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first match in months... (4 comments)
Posted by Shock R. @ 15:38 CST, 3 February 2007 - iMsg
nothing really moving, just a new brain flash after this one: i didn't play for several months, today i did a match against a portuguese team (we knew them before, had about 15 matches against these guys) ... and it didn't take them 5 mins to call "wallhack" etc on us, actually they stayed on the server til the end ... damn, time to refocus on university again i guess -.-

atfer all, a teamm8 i used to play with since june 2003 told me he bought WoW yesterday, too sad, never gon see him again i guess o_O'
Ah ya, and by the way, a good rl friend mentioned that he feels it's time for him to quite onlinegaming for good this time. Gonna miss these two for sure at the www :-\

22:00 *[8k]shock^m goes off for rl
22:00 [8k]shock^m is now known as [8k]shock`off

Enough whining for today, gn8 yall :->
Edited by Shock R. at 15:41 CST, 3 February 2007 - 2513 Hits
tah lol!-.- (21 comments)
Posted by Shock R. @ 11:58 CDT, 26 October 2006 - iMsg
Amaze your friends, crush your enemies, and become the big cheese of your clan!"

Hmm, yap, that's what probably every1 wants to be, huh!? Especially the "crush your enemies" part sound good!

"Don't suffer through hours of grinding boredom, we will do the work for you!"

Teh lol! Well, it refered to WoW, so whatever, but why the hack do they call their own game a "grinding boredom" and a "suffer through hours"!? Hell yeah, it took every good player loads of time and training efforts to become skilled by fair means, but isn't that the way things go!? At least one question ramains: why should some1 do all the work for me, so that I don't have to play any more "hours of suffer" !? What shall I do with my leetpwnz-character!? Maybe make a video about my all-over-the-world-feared-lvl-60-monst0r - (made-in-korea!) and upload it on youtube, to become the coolest dude in the entire www!! Okay, I get that point now, too!

So what do I need to do!? Where can I send my application to get the "king of the universe mode" set from 0 to 1!?
Brogame world of warcraft powerleveling
The Price for Powerleveling slashed !!!
Only 199 USD!! 15 days needed for lvl 1 to lvl 60 bLa!

Hell yeah, that's really progaming's edit's best, what the fuck you dumb WoW addicted retards! Plz some1 take away their pcs and hack 'em, they can't handle online gaming o_O
Plz go back to the old-school way, grab your 200 U$ and spend it on private hackz in CS 1.6, maybe we can get rid of this stupid game as well by sending the WoW guys - who pay so much money to ppl to lvl their character - back to where they came from! I guess a private CS hack isn't even that expensive, and it makes you "crush your enemies" and "big cheese" as well o_O

Whatever, just seen the advertisement of BroGames on esreality, and I urgently needed to flame around after reading it, sorry, I don't hate you WoW guys, I just wished your inet would break down forever, that's all ;)

Edited by 8^Knightz|Shock R. at 12:00 CDT, 26 October 2006 - 5012 Hits
ESL: k1ck vs. mousesports (16 comments)
Posted by Shock R. @ 05:19 CDT, 24 September 2006 - iMsg
Loser:k1ck, Odds: 16% (6:1)
Bets placed: E$21453, betting open: 12:12 CDT 24 Sep 2006 to 14:00 CDT 28 Sep 2006

Winner:mousesports, Odds: 83% (1.1:1)
Bets placed: E$122285, betting open: 12:13 CDT 24 Sep 2006 to 14:00 CDT 28 Sep 2006

Portugal k1ck vs. Germany mousesports

Match Time: 14:00 CDT (rescheduled to 28-09)

Germany mousesports 2:0
DM-Rankin [115:134]
DM-Fractionary-X2 [91:137]

ESL Match Page
Edited by Levi240 at 04:24 CDT, 29 September 2006 - 7618 Hits
one step closer ! (7 comments)
Posted by Shock R. @ 03:53 CDT, 3 June 2006 - iMsg
Yeah, today is the 3rd of June, and I woke up, rather sick, but who cared. Checked out my favourite sites in the www, and came accross an interesting article on!

Actually the good old 'Hansestadt' Hamburg was always known to be one of Germany's most liberal cities, which has it's roots in history, but blablubb don't need to go that through :D The interesting point is: Hamburg acknowledged that the "gaming-phenomenon" has loads of potentialities, and is a big part in youth culture nowadays.

This happens to be the first time that major German politicans stopped to fight the gaming community, and instead try to work together with this big industry in order to boost the economy and get some influence on what's to be seen on the PC/TV-screens in some years.Therefor a 100.000 € budget has been set up, which will help new game designers in Hamburg, so that they'll be able to develop some good techniques, and get a chance to come into contact with bigger development companies.

No doubt - this 100.000€ budget won't help anyone, but the message beyond is unique in Germany - nice to read such news on such a dull morning :)

Maybe there will be a pretty bright future for "eSports" in Germany, I personally like to think of Germany as the best country for gamers in Europe anyhow, beside Sweden (they are imba anyway)... now I need some breakfast, cyo guys ;-)
3817 Hits
MX 518 (10 comments)
Posted by Shock R. @ 07:36 CDT, 12 May 2006 - iMsg
Yehaw, today is the fucking 12th of March and i just more or less messed up my a-levels (biology really sucked big time).
Now i wanted to do some frags, but my right mouse button is not working, so i couldn't do and combos/shafts/flakshells.... amazing :D Just ordered a MX518, and if it's not here by saturday some people gonna die, believe me :-\ grrrrr!!

Have nice day, needa learn for my history exam on monday now, oh cmon and the weather is as nice as it could be.... o_O

PS: At least a nice little party going on in the evening *smile* ;)
3262 Hits
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