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Best Electronic Cigarette? (23 comments)
Posted by TOYhouse @ 23:54 CST, 31 January 2011 - iMsg
I have tried these 4 e-cigs

* South Beach : Very low amount of vapor released.
* Blu : Only 45 minute battery life. Low vapor released
* Green Smoke : Flavors suck. low vapor
*MegaCig : good vapor release & long battery life.

Is there anything better than the megacig?
20925 Hits
Icemat that can track over sweat marks? (21 comments)
Posted by TOYhouse @ 22:39 CST, 15 December 2008 - iMsg
I have been using an Icemat for a few weeks but my sweaty hand makes the mouse not track.(when I mouse over the sweat marks) I want a pad with the same feel, that can track over these "sweat marks". Anyone know of a pad like that?
6949 Hits
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