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The Krefeld Battleground arrives (5 comments)
Posted by chzzen @ 17:25 CDT, 18 May 2017 - iMsg
It's damn about time to as the last ET LAN was more than 500 days ago created by our colleagues of ET United. 12 teams in the 6on6 competition and 14 teams in the 3on3 competition will battle for a total prize pool of 4010 Euro this weekend at the TaKeTV venue.

Matches start each day from 10.00 CEST and will run the whole day. If you know where to find the part on Radar and how to drive the tank on Goldrush, join us!

Schedule: Friday to Sunday from 10:00 CEST
Participants: 14 teams 3on3, 12 teams 6on6
Prize money: 4010 Euro

Links: Community Stream, Merl1nator, Event hub
Edited by Badb0y at 16:59 CDT, 20 May 2017 - 5507 Hits
Krefeld Battleground announced (19 comments)
Posted by chzzen @ 15:07 CST, 5 January 2017 - iMsg
Put your rockets beside and pick up your MP40, set up your rifle grenade and get set - Prepare for May 19 - 21! The Krefeld Battleground will be the LAN event for Enemy Territory in 2017.

Hang out with gaming enthusiasts and community members while you battle for the keys of Krefeld. There is no better place to feature the aspect of competition and socializing than the TakeTV venue. The crew that created a monument to feature the aspects of gaming and socializing on highest level of standards offers us the space, the computers and the ethics to enhance the great legacy ET has.

Where? Take TV Venue in Krefeld
When? From Friday, May 19th 10.00 CEST to Sunday, May 21st 20.00 CEST
What? 6on6 tournament with 10 teams and 3on3 tournament with 12 teams
Prize pool 2,300.00 Euro

Links: Sign up & More information about the event, News
Edited by Badb0y at 12:33 CST, 12 January 2017 - 9525 Hits
Livestream needs viewers for challenge.. (5 comments)
Posted by chzzen @ 18:55 CDT, 19 October 2013 - iMsg
I'm participating at the Hitbox Live! challenge. Hitbox basically is the technology behind and atleast one guy from that own3d crew. I dont know much more about them, still I'd like to partner up with someone again that is not twitch.

The challenge: Get most unique viewers during a period of time

On there you will find a note about the partner arrangement you get once you get some stable viewers. As I don't produce much with Teamoxid TV at the moment I still want to have a chance to somehow get a little bite of this cake :)

As it aint much tuning in a channel while bored pelase do:

In case I get top 10 I will donate the money to the 125FPS cups. Tune in and help me out, hence don't be annoyed by games you hate :)
Edited by chzzen at 12:27 CDT, 20 October 2013 - 3478 Hits
SK Champions Trophy (386 comments)
Posted by chzzen @ 14:41 CST, 20 November 2011 - iMsg
Scheduled: 12:00 CST, 20 November 2011 to 16:00 CST, 20 November 2011
Schedule: Passed

As it happens for Starcraft 2 each month it's time to reveal the first ever SK Gaming SK Champions Trophy for Quake Live. 32 players with 28 Invitees and 4 qualified players will be featured in the tournament to battle for 250€ prize money this Sunday, 13:00 CDT.

Featuring 12 out of the 16 DreamHack duel participants so far the tournament will show the condition of players and is going to tell who will be a favorites for Quake Live's major LAN event. For the viewers pleasure the live streams will be available in English and Russian.

Update: As the VODs are requested heavily SK's TheSlash sent out an reminder to watch the VODs on the SK own3d channel:
SK Gaming VODs

Streams: United Kingdom HoQTV, Russia Cyberfight
Links: SK Gaming Announcement, Brackets - mIRC #sk.ql-championstrophy
Edited by chzzen at 11:29 CST, 21 November 2011 - 108918 Hits
ESL QL Bundesliga to continue tonight (2 comments)
Posted by chzzen @ 11:57 CDT, 30 October 2011 - iMsg
Tonight from 13:00 CDT will be play day two of the second esl3 Quake Live Bundesliga Season for players from Germany, Austria and Switzerland. For tonight 6 games are about to happen including the finals attendees ESC k1llsen, ESC reload, twister and amity dKsL and EMS9 participant bh! smoke.

Related: Germany Teamoxid TV Stream, GoForQuake Stream, esl3 Ranking
Edited by chzzen at 12:00 CDT, 30 October 2011 - 2664 Hits
QL Bundesliga: Season 2 incoming (11 comments)
Posted by chzzen @ 08:14 CDT, 12 October 2011 - iMsg
Season 2 of the ESL Bundesliga has been announced for a while. So far 94 players signed up to compete in 4 divisions seperated in numerous leagues. The league that matters to more than just the top notch players is the biggest QL duel league world wide at the moment. The league dedicated to players from Germany, Austria, Switzerland and Lichtenstein features a prize pool of 500 € and LAN finals held in Krefeld with 6 participants.

This evening the ESL Liga Quali will start and that leaves you less than a day to finally get to the sign up page and take your chance to participate and qualify for the league that suits you best:
cup_gold 1st Place: Qualified for premier league
cup_silver 2nd to 4th Place: Relegation for premier league
cup_bronze 5th to 8th Place: 2nd League Qualifier
claw0 9th to 12th Place: Qualified for 3rd League
The sign up for the Liga Qualifier ends 13:00 CDT, 13 October 2011. This will be your last chance this year to compete for league one and to have the chance to play for the money and attend the LAN Finals for season 2.

To follow the tournament tune in to Teamoxid TV or follow the latest coverage on or GoForQuake.

Related: Sign up Liga Quali, Sign up Bundesliga, ESL Newspost
Edited by chzzen at 08:02 CDT, 13 October 2011 - 4535 Hits
QL Bundesliga Finals: VoDs relased (30 comments)
Posted by chzzen @ 03:28 CDT, 29 September 2011 - iMsg
As with nearly every Quake Live event we did have minor troubles getting started with the ESL Quake Live Bundesliga Finals last Saturday. With sound and lag issues still visible in the VoDs it is possible to skip to the matches working. If you missed the event or haven't been happy with the delay you can check out the VoDs right here and skip fast forward to the action:
ESL Bundesliga Finals Part 1 of 4 LQ - HQ version
ESL Bundesliga Finals Part 2 of 4 LQ - HQ version
ESL Bundesliga Finals Part 3 of 4 LQ - HQ version
ESL Bundesliga Finals Part 4 of 4 LQ - HQ version

The match of the weekend definitely is Germany amity twister versus Germany ESC reload in the consolidation final. Don't miss it and check out part 3 of 4 from the finals.

We are also very happy to announce the LAN finals in Krefeld are confirmed for the next season, again. We will definitely improve a lot to bring less issues and a lot more action to you. Thanks goes to TakeTV for making this possible. Demos and videos created on site will be released separately next week.

If you are from Germany, Switzerland or Austria make sure you don't miss to sign up until Saturday night.
Edited by xou at 05:01 CDT, 29 September 2011 - 10329 Hits
ESL Bundesliga hits final stage (47 comments)
Posted by chzzen @ 19:40 CDT, 22 September 2011 - iMsg
This Saturday the ESL Quake Live Bundesliga will bring it to an glory end with the LAN finals held in Krefeld, Germany. ESC k1llsen, ESC reload, amity dKsL and amity twister to battle for the glory and fight to become the crowned champion: Who will win the first season of the biggest Quake Live league held at the moment?

Update: The finals are over and we finished season one of the ESL Bundesliga:
cup_gold Germany k1llsen € 250.00
cup_silver Germany twister € 150.00
cup_bronze Germany reload € 100.00
VoDs and Replays will be released soon.

ESL TV, Brackets, Matches and betting, derQuaker Coverage
Edited by Nukm at 06:43 CDT, 25 September 2011 - 10017 Hits
ESL Germany: Summer cup incoming (20 comments)
Posted by chzzen @ 05:05 CDT, 20 July 2011 - iMsg
This Sunday the Germany German section of the esl3 ESL will launch its regular season cup: The Duel Summer Cup 2011. With a knockout bracket ready for up to 64 players to compete enough room is available for surprising wins. As the national area takes the season cups to give players a possibility to play more different maps than they have been used to in numerous other tournaments the map pool is divided in premium and standard maps and each round will have it own set of maps forced for both players.

Related: Germany Sign Up, Source, Official Announcement, Stream
Edited by xou at 13:31 CDT, 20 July 2011 - 5876 Hits
Dignitas' Alienware Cup features QL (41 comments)
Posted by chzzen @ 10:52 CDT, 25 June 2011 - iMsg
Scheduled: 10:00 CDT, 25 June 2011 to 15:00 CDT, 25 June 2011
Schedule: Passed

This Saturday it will be dignitas v1 by Xeon Team Dignitas to feature another Quake Live Duel tournament with up to 64 players to battle it out in a single elimination bracket with a prize pool about £200 in total split on the top 8.

It's not the first time the organization comes up with a QL tournament. In the previous edition the German master of the rail Germany k1llsen was able to beat Poland tox1c with a clean 2-0 win to save him the title. This time the event is powered by AlienwareArena and looks to become as much of a success as the previous edition.

Streams: Team Dignitas | Bloody Warriors
Link: Cup page
Edited by Nellie at 13:33 CDT, 25 June 2011 - 9775 Hits
etourn: SteelSeries QuakeLive Duel Cup (49 comments)
Posted by chzzen @ 10:42 CDT, 27 April 2011 - iMsg
Change your plans for this Wednesday evening: The SteelSeries Quake Live cup will be the first official cup held by the recently announced etourn website. A SteelSeries 5Hv2 worth €70 is up for grab with a knockout bracket ready for up to 128 participants. The cup was held Wednesday.

cup_gold Belarus cypher
cup_silver Russia Limon
cup_bronze Poland lotn1k

Details: Sign-up, Tournament page, Official announcement - mIRC #etourn.ql
Official Streams: United Kingdom Level Up, Germany BW, Russia c58, Russia
Edited by chzzen at 03:10 CDT, 28 April 2011 - 13274 Hits
ESL Bundesliga with another Sunday Night (9 comments)
Posted by chzzen @ 12:58 CDT, 20 March 2011 - iMsg
Tonight it will be the 6th play day of the esl2 ESL Bundesliga. Most recently, jaysson took a map from k1llsen and psyrex took Battleforged in his match against calipt on play day 1. This puts both players in the favorite position in their today's match.
So far every player lost at least on one map in the German league while there are still many nice games to be expected let's hope that the the unexpected may happen tonight as well.

Streams: Germany BW, Germany Teamoxid
Links: League rankings, Results
Edited by chzzen at 13:14 CDT, 20 March 2011 - 5196 Hits
ESL Bundesliga to finish Playday 5 (18 comments)
Posted by chzzen @ 11:02 CDT, 14 March 2011 - iMsg
The esl2 ESL Quake Live Bundesliga is about to end the 5th play day and there are some major names to follow in Germany's finest Quake league tonight. With yesterday's JeeSports Invitational winner ESC k1llsen, mTw Calipt, ESC reload, qS jaysson, PM randallFlagg and fogel fighting for important points in tonight's show streamed by Teamoxid TV live from 19.00 CET.

19.00 Germany ESC k1llsen vs. qS jaysson Germany (GamesTV)
19.30 Germany mTw Calipt vs. qS jaysson Germany (GamesTV)
20.00 Germany mTw Calipt vs. fogel Germany (GamesTV)
20.30 Germany ESC reload vs. fogel Germany (GamesTV)

While the recent news about the premier division have been disappointing due to the announce of the removal of Germany SL mason (personal) and Austria UwU (job) we can still expect some very entertaining matches and a glory first season with 8 play days still to come.

Yesterday's matches of play day number 5 covered by Germany BloodyWarriors' Stream are now available in the's VOD archive.

Also, in case you missed it: id Software is asking you to comment in favour of Quake Live on the topic IEM6's games. While you are on the way to the comment you can also attend tonight's Bundesliga event on Facebook as well.

Live stream: Germany Teamoxid TV

Related: Teamoxid news, derQuaker news, VODs, Facebook Event, ESL Bundesliga Rankings
Edited by xou at 11:27 CDT, 14 March 2011 - 5576 Hits
ESL Bundesliga open to one more player (14 comments)
Posted by chzzen @ 07:47 CST, 3 March 2011 - iMsg
The esl2 ESL Bundesliga is about to reach it's fourth play day but unfortunately one of the players dropped pretty much immediately: Former Warsow, Quake 4 and Quake Live ESL Pro Series player Germany BoBeL did not attend his first matches and got removed from the first league. This leaves one spot open that will be decided in tonight's Knockout Series 12 for another German speaking player coming from Germany Germany, Austria Austria, Switzerland Switzerland or Liechtenstein Liechtenstein.

Most anticipated participants are former ESL Pro Series player Germany mutz, best EAS winning streak holder Germany grave and Austrian national player Austria baker.

cup_gold Germany jaysson
cup_silver Germany grave
cup_bronze Germany mutz

VODs: Germany Teamoxid TV Archive
Cup: Bracket, Official news
Related news: Readmore, Fragster,, Teamoxid
Edited by chzzen at 17:17 CST, 3 March 2011 - 6476 Hits
Teamoxid Painkiller Cup Today (154 comments)
Posted by chzzen @ 06:15 CST, 29 January 2011 - iMsg
A long time has passed since Painkiller dominated the shooter scene as a CPL World Tour title. Germany sK1p - who participated in recent german Quake Live cups and dominated the PK scene for a while already, Germany nismo as his buddy, Hungary andy, Poland Cue-X0, Poland WTO and Germany mason are in the list of players that are worth to remember when you are talking about the top three contenders for today's cup event.

Update: Results
cup_gold Germany sK1p
cup_silver Hungary Andy
cup_bronze Poland Cue-Xo
cup_bronze Germany nismo

All VODs are available here: Teamoxid VOD Archive.

Cup page: Sign Up, Bracket
Coverage: Europe, Germany Teamoxid News
Edited by chzzen at 15:45 CST, 29 January 2011 - 39589 Hits
German League about to start ** (56 comments)
Posted by chzzen @ 07:35 CST, 26 January 2011 - iMsg
The esl2Germany national duel league received an immense response from the community with 130 participants from Germany Germany, Austria Austria and Switzerland Switzerland. It is the biggest duel league in Quake Live with players from all skill levels and it is about to start this Monday with it's first match week.

Wednesday and Thursday night will be the last chance for numerous players to participate in the second league. Germany SL grave, Germany jilly, Germany DkH bldr and Germany mTw roxXx are just a few names to mention for the qualification to the second division.

First cup: Wednesday 01/26
The cup is done and Germany jilly took the first spot for the second division by winning the cup. Videos of all streamed matches can be found here:

The second cup today: Thursday 01/27
Start: 19.00 CET
Grid: 16 players, Double Elimination
Map rule: 1st round is played Best Of 1 (Details here)
Stream: Germany Teamoxid

You can find further details about the tournaments in today's ESL news post (German).

Official coverage partner: Germany fragster, Germany readmore, Germany
Official streams: Europe Level Up, Europe ESL TV, Germany BloodyWarriors, Germany Teamoxid
Edited by Nukm at 04:08 CST, 28 January 2011 - 17918 Hits
ESL Knockout Series 8 (11 comments)
Posted by chzzen @ 07:54 CST, 6 January 2011 - iMsg
The first edition of 2011's Knockout Series is about to hit you this evening with the only entertaining matches allowing you to make sure you can celebrate Quake Live's weekly Germany German duel competition from esl2 ESL.

Stream: Germany
Related: esl2 ESL Announcement, Fragster,,, Teamoxid
Edited by chzzen at 08:17 CST, 6 January 2011 - 5293 Hits
Knockout Series 7 coming up next (22 comments)
Posted by chzzen @ 09:30 CST, 30 December 2010 - iMsg
With the ESL Bundesliga coming in January many ambitious German players are setting up to fight for the next title in the regular cups: The ESL Knockout Series comes up in it's seventh edition with players such as Germany randallFlag, Germany grave and ofcourse k1llsen's brother: Germany bensen. Those and many more are checking out a very curious map pool for once, to remember why we don't play some maps anymore and why we should consider some of them for a comeback.

Stream: Germany
Related: esl2 ESL Germany, esl2 Bundesliga announcement, Fragster,,
Edited by chzzen at 09:32 CST, 30 December 2010 - 6506 Hits
EAS Invitational 5 tonight (29 comments)
Posted by chzzen @ 05:29 CST, 23 December 2010 - iMsg
While the esl2 US boys getting their regular quake live action done within the nationalESL, the european sections of Germany Germany and United Kingdom United Kingdom are pretty close to their death as both lost their ESL Pro Series for Quake Live recently.
In Germany the national league called 'ESL Bundesliga' is coming up in January to replace the pro league with about 550 Euro prizemoney. There are many rising stars showing up in the current qualifier for the premier division known as esl2 ESL Amateur Series currently, some of them might have the potential to become the next k1llsen any time soon - or maybe not.

Tonight the participants of the esl2 Amateur Series can fight for the title of the fifth and last EAS Invitational in 2010.

Stream: Germany Teamoxid TV
Related: esl2 ESL Germany, esl2 Bundesliga announcement, Fragster,, Readmore, Teamoxid
Edited by Nukm at 08:32 CST, 24 December 2010 - 10182 Hits
ESL Germany: Knockout Series 4 (No comments)
Posted by chzzen @ 10:23 CST, 18 November 2010 - iMsg
Tonight it will be the 4th edition of the German ql Quake Live section's Knockout Series. With up to 32 players to participate the one day cup is raising it's player pool week by week. Again, every German speaking player can participate and is guaranteed to player two best of three matches this evening. A quake live premium account is not required even though there will be the same map pool as known from Zotac cups and the IEM. The sign ups will be open until 19.00 CET while the check in opens at 18.30 CET.

For those not participating the next round of's caster contest will be the entertaining part for the viewers live on Teamoxid TV. Giving you the chance to tune in and listen to Germany Arkarius, Germany 3del and Germany silw who will do their best to qualify for the 2nd and last round to face mopps or FimS, the casters from the previous week.

Leading EAS player Germany grave and ESL Pro Series participants Germany psyr3x and Germany dksl make this cup definitely worth to watch with some entertaining final matches coming up for sure.

Livestream: Teamoxid TV from 19.00 CET
Related: Sign up for the cup, ESL announcement, Fragster Newspost
Edited by chzzen at 10:28 CST, 18 November 2010 - 864 Hits
ESL Germany: EAS Invitational 3 (24 comments)
Posted by chzzen @ 04:17 CST, 11 November 2010 - iMsg
esl2 ESL is about to host yet another 1on1 tournament for the players in the national Germany ladder and Germany Amateur Series of ql Quake Live. This week we will be bringing something special once again!

A total amount of 8 participants from the esl2 Amateur Series division will be able to fight for the crown of the cup on the regular map pool in a double elimination bracket this evening. Find further details and sign up on ESL Germany.

With Fragster and Teamoxid TV to organize a contest to find a new talented shout caster for the German Quake Live scene there will be a brilliant and entertaining evening coming up this evening from 13:00 CDT.

Raptor, ESL TV and Teamoxid are supporting the caster contest (Sign up) with the following prizes for the winner: Raptor H3 7.1 USB-Headset, key for 1 Month ESL TV and IRC Bouncer.

Links: Germany Cup news, Cup participants, Cup bracket, Teamoxid TV, Fragster
Edited by xou at 08:26 CST, 11 November 2010 - 9920 Hits
ESL Germany Fall Cup (2 comments)
Posted by chzzen @ 13:59 CDT, 22 October 2010 - iMsg
After a successful summer season and furthermore some regular cups like the ESL ESL Amateur Series Invitational and the ESL Knockout Series it is time to come up with the next seasonal cup: The ESL Fall Cup.

32 players from Germany Austria Switzerland and Liechtenstein will fight through a double elimination bracket starting this Sunday evening and up to two best of three matches each week.

Germany Sign Up
Germany Participants
Germany ESL Announcement
Edited by chzzen at 13:59 CDT, 22 October 2010 - 1918 Hits
ESL Germany: Quake Live Knockout Series (3 comments)
Posted by chzzen @ 05:01 CDT, 7 October 2010 - iMsg
Scheduled: 12:00 CDT, 7 October 2010 to 16:00 CDT, 7 October 2010
Schedule: Passed

The esl3 ESL Knockout Series were once known for entertaining matches, Quake 4 was the game back than with participants such as Germany k1llsen and Germany cymozz competing in the final match in the Giga2 GIGA studios in Cologne.

Today, the Knockout Series receives a little rebrush and will be played as one day cup organized for all the participants in esl3Germany ESL's Amateur series, the EAS. The EAS is the next division after the esl3Germany ESL Pro Series in Germany, it's also the place to qualify for the next Pro Series season.

To attract more German players to compete in the EAS the esl3 ESL will hold regular cups specified for the participants of this league, and today we are going to start with the first out of many, hopefully successful cups: The first ESL Knockout Series for Quake Live with upto 16 participants!

As participant of the EAS, you can sign-up until 18.00 CET today!

The check in will be open from 18.00 CET until 18.30 CET. Afterwards, a Free-For-All sign up is open to fill available slots.

As in the previous event the first map will be set and all games but the final will be played best of three in a knockout tournament (single elimination). The loser of the first map decides the second map and if needed, the loser of the second map picks the deciding third map.

There will also be a German HQ livestream powered by Teamoxid and Germany swine, Germany drago and Germany chosen will be hosting the show live from 19.00 CET.

Germany Livestream: Teamoxid
Germany Related pages: ESL Announcement, ESL Reminder, Cup bracket, Participants, Sign up, Cup page
Edited by Nukm at 09:47 CDT, 7 October 2010 - 2087 Hits
Crossfire offers HoN Beta Keys (27 comments)
Posted by chzzen @ 11:47 CST, 8 November 2009 - iMsg
With different highly anticipated shooters not succeeding recently added Heroes of Newerth to their list of covered games. Now with the closed beta running for a while already still a few people are trying their damnest to get one of those keys.

Over the next week everyone has the chance to grab 1 out of 25 keys by winning one of the following competitions:
- Create some fan artwork
- First come first serve by adding a comment
- Write a journal about HoN
- Give a reason why you should get one of the keys
- Write a short storyline about the game
- Compose a slogan for an "Atlantic Battle"

For further details have a look on the announcement on the Crossfire Website.
Edited by Paladia at 12:04 CST, 8 November 2009 - 8778 Hits
CF and Impact Gaming for ET Masters (32 comments)
Posted by chzzen @ 05:15 CST, 19 January 2009 - iMsg
Big news in the Wolfenstein world! Crossfire and Impact gaming have announced the second inaugural ET Masters. In the first few days we've seen an impressive amount of activity from the ET scene, with a plethora of clans showing interest and we've already 84 teams signed up to the competition - this is going to be a major event!

The ET Masers concept was originally created by United Kingdom Impact gaming, and they've since teamed up in a joint venture with Crossfire Crossfire to entertain even more players and offering more slots and more prize money to create a tournament to remember.

Roused by the announcement, a few partners have since joined the fray offering support of additional prizes for all the leagues, including game servers, ESL TV premium accounts and more yet to be announced.

Crossfire Crossfire and Europe will be teaming up once again to provide coverage including all the hottest news on the competition every day and giving the opportunity to tune in to most matches live on ET's fantastic TV feature ETTV. It's also our intention to get TosspoT and QuadV QuadV casting the top matches live on their video stream.

The tournament will have two divisions, the first being the Masters division, an invite only league with a few places going to the qualifiers, offering prize money for 16 teams to participate and a second division for as many teams as possible the chance to play in groups of up to 8 teams.

Sign Up
Find the details to sign up for this tournament with your team on Crossfire.

Quick links
United Kingdom Impact Gaming | Crossfire Crossfire | Europe GamesTV | QuadV QuadV | Europe YCN Hosting | Europe ESL TV
Edited by Nellie at 14:45 CST, 19 January 2009 - 10982 Hits
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