bo1 matches until the quarter finals. Then the games will be played as bo3 with the grand final being played bo5. The prize consists of 100€ for the first place as well as AGP ranking points for the top8 players.

ZOTAC #21 running now with players like United States of America DaHanG, United States of America chance, Canada gr1ffin, Belarus cypher, Russia cooller, Germany k1llsen, Iceland qrebo, Poland bodzo and many more.

Final standings:
1. United States of America EG_DaHanG - 100€
2. Belarus srs\cypher
3./4. Germany k1llsen / Canada EG_griffin

Streams: Holysh1t TV & Level up
Brackets: here
Links: Tourney page - mIRC #zotac.qlive - Hall of Fame
Edited by shorrty at 11:54 CST, 28 February 2010 - 29032 Hits
G Data QL Cup #15 is over! (17 comments)
Posted by shorrty @ 14:26 CST, 27 February 2010 - iMsg
Scheduled: 07:00 CST, 6 March 2010 to 12:00 CST, 6 March 2010
Schedule: Passed

Once again the cup format will consist of SE brackets using bo1 matches until the quarter finals. Then the games will be played as bo3 with the grand final being played bo5. The prize consists of 100€ for the first place as well as AGP ranking points for the top8 players.

Update: Cup #15 is running with players like Germany k1llsen, Sweden madix, Belgium burnedd, Lithuania GUard, United Kingdom GaRpY, Ukraine uaReaper and many more.

Final standings:
1. Belgium srs\burnedd - 100€
2. Ukraine uaReaper
3-4. Sweden xlo^madix, Germany k1llsen

Links: Tournament page - Tournament Brackets - Hall of Fame - mIRC #gdata.qlive
Edited by shorrty at 07:57 CST, 7 March 2010 - 7472 Hits
G Data QL Cup #14 is over! (410 comments)
Posted by shorrty @ 04:23 CST, 27 February 2010 - iMsg
Scheduled: 07:00 CST, 27 February 2010 to 11:00 CST, 27 February 2010
Schedule: Passed

Once again the cup format will consist of SE brackets using bo1 matches until the quarter finals. Then the games will be played as bo3 with the grand final being played bo5. The prize consists of 100€ for the first place as well as AGP ranking points for the top8 players.

Update: Checked-in players so far: Iceland qrebo, United States of America DaHanG, Canada griffin, United States of America chance, Russia rekkth (Cooller), Belarus cypher, Lithuania GUard, United States of America rapha, Germany smoke, France Appleseed, Ukraine Reaper, Russia Evil, Belgium burnedd, Russia k1llmaster, Poland av3k, Poland tox1c, Poland bodzo.

Final standings:
1. United States of America rapha - 100€
2. Poland av3k
3-4. Russia Cooller, United States of America DaHanG

Links: Tournament page - Tournament bracket - Hall of Fame - mIRC #gdata.qlive
Streams:, lvl^,
Edited by xou at 14:04 CST, 27 February 2010 - 112561 Hits
ZOTAC QL Duel Cup #20 is over! (56 comments)
Posted by shorrty @ 04:59 CST, 21 February 2010 - iMsg
Scheduled: 07:00 CST, 21 February 2010 to 12:00 CST, 21 February 2010
Schedule: Passed

Let's make it twenty - once again the cup format will consist of SE brackets using bo1 matches until the quarter finals. Then the games will be played as bo3 with the grand final being played bo5. The prize consists of 100€ for the first place as well as AGP ranking points for the top8 players.

Update: ZOTAC #20 is running now with players like Russia mouz|cooller, Italy stermy, Germany k1llsen, Lithuania BVG|guard, Russia evil, France fnatic\strenx and many more!

Final standings:
1. France fnatic\strenx - 100€
2. Italy stermy
3./4. Poland BVG|tox1c / Lithuania BVG|GUard

Brackets: click here
Streams: Europe qlivechannel - Europe FLY-CORE - Europe
Links: Tourney page - mIRC #zotac.qlive - Hall of Fame
Edited by shorrty at 12:04 CST, 21 February 2010 - 23670 Hits
G Data QL Cup #13 is over! (48 comments)
Posted by shorrty @ 03:28 CST, 20 February 2010 - iMsg
Scheduled: 07:00 CST, 20 February 2010 to 11:00 CST, 20 February 2010
Schedule: Passed

Once again the cup format will consist of SE brackets using bo1 matches until the quarter finals. Then the games will be played as bo3 with the grand final being played bo5. The prize consists of 100€ for the first place as well as AGP ranking points for the top8 players.

Update: GData #13 started with players like Belarus srs\Cypher, Poland srs\av3k, Germany k1llsen, Belgium srs\burnedd, Russia evil, Ukraine Drz|uaReaper, Lithuania BVG|guard and many more.

Final standings:
1. Lithuania BVG|GUard - 100€
2. Sweden xlo^madix
3./4. Russia Evil / Russia agentJkezooR

Stream: Europe nightcookie & Europe dubcat & Europe Holysh1t TV & United Kingdom lvl^
Brackets: click here
Links: Tournament page - Hall of Fame - mIRC #gdata.qlive
Edited by shorrty at 12:04 CST, 20 February 2010 - 17558 Hits
ZOTAC QL Duel Cup #19 is over! (76 comments)
Posted by shorrty @ 07:50 CST, 14 February 2010 - iMsg
Scheduled: 07:00 CST, 14 February 2010 to 11:20 CST, 14 February 2010
Schedule: Passed

Once again the cup format will consist of SE brackets using bo1 matches until the quarter finals. Then the games will be played as bo3 with the grand final being played bo5. The prize consists of 100€ for the first place as well as AGP ranking points for the top8 players.

Update: ZOTAC #19 has started now with participants like France fnatic\strenx, Lithuania BVG|guard, Sweden xlo^mAdix, Poland srs\av3k and many more.

Final standings:
1. France fnatic\strenx - 100€
2. Russia ND Cny
3./4. Sweden k1ck^doj / Poland BVG|tox1c

Streams: Holysh1t TV & qlchannel
Brackets: here
Links: Tourney page - mIRC #zotac.qlive - Hall of Fame
Edited by vash_ at 12:11 CST, 14 February 2010 - 25303 Hits
G Data QL Cup #12 is over! (59 comments)
Posted by shorrty @ 07:25 CST, 13 February 2010 - iMsg
Scheduled: 07:00 CST, 13 February 2010 to 11:00 CST, 13 February 2010
Schedule: Passed

Once again the cup format will consist of SE brackets using bo1 matches until the quarter finals. Then the games will be played as bo3 with the grand final being played bo5. The prize consists of 100€ for the first place as well as AGP ranking points for the top8 players.

Update: G Data #12 is now running with players like Sweden xlo^mAdix, Sweden xlo^fazz, Austria noctis, Russia evil and many more!

Final standings:
1. Austria noctis - 100€
2. Sweden xlo^madix
3./4. Sweden xlo^fazz / Lithuania BVG|Guard

Stream: Holysh1t TV
Brackets: Link
Links: Tournament page - Hall of Fame - mIRC #gdata.qlive
Edited by shorrty at 11:21 CST, 13 February 2010 - 17785 Hits
ZOTAC QL Duel Cup #18 is over! (48 comments)
Posted by shorrty @ 03:45 CST, 7 February 2010 - iMsg
Scheduled: 07:00 CST, 7 February 2010 to 12:00 CST, 7 February 2010
Schedule: Passed

The 18th edition of the weekly ZOTAC QL Duel Cup is set up for your registration, it will be played on 07:00 CST, 7 February 2010.

Once again the cup format will consist of SE brackets using bo1 matches until the quarter finals. Then the games will be played as bo3 with the grand final being played bo5. The prize consists of 100€ for the first place as well as AGP ranking points for the top8 players.

Update: ZOTAC #18 is running with players like Belarus srs\Cypher, Poland srs\Av3k, Ukraine Drz. uaReaper, Poland BVG|tox1c, United Kingdom 4K*pulseh, Austria SIRUS and many more.

Final standings:
1. Poland srs\Av3k - 100€
2. Belarus srs\Cypher
3./4. Russia agentJkezooR / Russia evil_

Links: Tourney page - Tourney Brackets - mIRC #zotac.qlive - Hall of Fame
Edited by vash_ at 08:19 CST, 12 February 2010 - 20779 Hits
ZOTAC QL Duel Cup #16 is over! (10 comments)
Posted by shorrty @ 16:15 CST, 23 January 2010 - iMsg
Scheduled: 07:00 CST, 24 January 2010 to 12:00 CST, 24 January 2010
Schedule: Passed

Once again the cup format will consist of SE brackets using bo1 matches until the quarter finals. Then the games will be played as bo3 with the grand final being played bo5. The prize consists of 100€ for the first place as well as AGP ranking points for the top8 players.

Final standings:
1. Belgium srs\burnedd - 100€
2. United Kingdom dignitas\GaRpY & fnatic\spartie :P
3./4. United Kingdom 4K^pulseh / Russia evil
Links: Tourney page - mIRC #zotac.qlive - Hall of Fame
Edited by vash_ at 10:52 CST, 24 January 2010 - 10044 Hits
G Data QL Cup #9 over! (28 comments)
Posted by shorrty @ 05:08 CST, 23 January 2010 - iMsg
Scheduled: 07:00 CST, 23 January 2010 to 12:00 CST, 23 January 2010
Schedule: Passed

The next edition of the G Data QL Cup will be played on 07:00 CST, 23 January 2010.

Once again the cup format will consist of SE brackets using bo1 matches until the quarter finals. Then the games will be played as bo3 with the grand final being played bo5. The prize consists of 100€ for the first place as well as AGP ranking points for the top8 players.

Final standings:
1. Lithuania BVG|guard - 100€
2. Belgium srs\burnedd
3./4. United Kingdom 4K^pulseh / Ukraine uaReaper

Links: Tournament page - Tourney Brackets - Hall of Fame - mIRC #gdata.qlive
Edited by vash_ at 11:13 CST, 30 January 2010 - 15197 Hits
ZOTAC QL Duel Cup #15 is over! (121 comments)
Posted by shorrty @ 01:00 CST, 17 January 2010 - iMsg
Scheduled: 07:00 CST, 17 January 2010 to 12:30 CST, 17 January 2010
Schedule: Passed

The 15th edition of the weekly ZOTAC QL Duel Cup is set up for your registration, it will be played on 07:00 CST, 17 January 2010.

Once again the cup format will consist of SE brackets using bo1 matches until the quarter finals. Then the games will be played as bo3 with the grand final being played bo5. The prize consists of 100€ for the first place as well as AGP ranking points for the top8 players.

Update: ZOTAC QL Cup #15 is now running with players like Austria noctis, Germany k1llsen, Russia mouz|cooller, Belarus srs\cypher, Sweden fnatic\spartie, Sweden xlo^madix and many more!

1. France fnatic\strenx - 100€
2. Sweden fnatic\spart1e
3. Germany k1llsen / Austria noctis

Streams: Europe own3D TV, Europe Joka, Europe syltburk
Links: Tourney page - Tourney Brackets - mIRC #zotac.qlive - Hall of Fame
Edited by shorrty at 12:43 CST, 17 January 2010 - 42995 Hits
G Data QL Cup #8 is over! (82 comments)
Posted by shorrty @ 08:46 CST, 16 January 2010 - iMsg
Scheduled: 07:00 CST, 16 January 2010 to 12:00 CST, 16 January 2010
Schedule: Passed

The next edition of the G Data QL Cup will be played on 07:00 CST, 16 January 2010.

Once again the cup format will consist of SE brackets using bo1 matches until the quarter finals. Then the games will be played as bo3 with the grand final being played bo5. The prize consists of 100€ for the first place as well as AGP ranking points for the top8 players.

Update: The Cup started with players like Russia mouz|cooller, Poland srs\av3k, Sweden fnatic\spartie, Sweden xlo^madix, Germany k1llsen, Lithuania BVG|guard, China RazerJ and many more.

Final standings:
1. Belarus srs\cypher - 100€
2. Germany k1llsen
3./4. Russia mouz|Cooller / Sweden xlo^madix

Streams: Germany GameSports (starting 16cet) , Europe own3D TV & Europe Syltburk
Links: Tournament page - Tourney Brackets - Hall of Fame - mIRC #gdata.qlive
Edited by vash_ at 12:20 CST, 23 January 2010 - 28236 Hits
ZOTAC QL Duel Cup #14 is over! (93 comments)
Posted by shorrty @ 05:27 CST, 10 January 2010 - iMsg
Scheduled: 07:00 CST, 10 January 2010 to 12:00 CST, 10 January 2010
Schedule: Passed

The 14th edition of the weekly ZOTAC QL Duel Cup is set up for your registration, it will be played on 07:00 CST, 10 January 2010.

Once again the cup format will consist of SE brackets using bo1 matches until the quarter finals. Then the games will be played as bo3 with the grand final being played bo5. The prize consists of 100€ for the first place as well as AGP ranking points for the top8 players.

Update: ZOTAC QL Cup #14 is running with players like Sweden fnatic\spartie, Germany k1llsen, Italy stermy, Poland srs\av3k, China RazerJ and many more!

1. Sweden fnatic\spart1e - 100€
2. Poland srs\av3k
3. China 4K*RazerJ (Jibo) / Italy stermy

Streams: France Lanfeust, Germany GameSports, Russia CyberArena TV
Links: Tourney page - Tourney brackets - mIRC #zotac.qlive - Hall of Fame
Edited by shorrty at 13:33 CST, 10 January 2010 - 30312 Hits
ZOTAC QL Duel Cup #13 is over! (35 comments)
Posted by shorrty @ 07:33 CST, 3 January 2010 - iMsg
Scheduled: 07:00 CST, 3 January 2010 to 12:00 CST, 3 January 2010
Schedule: Passed

With a christmas break the 13th edition of the weekly ZOTAC QL Duel Cup will be played on 07:00 CST, 3 January 2010.

Once again the cup format will consist of SE brackets using bo1 matches until the quarter finals. Then the games will be played as bo3 with the grand final being played bo5. The prize consists of 100€ for the first place as well as AGP ranking points for the top8 players.

Update: The tournament started with players like France fnatic\strenx, Lithuania BVG|guard, Sweden xlo^Z4muZ and many more.

1. France fnatic\strenx - 100€
2. Lithuania BVG|guard
3. Ukraine uaReaper / France dignitas\GohLinK

Stream: lvl^
Links: Tourney page - Tourney brackets - mIRC #zotac.qlive - Hall of Fame
Edited by shorrty at 04:31 CST, 4 January 2010 - 19128 Hits
ZOTAC Quake Live Cup #12 is over! (55 comments)
Posted by shorrty @ 07:45 CST, 20 December 2009 - iMsg
Scheduled: 07:00 CST, 20 December 2009 to 12:00 CST, 20 December 2009
Schedule: Passed

The 12th edition of the weekly ZOTAC QL Duel Cup has opened it's signups.

Once again the cup format will consist of SE brackets using bo1 matches until the quarter finals. Then the games will be played as bo3 with the grand final being played bo5. The prize consists of 100€ for the first place as well as AGP ranking points for the top8 players.

Update: Cup started, participating players are: Sweden fnatic\spartie, Russia mouz|cooller, France fnatic\strenx, Sweden xlo^madix and many more.

1. France fnatic\strenx - 100€
2. Lithuania BVG|guard
3. Poland Pawelek85 / Belarus srs\cypher

Links: Tourney page - Tournament Brackets - mIRC #zotac.qlive - Hall of Fame
Edited by vash_ at 13:00 CST, 20 December 2009 - 22086 Hits
G Data Quake Live Cup #4 is over! (50 comments)
Posted by shorrty @ 03:40 CST, 12 December 2009 - iMsg
Scheduled: 07:00 CST, 12 December 2009 to 12:00 CST, 12 December 2009
Schedule: Passed

With two out of three cups being dominated by the polish players Poland prox_pl and Poland bodzo we got the fourth edition of our weekly G Data Quake Live cup on the way.

Once again the cup format will consist of SE brackets using bo1 matches until the quarter finals. Then the games will be played as bo3 with the grand final being played bo5. The prize consists of 100€ for the first place as well as AGP ranking points for the top8 players.

Final standings:
1st: Sweden fnatic\spart1e - 100€
2nd: Ukraine uaReaper
3rd/4th: Belgium srs\burnedd / Sweden xlo^fazz

Stream: HolySh1t TV
Links: Tournament page - Brackets - Hall of Fame - mIRC #gdata.qlive
Edited by xou at 13:18 CST, 12 December 2009 - 19903 Hits
ZOTAC Quake Live Cup #10 is over! (73 comments)
Posted by shorrty @ 07:17 CST, 6 December 2009 - iMsg
Scheduled: 07:00 CST, 6 December 2009 to 13:00 CST, 6 December 2009
Schedule: Passed

Edition number 10 of our weekly ZOTAC QuakeLive cup is running.

Once again the cup format will consist of SE brackets using bo1 matches until the quarter finals. Then the games will be played as bo3 with the grand final being played bo5. The prize consists of 100€ for the first place as well as AGP ranking points for the top8 players.

Update: Signed up are Russia mouz|cooller, Belarus srs\cypher, Lithuania BVG|guard, Sweden xlo^madix, Sweden fnatic\spartie and many more.

1. Russia mouz|cooller - 100€
2. Belarus srs\cypher
3. Sweden xlo^madix / France GohLinK

Stream: HolySh1t TV & own3D TV
Links: Tourney page - Brackets - mIRC #zotac.qlive - Hall of Fame
Edited by vash_ at 12:29 CST, 6 December 2009 - 27358 Hits
ZOTAC Quake Live Cup #9 is over! (86 comments)
Posted by shorrty @ 06:09 CST, 29 November 2009 - iMsg
Scheduled: 07:00 CST, 29 November 2009 to 13:00 CST, 29 November 2009
Schedule: Passed

Eight weeks, eight cups and the saga continues: the 9th edition of our weekly ZOTAC QuakeLive cup is set up for registration. Feel free to sign up until 07:00 CST, 29 November 2009.

Once again the cup format will consist of SE brackets using bo1 matches until the quarter finals. Then the games will be played as bo3 with the grand final being played bo5. The prize consists of 100€ for the first place as well as AGP ranking points for the top8 players.

Update: Checkin for ZOTAC QL Cup #9 open, signed up known players so far: Germany k1llsen, France fnatic\strenx, Lithuania BVG|guard, Hungary skzipilota, Poland srs\rzr\av3k, Sweden xlo-madix, Sweden xlo-Z4muZ, Russia mouz|cooller (playing instead of godch1ld in the bracket). To check in, get to

1. France fnatic\strenx - 100€
2. Germany k1llsen
3. Russia mouz|cooller / Lithuania BVG|guard

Stream: Holysh1t
Links: Tourney page - cup Tree - mIRC #zotac.qlive - Hall of Fame
Edited by shorrty at 05:33 CST, 30 November 2009 - 27716 Hits
G Data Quake Live Cup #3 is over! (8 comments)
Posted by shorrty @ 12:51 CST, 28 November 2009 - iMsg
Scheduled: 07:00 CST, 5 December 2009 to 11:00 CST, 5 December 2009
Schedule: Passed

The signups for the third edition of our weekly G Data Quake Live cup are open now.

Once again the cup format will consist of SE brackets using bo1 matches until the quarter finals. Then the games will be played as bo3 with the grand final being played bo5. The prize consists of 100€ for the first place as well as AGP ranking points for the top8 players.


Participating players: Poland srs\av3k, Sweden xlo^fazz, Sweden xlo^madix, Lithuania BVG|guard, Poland bodzo and many more.

1. Poland bodzo - 100€
2. Lithuania BVG|guard
3. Sweden xlo^madix / Sweden xlo^fazz

Stream: HolySh1t TV
Links: Tournament page - Tournament Brackets - Hall of Fame - mIRC #gdata.qlive
Edited by shorrty at 10:57 CST, 5 December 2009 - 5301 Hits
G Data Quakelive Cup Hall of Fame (6 comments)
Posted by shorrty @ 13:30 CST, 22 November 2009 - iMsg
All winners at a glance (currently 36 out of 36 finished):

Overall rankings
1. France Kevin "strenx" Baιza (12)
2. Belarus Alexey "Cypher" Yanushevsky (6)
3. Sweden Sebastian "Spart1e" Siira (4)
4. Lithuania Marius "GUard" Ivanauskas (3)
5. Belgium Adrien "burnedd" Denis (2)
5. Russia Anton "Cooller" Singov (2)
5. Germany Marcel "k1llsen" Paul (2)
8. Poland Konrad "prox_pl" Kubala (1)
8. Poland Bogdan "bodzo" Mazur (1)
8. Austria Richard "noctis" Gansterer (1)
8. United States of America Shane "rapha" Hendrixson (1)
8. Poland Maciej "Av3k" Krzykowski (1)

Cup list
Cup #1: Poland prox_pl
Cup #2: Germany k1llsen
Cup #3: Poland bodzo
Cup #4: Sweden Spart1e
Cup #5: Sweden Spart1e
Cup #6: Sweden Spart1e
Cup #7: Sweden Spart1e
Cup #8: Belarus Cypher
Cup #9: Lithuania GUard
Cup #10: Belarus Cypher
Cup #11: Belarus Cypher
Cup #12: Austria noctis
Cup #13: Lithuania GUard
Cup #14: United States of America rapha
Cup #15: Belgium burnedd
Cup #16: France strenx
Cup #17: Belarus Cypher
Cup #18: France strenx
Cup #19: Belarus Cypher
Cup #20: France strenx
Cup #21: France strenx
Cup #22: France strenx
Cup #23: France strenx
Cup #24: France strenx
Cup #25: Russia Cooller
Cup #26: Belarus Cypher
Cup #27: Poland Av3k
Cup #28: France strenx
Cup #29: France strenx
Cup #30: Belgium burnedd
Cup #31: Russia Cooller
Cup #32: Lithuania GUard
Cup #33: France strenx
Cup #34: France strenx
Cup #35: France strenx
Last Cup: Germany k1llsen
Edited by xou at 12:00 CDT, 31 July 2010 - 19350 Hits
G Data Quakelive Weekly Series (No comments)
Posted by shorrty @ 13:22 CST, 22 November 2009 - iMsg
View Coverage: G Data QL
Organiser: G Data
Location: Online

G Data is organizing a weekly qlQuake Live cup with 100€ for the winner of each cup on Saturdays afternoon!
Edited by xou at 09:23 CDT, 15 September 2010 - 6624 Hits
ZOTAC Quake Live Cup #7 is over! (102 comments)
Posted by shorrty @ 03:05 CST, 15 November 2009 - iMsg
Scheduled: 07:00 CST, 15 November 2009 to 13:00 CST, 15 November 2009
Schedule: Passed

Six weeks, six cups and the saga continues: the 7th edition of our weekly ZOTAC QuakeLive cup is setup for registration. Feel free to signup until Sunday, the 15th of November 08:00 CDT.

Once again the cup format will consist of SE brackets using bo1 matches until the quarter finals. Then the games will be played as bo3 with the grand final being played bo5. The prize consists of 100€ for the first place as well as AGP ranking points for the Top8 players.

Participated players will be av3k, burnedd, cooller, fazz, guard, madix, smoke, spart1e, strenx, tox1c.

Update: From 148 signed up players 107 actually checked in. Famous players participating in ZOTAC #7 were Russia cooller, Poland av3k, Lithuania guard, France strenx, Sweden spart1e and many more.

1. Poland srs/rzr/av3k - 100€
2. Russia mouz.cooller
3. France fnatic\strenx / Sweden fnatic\Spart1e

Stream:, (german)
Links: Tourney page - mIRC #zotac.qlive - Hall of Fame
Edited by vash_ at 08:33 CST, 16 November 2009 - 31508 Hits
ZOTAC QL Hall of Fame 2009-2010 (23 comments)
Posted by shorrty @ 08:32 CST, 6 November 2009 - iMsg
All winners at a glance:

2009-2010 rankings
1. France Kevin "strenx" Baιza (17)
2. Germany Marcel "k1llsen" Paul (10)
3. Belgium Adrien "burnedd" Denis (4)
3. Lithuania Marius "GUard" Ivanauskas (4)
5. Sweden Sebastian "Spart1e" Siira (3)
5. Russia Anton "Cooller" Singov (3)
7. Poland Maciej "av3k" Krzykowski (2)
7. Belarus Alexey "Cypher" Yanushevsky (2)
7. Russia Nikolay "agent" Mayorov (2)
10. Sweden Pelle "fazz" Sφderman (1)
10. Austria Richard "noctis" Gansterer (1)
10. United States of America Tim "DaHanG" Fogarty (1)
10. United Kingdom Gareth "GaRpY" Marshall (1)
10. Sweden Michael "mAdix" Hindersson (1)

Cup list
Cup #1: France strenx
Cup #2: Germany k1llsen
Cup #3: Germany k1llsen
Cup #4: Sweden fazz
Cup #5: Lithuania GUard
Cup #6: France strenx
Cup #7: Poland av3k
Cup #8: Germany k1llsen
Cup #9: France strenx
Cup #10: Russia Cooller

Cup #11: Sweden spart1e
Cup #12: France strenx
Cup #13: France strenx
Cup #14: Sweden spart1e
Cup #15: France strenx
Cup #16: Belgium burnedd
Cup #17: Germany k1llsen
Cup #18: Poland av3k
Cup #19: France strenx
Cup #20: France strenx

Cup #21: United States of America DaHanG
Cup #22: United Kingdom GaRpY
Cup #23: Belarus Cypher
Cup #24: Belarus Cypher
Cup #25: France strenx
Cup #26: Sweden spart1e
Cup #27: Germany k1llsen
Cup #28: France strenx
Cup #29: France strenx
Cup #30: France strenx

Cup #31: Belgium burnedd
Cup #32: France strenx
Cup #33: Belgium burnedd
Cup #34: Lithuania GUard
Cup #35: Austria noctis
Cup #36: France strenx
Cup #37: Russia agent
Cup #38: Russia Cooller
Cup #39: Belgium burnedd
Cup #40: France strenx

Cup #41: France strenx
Cup #42: Russia Cooller
Cup #43: France strenx
Cup #44: Sweden mAdix
Cup #45: Germany k1llsen
Cup #46: Lithuania GUard
Cup #47: Germany k1llsen
Cup #48: Germany k1llsen
Cup #49: Germany k1llsen
Cup #50: Russia agent

Cup #51: Germany k1llsen
Cup #52: Lithuania GUard
Link: Brackets
Edited by xou at 08:43 CDT, 30 August 2011 - 28725 Hits
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