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Quake games - which ones are still active and worth getting (29 comments)
Posted by Tayski @ 06:19 CDT, 20 May 2017 - iMsg
I'm "relatively new" to quake games compared to many of you who've been playing since quake1.

My Quake background:
-played quake2 solo on N64
-on PC played Q3A against bots, and a couple of times online back in the day especially FFA. It wasn't my main game but I was definitely a fan.
-played a lot of quake4 when in came out especially with quake4max, mostly duels and a bit of TDM and CTF
-played shit tons of quakelive, started with duels but transitioned more to TDM, FFA, and CA
-now playing some quake champions, mostly TDM and Sacrifice

I have QuakeLive and Quake Champions installed, however I do enjoy the older quake games and would like to get them installed and set up again.

My question is simply, which ones still have players and are worth getting/installing? And what patches / mods should I get?

I just got Quake World with the right patch and played a couple of games and really had fun, but there aren't many players...

Quake2 worth getting?
Quake4 worth re-installing? Where can I get all the patches, q4max etc.?
How about Q3A and CPMA?

ps: I'm mostly a ffa / tdm kinda guy, not really duel anymore.

Thanks for your help!
Edited by Tayski at 06:22 CDT, 20 May 2017 - 11048 Hits
Noob question: finding clan wars (3 comments)
Posted by Tayski @ 09:22 CDT, 15 August 2013 - iMsg
Hi guys, apologies in advance for the noob question.
Basically I'd like to know the best places to find practice clan wars in the evenings for Clan Arena: irc channels, website, whatever else... all suggestions welcome. I have a few guys in my friend list to ask but not that many. I know there are cups and tournaments, but I'm talking about practice clan wars. I'm a bit fed up with playing against random public guys with my clan mates.

thanks in advance

ps: I have no time for shitty answers, unless they're funny
1590 Hits
Best FFA Games (31 comments)
Posted by Tayski @ 06:26 CDT, 29 June 2011 - iMsg
All my life I've played all kinds of fps with all kinds of game types (ffa, tdm, ctf, obj, etc.) but I realise that Free For All Deatmatch was the one game type I actually had the most fun on overall in all games combined. Now I wonder what you guys think is/are/was/were the best free for all deatchmatch games you've played?
5273 Hits
tdm maps life (10 comments)
Posted by Tayski @ 10:45 CDT, 19 June 2011 - iMsg
just out of curiousity, on the current tdm map pool when were each one first introduced in the quake series?
2142 Hits
Clanbase QL Duel ladder (20 comments)
Posted by Tayski @ 08:21 CDT, 11 May 2011 - iMsg
Hey guys, I'm sure it could be of some interest to have a duel ladder on Clanbase, it could bring more competition to the game. Here's the link to cast your vote:

sorry for the spam but I think it could be a good idea for those who aren't good enough to play in lans and official tourneys, instead of just randomly playing duels on publics.
4199 Hits
Best ISP's for gaming in UK? (2 comments, locked)
Posted by Tayski @ 03:20 CST, 22 February 2011 - iMsg
hey guys, that question is for the UK based players.
I just moved places in London and my house mates are thinking about getting virgin 10mb broadband. I was wondering if that's any good for gaming (I play mostly fast paced fps).
otherwise whats the best isp's for gaming, and which ones I should avoid?
thanks for your help :)
Locked by xou at 04:21 CST, 22 February 2011 - 1974 Hits
Best ISP's in UK (18 comments)
Posted by Tayski @ 03:19 CST, 22 February 2011 - iMsg
hey guys, that question is for the UK based players.
I just moved places in London and my house mates are thinking about getting virgin 10mb broadband. I was wondering if that's any good for gaming (I play mostly fast paced fps).
otherwise whats the best isp's for gaming, and which ones I should avoid?
thanks for your help :)
5299 Hits
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