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Help with buying a new mouse (15 comments)
Posted by randomness666 @ 15:34 CDT, 3 September 2013 - iMsg
My good old mate ~8 years old mx518 have been having problems tracking quick movements and i need a new mouse.


Really? Some bullshit. Whats a good option for a new mouse?

I was thinking about g100 or something similiar ?
3878 Hits
Yarr!!! (3 comments)
Posted by randomness666 @ 12:54 CST, 12 February 2013 - iMsg
Yarr !! Im back.

How are you doing people ? <3
Edited by Snadkq at 12:54 CST, 12 February 2013 - 1623 Hits
Whats funny in this ? (4 comments)
Posted by randomness666 @ 12:00 CDT, 23 September 2010 - iMsg
Ppl from swizerland help :)

What is he speaking thats so funny ? and funny how finnish biggest news station doesnt tell why hes laughing, only that its something about meat importing. I want to know whats so funny :).
Edited by danskie at 12:01 CDT, 23 September 2010 - 5638 Hits
Sweden - a land of democracy ? (195 comments)
Posted by randomness666 @ 12:38 CDT, 20 September 2010 - iMsg

for tl;dr

Here is a small list of “news” these last few weeks:
· The trade union Transport excludes one of its members that is a candidate for the SD
· Swedish immigrants are on strike for 5 minutes one day against the SD
· An SD politician is pilloried because of being violent (reality: he tried to defend himself)
· An expert on political science informs how to prevent the SD from having any future influence in the parliament
· The knife-gashed SD politician has staged the story himself
· A list of SD people that have been sentenced for a crime is published (but the worst crime seems to be a study loan debt of 100 euros)
· The Prime minister warns people that a vote for the SD is dangerous for the country
· A list of the 20 first SD names on the ballot paper is published and something negative is stated about each person
· The SD leader is depicted in a long article as a dangerous man
· A professor of ethics proposes tactical voting against the SD in the parliament
· The SD are accused of having its roots among Nazi people
· The SD are alleged to profit from the martyrdom
· The Swedish Television’s evening news 6 Sept. shows the film clip from the film der Untergang where the text has been changed so as to describe the SD as Nazis.

Honestly. I didnt know sweden is that corrupt and dirty in politics. If those accusations are true. Since i dont live in sweden i really dont know but sounds quite dirty.
Edited by danskie at 12:38 CDT, 20 September 2010 - 86128 Hits
True love knows no bounds ? (13 comments)
Posted by randomness666 @ 08:06 CDT, 10 May 2010 - iMsg
4129 Hits
Duke nukem forever demo released ! (7 comments)
Posted by randomness666 @ 09:33 CDT, 1 April 2010 - iMsg
Yes, its true. Its finally here, the glorious duke nukem forever demo !!! get it here
2337 Hits
Happy drug (1 comment)
Posted by randomness666 @ 07:50 CST, 25 January 2010 - iMsg

I bet no-one here is as totally awesome and cool as this guy !
1291 Hits
Hi (153 comments)
Posted by randomness666 @ 14:36 CDT, 14 May 2009 - iMsg
hi :)

do the trollin' :)
Edited by danskie at 05:45 CDT, 16 May 2009 - 25257 Hits
U.S Presidental race (239 comments)
Posted by randomness666 @ 05:11 CDT, 12 September 2008 - iMsg
Im gonna shit my pants if john mccain becomes a president in U.S

i can almost be my balls it will be a newschool version of third reich a.k.a nazi-germany.

24318 Hits
Spore (39 comments)
Posted by randomness666 @ 04:26 CDT, 11 September 2008 - iMsg
Whats so BIG "it" in spore? its hyped really much and been top game everywhere now its released.

i played it for 8 hours and tried to find something why its so expected game but i only found out its fucking boring, and sucks.

and also it looks like spore have pissed off gods fanclub also: ........ pathetic and sad :'(

Edited by danskie at 15:47 CDT, 11 September 2008 - 5672 Hits
About hitler (427 comments, locked)
Posted by randomness666 @ 08:19 CDT, 21 July 2008 - iMsg
first of all, to ignorant idiots; im not nazi, im not neo-nazi, im not fascist, nor national socialist but.

what the fuck is wrong with germans and their instantly awakening absolute and blind hate if somewhere reads "hitler" or sees hitlers picture ?

i can bet my balls 90% of germans here who only saw topic shot their baby (if they had one) and burned their house down already.

i mean, why ?

i know he did many "terrible" things but he did much good too (nobody can deny it even they want so much)

explain to me please. i never found it out.

***add just once more, im not hitler fan, i dont support national socialism or any nazism.

EDIT: i love how hard it is for ppl in esr to stay in topic and how they start trolling when they really have nothing to say <3

EDIT2 : see comment #57, only answer to the topics question was there and thx for trolling. I liked to troll with rest of you esr trolls but got tired already.
Locked by Demiurge at 10:14 CDT, 12 July 2013 - 99481 Hits
Something funnay. (25 comments)
Posted by randomness666 @ 12:45 CDT, 9 April 2008 - iMsg
i was installing Quake 1 mission pack 1 and i got this somehow ironic error message:
4975 Hits
5415 Hits
Luckskilled by danskie (62 comments)
Posted by randomness666 @ 08:31 CST, 6 December 2007 - iMsg

0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
Rating: 5.8 (38 votes)
Yeap. its almost end of the year so its time to publish the worst fragmovie of the year (worst by editing, effects, quality and music) but
propably there are some great frags <3
"I had no intention to create ultra mega wtfbbq HD super quality video. I'm not professional with vegas or any other video editing programs, i actually suck with them. I only wanted to collect some nice frags and put it to nice wnb good fragmovie."
Creator: Finland Danskie
Game: Quake 4 Quake 4
Featuring: Finland Danskie
Length: 5min 25sec
Size: 124mb

Edited by Nicky at 23:18 CST, 6 December 2007 - 18876 Hits
those times... (23 comments)
Posted by randomness666 @ 07:12 CST, 27 November 2007 - iMsg
aaah, those times when i used to be good at quake 4 and hit my rails :>
4274 Hits
Im liek... super famous? (3 comments)
Posted by randomness666 @ 13:57 CST, 18 November 2007 - iMsg
3273 Hits
Posted by randomness666 @ 04:57 CDT, 6 September 2007 - iMsg
yes. one of the greatest opera singers have died :(

r.i.p Luciano Pavarotti

- im not a friend of opera but i still respect him, hes a great singer anyways.

5075 Hits
Epileptic gaming (28 comments)
Posted by randomness666 @ 13:58 CDT, 3 September 2007 - iMsg

Watch this or live rest of your life in misery !!!!!1
5262 Hits
sweden ! (20 comments)
Posted by randomness666 @ 12:49 CDT, 30 July 2007 - iMsg
4603 Hits
A really great adventure quadrilogy game (No comments)
Posted by randomness666 @ 15:57 CDT, 2 July 2007 - iMsg
anyone ever heard of Ben "Yahtzee" Croshaw? hes a fucking great adventure game maker who created really awesome story-line for his adventure quadrilogy

check out:

play these games in correct order to get the whole story clear.

5 days a stranger
7 days a sceptic
Trilby's notes
6 days sacrifice

they are like a one really really really awesome horror novel, altho graphic is not great but who cares. the game is really scary and the whole story is one of the best written ive ever seen.

Every episode should be playable thru in 3-5 hours unless you are mentally handicapped and WITHOUT walkthru... atleast 2 first ones. im myself atm in 3rd game (trilby's notes) which is much harder than 2 first games.
Edited by Danski at 17:03 CDT, 2 July 2007 - 1092 Hits
Where did Fragbucket go? (4 comments)
Posted by randomness666 @ 09:37 CST, 6 March 2007 - iMsg
Yeah!? where did it go?? anyone knows ?
2488 Hits (6 comments)
Posted by randomness666 @ 05:46 CST, 30 January 2007 - iMsg
2645 Hits
Fight over quake (54 comments)
Posted by randomness666 @ 15:37 CST, 26 December 2006 - iMsg
uhm, yay. x-mas is over =D. i decided to write this for boredom and i dunno have anyone wrote this before so u can just say f*ck you if someone already did this cause im idiot q4 fanboy lol (<3)


Why there have to be that damn stupid fight on every q3 and every q4 thread that q3 roxpox go home q4 boyz. same vice versa.
u ppl really act like some stupid 12 years old players on cs public servers o.O. u can fight now under this journal why q3 is better than q4 and again vice versa.

let me start:
imo q3 sucks (Q2 rocks !) o.O its boring and dead :O and only thing i like in q3 is nicer netcode and better working shaft

start flaming or argue maturely okthxnp?

lets go play tetris?

EDIT: made this look a bit nicer :>
Edited by Danski at 22:22 CST, 26 December 2006 - 17795 Hits
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